Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Is it Love? ( Chapter 21 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat
Chapter 21: Is it love?
It was only a coincidence, but for Ryuichi it was a blessing from God, yes, the sudden arrival of Tohma and Noriko to his apartment complex was nothing more than a miracle from the heavens. Tohma and Noriko ran to the apartment as soon as they step into the penthouse hallway that leads to Ryuichi's apartment, why? Because of the loud cries for help that were filling up the air.
“He sounds desperate!” Noriko yelped while running straight to the main entrance. “Hurry Tohma!!”
The stylish man couldn't believe Noriko was ahead of him even when she was wearing those shoes, THOSE super high shoes and he was way behind, but still he tried to reach the door too. `Ryuichi!'
Finally Tohma kicked the door, without need because it was open, but the worry just made him use a hidden strength that not even he knew he had.
“Tohma!” Nittle Grasper's female keyboardist exclaim in surprise. “My hero!”
“Not now silly-> RYU, remember?” He pointed out the reason for his sudden adrenaline power.
“Right!” But just a second after the door was, well, technically demolished, the cries ceased.
“AH???” Both exclaimed shocked with the strange view of Ryuichi with his foot on Tatsuha's face while this one held tightly the famous singer's hands.
“Tohma! Noriko! Help me na no da! This lunatic stalker wants to rape me!!” He cried hysterically but relieved at the same time. “Get off me you monster!!” He yelled one last time to Tatsuha's face.
Tatsuha, defeated, let go. “Gomen, Sakuma-san…but I was NOT going to rape you. I only wanted to hug you, and kiss you…and make hot and sticky sex with you, but only if you agreed.” He grinned and Ryuichi kicked his face once again. “You're mean!” He cried while a river escaped his eyes.
Tohma was quiet, but definitely was about to say something to Eiri's younger brother. Tatsuha saw the look in his brother-in-law and practically shrink in an instance. “Tatsuha-kun!” The blonde called out with a frown.
“It's not what you think, Tohma-san, really!” Tatsuha, defensively tried to explain, but the blonde wasn't ready for a chat with his wife's little brother.
“I want you out of here before I even finish the sentence!” And he was out- Tatsuha was standing sadly at the door right at the same instance Tohma ended his words. “You really messed up this time, go with Mika and wait there understand? This is far from over.”
“H-hai!” He looked down sadly and then looked back to where Ryuichi had stayed- paralyzed. “I didn't mean to scare you…I love you Sakuma-san!” He bows, and then ran away with tears in his eyes. `Sakuma-san…Sakuma-san must hate me!'
Noriko was already nursing her dear friend Ryuichi. She hugged him and caressed his hair like he was a baby, and it made Ryuichi a little angry. He move away from her and looked deeply into her eyes; he was not that crying baby anymore, he was someone else or better yet, he was starting to merge with that part of him you could only see on stage. The strong, powerful, and confident Ryuichi many love.
“What is it Ryu-chan? Did I do something wrong?” Noriko was confused, after all she always pets him whenever someone hurt or stalks him. “Don't worry- he's gone and I'm here. Where's Kuma? I'm sure he'll make you feel better.” She smiled, but the serious look in his eyes made her smile fade away.
“Look Noriko…I appreciate your concern, but I don't need that anymore.” He stood up. “I am grateful for your help, and I thank the heavens because you guys show up or I don't know what could have happen…but I'm not a baby you know. I'm fine; I only wanted that brat out.”
Tohma and Noriko were surprised, but Tohma didn't like how he referred toward Tatsuha- after all he WAS part of the family. “Look Ryuichi, I know he was harassing you, but you don't have to call him a brat. That kid is Mika's little brother.”
“I know, sorry…but he really pissed me off. I told him Shuichi wasn't here and he sneaked in without invitation. Then…well, you saw him!”
Noriko was still quiet- she was wondering whatever happen to her sweet-baby Ryuichi. Meanwhile Tohma and Ryuichi kept arguing.
