Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Things kind of fell in place ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro met Julia: Things kind of fell in place



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot

Notes: It has been a very, very long time since I have written anything. I should hope I can get the rust off.

Keitaro Urashima was having what he thought was an unassuming night. It was the same old, at the Hinata. Su was playing with her "toys", Kitsune was trying to scam...or get wasted...or both. Mutsumi, was noticeably absent. She was back in Okinawa, where she was helping her mother out after a rather nasty accident. Her mother somehow got dizzy, and fell getting injured, hurting her leg. As for Motoko, she was actually practicing her Kendo. As for Shinobu she was cleaning up from dinner...again. Keitaro, he was cleaning up the commons area, with little help. He didn't have to deal with Sarah, she was with Seta in America. His night took an interesting turn when a visitor came by. She was an older woman...a very distinguished woman. She needed to call for a tow truck to get her car to a garage.

"Excuse me," Sakurai started, "Is there a public phone here?"

"Oh yeah," Keitaro noted, "it's over there on the desk."

"Thank you," she replied. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I gotta call a tow truck."

"Did your cell run out on you?" Keitaro asked.

"Yes, at the worst possible time," she answered very much quickly, and honestly.

"If you need anything just holler," he said.

"It shouldn't be more than a minute."

She made a call to the garage. She was able to get an emergency tow right away. She hung up the phone, and she went to go clean out her console. After all, she didn't want her cell to be stolen. Sakurai's concentration was broken when she heard a very serious crash coming through the springs. Despite his best efforts to close the springs for cleaning...he always gets hell and he went flying by her. She frowned. This was no way to run an inn at all! She stepped aside as she saw Keitaro nearly get killed. She rolled her eyes. She also noted the address of the inn.

"Good Sir, what is going on?" Sakurai asked.

"I don't know what's going on," Keitaro said as he escaped certain death.

"I'm certain you had a warning sign up right?" She asked.

"Yes, I did..." he started.

"However, they ignored it and chased you out anyway," she answered.

"That's right."

"You really need to take control of this situation," Sakurai warned. "You're the landlord here correct?"

"I am," he answered simply.

"Well, you are responsible for whatever your tenants do...and you're also responsible for their safety," she warned again.

Keitaro got it, but he didn't want to listen. This wasn't his best moment at all. He didn't know he was dealing with Ryoko Sakurai. She is the principal of Holy Forest Academy...and she was usually cool-headed. However, she usually also made sure that nobody crossed the line she drew in the sand. She heard the tow truck operator come up. He wouldn't hook things up without her approval. She had her name stamp ready to give her signature to the orders. Once she did so, she followed him outside. She made sure she had everything. She had him wait when she heard some loud crashes and such. She also saw a small explosion happen. She shook her head. This was way too much. She looked to the Driver.

"Would you mind driving me to the garage?" she asked.

"No ma'am," he said. "My manager is with me."

"Thank you...

"Ma'am you can use my phone card, I just renewed it," he offered.

"Thank you for the offer," she said. "I think I better use my own."

"Oh...I understand."

He got her car hooked up and ready to go. He allowed Sakurai to sit between himself and the manager. She thought about wanting to make a call. However, she decided to hold off on it. She wanted to give Keitaro just one last chance to come clean. She also preferred if he didn't fight him, at all. In fact...she wanted things to go very smoothly. This included finding out what was going on in the first place! After she came to the Garage, the manager called for a cab, so he can get home safely. After she paid, she decided to get some sleep. The very next morning, she arrived back, to the Hinata. She did take a bus and a trolley. She came to the front stairs, and Haruka recognized her.

"Are you calling?" she asked, sweeping the steps. Things were very slow at the tea shop.

"Yes, I am...I'm looking Mr...Keitaro Urashima," she said.

"Oh, he should be down from repairs," Haruka said. "It's a surprise he works this hard..."

"I see," Sakurai said cutting her off politely.

"Go wait in the common area please?"

"Thank you," she said. "I shouldn't take much of his time."

She went in, and took off her shoes. She went into the common area and she sat on the sofa. She did read a magazine, to wait for Keitaro. Haruka saw Keitaro come from the roof, and she informed that he had a visitor. She introduced herself again, and Invited Keitaro to sit down. She wanted to know what happened last night...right about the incidents that happened right exactly. She experienced these kinds of actions yes...but she also was able to put a stop to them. She was not going to waste her time, so she got exactly to the point.

