Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Whipped Cream Gone Bad ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Whipped Cream Gone Bad
Heyla! I'm invading another fanfiction site. Yay me! Hopefully this is one I can post at without my family hunting down my pen name and...commenting on my stories. Anyway, I don't own Grav or much else...sigh...but I'll survive, I guess. If you like my stories, review! ~pleeeeease~
Shuichi glanced at his watch and realized he was late.
"Oh no!" he thought, "Yuki will be mad. I said I was going to be home an hour ago. If
Sakano-san hadn't fainted's not like K actually shot him, just the wall behind him but
Shuichi was distracted by the bright lights of a nearby store. He looked again at his watch
but just then his stomach growled, convincing him he needed to go inside grocery store. Suddenly he felt it deep inside himself: the impossible-to-ignore need. Pocky!!! He grabbed some and shoved three sticks into his mouth at once until he remembered. Yuki would be even more mad if he spoiled his appetite. He went to the cash to pay for the pocky he had eaten when he saw something that looked fun. Whipped cream?!? He grabbed the bright tub and took it to the cash.
"Excuse me, miss. What's this?"
"Whipped cream. You know, for decorating cakes and desserts," her voice dropped as
she gave him a glance and motioned him closer to whisper, "or maybe other things."
"Other things? Like Pocky?"
"Well sure, pocky or maybe even people. You know, you can of them." The
cashier was almost touching him as she leaned in closer, "Do you need someone to show you
"Yeah! I'll ask Yuki. It's our anniversary," he finished proudly.
"Well lah-dee-dah! You'd better get home to him then." The cashier was suddenly
businesslike. "Do you want the whipped cream or not?"
"Okay, thanks a lot." he paid, smiled and ran out with another look at his watch. "Now
I'm really late. Hope Yuki isn't mad at me," he said as he ran into the building. "Wha..." As
Shuichi entered the apartment he became very confused. "Something smells yummy! But Yuki
doesn't cook so..." He began to cry as he wandered forlornly out. "Yuki moved out and someone
else moved in and they are cooking and Yuki doesn't love me anymore!"
He collapsed against the door, wailing. He stood there for several minutes before
noticing the name on the door: Yuki Eri. "Oh." Tears instantly drying he bounded back into theapartment. "Yuki Yuki! I thought you left but you didn't because you're still here! I didn't know
you could cook? Did you cook?"
In the brief moment of silence Shuichi heard Yuki's typing, which barely paused for
Yuki to say, "Yes."
"Really?" Shuichi squealed, bouncing into the room and jumping on Yuki's lap, "That's
so great! It smells soooo good. Happy Anniversary! Sorry I'm late. I love you. You aren't mad
are you? I can't believe you cooked!"
"Its cold by now, Baka." was Yuki's only response before dumping Shuichi off his lap
and continuing typing. "Go away, I'm working."
Shuichi started to cry again. "Why are you always such a bastard?"
"Because you are a brat Now go!"
"Fine!" Shuichi ran out of the room and flung himself on the couch before crying himself
to sleep. He forgot about the anniversary, the whipped cream and everything else except how
depressed he was.
Hours later Yuki finished his chapter and logged off the computer. He wandered the
apartment and found himself looking down at his strawberry-haired lover, who had tears still
drying on his face. Yuki sighed, grabbed the blanket off of his their bed and gently tucked Shuichi in.
"Baka," he muttered, smoothing his hand over the still damp cheek. Then he went back to the bedroom
and fell asleep.
The next morning Shuichi's squealing woke Yuki up.
"Yuki, Yuki! Look at what a nice day it is! Don't sleep it away. I don't have to work
today so lets go to the park. We can bring a picnic and-"
Yuki got up and silently made himself some coffee thinking, "Coffee first, don't kill the
brat." He looked at the rumpled blanket falling off the couch and sighed. "No, I'm not going to
the park with you."
Shuichi's eyes filled with tears for the umpteenth (it means countless) time.
"But...but...okay. Hey," he said brightening up, "I can ask Ryuichi and Kumagaro! Hiro likes
picnics, I'll ask him to come too."
"You aren't going either." Shuichi began to protest but Yuki cut him off. "Yesterday was
our anniversary but you had to work. You came home late and now you want to leave? We cancelebrate today." Yuki finished what was, for him, quite the speech. He grabbed Shuichi and
pushed him down on the couch, pinning him there.