“Look, just forget about it. So…were you planning on telling me your magnificent plans with Shindo-san or not? I think I deserve some kind of explanation…you left Nittle Grasper saying you were retiring and now K told me you and Shuichi were joining forces?” He smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile.
“Yes I was going to tell you, but not until it was actually official. That K…I didn't know he was such a talker. Anyway, Shuichi is confused right now, so it's not official.”
It was then that Noriko finally speak. “I can't believe you! I though we were getting back together, then you left without even saying goodbye and now this? What happen to you Ryu-chan? Where is my baby?”
“I told you Noriko…I'm a grown man. I'm tired of being the joke- so I left my stupidity in the past.”
“You're stupidity? You're stupidity? You were the most adorable creature in the entire universe! How can you say that?”
“You said it- creature. Everyone sees me as an alien or a monkey- not a man- and I'm tired of being treated like a retarded. I am not a retarded guy Noriko, I bet you though all along I was. You always treated me like I had a disease or something, and I'm only a normal human with emotional conflicts like everyone else- I just happen to had a doll with me to hide my true face from the world. But I'm tired of wearing a mask. This is me, Sakuma Ryuichi, your friend, your baby…but don't treat me like one anymore. I want to grow and to do so, I need the people I love…I need you guys to support me and help me surpass my childhood traumas. Do you think, Noriko, Tohma, that you guys can help me with that? Do you think you both can start treating me like a normal person and not the idiot I once was? If you do…then maybe I can consider a reunion.”
Both keyboardists were silently observing Ryuichi's face, and both felt the same- Ryuichi was finally free. Ryuichi was no longer a kid trapped in a grown man's body. Ryuichi was showing his true face and it made Tohma smile. “I have no problem.” The blonde assured and then both looked to Noriko.
She was still thoughtful and then smile. “Well, I surely will miss my sweet and loving Ryu-chan, but I'm glad you are free of the suffering you carried.” `I just hope one day you trust me your secret.' She sighed.
“Look, I'm not completely healed inside, but I want to start over. I don't want to be afraid anymore…I want to be just me, and don't worry, that doesn't mean I can't be sweet and loving- just…I will do my best to be just `normal'.
“Hey! And just for the record I never though of you as a retarded moron. I've always though of you as sweet, loving, vulnerable, and most of all frail, but not a retarded.” A tear fell down her cheek. “I'm sorry if I made you feel stupid. I never mean to.”
“I know.” He hugged her, and she corresponded to the hug, not long after Tohma joined in a group hug. “I appreciate your concern and care Noriko- I really do and I truly felt lucky to have a friend like you beside me. You always overprotect me, but I guess at that time- I really needed it. Thank you.” Both smile.
“So…are we ok?” Tohma asked while observing the silly wet faces of his band mates and both nodded with an even wider smile. “Alright!” `I'm so glad… Ryuichi, looks like you're going to be fine after all.'
Bad Luck's ex-guitarist woke up with a smile- it smelled like coffee. “Mm.” He stretched out. “Something smells good!”
But no one answered.
“Kei-chan- you there?” He raised his voice.
“Hum, where the hell is he? I'm sure he's here…right? Who else can possibly make coffee for me?” He stood up wrapped in sheets, hairs lose, and a silly smile on his lips. “Kei…?”
He walked to the kitchen and there he was- tall blonde wearing nothing but an apron.
`Sugoi! I can totally get use to the view!' (Grinning)
“Morning babe. Sit down, this is almost ready.”
“Hum, smells great. Why don't you answer before? I was calling you…”
The cook smiled. “I wanted you to come over…that's all.”
Hiro waited while staring at the nice lines of K's legs, back, and buttocks. `Looking good Kei-chan.' He kept grinning- still staring.
“Enjoying the view?” He winked and all the colors ran through the guitarist face.
“It's ok, I did it on purpose.” He also grinned and walked closer to him placing a dish in front of the read head. “Enjoy…” But Hiro was now staring to the nipple peeking from the apron. “…the meal. Gosh, you sure are horny this morning.” He laughed and Hiro blushed once again.
