Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitti-Kat =^.^=
Everything seemed perfect, magical and beautiful. His dream came true, the lips of the young singer belong to him, at least for once, but he got the chance to taste them. Ryuichi though he had to take all chances, so he pressed the slim body of Shuichi closer to his and to his surprise and happiness the boy didn't pulled back, on the contrary, he wrapped his arms around him and continue to elaborate their kiss. The brunette shivered with the soft touch he felt on his back of running fingers traveling south. His heart pumped so fast with excitement that it caused his breathing to flutter making him end the kiss for brief moments to catch his breath.
Unfortunately that break, really break the moment. Shuichi moved farther from Ryuichi's arms and started blushing with embarrassment. "I'm sorry Ryu-kun. I-I-I…"
"No, it's ok. I was the one to start it. I wanted it more than anything. I…I love you Shu-chan."
Purple eyes grew wider and wider in surprise and even end up with covering hands over his cute mouth. "Ryuichi I…I'm sorry, but I love Yuki." The young man sat up with a sad look on his face; he wanted to be friends with his idol, but he didn't want to hurt him or Yuki. "I am flattered, really, but…I really want to try things with Yuki."
"I see…" The bluish reflected on his eyes blurred with imprudent tears that suddenly appeared in his eyes and rolled down his face continuously. "But, what if things don't work out with him? Can I have a chance?"
"I don't know. I don't want to make promises based on a failure with Yuki, because I will put all my efforts for it to work out. I won't think of failure when I want success, so…I'm sorry Ryu. But I really wish to be only your friend, if that's possible."
"I guess we can be friends, but…can I ask you for a favor then?" Shuichi looked up to Sakuma's face and nodded. "Don't push me away; give me a chance to try and show you the way I feel. Don't say no right away, let me show you the wonders of love and then…make your choice."
"But Ryu, I can't go out with you and be with Yuki at the same time! It's not fair to neither of you and I don't want to do that."
"I'm not asking you to cheat on him, just…to give me a chance. I'm asking you not to close the doors of your heart to Yuki only, but to consider the fact that he is not the only one that can love you and make you happy. I accept being your friend for now, but I'm not giving up on you yet." Shuichi was thoughtful for a few moments and Ryuichi could only add a few more words to his speech. "I only wanted to make that clear. I won't try to get between you and Yuki, but I won't stand by the side with my arm cross either."
"Ok. But you promised not to cause me trouble with Yuki, ok?"
"Hey, if you have problems with him it won't be my fault." 'That would be more like Yuki's fault. He's so hard to understand. That Yuki is always hurting the people I love, first Tohma and now…my Shui.'
"Can you take me back?"
"Sure. You're not angry at me, are you?"
"No, but I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."
"I'm ok." He smiled and turned chibi. "I always have my Kuma-chan to give me company!" The pink plush was now on his hands being agitated in the air while he screamed a bunch of non sense to Shuichi and the young man could only laugh with the silly things Ryuichi was saying.
"You're so funny, Ryu-kun."
After a few more crazy parodies of Ryu and Kuma, he turned serious again and stared at Shuichi's face. "That's how I want to see you, smiling. I am glad that at least I make you smile." The brunette smiled again with the sweetest look on his eyes and then he quickly jumped off the car. (SD) "Let's go then!!"
Silent steps were heard on the big apartment; he knew Yuki should've been sleeping by now and he didn't want to wake him and upset him again. With the same silence he changed into more comfortable clothes, green shorts and white tank top, and sneaked into Yuki's bed. "Night Yuki." He whispered sadly knowing things between them were bad, but, what was worst, they were always bad. 'Ryuichi…maybe if you had come sooner into my life…funny, I used to love you. You were my biggest dream and now it's you that wants me- how ironic.'
Bad Luck's singer fell deeply into sleep until he fell off the bed. "Ouch! How did I fell?"
"I pushed you. Get out of my room. I didn't invite you over."
"But Yuki…"
"Why Yuki? Why are you like this? Sometimes you kiss me and love me and others you just…"
"If you don't like it then you are free to go. I wasn't the one to invite you over anyway. You moved here without even asking."
"That's because I want to be near you Yuki."
"Liar. Get out!"
Shuichi ran outside the room with his purple eyes drown in tears. Yuki always hurt him, but he was also able to love him so intensely that Shindo couldn't let go. "I wish I can understand you better. I wish I knew everything about you, but you never tell me anything." He let himself fall into the couch carelessly and with tears in his eyes he fell deeply asleep.
In his room Sakuma-san revived the moment of his glory, the kiss. "He liked it, and that is positive for me." His lips couldn't stop smiling; even when Shuichi rejected him, he felt deep in his heart he had a chance. After all, he was now aware of the fact that he wasn't completely indifferent to Shuichi, which meant he was still part of the game. "Good night Shu-chan; I hope you dream about me too."
This time he didn't felt so sad, Shindo-kun didn't close his heart entirely to his love, even if it wasn't very clear, he did left the door of his heart a little bit open.
It was morning already; all the members of Bad Luck were waiting on the studio along with Sakano for Shuichi to appear. Bad Luck was invited to a festival and they had a lot of work to do, but Shuichi was no show.
"I wonder if he's ok." Suguru frowned.
"He'll be here. He's probably helping some old lady to cross the streets or something like that." Hiro sat down calmly while crossing his legs. "He's always late, so chill."
"He's an irresponsible, immature and hysterical boy."
"You are calling Shuichi hysterical? You? I wonder who is much altered right now…I bet is not Shuichi."
