Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ What If? ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1

I sighed, this cooking thing really isn’t easy. I looked outside and noticed that it was dark, Yuki would be home in under twelve hours, and I had to be a good cook by then. Staring at my sliced fingers and numerous bandages I smiled remembering who I was suffering for. Ah, my beloved Yuki! I was going to prove to him that I could be a good cook, no matter what. With that thought in mind I looked back at the abundant cook-books splayed out on the counter, then returned to cutting the lettuce. While I was doing this my thoughts drifted back to this morning.

“My producer is making me go to a book signing. Since it’s out of town, I’ll be staying the night in a hotel. Don’t wait up for me….” Yuki had said, trying to pry the wailing boy, Shuichi, from his arm as he finished his farewell. “Oh, and try not to burn my house down while I’m gone, okay?”
~End flashback~

The ringing of the doorbell snapped me out of my reverie. I dropped everything in my hands from the shock, with a knife barely missing my foot, and I rushed to the door.
I wasn’t ready to see who it was standing there in front of me. Not only was it Taki Aizawa from ASK, but he seemed to be looking very upset about something.
“Um, hey Taki,” was the first thing that came to my mind to say. “Umm… is something wrong?”
He sighed and looked down, “Hey Shuichi,” he said, looking me in the eyes again. “I know that it must seem weird for me to just show up at your house like this, you know, since we didn’t really meet of very good terms. But… I, uh… just came to apologize, that’s all. I was really stressed the other day, and I guess I-“
I felt bad for cutting off his speech, mostly because it seemed like he’d been practicing it for a while, but suddenly I heard the kettle begin to wail from the kitchen and I realized that I had left it on when I’d gone to answer the door. “Um, Taki… why don’t you come in and sit down, okay? I’ll be right back.” He nodded and stepped in, and I raced back to the kitchen to clean up my mess.
When I had finally finished with the kitchen, which consisted of only turning off the kettle and shoving a rag away from the fire, I walked back to the living room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man rush past me, and then felt him grab my arms. I felt the pressure of one of his hands on my back as he shoved me to my knees on the floor.
I struggled to the best of my ability when I looked up and saw Taki sneering down at me. “What are you-?!!” I started to shout when I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. So there was more than one person? How many then? At least two that I knew of at the time. These guys seemed really strong, too.
My eyes couldn’t focus, but I concentrated my gaze on Taki as best as I could. I hadn’t realized that that hit had scrambled my head so bad I could hardly even see. “Why are you doing this!?!” I screamed at him, hearing my emotions spill into my voice. My anger and confusion and pain becoming all too obvious with that question, but I just had to know the truth.
“You think you can just take my fame?!” he laughed, bending in closer to me. “It doesn’t work that way, Midget! Someone needs to put you in your place.” His response ended with a bitter laugh and a harsh, cold glare.
Then man in front of me fisted his hand into my hair and pulled my head forward harshly towards the ceiling. The sudden jerk surged pain through my head and neck, but my cry was cut off quickly.
Then I heard from the man behind me, “And when we’re done?!”
Taki smirked as he walked to the door. “Do lock up when you’ve finished the job.” He tossed them keys and kept walking. At the door he stopped and turned back to them. With a sadistic smile playing across his lips, he cackled, “Oh, and boys, do have fun!!” With that he walked out of the door, leaving me alone in what was soon to become a hellish nightmare.
____________________________________________________________ ___________
Ringlets: Well, what do you think? I rather like it if I do say so myself...
Roses: AND GUESS WHAT?! It gets worse, but then it gets better...
Ringlets: *.* "better"'s hair is pretty n.n it's black and has r-
Roses: *stuffs tissue paper in her mouth* now, now... they can't know it all... anyways, hope you come back for chappie 2!!!
Ringlets: *mumbles*... e.e;....

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