“Am not!” He protested, and then he glanced at the blonde once again. “It's your fault for looking hot…can we skip breakfast?”
“I though you were hungry.”
“I am, but…but…you look so fine.” He reached out to the older man's chest, but this one slap the hand.
“No. I put a lot of effort in it, so you better eat it. Besides…I promise to make coffee for you next time.”
“You didn't.”
“In my head, I did.” He wink, and sat across him.
“But, you'll be my desert.”
“No…you'll be mine.” And his chuckles filled up the room while Hiro sighed.
Shindo Shuichi was confused. Yuki, his Yuki was welcoming him home? Was he? But…didn't Yuki hate him or was he wrong about Yuki once again? While all the questions in the world cross his mind, Yuki managed to guide him upstairs to his apartment so they could talk. Once up there the blonde begun.
“I know sometimes I'm a little rough, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you.”
`Appreciate? Appreciate?? What about…what about love Yuki? I want love…much more than appreciation. Love…I wonder if this is love.'
“I'm only trying to help you succeed in your dream by becoming a better writer, that's all. I know you put a lot of effort, even when I don't give you credit for it, but…I want you to keep trying so you'll get better each day. I don't think that is bad.”
`Better? Did he just say better? That means…he thinks I'm at least a little bit good, right?'
“Still, I think you exaggerate things too much. Not because I don't go to a concert means I don't support you or hate you, or hate your music…but you also have to consider the fact that I don't like that kind of event and it IS a sacrifice for me to go. Not everything is about you Shuichi…sometimes you act selfish. Have you stop to think if I like going to concerts? Have I ever gone to a concert while you've lived in here? NO, so…doesn't that give you a clue? And the only concert I went was to see you…that mean something.”
`I'm selfish? What about you?! You never consider my feelings at all!'
Shuichi was still silent listening and arguing in his head, and Yuki just though he wanted to hear more, so he goes on.
“Look, I really don't know what you want me to say, I'm trying to apologize…but if all you wanted was for me to go to your silly concert then I'll say it. I did. I did go to the concert, but left before the last song was over. There, I said it all.” `Not quite.'
Shuichi was looking deep into the amber eyes searching for a sign, something that tells him it was true. “How can I know you were really there?”
“You were wearing that same silly outfit.”
“Dah, anyone could've told you that…there were even pictures on the magazines, so…” He shrugged.
“This is stupid!” Yuki was getting really irritated, after all, wasn't he doing enough? Didn't he apologized and said all the things the brat wanted to hear?
“OH! So you're trying to lie to me!” Shuichi wasn't completely sure about Yuki's confession. He could've made it up.
“I'm not lying, you idiot!” `This is too much! What is he expecting for me to do..? BEG??? He's got to be kidding me!' The novelist argued with himself mentally.
“Then tell me something convincing.” Shuichi took a long and deep look into the amber eyes and waited for a GOOD argument or detail that truly indicates he wasn't lying at all.
“Hum…one girl threw you a pink bra; it fell on your shoe and you trip…that was during the “Blind Game Again” song.” Yuki sighed. He said too much, way too much. He even let him know that he, Yuki Eiri, knew the titles of Bad Luck's songs. “Does that convince you? By the way…you're such a klutz.”
“Yuki!” The singer cried happily knowing Yuki was actually saying the truth. “You went! You really did!” He jumped to the blonde's arms and both fell down to the floor. “That means…you don't hate me or Bad Luck?” The writer shook his head. “Yuki…” He was happy, so happy his tears started flowing again.
“Baka.” He pats the pink head and then whisper. “You had to make us fall, not to mention cry like a little girl?”
“Gomen.” He giggled. “I couldn't help it- I'm quite excited.”
“Hum, excited huh? That gives me an idea.” He smirks and grabbed the singer's buttocks, provoking this one to squeal and blush immediately after feeling the SQUEEZE.