"Yuki?" Shuichi gasped before his mouth was crushed by the other man's. Yuki
straddled Shuichi's hips and ran his fingers through the messy pink hair, pulling gently. He
moved down to Shuichi's shirt and bit the top button off. This caused the younger boy to giggle
but that ended quickly when Yuki violently grabbed the shirt and ripped it off. Buttons littered
the floor.
"Brat, I want you," a silken whisper against Shuichi's chest. Yuki moved up to nip at
Shuichi's neck, leaving red marks. Shuichi moaned as Yuki slid down to suck his nipples.
Shuichi's arms were around Yuki's shoulders, his fingers massaging the tense muscles and
running through his blond hair. As Yuki moved lower to undo Shuichi's pants, the younger man
was wriggling with desire. He was shivering so violently under Yuki that it was no real surprise
when they fell off the couch.
Shuichi tried to grab the cushions to steady himself but only succeeded in landing on
Yuki. "Baka," Yuki groaned.
"I'm sorry, you were tickling me." Shuichi tried to explain, "Hey!" he shouted, nearly
deafening his poor lover who was still trapped underneath him, "I just remembered, I bought
whipped cream. Be back in a sec."
Yuki was intrigued and didn't have long to wait. As Shuichi ran off his pants came down
and the boy stepped out of them. Yuki stared. Had Shu been working out? That tight ass, those
slender legs... he stared until Shuichi came back and noticed. "You like?" he said wiggling
slightly and turning in a slow circle. Yuki bit back another groan and tried to grab his small lover.
"Not yet, lie still." Shuichi was operating mostly on instinct as he undid Yuki's shirt and
stroked the smooth chest. He then scooped up some whipped cream and spread it on Yuki's
chest and stomach. Yuki's pants and boxers were removed so he could have the same treatment
lower down. Yuki actually did groan as Shuichi spread the cold substance over his arousal,
giving a playful squeeze. He wriggled up Yuki's tense body to give him a searing kiss.
"Let's see if this whipped cream tastes as good as you do." Shuichi leaned his hands on
the older man's shoulders to keep him from dumping him off as he straddled Yuki's waist and
lapped at his chest. He paused for a moment and had Yuki not been wracked with desire he
might have noticed the strange look that briefly crossed his lover's face but Yuki's eyes were
tightly closed and it was only a second or two before Shuichi got back to the task at hand. Yuki
opened his eyes as Shuichi used a finger to trail a zigzag path to his navel and then licked off the
blob of whipped cream on the tip. He sucked off every last bit of the white substance while the
author's mind screamed, "Metaphor!"
Yuki's now free hands were in the pink hair in front of him as Shuichi's tongue circledhis nipples and plunged into his navel before trailing down to where the blonde's mind had been
for the past ten minutes.
As the younger mad engulfed him, Yuki threw back his head, closed his eyes and gasped.
After a few short minutes the author felt himself nearing the edge and his eyes snapped
open again. To his surprise there was a look of extreme discomfort on Shuichi's face. Shuichi
seemed to almost gag around Yuki's length.
"Shuichi," Yuki said, pulling back with a groan, "what's wrong?"
"Na...nothing," the boy replied. He licked his lips seductively with a grimace that he tried
to disguise as a smile.
Yuki grabbed his young lover and pulled him up. He put a hand on Shuichi's chin to
force him to meet his eyes. "Tell me. You know you don't have to-"
"No! Its not that, it's the whipped cream. It tastes...bad."
"Bad how?"
"Just bad. I don't like it."
"The why would you-"
"Because I love you," Shuichi interrupted, "and I know you like" he blushed,
"but it tastes bad and it isn't fun and my tongue is sore!"
"And now you're mad at me and you don't like me anymore."
"I'm having a shower. Get off."
"But Yuki...why? I'm sorry...I can..."
"No. I'm all sticky and covered with rancid whipped cream. Get off."
"Hn. Yuki stuck a finger into the almost empty tub, swirled it around and licked it off.
"Rancid. You should have put it in the fridge last night." He stood up and Shuichi curled into a
ball, crying.
Yuki rolled his eyes. "Well?'
"Well what?" Shuichi's wails stopped for a moment.
"Are you coming?"
"Coming...coming?! You want me to have a shower with you?"
"Only if you're quiet."
"I'll be quiet! I'll be quiet, I promise."
"Then come on, Baka."
"Great! You know Yuki, I heard about this chocolate sauce that you can-"
"Shut up."
"Okay." Yuki walked out, followed by his extremely happy lover who was nevertheless
trying to be quiet. Later, in the shower, when Shuichi forgot his promise and became very loud
indeed, Yuki decided to let his pink haired baka get away with it. Just this once.