"You mean me!!!" Sakano yelled while biting his nails.
"Besides you; you are a lost case."
"I am a lost case!! I am a lost case!! AHHHHHH! I'm gonna jump off the roof!"
"Suguru, are you related to Sakano-san?" Hiro smirked.
"YOUUUU!!! This friend of yours better come soon or else…"
The door was opened at the same instance Suguru started threatening. "Or else what?" A pink hair, sad face and very skinny body walked in. "I don't care about anything."
"What Yuki did to you this time?" Hiro asked, knowing perfectly well why Shuichi's mood changed so easily.
"He thinks I'm cheating on him." Shuichi said while he turned into rubber and melted on the floor.
"CHEATING!!!!" Sakano and Suguro yelled and Sakano almost faint.
"Cheating? Why would he think you're cheating on him?" Once again his dear friend asked calmly.
"Because…because…" The rubber, that was actually Shuichi, changed form turning into a ball and then begins to rock side to side. All stare waiting for Shindo to finally answer, but he kept rocking and rocking. They waited for a while until Shuichi turned into himself again and with a crying face yelled his truth. "Because I did!! BUWAAAAA!!" He cried like a baby.
(ALL) "YOU DID!!!!" O__O Sakono passed out, Suguro was shocked and Hiro stared confused.
"Can you explain that better?" Hiro just couldn't believe it.
"Last night Sakuma-san asked me out on a date, I didn't know it was a date until after, but well…Yuki now thinks I'm a player."
"Hum…you mean Sakuma-san, THE Sakuma-san asked you on a date?" Shuichi nodded. "That means…you are the luckiest guy on Earth!"
"Huh?" All looked to Hiroshi's face confused, even Sakano waked up from his 'sleep'.
Hiro smiled. "Yes, do you know how long was since Ryuichi Sakuma asked someone on a date? And you were the lucky one!"
"I'm serious Hiro!!!" Shuichi yelled hysterical, wasn't his friend helping him like always?
"I am too. Come on Shuichi, you know how much you wanted this. If now were a year ago, you wouldn't be crying over Yuki but drooling all over the place."
"BUT THIS IS NOW! And my NOW is YUKIIIIIIII!!!" Shuichi kept crying rivers of tears that flowed down his eyes.
"Ok, calm down. Did something happen?" Shuichi didn't answer.
"Tohma!!!" Ryuichi ran to him and hugged him. "Hello!" *Wide smile*
"I can see you are happy today, did something special happened?" He eyed him suspiciously.
"Not really, but…I am happy anyway."
Tohma knew what happened, Yuki had already informed him about the 'facts' of Shuichi's infidelity and now Tohma was on his way of investigation. He loved Ryuichi dearly, but Eiri was the one he loved the most in the world. "So, you went out with Shindo-kun last night, didn't you?" Tohma smiled to Ryuichi trying to make him feel comfortable, Ryuichi nodded with his cheeks in bright pink. "I see, and…did something happen between you two? I mean, since you are so happy and all."
"No…he told me he loves Yuki, but still…I won't give up on him yet."
Tohma didn't like the remark. "Look Ryu-kun, you know I appreciate you, don't you?" He nodded. "Then let me say this once to make it easier. Don't get between Yuki and Shindo-kun; if someone hurts Eiri that someone is messing with me. I don't want our friendship to end, especially like that."
"Tohma…I won't do anything Shu-chan don't approve, if he loves Yuki he won't accept me, but…if his heart changes I'll be the first one in line. There's nothing you can do if Shuichi stops loving Eiri. If he does that's because Yuki doesn't deserve someone like Shu-chan."
"Ryuichi, don't you ever say something like that or else…"
"Nittle Grasper will end again, right? It's always Yuki's fault. He is always before anyone for you, but you can't see one thing Tohma, you are not first for him and that is your problem. You prefer to lose everything before losing someone who doesn't appreciate you at all."
Tohma's heart was filled with anger; he hated what Ryuichi said. He knew it was true, that was why he hated it. His anger was so intense that his hand ends up slamming against Ryuchi's face. "Don't you dare to talk to me like that again, understand?"
Sakuma-san was shocked; he never expect for Tohma to react so rudely. It's been so long since he wanted to say those words to his friend, years back when they first broke up. Back then it was just the same, Nittle Grasper broke up because of Tohma's obsession with Eiri. "I don't regret saying it; it's only the truth, but if you can't handle the truth, then nothing is change. I was hoping things could work between us, we are adults now, but I can see I was wrong. Goodbye Tohma." Ryuchi ran out devastated; Tohma always chose Eiri before him and now it was just the same.
Now on his room he lay flat on the floor staring at nothing but the ceiling. "Once again Tohma, you just make me feel the same way as before when you pushed my love away because of Yuki. Yuki…you're always between me and my loved ones. Why?"
There was silence in his room for a brief moment.
"It still hurts; this scar is still open in my heart. I never really forgive you and now that I'm back I realize all this feelings were buried inside, but with much resentment." Tears fell down his face again. It's been so long since Tohma rejected him and chose Yuki over him and Nittle Grasper. "I won't give up this time Tohma, there is no way I will keep giving up on love. I will fight until the end and only then I'll decide to stay or run away one more time. Shuichi…he's more than I ever dream of and I will have him. He'll love me, even if I hurt you or Yuki. If you didn't care about me then, why should I care about you now?" Ryuichi closed his eyes trying to calm down the bad feelings and to forgive Tohma once again.
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