Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ The sound of your voice ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 16: The Sound of Your Voice
Shindo Shuichi was rehearsing with his band mates; they had postponed the famous concert in which Sakuma Ryuichi and company were supposed to present their new music to the fans. But after Ryuichi's retirement Bad Luck had to take over Nittle Grasper's place.
`I can't do it! I can't be better than Ryu-chan…' The genki singer though while he sung. `I wish… I wish Sakuma-san was here. Sakuma-san always knew what to say…he always ease my crying heart. Sakuma-san…I never though I'll miss you so much. I miss you. I miss you…'
Suddenly tears came out of his eyes without warning, and everyone stopped playing wondering what was wrong with Shuichi.
“Shuichi?” Hiro was surprised, just like everyone else.
“Shindo-kun what's wrong?” A whirlwind that had to be the producer yelled between tears.
“Ryu-chan…” He whispered. “Ryu-chan…” He looked down. “I can't do better than him.”
Suddenly the tall blond that called himself Bad Luck's manager jumped to his side and pat him in the back strongly- almost making the slim body of Shuichi to go through the wall. “Do not worry! Sakuma-san has retired!”
Shuichi fell down crying harder. “Sakuma-san should be here! Sakuma-san…Sakuma-san inspires me! I have no one to compete with!”
“Don't be ridiculous!” Now a gun lies on the singers head. “You don't need to compete with anyone! Now sing! The concert is tomorrow!”
GULP! “Hai.” `I do need him…why? Why do I…?'
`He's my inspiration.'
Inside his hotel room, Sakuma Ryuichi stares at his cell phone without being able to stop his tears from falling. He felt happy.
`Shu-chan… Shu-chan still thinks about me. I wonder if he misses me.' Then he got sad again. “He can't possibly miss me, right? Demo…he called.” More tears fell down his face. “Shuichi remembered me…for one moment he remembered me and called me. Shuichi… My Shuichi…”
`It's amazing how the little things can change a person's heart.'
It was then when he decided to check his voice mail. “It's full na no da!” That was a sign saying Ryuichi felt a lot better. Better enough to act childish again, even when he didn't notice it. Then the messages begin.
“Ryu, is Shu-chan… I can't find you anywhere…why you left? You didn't even say goodbye, please call me.”
“Ryuichi, it's me Shu-chan. Where are you? Why you left without saying goodbye? Please call back.”
“Ryu…please call me. I need to talk to you. You're not angry with me, are you? Please, please call me. I'll be waiting your call.”
“Ryu…it's me again- Shuichi. I wonder if you got any of my calls. Well, I've been trying to reach you. Are you alright? I-I-I miss you.”
“Sakuma-san…Shindo Shuichi here- again. You forgot about me already? I'm sad because you left…why don't you talk to me? Why Ryu? Why you left me? Call me- ONEGAI!”
“Ryu…Ryu…Ryu… I know I'm annoying but I really want to talk to you. I need to hear its not true- Nittle Graper is not breaking up again, ne, ne? Ryu…if you care, call me. It's Shuichi.”
“Ryu….I really hope you're ok because I'm getting really worried. Can't you at least call so I'll know you're ok? It's Shindo-kun. Ja.”
“Hello…this is Shuichi- Bad Luck's leading singer, remember me? I've been trying to reach you. Did you get any of my messages? Well…I took all the Pocky you left, hope you don't mind. I went to the airport but you were gone, then I went to your apartment and it was empty. Ryuichi, why? Was it my fault? Please le me make it up to you. Call me back.”
“Ryuichi…its Shuichi. I feel so sad right now because you won't call me back and I keep trying to reach you and nothing. I'm worried about you Ryu. What's wrong? Talk to me. I'm your friend, right? Ryu…don't forget about me. I really miss you. Remember you promised to be beside me…I have your promise ring around my finger- my lucky charm, your gift Ryu. Your gift. Call me, please call me.”
“End of messages.”
Ryuichi sighed. “Shuichi…” The brunette was smiling with tear drops all over his eyes. “You're so silly…don't you know I can recognize your voice very easily?” He giggled. “Kawaii…” He fell back on the bed and sighed once more. “I want to hear it again. I love when he said he misses me.”
`Shu-chan…right now I only want to hug your pink head against my chest. I want to hug you so bad…I want to hold you and feel your heart beating with mine. I wish one day…someday I can.'
“I'm home!” Shuichi ran straight to Yuki's office. “YUKI!!!!!” He smiled to the serious blonde sitting in front of his computer- as always. “DaijÅbu!” But even when Shuichi gave the novelist his brightest smile, he didn't move an inch and kept writing. “Yuki…are you going to our concert tomorrow?” Not a word came out of the novelist's mouth. “I see…” Slowly the boy sat down next to the ice cube that he liked to call his lover. “I would really like to see you there…I know you are not crazy about Bad Luck's music, but…I promise to be better than the last time you saw us. I mean…Suguru is now with us and we even sound better than before, so…would you give us a chance?”
Still Yuki said nothing, but Shuichi kept talking.
“I know I'm not the best, but one day I'll be the best. I'll prove it to you Yuki. I am good.”