“YUKI!!!” He looked the novelist deep into his eyes, and then smile. “Do it again.”
It was pretty late already and Ryuichi was convinced that Shuichi wouldn't return.
“That's the way it goes…you knew it from the start. Shuichi loves Eiri-san. Shuichi doesn't love Ryuichi.” He sighed sadly. “Ryuichi is only his music idol, nothing more- that's how it's supposed to be. I'm too old for him, yeah…and I…I'll be a bother when I get older and older. He would still be very young when I start getting all the wrinkles and losing my hair. Shuichi deserves better than that. Shuichi…he needs someone mature but not old like me. I'm such a fool. I should've thought of that before.”
Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted with a knock, and he got up excited thinking that maybe…maybe he was wrong and Shuichi decided to go back with him. “Maybe he doesn't love Yuki and realized I'm the one!” He smiled. “Forget about your age, you're still young!” He ran to the door yelling. “I'm coming na no da!!!!!!!!” And with a smile he opened the door. “Welcome back!”
All he heard was a squeal before he landed on the floor-again. The singer realized he had being attacked once again by a taller man that by any chance was HIS Shu-chan.
“You're happy to see me again?” He hugged him harder. “I'm so glad!”
“EHHH??????? It's you again! Get off me you stalker!!!” He frowned and tried pushing Tatsuha away.
Then Tatsuha let go. “Demo…didn't you say welcome back?” He pouted.
“Yeah, but I though it was someone else.” Ryuichi moved away. “Look, I don't want to be mean…but I would appreciate if you stop bugging me.”
“Bugging you? I am BUGGING you?” Ryuichi shyly nodded and Tatsuha quickly begin to cry hysterically. “Sakuma-san hates me!!!!!”
Ryuichi felt kind of guilty and pat him on the head. “There, there…is not that I HATE you…but…” He looked to the puppy wet eyes staring at him waiting for him to go on and explain better, and hopefully gives him hopes of a little affection? “You have to admit you act a little creepy! Here you are jumping on top of me just because..?”
“Because I love you Sakuma-san!” His eyes turned into hearts.
“Ehem…you think you love me, but the truth is…you only love my image. This is pure infatuation, not love. You can't love someone you don't know.”
“But…I love you!” He insisted.
“How should I explain this?” Sighing.
“Don't you believe in love at first sight?” He saw the expression change in Sakuma-san's eyes and there was his answer. “Then…why can't you believe that I love you?”
“You're so young…look, I'm flatter, really, but I'm in love with someone else.”
“Shuichi, right?” The pink in the singer's cheeks were impossible to hide. “But you know he loves my brother, Eiri, don't you?” Ryuichi nodded sadly. “Still, you love him?”
“I can't help it. My heart doesn't understand. No matter how many times I explain it, it's useless. My heart insists on loving him and no one else.”
“I know how you feel; it is the same for me.” Ryuichi looked down to the sad face hung down and felt pretty bad.
“All I can offer you is my friendship, Uesugi-kun.”
“Just call me Tatsuha.”
“Ok, Tatsuha-kun.” He smiled, and Tatsuha did too.
“Thank you, Sakuma-san.”
“Nah, just call me Ryuichi.”
“Ok, Ryuichi-kun.”
First thing in the morning Sakuma-san when to the studios and entered without invitation to a particular studio. When he opened the door all the musicians inside it looked at him surprised and wondered what could possibly HE be doing there.
Sakuma-san walked in straight forward ignoring the stares, until he was stopped roughly.
“You can't enter here; we are in a private session! I don't care if you are whoever you are- you cannot enter.”
Ryuichi couldn't believe the guy's guts, and seriously replied. “I came here to speak with Nakano-san, not you, so excuse me. You are on my way.”
“He doesn't need to talk to you!” Taki quickly yelled at him.
“Take it easy boy. I believe he has the right to talk to whoever he wants to. Not because he joined in your little bad means he is your property. I bet he can decide on his own if he wishes to talk to me or not. So…” He looked to Hiroshi's eyes. “Can we talk?”