Heyla! I'm invading another fanfiction site. Yay me! Hopefully this is one I can post at without my family hunting down my pen name and...commenting on my stories. Anyway, I don't own Grav or much else...sigh...but I'll survive, I guess. If you like my stories, review! ~pleeeeease~
Shuichi glanced at his watch and realized he was late.
"Oh no!" he thought, "Yuki will be mad. I said I was going to be home an hour ago. If
Sakano-san hadn't fainted's not like K actually shot him, just the wall behind him but
Shuichi was distracted by the bright lights of a nearby store. He looked again at his watch
but just then his stomach growled, convincing him he needed to go inside grocery store. Suddenly he felt it deep inside himself: the impossible-to-ignore need. Pocky!!! He grabbed some and shoved three sticks into his mouth at once until he remembered. Yuki would be even more mad if he spoiled his appetite. He went to the cash to pay for the pocky he had eaten when he saw something that looked fun. Whipped cream?!? He grabbed the bright tub and took it to the cash.
"Excuse me, miss. What's this?"
"Whipped cream. You know, for decorating cakes and desserts," her voice dropped as
she gave him a glance and motioned him closer to whisper, "or maybe other things."
"Other things? Like Pocky?"
"Well sure, pocky or maybe even people. You know, you can of them." The
cashier was almost touching him as she leaned in closer, "Do you need someone to show you
"Yeah! I'll ask Yuki. It's our anniversary," he finished proudly.
"Well lah-dee-dah! You'd better get home to him then." The cashier was suddenly
businesslike. "Do you want the whipped cream or not?"
"Okay, thanks a lot." he paid, smiled and ran out with another look at his watch. "Now
I'm really late. Hope Yuki isn't mad at me," he said as he ran into the building. "Wha..." As
Shuichi entered the apartment he became very confused. "Something smells yummy! But Yuki
doesn't cook so..." He began to cry as he wandered forlornly out. "Yuki moved out and someone
else moved in and they are cooking and Yuki doesn't love me anymore!"
He collapsed against the door, wailing. He stood there for several minutes before
noticing the name on the door: Yuki Eri. "Oh." Tears instantly drying he bounded back into theapartment. "Yuki Yuki! I thought you left but you didn't because you're still here! I didn't know
you could cook? Did you cook?"
In the brief moment of silence Shuichi heard Yuki's typing, which barely paused for
Yuki to say, "Yes."
"Really?" Shuichi squealed, bouncing into the room and jumping on Yuki's lap, "That's
so great! It smells soooo good. Happy Anniversary! Sorry I'm late. I love you. You aren't mad
are you? I can't believe you cooked!"
"Its cold by now, Baka." was Yuki's only response before dumping Shuichi off his lap
and continuing typing. "Go away, I'm working."
Shuichi started to cry again. "Why are you always such a bastard?"
"Because you are a brat Now go!"
"Fine!" Shuichi ran out of the room and flung himself on the couch before crying himself
to sleep. He forgot about the anniversary, the whipped cream and everything else except how
depressed he was.
Hours later Yuki finished his chapter and logged off the computer. He wandered the
apartment and found himself looking down at his strawberry-haired lover, who had tears still
drying on his face. Yuki sighed, grabbed the blanket off of his their bed and gently tucked Shuichi in.
"Baka," he muttered, smoothing his hand over the still damp cheek. Then he went back to the bedroom
and fell asleep.
The next morning Shuichi's squealing woke Yuki up.
"Yuki, Yuki! Look at what a nice day it is! Don't sleep it away. I don't have to work
today so lets go to the park. We can bring a picnic and-"
Yuki got up and silently made himself some coffee thinking, "Coffee first, don't kill the
brat." He looked at the rumpled blanket falling off the couch and sighed. "No, I'm not going to
the park with you."
Shuichi's eyes filled with tears for the umpteenth (it means countless) time.
"But...but...okay. Hey," he said brightening up, "I can ask Ryuichi and Kumagaro! Hiro likes
picnics, I'll ask him to come too."
"You aren't going either." Shuichi began to protest but Yuki cut him off. "Yesterday was
our anniversary but you had to work. You came home late and now you want to leave? We cancelebrate today." Yuki finished what was, for him, quite the speech. He grabbed Shuichi and
pushed him down on the couch, pinning him there.
