Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ White Butterflies ❯ zoo visit ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"What do you mean he went down the hall to get it himself?! That's supposed to be your job!" Noriko shouted at hotel security.

The uniformed guards tried to remain calm despite the fact that they were flustered and exhausted from their duty of watching over the stubborn dark haired vocalist Ryuuichi Sakuma. Although they had been thrilled at first to acquire such a high profile client, Ryuuichi's childish demands at all hours of the day and night had caused them to lose most of their patience.

They had to keep in mind that Ryuuichi resented having to be cooped up in his hotel room, unable to roam freely because of his celebrity. He had an assortment of costumes for whenever he wanted to go out, but those times were few and far between. Very rarely did he venture in public without one of his costumes, but there was no evidence that he had changed into one to fetch himself some spring water from the dispense in the hotel lobby.

"We tried to stop him. Honestly, we did. You know how determained Mr. Sakuma can be when he wants something." one of the guards said.

"Did somebody say my name?" a voice asked.

Noriko angerily lunged towards her bandmate, grabbing a handful of his jacket in her hands. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're not supposed to just take off like that! What were you thinking?" she asked Ryuuichi.

"I'm sorry about that, Noriko-chan. I was just craving some fresh cold spring water. It felt great to get out for a few minutes and stretch. I met the nicest young fans downstairs who helped me find the lobby and everything." Ryuuichi said.

Noriko sighed. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, but I wish you would have let secruity do that for you. At least you won't be late for your meeting with Touma now." she said.

Ryuuichi's eyes widened. "Seguchi-san's coming just to see me? I didn't know we had to have meetings for that." he commented.

"Of course we do. You know that Touma is a very busy man nowadays. We're just fortunate that he decided to go along with this whim of yours to get the band back together." she told him.

"I've had no regrets since either. I never intended for Nittle Grasper to be disbanded forever." Touma said, walking into the room.

"Hello Touma." Noriko said.

"Hi, Seguchi-san!" Ryuuichi said cheerfully.

Touma waved a gloved hand at the two officers. "The two of you may leave now. I'll call for you when you are needed." he said.

"Yes sir, Mr. Seguchi." they said in unison.

"Hello Noriko, Ryuuichi. It's nice to see the two of you as always. I've come today to let you know, Ryuuichi, that I've done some thinking about what you asked me about the other day. Why don't you and I speak privately?" Touma asked him.

"If that's okay with Noriko-chan." Ryuuichi said, taking a swallow of his water.

"It's fine with me." Noriko said.

Touma threw his arm across Ryuuichi's shoulders. "Good. We won't be long." Touma said with a smile.

Touma led his bandmate into his private room, where Ryuuichi quickly claimed a nearby chair as his own, wrapping the chenille throw on the back around his shoulders.

"Do you remember a young man named Tatsuha Usegi?" Touma asked him.

"Um, let's see...the name sounds familiar. Is he a relation of yours or one of my fans?" he asked.

Touma laughed. "Actually, he's both. Tatsuha's my brother-in-law, Eiri and Mika's younger brother. He's one of your most dedicated fans, Sakuma-san. when you and I talked before about finding you a personal bodyguard, I thought I might offer the job to him. Since he's family, I have no doubts about trusting him and I'm pretty sure he will be more than willing to give in to any of your many needs unlike some of your previous guards." Touma asked.

"He's okay with wearing the costumes?" Ryuuichi asked.

"Well, I haven't told him about that yet, but I told him that accepting him as such would be up to you." Touma said.

"Well, I guess that'll be okay if you trust him. So tell me, what does he look like?" Ryuuichi asked.

"Well, he's about six feet tall, with shaggy black hair and dark eyes. He kinda looks like a dark haired Yuki if he were younger. I think this will work out perfectly. You'll finally be able to go out and enjoy yourself with someone who will appreciate your company." Touma said.

Ryuuichi nodded. "I'm glad. All of these rental cops were starting to suffocate me." he said.

Touma nodded, understanding completely. After everything the two fo them had been through over the years, he fiqured he owed Ryuuichi this, a small taste of freedom along with fullfilling a young teens' wish to be close to his idol.

"Thank you, Touma. It means a lot that you did this." Ryuuichi said.

Touma smiled. "You're welcome, Sakuma-san." he said.