“Sure.” He stood up and walked straight to where Ryuichi was standing until Aizawa hold him.
“You can't leave; we are in the middle of something here.” Aizawa frowned and pushed Hiroshi back to his seat.
“You know Aizawa, I don't remember that we were actually doing anything productive here, so I will take a break and talk to my friend here. Do you mind?” He made his way out, but before they left Ryuichi said another word to him.
“You know, I wouldn't like to do this but…don't push your luck if you don't want to feel my power. You should've known better than to talk to me that way, remember I have BIG influence here.” He smirks and left the guy angrier than before.
“That jerk!” Taki yelled in anger.
“Hey chill, remember he's the boss's leading singer. He does have BIG influence Taki. You don't want Seguchi-san to kick us out, do you?” Ma-kun tried to calm him down and fortunately he did.
“I guess you're right…but what does he wants to talk with Hiro?”
“Aren't you getting a little too obsessive over the guy?” Ken-chan asked a little pissed. “Is not like he's all that.”
“So, are you jealous?” Taki smirk and Ken could only blush. “I knew it!” He laughed. “But Ken-chan…as soon as I get him in bed, I'm all yours again.” *Wink*
Once inside a private room Ryuichi begin. “Hiroshi, I know you love Shuichi as much as I do, and because of that I want to help. I know Shuichi wants you with him, and I also know you are miserable without him as well. That's why…I want you to tell me the truth, because I know there must be something really big behind your attitude. Don't be afraid to tell me because I know that you know how much I care for Shu-chan and that I would never, ever do something to hurt him. So please, please let me help you out…let's get you and Shu-chan back together. He needs you and I know you need him too. Two best friends simply don't stop liking each other from one day to the other.”
“Sakuma-san…there's nothing to say. I wanted to join ASK.”
“LIAR! Like I would believe you! I may look stupid in front of everyone, but I'm not. There's no way you prefer to hang out with Aizawa than with Shu-chan, there's no way I'm going to believe that. So…spit it out! You're not leaving until you confess.”
“I already told you, there's nothing to confess. So if you excuse me…” He tried to leave, but Ryuichi hold him to make sure he'd stop avoiding the question.
“No. I already told you; you are not leaving until you tell me what happen.”
“You're stubborn.”
“Me? Looks who's talking!” He sat down and look to Hiroshi's eyes. “I'm waiting…and I have plenty of time.” He smiles. “Go ahead.”
Hiro sighed and sit down as well. `Looks like he's serious.' “Well, it all started in a bar. I was there and Taki appeared… He made me an offer to join ASK and I refuse- of course. But then one day Shuichi disappeared and I received a call- it was Aizawa. I know it was him because I recognize his voice, but he called from Shuichi's phone…so I can't prove it was actually him.”
“What did he say?”
“Well, it was that day Shuichi was kidnapped. The voice said, if you don't want something worse to happen to him consider my offer. And well, he told me to check his work of art…it was in my front door- and there he was…my dear Shuichi beaten and covered in blood.” Tears rolled down his face. “I wanted to accuse him, but I had no evidence at all…then I bump into him the day we brought him to the hospital, when I went out to buy you some lunch…then I was completely sure it was Aizawa. He told me to leave Bad Luck, or else Shuichi will suffer my rejection…so I quit Bad Luck for him. I know it sounds silly, but…I though it was the right choice, now I'm not so sure anymore.”
“Why don't you tell Tohma!”
“I told you, I was afraid. I was scared he may hurt Shuichi again. I'll do anything for Shuichi…besides I wanted to go far from him because, because…”
“You were hurting. I understand, but you made the wrong choice, but…we can still fix things.”
“No. Shuichi probably hates me by now…” He looked very sad. “But I prefer that, than knowing he's hurt because of me.”
