Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ What If? ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We forgot to put one of these blasted things on the last chapter, please forgive us. We own none of the magnificent characters in Gravitation, however, all the other character are ours…. Although they're nameless for the moment. No matter, even though they don't have names they are our CHIILDREN! *wails and huggles them*…. And although they may be perverted and rapists, we still love them… Most of them.
Chapter 2
My arms were wrenched back and I felt the man's knee behind me, shoving into my back. I tried to squirm away, but this new position he had me in made it nearly impossible to move.
"Wh-what?! NO!! STOP!!" I shouted as I felt a hand run almost seductively along my inner thigh. I could feel the blush in my cheeks growing, from not only embarrassment, but from anger as well.
Suddenly, a bright flash caught my attention and I looked up quickly into the face of another man. As the flash went off again I saw that he was holding a camera, and my imagination insisted there was nothing home in those eyes. His business like smile seemed nearly inhuman, and he leered over me, taking photo after photo. My mind continued to insist this wasn't happening, not to me.
An involuntary shudder ran through my body and my attention was drawn once again to the hand without a face as it made it's way into my pants. I struggled even harder than before, repulsed by the idea of being fondled against my will, and was able to wrench my right arm free from its captured state. I used everything I had to swing my elbow back into the man's jaw, praying there would be some opening for escape.
The one behind me fell back, holding his jaw, but even as I began to push up from the ground, a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, settling on my stomach. This man was much heavier than the other, and had his full weight dead center, completely immobile. My heart began to sink, and as a smile bloomed upon his lips he jeered, "So, the fag has some fight in him. It's good to know that this isn't going to be a complete waste of my time."
"He punched me!! I'm gonna-" an engaged voice wailed.
A growl arose from the man on top of me, and the first one stopped his complaining for a moment, surprised into silence. "Shut up and stop whining!" The voice from just above me barked to his comrade. Then he looked thoughtful and his smile, which had disappeared when his `friend' had first started shouting, returned. "Hmm… so, I heard that this Yuki guy smokes." He gave the one who had been whining a meaningful glare.
"Uhh... yeah... I think h-" the other began, until the sentence between the lines became apparent to him. He grinned and headed towards the kitchen. "Oh yeah, I'll be right back!" With that he disappeared.
The one taking pictures stopped momentarily, and seemed content with just watching and waiting for the other to return before continuing his part of the job.
"So," said a male voice I didn't recognize as belonging to any of my tormentors spoke up. A man separated from the shadows and glided over to me and the man sitting a top me. There was a fourth?! Would the numbers ever stop growing?!! I almost moaned in agony against this unfair twist of fate, but held my peace when I realized what a moan could mean to any of these men. He spoke again, "What's this one's name?"
"Err.... Sugi something...." the man above me responded with a weary glance at the newcomer. "What's it matter to you anyway?"
"It's Shuichi, you bastard!" I spat at him.
He raised his hand to smack me, but before he could follow through, his wrist was grabbed by the other man. He snarled, but lowered his hand when it was released.
The man who had just saved me from being slapped, the same one who'd just stepped from the shadows crouched down beside me.
"Shuichi..." He breathed, repeating my name to himself almost as if he was trying to memorize it. Gently, he lifted my head off the ground, and drew himself so close I could feel his breath on my face. "What a beautiful face... so innocent and expressive. It's such a shame it may end up being marred by these greedy thugs."
He ignored the previously mentioned 'thugs' exclamation of protest, continuing to stare into my eyes with an unreadable expression. I stared back, not quite sure what was going on. When he continued his voice sounded almost dream like. "I can see why Taki-chan would be jealous. Maybe if we-"
I never got to hear the end of his proposal, though, because just then a voice shouted from the kitchen, "I found them!" Soon the voice was followed by a body, and the one who'd gone searching for a pack of Yuki's cigarettes reappeared.
The man crouched in front of me shot the returning male an icy look before standing and returning to his corner. I wasn't at all sure whether I should be happy or distressed that the one before me had left so willingly. My heart sunk a little further as it seemed my only chance of surviving this didn't plan on saving me.