He thought the night would never end. Tatsuh agrunted as he tossed and turned in bed, reaching out to catch the time on his bedside clock. It was almost three a.m. and in less than seven hours he would be meeting Ryuuichi Sakuma pretty much for the first time.

He and his idol had actually met a few times before, but never long enough to consider it a true meeting and he knew he would have to rein himself in around the singer so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. He wondered just how well they would get to know each other over the summer, if it was even possible that his fantasties about Ryuuichi would come true.

He was in love with the man, just like Shuichi had been, the reason they had both come out. As far as he was concerned, his affection for Ryuuichi went beyond hero worship. He sincerely loved the man with all of his heart and perhaps this was fate's way of finally bringing them together.

To be close to his idol, it was worth it to him to have to carry a cellphone at all times in case Ryuuichi was needed while out on an outing. He wouldn't even mind late night trip to the convience store or joyrides on his motorcycle as long as they were together. Tatsuha sighed as he forced himself to fall asleep, knowing doing so would make the fateful moment come sooner...

"I have to wear..this?" Tatsuha asked, as he dangled the dark purple teddy bear costume from his hands.

Noriko frowned at him, crossing her arms in front of her. "Is that a problem?" she asked.

Tatsuha laughed nervously, scraching the back of his head. "Of course not! I'm just glad I don't have to wear the one Ryuuichi's going to wear, that pink fuzzy bunny one." he said.

"Actually, Ryuuichi picked out both of those personally. It's like he has a costume fetish or something." Noriko laughed.

Their heads turned as Touma walked into the room, followed by Ryuuichi, who was clutching his stuffed bunny Kumagoro as always. Tatsuha swallowed hard at what his idol was wearing, a black ensemble consisting of a black midriff top, black leather pants and black leather jacket. The scent of honeysuckle and musk wafted over his senses, a sweet, flowery that was enticely male.

"Oh good, you made it in time. Let me introduce the two of you. Tatsuha Usegi, this is Ryuuichi Sakuma. Ryuuichi, this is my brother-in-law Tatsuha." Touma said.

"You don't look anything like your brother Yuki. You're much more handsome than I thought you would be." Ryuuichi said.

Tatsuha blushed furiously. "Um...thank you. It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Sakuma." he said.

"Call me Ryuuichi. I mean, we should get to know each other pretty well since we'll be spending so much time together, right? I promise not to be too demanding if you can try to be patient with me. I have a tendency to get under secruity's skin." Ryuuichi said.

"I'm prepared for whatever you want or need me to do." Tatsuha said.

Ryuuichi smiled. "Good. You can start by helping me off with this jacket, if you don't mind." he said.

Tatsuha stifled his hard exhale as he helped ease the jacket from his idol's shoulders, easing his arms from the sleeves. He couldn't help but notice the taunt muscles of Ryuuichi's flat stomach exposed by the skimpy top. He loved that Ryuuichi was comfortable flaunting his body, but Tatsuha was afraid continued exposure to such temptation would cause him to show skin of his own against his will. So lost in those thoughts, he hadn't even noticed that Ryuuichi had put on the bunny costume.

"Do you need help with yours?" he asked Tatsuha.

Unable to find his voice to answer, Tatsuha stared at Ryuuichi in the costume, finding that he was more drawn to him than ever. He looked so damn cute as a fluffy pink bunny, with his hair sticking out the front and his face obscured by a matching plastic nose and whiskers.

It took Ryuuichi's innocence factor that he possessed and raised it several levels, his dark eyes childlike as he helped Tatsuha step into the legs of the bear costume and drew the rest across his chest and shoulders. This snapped Tatsuha out of his thoughts again, as his eyes met Ryuuichi's and held as he allowed the older man to finish dressing him. Ryuuichi brushed the nosepiece into place and beeped his bodyguard's nose playfully.

"All done." Ryuuichi said.

Tatsuha exhaled with a soft sigh as Ryuuichi smiled at him, stepping back to take a look at both of them.

"Looks like you're ready to go to the zoo. Have fun and relax today, Sakuma- san." Touma said.

"I'm sure Tatsuha and I will have a great time." Ryuuichi said confidently.

Before Tatsuha could respond, Ryuuichi took his hand with a laugh, racing out of the hotel room to the elevators. Getting into the elevator, Ryuuichi laughed and swept his hand against the button panel, lighting up every floor.