“Look, it is not your fault. That is just cheap psychology to convince you. The truth is he is jealous of Shuichi's talent…so he used you to break his dream, but what Aizawa doesn't know is that Shuichi can make it no matter what, and he also doesn't know that Shuichi has lots of people that loves him and will do anything for him. So…I have a plan, are you with me?”
Hiroshi smiled. “Sure, it's payback time.” Then both smirk and shook their hands.
“Aizawa will regret putting his dirty hands on OUR Shu-chan.”
“Oh yeah.”
It was almost noon when Shuichi woke up. He was wrapped in white sheets and carefully placed in the middle of the wide bed inside Yuki's apartment. When he realized where he was, he smiled, but then suddenly a though ran through his mind. `I wonder how is Ryuichi doing…?' His face looked sad after remembering his idol, and with the memory of Ryuichi came his smile…his sad, but beautiful smile. “Always smiling…but really gloomy.” He sighed and sadly rolled to the side. “Ryu…”
`Why am I thinking about you? I should be happy…Yuki and I are back together, just like I wanted…but…' He rolled again to the other side. “Why do I feel this way?”
`I…miss him?'
“It can't be. I love Yuki.” `Are you sure this is love Shuichi? Are you sure this is what you've dream of?' He stood up and walked outside, still wrapped in whiteness and searched for his lover. “Yuki… Yuki….” He found him in the kitchen. “Yuki!” He smiled even when involuntarily he was feeling sad.
“You're up….I though you'll sleep all day. Tohma called; he said you should be in the studio…something about a change in Bad Luck. I didn't get it, but he said something about Nakano leaving Bad Luck, is that right?”
Shuichi looked down sadly- he had to remind him of THAT particular detail. Didn't had enough with his inner conflicts? But there was also Hiro's betrayal still hurting his heart. “Hiro… Hiro left me Yuki. He join ASK.”
“I see. So it's true he left.” `Baka, I though he really cared for Shuichi.'
“He not just left, he joined ASK, Yuki, ASK!”
“So?” `What difference does it makes if he joins ASK or…Gacktjob*?'
“SO? SO??? Are you listening?” `Don't you remember they're the ones always putting me down?'
“Hum.” He nodded.
“Then you should know how I feel.”
“No, how do you feel?”
He sighed feeling frustrated. “Forget it.” `It's useless, seems like he never listen to what I many times have I told him about Aizawa and ASK?' “….so what did Tohma say?”
“That you were late again, but that he forgives you for now…because you came back to me.” He smiled. “But, you better be there at one, or else…”
“Or else?”
“That was all he said.” Shuichi stood there silently. “So, hurry up and get ready. It's twelve already…and you need a shower.”
It was past the hour accorded with Tohma and Shuichi knew he was in trouble- probably, so he silently walked to the studio wishing Tohma wouldn't notice how late he was. On his way, he didn't see Tohma, but he saw Hiro and Taki in the corner. Before Shuichi's eyes, they were chatting, but the truth was they were arguing just like every day. Aizawa tried all his useless flirts leading him nowhere and Hiro ignore the brat and wished K was there to save him. But the guitarist never noticed the purple gaze observing him in melancholy.
“Hiro…” Shuichi whispered while a tear escaped to roll down his rounded cheek. But to make things worse, Aizawa saw Shindo's sadness and didn't miss the chance to simply make him sadder. So from out of nowhere he pulled Nakano-san closely and smacked him. Shichi's eyes grew wider and wider in disbelief. `Hiro…and Aizawa? Is that why? No, it can't…it can't be!'
“STOP IT!” Shuichi yelled while shutting his eyes, and then ran away. He felt it was stupid to yell, but couldn't control his emotions- like always.
Hiro was surprised to hear that voice, a voice he know so well and could recognize anywhere. It was his dear Shuichi's voice. `He did it on purpose!' So with all the anger that ran trough him, he punched the idiot's face directly in the eye. “Hope you get a horrible bruise, so you'll look even MORE ugly than you already are. But even when you are horrible, your heart is even worse. Your heart is black and cruel.” He was sure that will hurt more than the punch just because Taki was the vainest guy he ever met.
