Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Sweet, Sweeter, Sweetest ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Eleven
Sweet, Sweeter, Sweetest
The final hints of the night had finally left, though by now Shuichi knew how much Yuki preferred the dark. Shuichi woke at the break of dawn, emerging from Yuki's bed completely nude. He walked around the room collecting the strands of clothes scattered across the room. Instead of wearing them he threw them into the wash. Drawing the curtains open against the cloudy red sky, he admired the sleeping angel in the bed. At least he thought he was asleep. "Why am I waking to your scrawny ass roaming around my house like you're the freaking king of my domain, with the fucking window open?" Yuki managed to mumbled audibly through his pillow.
Shuichi smiled, rushing to Yuki with a kiss. "Go back to sleep."
"If you shut the hell up. I swear it's like you're wearing a cowbell around your neck!" Yuki groaned, later smiling to clue Shuichi it was only a joke. Shuichi nodded cheerfully, heading out of the room.
Shuichi grimaced, stirring hopefully in a pot. He had been cooking for two hours straight, hoping to cheer up Yuki when he awoke. Yuki followed the pleasant, sweet aroma spreading into his room from the kitchen. He strode across the room, looking sleepy in his black boxers. He looked into the pot, wrinkling his nose at the concoction Shuichi was brewing. "What the hell are you making?" Yuki sighed, his sight still blurry from sleep.
"Breakfast. Omelets, pancakes, bacon, grits and orange juice." Yuki looked around the destroyed kitchen and found a bowl of reddish-tan liquid.
"What type of breakfast crap is that?" Yuki pointed doubtfully at it. Shuichi glanced over his shoulder to see, suddenly going wide eyes. He rushed over to the bowl, snatching it directly from Yuki, hiding it behind him.
Yuki took a few seconds to observe Shuichi's attire now that the sleep had faded completely, allowing him to see clearly now. Shuichi's bangs were sticking to his face, wet from steam abuse. "What the hell are you wearing?" Noticing Shuichi was as naked as before, but only wearing a frilly pink apron, barely concealing his crotch. Yuki leant against the wall, raising one eyebrow. "Actually where did you get it, Victoria's Secret?"
Shuichi smiled, "I found it in Tatsuha's junk. I thought you'd like it if he does."
"Pervert brother." Yuki muttered. "Take it off, you look like an idiot." He bluntly said.
Shuichi frowned. "Meanie. I never get to have any fun. Just sit your ass down. " Shuichi grumpily collected the foods and brought them to the table, as Yuki was taking his seat at the table. Yuki watched suspiciously as Shuichi poured the reddish-tan liquid into a pan, sliding it into the oven. Shuichi returned to the table with Yuki's favorite, coffee.
"Did you fucking hear me? Take the damn thing off." He bellowed rudely.
"Why? Don't you like it?" Shuichi looked ready to cry.
"Anything my brother owns probably has herpes in it, for your safety against sexually transmitted disease, I require you remove the toxic article of clothing." Yuki announced, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Shut up! Tatsuha's not like that, how can you say such things about your own brother?" Shuichi whined, taking his seat as well.
"Because he's a manwhore." Yuki smirked, turning his attention to his plate and not to the upset expression on Shuichi's face. "Listen take it off now, or I'll fucking take it off for you."
"I'd like to see you try!"
"Fine, you asked for it." Yuki stood up smoothly and approach Shuichi, who just stood there waiting angrily. "But I don't want any complaining afterwards, understand Shuichi?"
"Complaining?" Shuichi stepped back as the man got closer to until Yuki grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards his chest latching onto his lips. Shuichi couldn't break loose from his grip as much as he tried to get free. When they finally detached for air Yuki didn't waste time sliding his hand around to Shuichi's back.
"You talk big. Like I would just let you, like that?" A hint of panic and yet pleasure was in Shuichi's voice.