"What did you do that for? Don't you have a car waiting for us?" Tatsuha asked.

"They're at my beck and command, so they're not going anywhere. I don't know why I did that to be honest. I've just had cabin fever lately. This is the most fun I've had in awhile." Ryuuichi said.

Tatsuha smiled as he leaned against the wall of the elevator, gasping when Ryuuichi walked up close to him, close enough to feel his breath on his face.

"Actually, I've always had fantasties about doing it in an elevator with someone...have you ever done that, Tatsuha?" Ryuuichi asked.

"No, I haven't done that." he told him.

Ryuuichi smiled and embraced the teen tightly. "Then you've been as sheltered as I have. I know! Let's make a promise right now, you and I, that we're going to make this an unforgettable summer for both of us." he said.

Tatsuha embraced him back, his arms around his idol's waist loosely. "I can promise that." he agreed.

Ryuuichi parted from him slightly, staring deep into his eyes for a moment. "I meant what I said before. You really are very handsome for such a young man, almost striking." he told him.

Tatsuha blushed furiously. "Thanks." he said.

Ryuuichi grinned at him. "You're cute when you blush. Maybe we should pretend to make out if someone gets on to see if they would freak out. It wouldn't be the first time I'd kissed a guy." Ryuuichi said.

"I know. I saw those videos of you and Touma together." Tatsuha said.

Tatsuha immediately regretted his words as he saw the singer's face change for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. That's none of my business. What I should have said was that I've done that too." Tatsuha said, blushing again.

Ryuuichi laughed. "I can already tell that we're going to have fun together. Not once has any of the guys that have been my bodyguards ever not cringed when I would suggest such things. It's kinda my way to see how uninhibited someone is." Ryyuichi said.

"Well, I meant what I said too, about keeping that promise, Ryuuichi." Tatsuha said.

The two men shared a smile between them as the elevator lurched, signaling that they had finally gotten to the first floor. Ryuuichi laughed and grabbed his new friend's hand again, ignoring the confused glances from onlookers as the two cosplayers rushed towards their waiting car outside.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Sakuma." the driver said.

"Good afternoon, Reynolds. Please do not leave just yet. My young friend and I would like to take a moment to get a drink before we leave. Excuse us." Ryuuichi said.

Ryuuichi grinned as he raised the privacy screen between them. "Well, go ahead and grab whatever you like from the cooler in the back. My driver always keeps it stocked for me." he told Tatsuha.

Tatsuha nodded, plunging his hand into the slightly melted ice to retrieve a bottle of soda as Ryuuichi leaned back into the car seat with a sigh. He watched Tatsuha thoughtfully for a moment.

"Hey, I think I remember Touma mentioning something about you having a motorcycle. That would be an interesting change of pace if you wouldn't mind taking me there on it with you." Ryuuichi said.

Tatsuha smiled. "That would be great. Any excuse to cruise on my motorcycle is fine with me. Have you ever ridden one before?" he asked.

"No, but I'm willing to learn." Ryuuichi laughed.

Wasn't this how one of his many famtasties about Ryuuichi started, the one involving the two of them and his motorcycle, Tatsuha wondered. That fantasy often involved the two of them riding off into the sunset together, with Ryuuichi's arms around Tatsuha's waist tightly as he drove. The scent of his idol, that intoxicating honeysuckle and musk, drove him insane with desire befor ehe had to drive into a secluded area of the woods and have his way with the very willing vocalist.

His fantasties had never done Ryuuichi justice, wven with the pink rabbit costume on. Ryuuichi was just too sexy and desireable for words, especially when he smiled up at his escort with his dark eyes. Apolgizing to his driver for not having him drive them, Ryuuichi followed Tatsuha to where he had parked his bike.

Climbing on, Tatsuha lent hi shand to the uncertain vocalist, who relented and joined him, sitting behind the teen on the seat. there was omething so right about the feeling of Ryuuichi huddling up against him, the warmth of his furry pink arms like heaven around his nervous stomach.

Willing himself out of his nervousness, he heard Ryuuichi let out am excited, slightly frightened yelp as he stepped on the gas and rode off into traffic. It was almost a shame that this moment would eventually have to end, the rush of riding free in the wind with the sweet reminder of his idol's body plastered behind him.