"Yuki?" Shuichi gasped before his mouth was crushed by the other man's. Yuki
straddled Shuichi's hips and ran his fingers through the messy pink hair, pulling gently. He
moved down to Shuichi's shirt and bit the top button off. This caused the younger boy to giggle
but that ended quickly when Yuki violently grabbed the shirt and ripped it off. Buttons littered
the floor.
"Brat, I want you," a silken whisper against Shuichi's chest. Yuki moved up to nip at
Shuichi's neck, leaving red marks. Shuichi moaned as Yuki slid down to suck his nipples.
Shuichi's arms were around Yuki's shoulders, his fingers massaging the tense muscles and
running through his blond hair. As Yuki moved lower to undo Shuichi's pants, the younger man
was wriggling with desire. He was shivering so violently under Yuki that it was no real surprise
when they fell off the couch.
Shuichi tried to grab the cushions to steady himself but only succeeded in landing on
Yuki. "Baka," Yuki groaned.
"I'm sorry, you were tickling me." Shuichi tried to explain, "Hey!" he shouted, nearly
deafening his poor lover who was still trapped underneath him, "I just remembered, I bought
whipped cream. Be back in a sec."
Yuki was intrigued and didn't have long to wait. As Shuichi ran off his pants came down
and the boy stepped out of them. Yuki stared. Had Shu been working out? That tight ass, those
slender legs... he stared until Shuichi came back and noticed. "You like?" he said wiggling
slightly and turning in a slow circle. Yuki bit back another groan and tried to grab his small lover.
"Not yet, lie still." Shuichi was operating mostly on instinct as he undid Yuki's shirt and
stroked the smooth chest. He then scooped up some whipped cream and spread it on Yuki's
chest and stomach. Yuki's pants and boxers were removed so he could have the same treatment
lower down. Yuki actually did groan as Shuichi spread the cold substance over his arousal,
giving a playful squeeze. He wriggled up Yuki's tense body to give him a searing kiss.
"Let's see if this whipped cream tastes as good as you do." Shuichi leaned his hands on
the older man's shoulders to keep him from dumping him off as he straddled Yuki's waist and
lapped at his chest. He paused for a moment and had Yuki not been wracked with desire he
might have noticed the strange look that briefly crossed his lover's face but Yuki's eyes were
tightly closed and it was only a second or two before Shuichi got back to the task at hand. Yuki
opened his eyes as Shuichi used a finger to trail a zigzag path to his navel and then licked off the
blob of whipped cream on the tip. He sucked off every last bit of the white substance while the
author's mind screamed, "Metaphor!"
Yuki's now free hands were in the pink hair in front of him as Shuichi's tongue circledhis nipples and plunged into his navel before trailing down to where the blonde's mind had been
for the past ten minutes.
As the younger mad engulfed him, Yuki threw back his head, closed his eyes and gasped.
After a few short minutes the author felt himself nearing the edge and his eyes snapped
open again. To his surprise there was a look of extreme discomfort on Shuichi's face. Shuichi
seemed to almost gag around Yuki's length.
"Shuichi," Yuki said, pulling back with a groan, "what's wrong?"
"Na...nothing," the boy replied. He licked his lips seductively with a grimace that he tried
to disguise as a smile.
Yuki grabbed his young lover and pulled him up. He put a hand on Shuichi's chin to
force him to meet his eyes. "Tell me. You know you don't have to-"
"No! Its not that, it's the whipped cream. It tastes...bad."
"Bad how?"
"Just bad. I don't like it."
"The why would you-"
"Because I love you," Shuichi interrupted, "and I know you like" he blushed,
"but it tastes bad and it isn't fun and my tongue is sore!"
"And now you're mad at me and you don't like me anymore."
"I'm having a shower. Get off."
"But Yuki...why? I'm sorry...I can..."
"No. I'm all sticky and covered with rancid whipped cream. Get off."
"Hn. Yuki stuck a finger into the almost empty tub, swirled it around and licked it off.
"Rancid. You should have put it in the fridge last night." He stood up and Shuichi curled into a
ball, crying.
Yuki rolled his eyes. "Well?'
"Well what?" Shuichi's wails stopped for a moment.
"Are you coming?"
"Coming...coming?! You want me to have a shower with you?"
"Only if you're quiet."
"I'll be quiet! I'll be quiet, I promise."
"Then come on, Baka."
"Great! You know Yuki, I heard about this chocolate sauce that you can-"
"Shut up."
"Okay." Yuki walked out, followed by his extremely happy lover who was nevertheless
trying to be quiet. Later, in the shower, when Shuichi forgot his promise and became very loud
indeed, Yuki decided to let his pink haired baka get away with it. Just this once.