"I wouldn't think of it. You would put up much more of a fight." Yuki smirked pulling Shuichi closer. "I can already tell you like fore play, so you would never give in that easily." Yuki pushed Shuichi back suddenly, making him fall on his knees. Shuichi smiled and nodded. "Get a head start then." Shuichi stood up and ran out of the kitchen playfully. Yuki shook his head. "You are too predictable, Shuichi." He said calmly, striding into his bed room. He looked around for awhile, unable to see his pink haired lover and headed for the hallway.
"You're not even looking for me!" Emerging from the closet Shuichi rushed out, attaching himself onto Yuki's back. "What fun is hiding if there's no one looking for you?" He stuck out his bottom lip and whine pathetically.
"It's funnier to annoy you than entertain you." Yuki smiled deceptively, jerking the boy by the wrist and tossing him over his shoulder onto the bed. It was too late to escape, Yuki was already attaching his lips onto Shuichi's body after forcefully removing the apron from him with much struggle. First his neck, then his chest moving down to his nipples. Yuki slid his tongue around Shuichi's right nipple moving his left hand down towards the boys erection.
"Why can't I just have it my way?" Shuichi couldn't help but clench onto his friends shoulders moaning uncontrollably.
"You're cute when you're vulnerable." Yuki said kissing him softly. Shuichi was luckily able to get away from Yuki by roughly kicking him into the stomach.
"I'm not cute!" Shuichi whined. Yuki was finally fed up with this avoidance and charged for him, sadly being dodge and falling onto the floor. "But I'll show you what's really cute." Shuichi smirked heading for the dresser and pulling out something, quickly hiding it behind his back. He approached Yuki stealthily and just as Yuki stood up and sat on the bed he locked Yuki's hands in handcuffs wrapping around the bed post. Shuichi quickly found the apron Yuki had removed and retied it around his waist. "Ha! I always get my way!"
"Cut the crap and let me out, Shuichi!"
"Not until you eat everything I made." Yuki groan in response, Shuichi had more than enough energy to carry out all his twisted fantasies and plans. It scared Yuki to think of what this childish boy had in store for the world after national popularity. Shuichi rushed out of the room and returned with everything he cooked. "If you don't eat everything, you're not going to get my surprise." He teased, jumping onto the bed and crawling on Yuki. He sat up, holding Yuki down with his own weight. "Open up." Yuki, with much options, obeyed his pink haired lover. After awhile he had ate everything, despite his cursing and yelling between each dish.
"What is the point of all this?" Yuki bellowed trying once more to free himself from Shuichi's evil grasp.
"I just want to prove who's the Alfa male in this relationship." Shuichi giggled. "And I adore seeing you under my control. Now shut the hell up and make room for your favorite." Yuki sighed, nothing could be more humiliating but pleasurable than being feed by Shuichi. "Close your eyes." Yuki obeyed as he heard footsteps to the kitchen, returning a few seconds later. "Open." Yuki obeyed once again. After a momentary pause he felt a sweet, soft, cream and a hint of strawberries. He opened his eyes. Shuichi smiled proudly. "It took me three whole tries to get it right. The first time I added salt instead of sugar. You should really label your spices. The second time I let it cook too long and it was as hard as a rock. But it finally came out right the third time. So enjoy Shuichi's Strawberry Shortcake." He glazed a finger across the top, carefully picking up the cream and pushed it against Yuki's lips.
Yuki smirked, "you're one crazy ass kid, Shuichi. That including that you made desert for breakfast." He laughed shortly and gently sucked at Shuichi's creamed finger. "Ummmm..." He licked his lips and smiled.
"Really! You liked it!" Shuichi's face was glowing with ambition and self-praise.
"Well it needs more..." Yuki paused, then whispered to himself softly. Shuichi couldn't hear beneath his low voice and leaned in closer to hear him.
"What does it need?"
"Shuichi." And without hesitation after getting Shuichi closer enough, Yuki attacked Shuichi's lips with his own. Shuichi smiled with pleasure, leaning in closer. Yuki's tongue had made its way into his mouth, wanting to taste Shuichi's sweet flavor more than the desert's. He broke away after a few minutes. "No matter what you make or how much you improve, you will always be my favorite sweet."