Through Ryuuichi, he easily recalled his first experiences riding a motorcycle, how it felt like he could lose his life at any given moment and would be willing to accept the risk to call the experience his own. He could feel Ryuuichi's embrace tighten and loosen depending on the contours of the road beneath them, and they were both somehow relieved when they finally reached the entrance of the zoo.

As Tatsuha parked the motorcycle and the pair stepped off onto the ground, it was hard not to notice the stares of curious parents and their excited children who thought the two costumed men were part of the zoo's attraction.

"At least they don't know it's me. Then we would really get mobbed." Ryuuichi said, waving happily to his scattered audience.

Tatsuha laughed, happy that Ryuuichi was happy, walking alongside him as he presented their tickets to the zoo attendent. Thankful that she didn't recognize him either, Tatsuha found himself laughing out loud as he raced to catch up with Ryuuichi, who had charged through the crowds to find the first exhibit.

Finding an eleborate lemur habitat, Ryuuichi shrieked with happiness, leaning across the gates for a closer look. He initated the lemur's large eyes by expanding his own with his fingers at Tatsuha, who was shooing away children who wanted to squeeze his idol's puffy white cottontail.

"I wish I could feed them or play with them in the trees. That would be fun." Ryuuichi sighed.

He smiled at his escort as the two of them walked into the reserve, an area where they had tried to simulate each creature's natural enviroment. They looked at zebras, kangeroos, gorillas, tigers and even got licked on the face by an affectionate giraffe. Ryuuichi was awestruck by the sheer size of the elephants and by how long the hippo could hold it's breath underwater.

Tatsuha sighed, slightly tired from his efforts to keep up with Ryuuichi's energy level, but definitely not complaining. The only things that really bothered him was how hot it was beneath their chosen costumes and how he wanted to take a break to get some food and maybe something to drink. Touma had given him more than enough to buy whatever they wanted, not wanting them to depend on servants to draw attention to themselves.

"Hey Ryuuichi." Tatsuha whispered so no one else could hear.

"Yeah? What's up?" he answered.

"Do you want to grab something to eat or drink? We should get something to last us while we're here." Tatsuha said.

"Actually. I am a little thirsty and kinda hungry too. Let's try their natural foods snack bar I saw by the entrance." Ryuuichi said.

He'd nearly forgotten that Ryuuichi was into health food, thinking only about the fact that they were together. If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up, he thought. If this was an experience that Ryuuichi would remember long after their summer together was over, that alone would make being there with him worth it.

Not surprisingly, there was a crowd of children waiting for them as they entered the building, and they soon found out why. Although a few captured Ryuuichi's attention, getting him to kneel down so they could get hugs from him and pull his ears, most were gathered around a massive do-it-yourself trail mix bar.

"Oh wow! Look at that! What a great idea! Come on Tatsuah, let's get in line." Ryuuichi told him.

Bribing their way to the front of the line by offering to assist others in their choices, the two cosplayers walked out with a hefty bag of their own making and a bag of freshly popped buttery popcorn for Tatsuha. Buying them some warm canned coffees out of a vending machine, Ryuuichi joined Tatsuha on a shaded bench outside, onlooking an interactive water fountain.

"It would be fun to do that if I wasn't afraid to get my costume wet or your cellphone. It was fun making my own trail mix. I got more dried fruits than I would normally get. Your popcorn smells good too." Ryuuichi jabbered on nonstop.

Tatsuha smiled. "It's a little greasy, but I like it that way. I hope you've had a nice time today, Ryuuichi." he said.

"Oh yes! Definitely! I couldn't have asked for a better companion either. I'm surprised that you could keep up with me. I tend to get overexcited." Ryuuichi said.

"It doens't bother me at all. I've waited alomst six years to be here with you, Ryuuichi. I never imagined I'd ever have this chance." Tatsuha said.

Tatsuha almost regretted his confession until Ryuuichi stared quietly at him for a moment, his face breaking out into a smile.

"You know, the only way you really remind me of your brother is how tall you are, Tatsuha. I've never been taller than five foot seven, so I envy your extra height. Your sister is tall too. You all are so lucky." Ryuuichi sighed.

"I think you're wonderful just the way you are, Ryuuichi." Tatsuha said.