The one with the cigarettes stopped next to the one on top of me, the one I'd assumed was the leader up until a few moments ago, and peered into the corner my would-be savior had retreated into. Was it my imagination or were the shadows a little darker then before? "Woah... what icicle lodged itself in his ass?" he asked. A bit of fear laced his words, making him a bit more daring than he probably would have been otherwise.
The one on top of me glared at him. "Just shut up and hand me the cigarettes," he muttered, sounding a bit disgruntled and jerked the cigarettes from the other man.
For a moment everything was silent and I had to wonder what was going on. Then I heard a soft click and smoke began to fill my senses. I coughed, but it did me no good, so I tried to ignore it.
"Ahh..." I heard the relaxed sigh from above me. "It's been so long since I took a drag outta somethin' as fine as this..." Realizing that the man seemed intent on reminiscing I began to think of a way to knock him off of me. Then the perfect idea began to circulate in my head.
As the man continued dredging up old memories I shifted my body, with the intent of it seeming as if I were trying to roll over. When the man on top of me shifted to compensate for the shift, I shifted the same way. He lost his balance and toppled off of me.
Without even bothering to get on my feet I scrambled across the floor.
I expected a weight, or a flying heavy object, or a... well... anyway, I expected something to come at me from behind, so when I heard the sound of a whirring in the wind, I was ready. I ducked before I was hit, and the man's momentum was so great that he lost his balance when he missed me and went crashing over my shoulders.
A rip in my shirt caught my attention, and that moment was all it took. A pair of strong hands circled my neck and cut off my air supply while lifting me almost off the ground and I was left gagging and flailing my legs. I began to get desperate and tried, without avail, to pull at the hands around my neck. Everything was fading into black, and my scratching and clawing at the iron grip on my throat lessened as my body weakened.
That's when I heard the calm, dream-like voice again. "Now, now... I don't think Taki-chan would be pleased if you kill the darling boy. You might not even get paid at all...” He seemed to be chiding the other man, but I couldn't care, I couldn't breathe and the edges were beginning to fade into blackness. Slowly, though, the pressure on my neck lessened until it had disappeared altogether, and I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. It was during that brief time of recovery that I realized the end of the statement had sounded more like the man had been musing to himself.
*3rd Person POV*
“Bitch,” The man who had dropped Shuichi grumbled. He glared in the direction of the voice and continued almost defiantly, “Would've gotten what he deserved. Do they have anything stronger than milk in this damn house?!”
After a few moments the nauseating smell of smoke and alcohol filled the room, and Shuichi's quick breaths brought more than a lung full to him and he began to cough. Leaning over his knees, he continued to cough violently and tried to breathe as little as possible. Even with all the noise he was creating, no one seemed take any notice of him, for a few precious moments anyhow.
Someone reached out and gave a mighty tug on the back of Shuichi's shirt, sending him sliding backwards, clutching the tattered remains of his shirt. He lay in a heap where he had landed, still too weak and out of breath to protest.
A switch was flipped, and the room was flooded with darkness. While lying limp with only darkness around him, waiting for his eyes to adjust, the hairs on the back of Shuichi's neck began to stand straight up. Unreasonable terror began to over take him, and he wanted nothing more than to run, as far and as fast as he could, but his body wouldn't move.
A snicker broke the silence just to his left, and gave shape to the darkness. Shuichi turned his head towards the sound as quickly as possible, turning his face directly into a man's knee. He held his forehead and as he recovered from the blow a voice lace with alcohol breathed across his cheek, “If you thought that was Hell, then welcome to the second gate.”
With those words said, pain worse than Shuichi had ever imagined began.
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Ringlets: Well, I've had this done for awhile but Ookami-Chan and I keep missing each other. Now, it just doesn't seem fair to continue to not post this…. So I'm going to post it. ^ ^; If she doesn't like it, then she can redo the chapter, ne?
Review Replies (Because we love you so much for reviewing ^ ^ buwahaha.):
Ringlets: *Nods, quite serious* Yes, that's what we were thinking when we got the idea for this story. We're glad you like it! ^ ^
A New Hotness
Ringlets: *Grins* Now what sort of fanfiction authors would we be if we told you that hm? Read and find out~