Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Memories ( Chapter 12 )
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 12: Memories
"I promise Ryu-chan. One day it will be yours…actually…if I die, you can keep it, okay?" An older boy shyly smiled to his little brother.
"But I don't want you to die."
"One day, I will and you will too."
"I don't want to die. Do you want to die?" The sweet five year old boy asked.
"… You can borrow it, ok? Keep Kumagorou for the night."
"Really?" His eyes shinned brightly with excitement.
"Yes. Now, go to bed Ryu-chan."
"Good night, nii-chan." But before he left to his room, his older brother held him close for a moment and Ryuichi could've sworn he head him whisper 'I'm sorry.' "What you said?"
"I said nothing, go to bed."
Ryuichi wake up when the door of the cab opened. "Thanks." He replied and got out of the car while he sighed sadly.
'That dream…it's been so long. Is it because I'm going back?'
His heart ached. He was tormented by all the misfortune he had, but that somehow God had balanced by giving him all the talent he needed to succeed in a dream.
'If that was the price…take it all back. I don't want any of it. Not the money or the fame…I just don't want to be alone anymore.'
Pretty violet orbs observed silently in the darkness the body of his lover laid to the side with his yellow head buried in a white large pillow. His face was serene for a change- no frowns. He looked so peaceful and sweet that he couldn't stop looking at such precious view.
The young singer whispered between soft sights. He felt so lucky, so lucky Yuki had chosen him over Ayaka. But even when he felt so lucky, deep down knew that in reality he was very far from the blonde.
The blonde…
The blonde he loved was way too complicated and always pushed him away in a way or another. It was frustrating to be so close yet so far from him. He felt a barrier that wasn't letting their 'relationship' blossom the way he wished.
Shuichi wanted many things he knew Yuki wouldn't give him, but still he decided to stay by his side.
'I hope you change one day and let me into your heart for real.'
After that last though he closed his eyes again and fell into deep sleep.
Another blonde was tossing beside his wife. He couldn't get a bit of sleep since all he could hear on his head was Ryuichi's voice saying goodbye. 'This time is forever?' He wondered.
"Tohma…are you alright? You've been acting so weird and you can't even sleep, not to mention you are not letting ME sleep either."
"I'm sorry Mika…I'll go to the living room."
"No, that's ok. Just tell me, what's troubling you?"
"Ryuichi…" He sighed. "Ryuichi left."
"He what?"
"He left and I think he won't be coming back."
The only answer Mika gave him was silence, but after a while finally whispered.
"Now those are bad news."
"No kidding." He sighed again and closed his eyes. "I already knew that."
It was just another typical day at the studio for the members of Bad Luck. Suguro frowning and complaining about Shuichi's unpunctuality, Sakano was excusing the pink haired boy while shaking and sweating, Hiro tuning his guitar, and K blabbering about some new gig they had while holding one of his toys and smiling.
After the usual eternal wait, a whirlwind entered the room enthusiastically. The singer quickly grabbed the microphone and begins to act like he was actually working but was in reality just clowning.
"Now what's with him?" Suguro, as always, asked a little annoyed by the singer upbeat personality.
"He's happy." Hiro smiled. "So, everything went well with Yuki, eh?" He nudges him.
Shuichi's face turned extremely rounded and cute while his eyes turned into hearts and posed like a hero. "Everything is fine with Yuki." Then all he was able to do was giggle.
"I see. I'm happy for you."
"Enough of this! Get back to work!" They were threatened by a gun. "We have a concert in two days."
"Two days???" All yelled and Sakano almost faint.
"What do you mean two days? It's not official right?" Sakano quickly asked nervously.
"Oh yes it is!"
"But…" Shuichi begin. "Isn't Nittle Grasper's concert in two days?" He started thinking again to make sure he wasn't confusing the date. "Then how come we'll be singing too?" Then he jumped and smiled. "We are going to be fore players?" He smiled.
"No. Bad Luck is the main band. Yek yek yek yek yek!" The blonde laughed.
"But…I'M GOING TO NITTLE GRASPER'S CONCERT!!!!!!" Shuichi grabbed K's shirt hysterically and begin to weep. "I promised Ryuichi!"
"The concert was cancelled." He said after throwing Shuichi away.
After landing against the wall and peeling off the wall, Shuichi yelled. "NANI???????"
"Didn't you know? Ryuichi left today. Nittle Grasper broke up again. It's been all over the news, where you've been?" K simply added.
"Ryu… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" And then he ran off.
Everyone was surprised with the news; no one knew it but K and Sakano. But Hiro, knowing how bad his friend could take bad news, ran after him.
"Great, now we lost both of them. I can't work like this. If they ever come back, then call me." Suguru begin to walk away but was stopped by a gun.
"You stay in and work!" K ordered in his unique sympathetic way- a threat.
"Someone has to be ready for that concert."
Suguru sighed and mumbled. "And it has to be me."
The door to Tohma's office was slammed wide open while a panting Shuichi demanded an explanation from the blonde.
"Where's Ryu-chan???"
Tohma grabbed Shuichi's hands and pulled them off his coat. "First, that is no way of entering my office."
But Shuichi could care less about that and then started screaming hysterically. "Where's Ryu-kun, where's Ryu-kun???????"
"He left. I don't know where he went; he just said he was retiring."
"Retiring????????????????????" Shuichi almost fainted. "But he just got back with Nittle Grasper!!!"