Staring up into his escort's eyes, Ryuuichi reached up to playfully pull on his fuzzy purple ears. Tatsuha froze, finding that he could not look away from his idol. As if time stood still, Tatsuha closed the space between them and captured the singer's mouth with his in a soft, tender kiss. His eyes widened as he parted from him, startled by his own actions.

"Ryuuichi, I'm sorry...I didn't mean..." he began.

The dark haired vocalist silenced him with a kiss of his own, coaxing the teen to respond as he deepened the kiss between them. Their arms came around to rest around each other as Ryuuichi allowed Tatsuha to kiss him senseless by stroking his own tongue against the teen's. The pair groaned slightly as they parted, staring at each other breathlessly as Tatsuha's cellphone rang.

"Hello?" he asked.

"You sound out of breath. Have you been running? Oh well, it's not important now. Are you and Ryuuichi still at the zoo?" Touma asked him.

Tatsuha smiled over at Ryuuichi, who was in the middle of the fountain, trying to avoid the water. "Yeah. Is something wrong?" Tatsuha asked.

Touma sighed, brushing his hand through his shaggy platinum blonde hair. "Well, it's my fault, to be honest. I've been so busy lately, I haven't been able to keep up with Ryuuichi's hectic schedule. Here's the deal. He's supposed to appear as the main guest on the variety show Music Parade tonight and he needs to be at the studio in twenty minutes. Is that a problem?" Touma asked.

Tatsuha thought about it for a moment. "I know where that is. I think I can make it in fifteen. You can count on me." he said.

"Great. Thanks." Touma said, hanging up.

Stepping into the fountain to retrieve his companion, Ryuuichi threw himself into Tatsuha's arms. Returnign his soggy embrace, Tatsuha informed him of the emergency at hand. His expression growing serious, the pair walked out to where they had parked the motorcycle, the motor roaring beneath them as they took off.

With Ryuuichi's concentration on getting ot the studio, Tatsuha found he had very little time to think about what had happened between them, the feeling of Ryuuichi's soft lips against his a reality that might not last...

"You can't be serious?! You expect me to go on in Ryuuichi's place? I can't do that!" Shuichi shouted at the producers of Music Parade.

Having shown up at the television studio to provide moral support for their friend, best friends Hiroshi and Shuichi of Bad Luck hadn't expected that Mr. K and Touma would want them to step in for Ryuuichi if he didn't make it in time.

"It's not a big deal, Shindou-san." Hiro said with a smile.

"Not a big deal? Hiro, how can you say that? I can't do this!" Shuichi exclaimed.

More than a year had passed since the release of Bad Luck's first CD and Touma had hoped that time would have matured the redheaded singer. His childish behavior didn't seem to bother his best friend Hiro though, their bond stronger than ever due to their romantic attachment. Slinging his guitar over his shoulder, Hiro smiled as he put his arm around Shuichi's waist.

"Come on, Shindou-san. We can do this, no problem." Hiro said.

Staring into his trusted friend's eyes, Shuichi nodded in agreement as they took the stage during a commercial break. There were a few murmurs through the crowd from various studio audience members, surprised to see two of the members of Bad Luck preparing to perform.

The teen girls in the audience that were fans of both Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck swooned, seeing the two best friends together onstage. They whispered amongst themselves watching the two bandmates' eyes meet with a smile between them.

"And we're back! We're sorry to have to announce that Mr. Ryuuichi Sakuma of Nittle Grasper will not be able to join us tonight, but as a favor to all our Music Parade fans, we're proud to welcome Hiroshi Nakano and Shuichi Shindou of Bad Luck with their rendition of Nittle Grasper's White Butterflies." the announcer said to loud applause.

Even backstage, the sound of the audience's applause was noticeable to the dark haired teen trying his best to dodge onlookers on his motorcycle. Ryuuichi had insisted that Tatsuha drive all the way through the television studio lot to the set of Music Parade, startling pedestrians and staff members inside the building itself.

Ryuuichi didn't even notice how surprised people were to see a running motorcycle indoors because his attention was riveted by the sound of Shuichi's voice. Tatsuha couldn't help but notice it either, the strains of Hiro's melodious guitar adding the perfect flavor to Shuichi's softly sang lyrics.

"Shuichi...he's singing my he onstage?" Ryuuichi wondered aloud.

The heavy steel motorcycle barged through a barricaded door just above the stage, the two men staring down at the ones that had taken Ryuuichi's place onstage.