“You're annoying.” He finally said. “Don't you see I'm working and you are interrupting my thoughts with your constant ranting? I swear, you can go on forever! Shut up for a second.”
“Yuki…” He looked down sadly. “Gomen…but it looks like no matter when I talk to you it seems annoying. When can I talk to you then? Tell me Yuki, why? Why are you like this? Do you really want me to stay? I-I don't want to go, but…”
“Enough! We'll talk later…when I finish.”
“O…k.” `I wonder when that's gonna be.'
Still, the singer stayed there without saying another word, he just stared at nothing and waited for him to finish. Long hours passed and he was starting to fall asleep, so he decided to leave and prepare for bed.
After all the ritual he looked once more inside the room, but Yuki was still writing. *Sighing and whispering.* “Good night, Yuki.” `I wish you were different sometimes, but…I guess I love everything about you, even your mood swings.'
`Is that so?'
He lay down on the couch and closed his eyes while thinking about a different style of life beside Yuki. `I wish he loved me enough to tell the world, or to just hold my hand when we are in public, well to actually be seen with me in public…Yuki…I just want a little care from you. That's all I want.'
He heard footsteps coming his way when the phone rang - it was Ryuichi.
“RYUICHI!!!” After seeing the number he quickly answered and forgot all about Yuki. “Ryu! Ryu! Is that you?” Silence. “Ryuichi I can't hear you…are you there? Say something? Ryu…”
“Shuichi…” A whisper was heard on the other side.
`It's him!!! It's Ryuichi's voice… his soothing voice.' He smiled and then sighed. “I'm glad…you're ok. I was so worried! Don't do this again!”
“Shu…” Ryuichi didn't know what to say, in fact he didn't even remember dialing Shuichi's number, but now he was listening to his voice. `Talk to me. I want to hear the sound of your voice…your beautiful voice.'
“Eh? Ryu… Can't you say something else? I've been waiting for you to call me and you won't say a word? Ryuichi…tell me, how are you? Please.”
“I'm ok. Thanks.” `Thank you for saving me.'
“Where are you? I miss you!”
“Good luck on your concert, ja.” He hung up.
“Ryu? Ryu? RYU?? He hung up!” Then he sighed. “But at least he's alright.” He smiled and then looked up to the frowning Yuki. “He's ok, isn't it great?”
“Like I care.” He turned around.
“Yuki? You wanted to talk now?”
“No.” He locked the door behind him after slamming it hard enough to hurt Shuichi's ears.
“Jealous?” He giggled. “Looks like it…but Ryu is alright!” He quickly dialed Hiro's number. “HIRO! HIRO! Guess who called?”
“Ryuichi?” The read head mumble in his slumber.
“HAI! He's ok! But he didn't say much…just wish us good luck for tomorrow.”
“I'm glad.” `Now he won't be so upset anymore- hopefully.' “Listen I gotta go, we talk tomorrow. I was sleeping you know.”
“GOMEN! Ja.”
Hiro turned around and looked into Bad Luck manager's eyes. “Ryuichi called him.”
“I see. So, is he ok?”
“Yup. Night, K.”
“Night? I though we were just staring?”
He sighed. “This didn't turn out like I planned.” And the read head smiled to him one last time.
`What the heck… I can always watch his sleep. He looks so perfect and peaceful. Hiroshi…what have you done to me?'
“K-san… Turn off the light. Are you staying?”
“Then lie down and hold me.” `I sound so needy. He'll hate it.'
“Alright.” `I guess he feels lonely too.'
It was the night of the concert. Shuichi and company were waiting backstage with K and Sakano. The place was crowded and Shuichi was excited.
“So many people! Did you see Hiro-kun?”
“Yup, looks like we're on the spotlight tonight. So we better do great.”
Suguru then turn around to face them. “Don't worry, I'm here- everything will be fine.”
Both Hiro and Shuichi sweat-dropped. `Like he's the star.'
Soonner after Tohma joined them, that only meant one thing- the show was about to start.
“This is your chance Shindo-san, you better not blew it this time.”
“Hai!” He faintly smiled to him and then took off.
Bad Luck did pretty well, the girls squealed like crazy and everyone seemed to be enjoying the show. Shuichi guessed Yuki never came, but this time it didn't stop him from shining. At the beginning he was sad, but Ryuichi's words were echoing within him. He could clearly hear the sound of his voice beautifully chanting inside his brain:
~I know you can do it Shuichi… I believe in you.~
On top of that, he saw a shadow in a corner that he could swear it was his idol, his friend- Sakuma Ryuichi.
`This is for you, Sakuma-san!'
So he did eventually shone like the star he was.
After the show Shuichi ran all over the place searching for Ryuichi. `He's here, I know I saw him. It was him! It was Ryu-chan! Ryu-chan!'
“RYUICHI!!” He called again and again. “RYUICHI WHERE ARE YOU?!” He tried to find him but no matter how fast he ran and how much he called, he couldn't find him until an arm grabbed him and pulled him into the darkness.
“Ryuichi…? Is that you?”
That's it for now na no da!!! =^.^=
Don't forget to review!!!! Ja!