"It was his decision. There's nothing I can do now. Now please leave." Shuichi didn't move, so Tohma looked up to where Hiro was standing. "Can you take him away? I am frustrated enough to deal with him now."
Morning arrived and the small boy quickly ran to his beloved brother's room. It was then when his life changed forever.
Once again Sakuma Ryuichi woke up from his sleep. His face was sweaty and his hands were shaking. His breathing was unease and he was very nervous.
"Just a dream…"
He shook his head and lay back into the seat. All the memories were coming back to him. He avoided going back to his hometown for years, and now he was determined to face his past for once and for all and get rid of the pain.
"It is time Jomei…it's time for me to grow up."
He sighed and looked down to his backpack where it was. He could almost imagine how tight the pink bunny must be at that exact moment, and he almost felt like freeing it and asking for forgiveness, but he shut his eyes tightly instead.
"I won't. It's just a doll, a stupid doll." While he said those words, a few tears escaped his eyes. 'Then why does it hurt so much?'
"Would you like something to drink, Sakuma-san?"
Nittle Grasper ex-leading man looked up to see who was speaking to him- it was a smiling flight attendant- and then he nodded.
"What would you like?"
"Just one second." After she brought the glass of water, the woman kept staring at him trying to say something but it felt a little out of place for her. It was obvious he was lost on his thoughts, and then he looked up again wondering why she was still standing next to him.
"That would be all, thank you."
"Oh…sorry, I was just…I wanted to ask…" He lifted an eyebrow. "Can I have your autograph?" Then she smiled shyly and nervously.
"No." He sharply replied and then turned his face away.
Her smile faded; she couldn't understand why. Why was he so cold and blunt? It sounded even rude. Sakuma Ryuichi, her idol, was in reality a jerk?
"I'm sorry." She ran away with tears in her eyes and Sakuma felt horrible.
"Damn." He whispered. 'It's not her fault.'
Only a few seconds passed when he decided to apologize. He saw her running to the front, so he went that way too until he found her crying in a little corner while one of her co-workers tried to calm her down.
"Excuse me. May I speak to her for a second?"
Both looked up without knowing what to say until they saw the sweetest smile in the world.
"I wanted to apologize for what I said before. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"No- I…" Her voice trembled.
"I'm going trough a hard time, that's all, but it's not your fault." The girl nodded. "So…would you like that autograph?" He smiled again, and then she smiled.
"I told you he was gone, can't you hear what someone else says?" Hiroshi complained while he walked out of the airport with the saddest Shuichi ever seen.
"I was just hoping…what if he's still on his apartment!!!" He screamed feeling energetic again. "Let's go!" And the pink hair idiot was gone.
"Baka." He followed the pink ball of hair he could see from afar. 'I'm even worst for following him.' Hiro sighed and smiled to himself.
Once at Ryuichi's apartment, Shuichi banged the door like a maniac while he yelled Ryuichi's name.
Hiro let his friend yelled for a few minutes knowing Sakuma-san was long gone, but still he let his friend yelled his frustration away.
"Sakuma-san…Sakuma-san…" The voice became softer and sadder; he knew Ryuichi was really gone. "Ryu…ichi." A lonely tear ran down his rounded cheek and soon after soft sobs were heard through the corridors followed by fragments of a name. " Ryu…Ryu…"
"Come on Shuichi…Sakuma-san is gone. There is nothing you can do now."
"But why? He…he didn't even say goodbye."
"I know. Is that why?" Shuichi looked up confused. "Is that the reason for you to cry?"
"He was also my best friend…Sakuma-san was…he was…special to me."
"I know. But, maybe is for the better."
"How can you say that?!"
"Wasn't he getting you into trouble with Yuki?" The pink head nodded. "Then it is better for you, right?"
Shuichi frowned. "NO!" He started shaking his head quickly. "NO, NO, NO! Sakuma-san was my friend and I care for him. He said…he promised to be by my side. He promised."
"Maybe he's hurt, just give him time. I think- I know he'll return."
"You think?"
"Yes. Let's go." Both begin to walk away, when suddenly Shuichi ran back to the apartment and took a spare key that was hid on the lamp above the entrance door.
"Ta da!" He smiled triumphantly. "I remembered he had a spare key hide in here, just in case he lost it or something."
"Maybe he's inside…napping?"
"Shuichi!" Hiro couldn't believe it.
"Just let me see. I want to be completely sure, okay?"
"Ok. It won't do you any harm to look inside."
The small young man widely smiled and then entered the empty apartment. It was completely dark, so he turned on the lights and eventually it was completely empty.
"He's gone…" Shuichi softly whispered. "He's really gone Hiro…gone."
"I know."
"NO!" Shuichi ran to Sakuma's room only to find it empty as well. Every single corner was empty. Empty.
"Empty…" He sobbed again. "Just the way he felt…"
"What you said?"
"Ryuichi…he felt empty too. That's why he played with Kumagorou."
"He told you that?"
"No." 'I saw it in his eyes, the loneliness, the sadness, the sorrow his should possessed. Sakuma-san was hurting inside and smiling on the outside hiding his true feelings with his childish personality.'
"Then how can you be so sure?"
"Because I know him enough to know.""
Ok that was it for now…I'm sorry this took forever -again- but live sucks sometimes. LOL Anyway, I know nothing much happened, but I guess I needed this silly chapter so everyone could understand why Ryuichi always have Kuma-chan with him. =^.^= sayonara and don't forget to review!