"Oh wow...I've never heard anyone sing my song so perfectly before." Ryuuichi sighed happily.

Even Tatsuha had to admit that as usual, his brother's ex-lover had risen to the occassion, his face betraying all the emotions of the lyrics as he made the song his own and everyone else's. As happy as Ryuuichi seemed to be to hear his song sang so well, he was quckly stripping off his damp bunny costume, clad only in his leather pants and an unbuttoned black shirt handed to him by one of the show's assistants.

"What are you doing, Ryuuichi?" he asked him.

The older man smiled at his nodyguard before launching himself to Tatsuha's shock off the side of the railing to the stage below. He had timed his appearance perfectly during the song's guitar solo, smiling at his friend who had done such incredible justice to his song.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ryuuichi Sakuma!" Shucihi shouted, as he thrust the microphone towards his idol.

Hiro's eyes widened with surprise as Ryuuichi smiled, inviting him to finish the song together. This allowed Tatsuha to lose himself completely in the song, their voices blending perfectly like it was meant to be. Tatsuha felt like he was right beside his idol as the two vocalists ended the song, soaking up their loud applause.

Returning to Ryuuichi's side as he finally mad ehis way backstage, Tatsuha found that it felt very strange being in the company of Shuichi and Hiro, given the young singer's history with his brother. Mr. K and Touma were the first to greet them.

"Nice to see you again, Ryuuichi. You're Yuki Eiri's brother, right?" Mr. K asked.

"He's pratically family, K, you should know that by now. Thanks for getting here so quickly. It wasn't intentional that Shindou-san was able to fill your spot, Ryuuichi, although your duet...that was just inspired." Touma said.

"I was honored that the producers of the show allowed me to sing your most memorable ballad, Ryuuichi." Shuichi said.

"There was no way I could refuse to sing alongside you, Shindou-san. I'm the one that's honored." Ryuuichi told him.

Hiro smiled at Tatsuha. 'Tatsuha! Hey, we haven't seen you since that whole incident with Ayaka. How is your brother?" he asked.

"Moody as always, absorbed in his writing. I left the temple to spend the summer with him when Touma offered me the job of Ryuuichi's bodyguard for the next couple months." Tatsuha said.

"Lucky!" Shuichi exclaimed. He grabbe dthe teens' arm to pull him aside so he could whisper in his ear. "Wow. Tatsuha. This must be like a dream come true for you. I jnow how much you're in love with Ryuuichi." he giggled.

"Your relationship with Hiro doesn't so bumpy either." Tatsuha teased him.

Shucihi sighed dreamily. "Your brother will always have a place in my heart, but I have no regrets over choosing to be with my best friend. I just hope that you can see me as a friend, Tatsuha." Shuichi said.

Tatsuha smiled. "Of course! You and I are kindred spirits after all, right?" he asked him.

Tatsuha's eyes widened as Ryuuichi launched himself into Shuichi's arms. "Oh Shindou-san, your voice just sounded amazing out there! We just have to duet more often! I'll be sure to set it up so we have lots of duets during our fall tour, once the negotations are finalized." Ryuuichi said.

Shuichi laughed. "I'd like that too, Ryuuichi." he told him.

Ryuuichi reached out with one arm to bring Tatsuha closer to him. "What are you doing still wearing that costume? Get changed and let's enjoy the rest of the night!" Ryuuichi said.

Tatsuha was grateful to change out of the heavy purple bear costume back into his comfortable white vee neck cotton shirt and faded black jeans underneath. The brisk air conditioning of the green room cooled his heated body, and he slumped down into a nearby overstuffed chair. He kept his eye on Ryuuichi from a distance, allowing him to relax and watch the festivities around him.

Shuichi and Ryuuichi were quite the pair. The two singers genuinely loved the spotlight and were more than happy to pose for pictures together. The small room was simply bustling with photographers and journalists from all kinds of magazines and television stations.

He couldn't help but smile at some young fans who had won a local radio contest to go backstage at Music Parade, who just swooned over Hiro, Shuichi and Ryuuichi. They even seemed swarmed around Mr. K and Touma, Ryuuichi's fellow bandmate and Bad Luck's infamously insane manager.

No one took much notice of him, but he didn't mind. He was just glad that Touma was allowing him some slack on his bodyguard duties, since he had delievered his idol safe and sound to the studio. The contest winners left after a short time, and Hiro, Shuichi and Ryuuichi took up residence on the short couch beside him as the producers of Music Parade came in to congratulate their guests.