While Shuichi ran, he bumped into Tohma. `Now things will get worse.' He managed to think while he washed the tears away.
“Shindo-san, what happen? Where were you? I was waiting in my office until now.” The boy didn't answer. “Hum, what happen? Is there a problem with Eiri-san?” The pink head shook from side to side quickly. “Then, is there a problem with Bad Luck?” Once again he shook his head. “Is there a problem…with Ryuichi-san?”
“No. I'm sorry I make you wait….”
“It's ok, come with me. K is still in my office with Sakano-san. We can talk there.”
While they walked the both of them were silent, until Shuichi whispered in front of the blonde's office. “Where's Ryuichi, I want to talk to him.”
“I'm sorry, I saw him leaving like an hour ago.”
“Is he in his apartment?”
“No, I think he went to the ice cream shop with Tatsuha-kun.” After hearing that last remark Shuichi froze and didn't say another word for about five minutes.
`With Tatsuha? He's on a date with Tatsuha? Why? It's so soon and he already went out with someone else? Well, not that we were going out together, but I though… Why to the ice-cream shop? I though that was a special place for us?! What am I thinking…Ryuichi is just Ryuichi. There is no special place for us…right?'
Tohma was beginning to feel anxious, so he decided it was safe to insist a bit. “Shindo-san…can we go in now?”
He sat down in one of the expensive leather chairs and waited. K pats him on the shoulder and Sakano said nonsense, and then Tohma begin.
“We are keeping Bad Luck as it is, you and Fujisaki can make it on your own. I already talk with Ryuichi and he agreed, so Bad Luck's album will be out next month, along with the newest CD of Nittle Grasper, so wish you luck- it's going to be a rollercoaster.”
“Demo…Ryu-chan said we'll be singing together.”
“Oh that…well, Nittle Grasper has reunited so I don't think that will happen, but he did mention something about a collaborative track on Bad Luck's album. So, yeah- eventually you'll get to sing with Ryuichi-san. That will be great for Bad Luck, so put yourself together and get to work. Hopefully everything will work out perfectly.”
“About Hiro…?”
“Nakano-san joined ASK so forget about him. He's already working in a new single, so…cheer up.” He smiled.
“I don't want Bad Luck without Hiro.”
Tohma got serious and Shuichi gulped, then he said with a smile that was scarier than the frown. “Bad Luck stays as it is.”
“O…k.” He stood up and before leaving he looked back. “How long?”
“How long since Ryu and Tatsuha-kun left?”
“I already told you, why?”
“Never mind.” He ran out.
“Shuichi!” K yelled and loaded his gun. “Come back here or I'll blow your brains out!” He ignored him, and K shoot- fortunately Shuichi was able to dodge the bullet. “Come back you little brat!” He ran after him, but he saw a sad Hiroshi at the end of the hallway- so he stopped chasing Shuichi. “Hiro-chan…”
He reached the ice cream shop even when he though it was impossible for them to be there, but he went anyway. He looked through the glass window and in a little corner he saw two dark haired guys and wondered if it was them. One had black hair and the other brown hair, so he concluded… `It's them!'
Since he couldn't make out to see them clearly, he sneaked in and with a sign asked the employee to stay quiet and he nodded. Carefully he approached the seats and peek- he was right it was Ryuichi and Tatsuha.
He hid once again and blushed feeling stupid for what he was doing. `What the hell am I doing? Why am I spying them like… OH MY GOD! I…I… Am I jealous???!!' O_O
He slid down on the seat behind them and listened to the conversation. `This is wrong!' But all he could hear were Tatsuha's giggles and “No Tatsuha-kun!!” from Ryuichi's lips.
Knowing Tatsuha Shuichi got the wrong idea. `That's it! He…he can't molest Ryu-chan like that!' So he stood up and step in front of their table frowning. Then he explodes. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY RYU-CHAN YOU PERVERT!!!!”