Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Pistol Whipped ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Pistol Whipped

Author: Shiori (

Rating: PG (to be scaled up as it progresses)

Genre: Romance / Slight Humor

Intended Pairing: Aiming for K/Judy with a bit of Ark+K/Judy & Ark+Judy/K

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation, Maki Murakami is the lovely lady who has that pleasure. Lyrics featured in this story are from the Nitzer Ebb track "Trigger Happy" … I think it goes without saying that such a song represents Mrs Winchester quite well. This is the first chapter of an ongoing series. Like it? Loathe it? Post a review and let me know!

Summary: Judy the starlet is sick of being neglected by her husband in favor of BAD LUCK, so she begins a campaign of attention-seeking behavior. Sparks fly, buildings collapse and anyone who gets in the way of an angry Winchester had better beware.


She's trigger happy

Pointing a gun kind of nervously

On my back

From a fatal attack

Through the heart

And that's just the start...


The master bedroom of the Winchester residence was muted. Long velvet drapes were sealed tightly closed ensuring the mid-morning sunlight didn't penetrate into the sleeping quarters of the exhausted mistress of the house. Judy Winchester lay in little more than slip of lacy dark lingerie, arms spread across the nest of cream-colored pillows at the head of the bed she shared with her husband, legs knotted from a long night's lack of sleep. She despised being roused earlier than was absolutely necessary and this morning all three men in her life had avoided disturbing her for fear of their lives, leaving her in the graceless position she's assumed overnight on the king-sized bed. Judy opened her eyes slowly, lids still heavy with sleep, blinking to bring her surroundings into focus. Sleepily she moved her arms about, feeling to see if there was anyone beside her

"Mmmph, Claude…" She slurred, hoping to hear her husband reply in their native tongue with the usual curt `WHAT?', however this time there was no response. The fair-haired woman bit down on her bottom lip - he must have already left for work. Already left for work?! She sat up with a start, eyes wide. He'd racked off to the N-G Production studio to continue work with BAD LUCK on their latest album without even saying goodbye! Without so much as a goodbye! To his wife of all people! Nothing! Zilch! Zero! For the third week in a row!

"Ark! Get in here now!" Sliding off the maroon sheets with all the grace of a flounder, Judy called to her faithful manservant (who was never more than five hundred meters away from his former comrade's wife at any given time). Rising unsteadily to her feet, Judy stumbled away from the bed and managed to grip her perfectly manicured hands onto the dark curtains that had been locking the light from her room. She flung them open, allowing bright sunlight to flood the room before turning around just in time to see the dutiful Ark skidding through the bedroom's flimsy French-doors, eyes bulging with panic. A smirk rose to Judy's lips - it only took him twenty seconds to answer her bellow. Sloppy, sloppy.

"Judy-sama! What seems to be the problem?!" Ark was quite the definition of tall, dark and handsome. His raven-colored hair was always slicked back against his soft skin. His dark eyes usually stared upon Judy with a certain nervous admiration, and of course his general handsomeness could not be denied. This particular morning he was looking his usual anxious but dashing self and this calmed the obviously irritated Judy a little.

"Where is he Ark?"

"Who, Miss?"

"What do you mean `who' ? My damn husband of course!"

"I suppose he's at work, that's where he usually goes during the day…"

"-Yes, and during the night as well. Hell, he's there watching them record an album every spare moment of the day!" Judy cut in harshly, brushing an unruly thread of hair from her eyes

"I think you're over-reacting M'am."

"Oh you do, do you? Bah, well of course you'd think that - you've known him for years, I know who you're siding with Ark and I must say I'm a little disappointed." At such a scathing remark the dutiful servant looked a little hurt but battled to repress showing any sign of such emotion in front of his client, causing his facial expression to fluctuate between what looked like severe pain and anger crossed with a slight smirk. His star toyed with a wisp of hair and frowned back at him, unimpressed.

"I didn't mean you any disrespect, Judy-sama, what I meant is that supervising the band is his job. You know what the entertainment industry is like…" Try to gloss it over… Try to make it better… The last thing you want is for her to go and visit the arsenal again…Remember the last time? The Army came knocking on the door and guess who had to explain the craters in the backyard…? Ark's mind warned him that his mistress's feelings were getting out of control, but what could he do about it? He was just there to protect her, not run her life. He sighed.

"Yes, I suppose I do. I also know, thank you very much Ark, what my husband is like!" Judy screwed her face up and leant back against the window, mid-morning light flooding in behind her

"All I am saying, Judy-sama is that if you are irritated at Claude-sama, maybe you should just discuss your feelings with him instead of challenging him to another duel in the `Ring of Death'." Ark fiddled with his tie and avoided Judy's upset glare with all his might, she was scary when she was angry

"He's never here Ark! You know that! Jesus… just thinking about him makes my head spin! Did you know he hasn't said anything to me in three weeks? THREE WEEKS, ARK! That's just not acceptable when we sleep in the same damn bed, don't you think?" Judy spat, curling her pale hands into balled fists and holding angry tears back. Ark reluctantly put a hand in his breast pocket and pulled out the packet of cigarettes he was sure to carry at all times for his client and her gold-plated lighter. He lit the end of the small stick and stepped forward, placing it gently between Judy's pink lips. She smiled

"Thanks, Ark.

"Judy-sama, I know what you and Claude-sama are like when you both feel strongly about things… you raid the arsenal in the basement! Remember last Valentine's Day??" The bodyguard stammered, Judy smirked - she remembered it like it was yesterday. Her husband had forgotten to buy her anything so she'd taken a day off filming one of her more ambitious projects just to follow him around. She'd dressed in her favorite slinky khaki hunting outfit and taken snap-shots at him from behind random pieces of shrubbery with her beloved .45 Winchester Magnum until (after around four hours of sniping and general terror) he chased her down and dragged her to dinner. A very successful mission indeed, as she recalled.

"Yes, I remember Ark - but what is your point?"

"When you get upset about something, civilians usually end up in body-bags…" He was being quite honest, but it wasn't as if she ever intended to blow those people up on her honeymoon, she'd just gotten a little… rough in the honeymoon suite and things went downhill from there.

"Oh Ark you wouldn't understand what it's like to be in love the way my husband and I are…" Ark replied with a quiet `Of course not' to Judy, but secretly he'd been trying to figure out ways to roll both his master and mistress in maple syrup and molest them both for years, he just hadn't hit on the right method yet. Though this was hardly the time nor the place to reveal that sordid little fact, he concluded.

"You know what this whole situation calls for, Ark?" Judy puffed greedily on her first cigarette of the day like a spoilt child with a lolly

"What, M'am?"

"This calls for one of my extra special plans…" A decidedly evil grin appeared on Judy's face, catching Ark a little unaware

"A… special plan?" Ark gulped, he didn't like the sound of this

"Get me my pink organizer and a pen Ark! I think I just may have an idea that will get my husband back in this house and worshipping me as he damn well should! HA HA HAH!" She cackled, a strong American lilt about her manic laughter. Ark rolled his eyes as he dutifully left his position in front of Judy to find a pen - this wasn't exactly the morning he'd planned, in fact if Judy was planning something as violent as he suspected she was he would probably miss his book-club meeting just to post her bail, again. But there was something about her attitude this time that made Ark wonder if she was actually being serious about her marriage for the first time in many years. He might have been a completely whipped bodyguard with a bad hair-cut but at least he wasn't Claude Winchester that was something to be thankful for on days like this…