Hiro and Shuichi looked postively blissful sitting close together on the couch, Ryuuichi observing as much as he was. It was something that he hadn't known they had in common, and one of the few things he hadn't already known about his idol.

"Mr. Seguchi, your idea to have Shindou-san and Sakuma-san share the stage tonight was brillant! As masterful as always! Although we realize that the two young members of Bad Luck are not quite old enough to drink, we at Music Parade would like to present to all of you a bottle of our finest champagne! Thank you for a memorable evening!" one of the producers said.

"Here, here!" they all agreed.

Laughter and scattered applause filled the room as Touma took it upon himself to pop the cork on the producers' gift, Mr. K being the first to catch the rush of champagne that flowed from the bottle's violent opening. He poured Touma a glass, a handful of glasses for the producers and their guests, and lastly a more than generous glass for Ryuuichi.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were trying to get me drunk tonight...I guess that's okay though, since no one's going to take adavantage of me except for Kumagoro and Tatsuha." Ryuuichi laughed, squeezing his toy rabbit affectionately.

"Sounds like wishful thinking to me." Shuichi teased him.

Ryuuichi stared wide eyed at the redheaded singer for a moment, startled only momentarily by the subtle change in Shuichi's demeanor. The two singers had created a strong bond over the last year, one fostered out of respect anf hero worship on both sides. There was no doubt in his mind who had inspired the petite redhead to become more outspoken and confident with his idol.

That inspiration was more than evident in the way Hiro and Shuichi expressed their affection for each other in their own ways, allowign them the freedom to be themselves and remain close at the same time.Tatsuha had felt that connection with Ryuuichi when they had kissed at the park, and wondered if Ryuuichi had felt it too.

Shaking his head free of those thoughts, Tatsuha blew off his momentary lapse of reason, blaming his friends' Hiro and Shuichi for that. He had gotten caught in the whirlwind of their heady roamnce, nearly as intoxicated on it as Ryuuichi was getting on his glass of champagne. The dark haired singer drank his drink slowly, savoring it's rich flavor, letting the bubbles get into his head.

Mr. K, having been Ryuuichi's manager and clsoest confidente of the last couple years, showed his ever present concern as he knelt down in front of Ryuuichi. 'Are you okay, Sakuma-san? Do you need to go back to the hotel?" he asked him.

"Yes please, if you don't mind. I'd like Tatsuha to come with me so I don't hurt myself or something." he giggled under his breath.

"Already way ahead of you. I'm afraid Ryuuichi-san is going to have to call it an early night. Hiroshi, Shuichi, I'm sure we'll be in touch soon." Touma told them.

Hiro smiled, throwing his arm around the back of the couch, the movement pushing Shuichi to fall against his side. Shuichi smiled and curled up close to his best friend, exhausted form the day's events. Hiro smiled up at Touma.

"No problem. Be sure you take good care of him, Tatsuha." Hiro said.

Tatsuha blushed in spite of himself, which Touma barely noticed as he motioned for the teen to escort Ryuuichi back to the hotel. 'Leave your motorcycle here for tonight. I'll see to it that it's delevered to the hotel forst thing tomorrow morning." Touma said.

"Yes sir, Touma." Tatsuha replied, as he rested his hand on the small of Ryuuichi's back to lead him to their waiting car.

He could tel that Touma and Mr. K were being overly cautious over Ryuuichi's slightly tipsy condition, even though Ryuuichi seemed able to walk fine on his own and was completely coherent. The only difference in the singer was the heat that eminated from his body, making Tatsuha even more aware of him than ever. Ryuuichi himself seemed lost in singing various choruses of Nittle Grasper songs and pulling lint off of Kumagoro's ears.

As the pair stepped outside into the brisk evening air, Tatsuha saw Reynolds waiting for them with his car door open, closing it behind his two clients as they stepped inside. Once again Ryuuichi closed the privacy blind between them, slumping against Tatsuha's side with a sigh. Tatsuha yawned, letting the gentle motion of the moving car lull them into a shirt nap before arriving at the hotel.