"What happened last night?" she asked bluntly. "It was a mess when I left."

"Well..." he started nervously. "I got into a few misunderstandings after you left."

"That must be a deadly one," she said. "I'm actually am surprised you're still alive!"

"Kaolla's little toy reacted..."

"Are some of your tenants minors?" She asked.

"Yes," he answered. "Two are in middle school..."

"Tell me...are you doing your hardest to keep them safe?" she then asked.

"I do...but..."

"You'll have to try harder," she started. "Because I don't want to see you go to prison."

She got up, and she saw his body language. It dared her to watch him try to do it his way. Sakurai saw, and she noticed that Motoko glared at him...with her weapon clutched. This was far enough. She excused herself and she went far away from the Hinata. She called the detectives of the Minor's Bureau to check into Keitaro. She wasn't going to allow him to make things worse on himself. She went to the Garage to pick up her car. About a few hours later...on this Summer after noon, There was a knock on the door, there were two huge detectives and they were frowning.

"Are you Keitaro Urashima?" The detective asked bluntly.

"Y-Yes I am," he answered.

"We want you to come down to the station with us," the second one ordered.

"WAIT WHY?!" He protested.

"We wanna question you about the events about last night," The first answered.

They did take Keitaro away. Haruka saw what was going on, and she had to make a phone call to the Molmol embassy. She knew if Kaolla's nuclear reactor were found...things would be beyond bad. She also knew that there would also be a chance she would be dragged down with Keitaro...and to an extent...Kitsune. Mutsumi was away in Okinawa to take care of her mother. She had a very bad accident, and is recouperating from the incident. She ended up falling down on a sidewalk and breaking her ankle. That just made things a bit rougher for Haruka. She finally got through to Amalla who was Kaolla's older sister.

" better get here to Japan quickly," Haruka informed.

"What's going on?" Amalla asked.

"Keitaro's been taken in for questioning...and if the cops find out about your sister's 'toys'..."

"I'll be there as soon as I can," she returned. "I'll send agents from the Embassy there right away."

"Sorry to take your time."

"No, it's no trouble at all."

Haruka closed her shop to go to the main house. She had to get everybody together. This was something that was very serious that had to be taken care of now. This was going to be rough, because most were off doing their own thing. Meanwhile, the police headquarters...outside of the district of the Hinata Sou...the detectives were not letting up on Keitaro who was beyond flustered...and they were getting fustrated. They couldn't get a straight answer from him. There was a knock on the door from their superior...he let Sakurai in, so she could end up getting through to him.

" wanted me to watch you eh?" Sakurai asked bluntly.

"I...didn't...I mean..." He stumbled.

"It's your body language," she returned. "'re in deep trouble."

"H-how am I in trouble?"

"Well...I just learned that a few of your tenants are bad influences," she started. "Particularly Misune "Kitsune" Konno."

"Ugh...what do you know?" he asked.

"For starters for a freelance writer...she sure as hell hasn't published anything I've seen," she started. "Also...she has an alocohol problem..."

"There's one other thing...she somehow avoids paying rent..." Keitaro admitted.

"Next...Naru Narusegawa...she's a cram school student the same as you yes?"

"Y-yes...along with Mutsumi Otohime," he answered.

"Where is Mutsumi now...?" she inquired.

"She's in Okinawa tending to her mother's injury," he answered.

" Ayoama...the heiress to the Shinmei Ryu school of martial arts?"

"RIght...she's in high school, and is captain of her Kendo club..."

"Yet she attacks you, and innocent boys for zero reason with her weapon," Sakurai frowned.

"W-what else do you know?"

"I know enough..." she said, as signal to the detectives to be scarce.

"Let us know if he acts up," the second detective said.

The detectives left. It was something that made Keitaro the most afraid in his life. He waited for Sakurai to speak up. She didn't want to tip her hand just yet. She did wait for Keitaro to calm down. She didn't want the guy to go into shock...and do something even more the point where he could make things worse, and get possible new charges. After a few minutes she spoke up, and she was beyond blunt. She did tell Keitaro of the connections to the police department. She also told him that she really didn't want to pull in her connections for reasons such as this. However, it had to be done.

