Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ What Does Yuki Get? ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Muhaha! My first Gravitation fic!

*Dances to celebrate* Oh yeah! you’ve got him started. *Groans*

*Pouts* I’m sorry Eiri-Kun. *Clings*

*Gasp* Eiri! *Sniffle* Are you cheating on me?! *Cries*

Yes! Yes he is!! *Puts hand on Eiri’s stomach* This is MY baby!

*Twitch twitch*

WARNING!: If I have to warn you about what might be in a Gravitation fic then your just retarded. But for the retarded peoples sake: YAOI FULL!!

If I owned Gravitation I sure as hell wouldn’t let ANYONE have Eiri-kun. =^o^=
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What Does Yuki Get?

"Yuu~kiiii!" Came the irritable boyish high-pitch squeal from a certain pink haired singer just outside the door to my home office.

The sound made me groan in frustration. The sound was also enough to make my growing headache go into a full-fledged migraine, so it seemed. What was HE doing home this early anyways? He had told me not to wait up for him because of K, or a recording, or concert, or SOMETHING that had to do with singing. At the time he told me I was still recovering from one of his 'uke attacks' on my ear. What he seems to think is a wake up call.

The vibrations, & loud wall cracking BANG!, from the door slamming open hitting the wall hadn’t vanished before arms were being locked lovingly around my neck. This is how it always was when he got home from work. Acting like he hadn't seen me in 20 years.

I was trying my best to ignore the brat & keep concentrating on finishing up my manuscript for Mizuki. Maybe even get done early, but obviously that wasn't going to happen with him around. He tends to have that effect on you're brain where it just doesn't want work any more. Mine happened to think that when he was around, not being invisible after I threatened him, it was time to have a bit of 'fun'.

But this time it wasn't just my dick that was processing this thought, he was making it possible as well. Breathing hotly on my ear, letting the tip of his tongue outline the edge then nibbled playfully with a small giggle as I roughly groaned in response.

My eyes had screwed shut at one point but that didn't keep me from hearing his breathy voice whisper, with a an innocent child’s tone to it, in my just attacked ear. "Hey, Yuki..?"

“What do you want brat?” I groaned covering my sensitive ear with a cupped hand. Trying my damnedest not to have another one of his attacks done on me again today.

“You remember what you promised, right?” Crap! Now he was on my other ear! Wait promise? What promise. I didn’t even know I made promises anymore. I learn something new every day, huh?

I guess he took my silence as a no because I could hear him pout when he unwrapped his arms from around me. “Yuki! Don’t tell me you forgot?!” My chair turned to the side so I could see him. His hands were on those slender hips that fit so perfectly in my hands when I drove into- “Yuki!”

My gaze moved to his face rather then his crotch. The pout was more anger now..or so I think. I mentally shrug it off & waited for him to tell my what my ‘Promise’ had been.

He pointed a finger at me like it was going to make me remember something. Or maybe it was going to shoot a bunny filled death ray at that where he kept all those costumes? “You promised to come to my concert tonight!”

“Oh,” now I remember. My eyes wondered to the ceiling. “That promise..” I promised I would go if he left me alone. He was being extra annoying that day, & I just wanted him out of my hair. He acted as if this had never happened before. As if I really would go to another one of his concerts to listen to those crappy love songs of his. Not to mention I would have to deal with Tohma being attached to my arm all night. & after Shuichi was done there would be him to deal with on my other arm. I sighed mentally debating weather it was worth the trouble.

“Yeah! That promise!” I looked back up at him. He was still pouting & had the playfully ‘I’m angry’ in his eyes. Suddenly, I got an idea.

Half smiling, half smirking, & having a mischievous gleam in my golden eyes; I spoke huskily too him. “What do I get in return for going to this concert of your’s..Shu-Chan?” He froze. He loved it when I called him that, & I knew it.

I already knew the answer to my question but I couldn’t help but watch him squirm. He was fun to tease like this. “Uumm...well..uh..” He was blushing. He knew the answer to, why he couldn’t just say it was unknown. He could say it every other damn time.

I chuckled while casually pulling out a cigaret & a lighter. He had stopped trying to just say it..maybe he was going to show. Right again.

He leaned forward & let one slender arm wrap around my neck while he straddled lap. I removed the cigaret after taking a drag & blew it out to the side instead of in his face. After he got settled his lips connected with mine gently. Soon the kiss grew deeper.

I sat back & let him pamper me as he pleased. My shirt was unbuttoned before I felt my pants button pop open while he was working his mouth on the vast planes of my chest. The pants metallic mouth came next, slow & careful not to let it snag any of the fabric surrounding it.

Not long after my pants being open my growing erection was being rubbed to full hardness. He could be such a tease sometimes! I grabbed his shirt & roughly brought him up for a kiss. Releasing my need from it prison. I ground our hips together causing us both to gasp into one another’s mouth.

He took hold of my fully erect length. His thumb rubbed the slit gently teasing me again before moving downward on it. I groaned into are kiss before pulling back. His mouth kissed my chin them my Adam’s apple, then moved down my collar bone before attacking my ear again.

My stomach muscles began to quiver a few minutes after the hand job started. I never knew where he learned some of these tricks ‘cause they sure weren’t any of mine. That knot was building up nicely at the pit of my stomach. It wouldn’t be too long now...

Then it stopped. I felt the wait lift from my lap. My eyes shot open & into a glare at the snickering, grinning, pink haired idiot at the door. “Shuichi...” I warned as he took a step out of my office.

“That’s the first half of it. & If you really do come. I’ll let you have your way with me tonight. You can do whatever you want.” Only his head was inside my office now.

Whatever I want, huh?” His face went pale. I think he regretted what he had just said to me but didn’t say anything. He just left hurriedly giving me a time & place.

Maybe having Tohma cling to my arm all night might be worth torturing that idiot until my frustrations gone. Images began to cross through my head of Shuichi withering in so many different positions. Begging, pleading for me to stop, to let him PLEASE come.

“Oh yes.” I smirked. “It’s going to be a long & interesting night.”
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>< I didn’t know where to stop! So sorry if the endings lame. So how did I do for my first Gravitation fanfic? I hope well. For some reasons they seemed a little OOC to me. But that’s just me.

It would never have control during sex time.

o.o; Are you referring you to Shuichi, Eiri-Kun?

Who else?

*Cries in corner*

>:-) *Evil laughter* Should I continue this with another story for ‘later on that night’? PLEASE REVIEW & TELL! ^^

Note: I’m really not to found of Shuichi. It might be cause I have a Shuichi stalking me all the time & it’s very, VERY annoying. She’s always bouncing off the walls & acting like an idiot on purpose to impress people. *Sighs* She needs to just be herself. I’ll take request if anyone wants something certain done. I do YukixShu YukixTat TatxRyu & TohmaxRyu. ^^ Yay! Please review & tell me what you think!