Once again Ryuuichi charged towards the elevators, Tatsuha barely catching up before the doors closed behind them. Tatsuha watched his idol out of curiousity as he seemed to change moods, one of thoughtful seriousness. It was very rare to see Ryuuichi in this way, only when he was onstage or in one of his more serious videos.

Tatsuha loved all the sides of Ryuuichi's personality, his serious side, his playful side and his sensual side, the side that never failed to arouse the teen to painful lengths. That was the look on Ryuuichi's face now, one of longing and desire as he attempted to capture Tatsuah's attention with his eyes.

"Alone in an elevator again...that can't be a coincedence. It's like fate wants me to indulge in my fantasy. What do you think, Tatsuha?" he asked the teen.

Tatsuha swallowed hard as he met the singer's smoldering gaze with his own.

"I'm not sure what to think, to tell you the truth." he responded nervously.

Ryuuichi smiled at him, moving within inches of his bodyguard. "That kiss we shared today told me something different." he said.

Tatsuha reached up and nervously brushed a stray hair out of his eyes. "Yes, and I tried to apolgize for that too." he said.

'You didn't have to do that. It's true that it's been a long time since I've kissed someone, but the wait was definitely worth it. I mean, you do have feelings for me, right? Touma told me so." Ryuuichi said.

'Well, yes. I've been one of your biggest fans since I was thirteen. I was honored when Touma asked me to work for you." Tatsuha said.

"Do your feelings dwell any deeper than just being a fan? Have you ever felt stronger feelings towards me?" Ryuuichi asked.

Tatsuha had to bite his lip from moaning out loud at his idol's provacative question. He had very rarely seen Ryuuichi in such a highly aroused state and he knew it was partly to blame on the champagne.

"Ryuuichi..." he whispered, as his idol moved closer to him, his hands moving to the curve of the teen's backside.

Tatsuha felt his skin flush, his body heat increase as he stared deep into Ryuuichi's eyes, seeing confusion and need there. He closed his eyes as he felt Ryuuichi's breath against his face before the older man claimed his lips in a deep, open mouth sensual kiss.

Tatsuah moaned helplessly as he returned Ryuuichi's affection, the heat of his idol's lithe form unmistakeable as he pressed his body agaisnt the teen's taller frame. He slowly wound his arms around ryuuichi's waist, pulling him closer and answering the singer's unasked questions by aggressively stroking his tongue against his.

Kissing Ryuuichi was everything Tatsuah had expected it would be. He'd never in his wildest dreams could have ever imagined that he would be pressed up against a moving elevator wall, being kissed senseless by the man he had always held closest to his heart.

Ryuuichi's petite body curved perfectly into his and the feeling was beyong exquisite. Ryuuichi's mouth and tongue were heavenly soft, warm and wet against his won, and he was captivated by the sensation of Ryuuichi's hard arousal rocking against his own.

This was the same man he'd lusted over on hsi DVD's at home, the one he'd watched throw his head back in ectasy as Touma fell to his knees before him to satisfy his dark haired lover. It was that Ryuuichi that was giving himself completely to the teen, causing Tatsuha's eyes to snap open as Ryuuchi breathed heavily into his ear, his hand pressed against the evidence of his arousal.

"I think this is our floor." Ryuuichi whispered.

Stepping off the elevator, Tatsuah led them quietly back to Ryuuichi's hotel room, closing the door behind them. There was no mistaking Ryuuichi's form in the moonlit room as he sighed loudly, easing off hsi borrowed top to leave his chest wonderfully bare. He laid down on the bed next to Tatsuha, who greeted him with a smile.

The singer's arms rose to wind themselves around Tatsuha's neck as he bent down to kiss him tenderly, allowing his idol to deepen the kiss furthur. This kiss was slightly different, a little tentative, like Ryuuichi wanted to be intimate with his young fan but was frightened for some unknown reason. This by itself was enough to make Tatsuha pause.

"Ryuuichi, I'm sorry. I can't do this." he told him regretfully.

Ryuuichi's eyes flew open. "What?" he asked.

Tatsuha smiled. "As much as I adore you, I can't be with you this way, not while you're under the influence. It wouldn't be right. I have too much respect for you than that." he said.

Ryuuichi sighed with regret and a little relief. "Yes, I understand completely. Thank you." he yawned.

Tatsuha smiled again, brushing a kiss against Ryuuichi's neck, collasping on the bed beside him, already asleep before his head hit the pillow.