"I'm disappointed in you," she said. "As a is your duty to give safe, and secure housing...that is an international standard."

"How much trouble am I in?" he said breaking down.

"That depends on you," she noted. "As're facing a ton of charges, including contributing to the delinquency of minors."

"Okay...that's serious..." he said with his face turning green.

"As'll be held for felony counts for any crimes the other tenants did..." she warned.

"That means exactly that...and Kitsune...and your aunt...Haruka is it...would go down as well."

"I don't want that!" Keitaro protested.

"Good, now that I have your are going to call a meeting...and explain the rules."

"Okay, that's reasonable," he said, calming down.

"Good, this for the sake of Shinobu Maehara..." she said forcefully.

"Oh...I really don't want her to be in a situation where her parents are fighting over her again..." he said softly.

"That I didn't know..." she started.

"Yeah...her parents were going through a nasty divorce...and well...we decided it was best for her to stay."

"Well, aside from you..."

"I'll admit the chores are uneven..." he stated. "I have helped her out with cooking."

"'re cleaing the springs and doing general addition to your studies," she added.

"Yes...and I am a part-timer for the Archaeology department at Tokyo U."

Sakurai knew he was taking on more than he could chew. She asked Keitaro to come with her to an attorney to help re-do the leases. She also decided she was going to call off the dogs...for now. She called for the detectives. They understood and they backed off. Sakurai took Keitaro to the attorney's office, where she had him re-write the leases. They were stronger against the tenants. After about a few hours...the meeting was called. Sakurai was there. The scowl on her face meant somebody would be punished if anybody cut Keitaro off...Sakurai decided to lob the rock on an angry beehive.

"Well, most of you should remember me from last night," she started. "I am Ryoko Sakurai."

" talked with Keitaro last night?" Naru said.

" keep your temper," she warned. "I'm very disappointed in all of you."

"W-What did we do?" Motoko ask with her face twitching.

"Way too little productive," she said. "Keitaro...hand them their new leases."

"N-New leases?" Naru asked.

"Yes," Keitaro answered. "I really don't have a choice in the matter."

"Who do you think you are?!" Naru asked, about to rage.

"Young lady, be quiet!" Sakurai hissed.

Naru got instantly quiet. Keitaro passed out the new leases. It was very clear on the terms. All rent must be paid on time, and in full, without exceptions. They'd deal with Mutsumi when she gets back. Keitaro answered all the questions clearly. There was one thing that was going to take them by surprise. This was the realization that their world was going to be turned upside down...and inside-out.

"This dorm will now be a co-ed dorm," Keitaro informed. This too was in the lease...and was highlighted for all to see.

"Y-You can't do that!" Naru protested.

"More vile...males..." Motoko said with a low growl.

"You don't have a choice in the matter," Keitaro said evenly.

"What would...?" Naru started.

"I believe legally the lands belong to Keitaro here," Sakurai interrupted. "He told me everything."

"So...that means..." Kitsune started.

" don't have a choice," Keitaro said. " are going to have to dry up."

" more alcohol," Sakurai said bluntly. "There's no reason for you to drink here with minors here!"

Kitsune felt like she got kicked in the stomach. Su was the only quiet one there...she had got a call from her sister Amalla and she was on her way. Sakurai noticed. Sakurai looked and she didn't question it. She then warned the girls they had to sign within a week, or be evicted. That ended up doing a lot of damage to Naru and Motoko's pride. Keitaro further explained that everybody had to pitch in to help repair, and keep the Hinata clean, neat, and in repair. There's a lot of stuff that they had to do. Keitaro did leave to make a phone call. He did want Kanako to come. Thankfully, she'd be here in Japan instead of with her grandmother. Sakurai waited for him. She was outside.

"You had to make an important call..." she started.

"Yeah...I do need to make right with my sister..." he answered.

"That's all up to you," she said, finally giving him an encouraging smile, "I believe in you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Sakurai," he said.

She took the bus back to the garage to check on her car. There was a lot wrong than the thought of it. Still, she was actually able to get a rental. She did do her now was up to Keitaro. He knew it would be a week when the leases had to be signed. He didn't want to bother Mutsumi with it since she was away. It also would take as long, with Su having to clear out her labs from all of her "toys" and her nuclear reactor...carefully and under the cover of darkness. The new era of the Hinata was going to start...though it was going to be a rocky road.