Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Kanako, Tomoko, Keitaro & Julia ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Kanako, Tomoko, Keitaro & Julia



Notes: There will be a made-up anime/manga/live-action series I will be using, so please don't get confused.

I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

Saturday came very quickly, as things were just the same. Breakfast and chores were the norm. Though the chores went faster, since everybody rotated. Kunio and Shinobu were cleaning up the kitchen, as Keitaro and Naru were sweeping the stairs, and Kitsune and Kanako were cleaning the springs. Kitsune really smiled broadly enjoyed the morning. However, a very buxom girl came up and she was very sweet. Though she seemed about absent-minded. However, she still didn't let it get to her.

"Hello, are Kunio and Kanako in?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, they're finishing up their chores," Keitaro said.

"You can wait in the common area," Naru returned.

"Thank you," she bowed.

She went to the common area, and she waited for everybody to get finished. Kunio came by and he smiled. He knew who it was. He got over his fears. He sat with Tomoko, and caught up with her, of course, she was still getting acting jobs. However, she did confess that her major one was for a very popular anime series, School Nurse Hiroko. Kunio finally put everything together. He was very stunned. The model in the manga was Motoko. His question was but how?!

"Well...they did have an argument over the model," she started. " I went to audition for the voice role the asked me to use my likeness."

"I bet you agreed after thinking about it," Kunio said, still stunned.

"Of course," she said sweetly, "In fact I have a break since the anime wrapped up, and I'm doing the live action very soon."

"Wow, I've been out of it for a while!" Kunio cried out.

"It's okay," she said. "I did bring you a house-warming gift!"

She did bring him all 52 episodes of her anime, plus the entire 200 chapter manga set. Kunio was grateful. However, he decided that he needed to be straight with Tomoko. He explained the situation. Tomoko was very perplexed, but she decided to work just the same with Kanako. Even if it is to give friendly advice, and to offer up some of her experiences. Kanako came out, and she saw Tomoko, she was very familiar with her work. Tomoko smiled and decided to talk with Kanako. She told her about what her dream was. Tomoko could really tell she was genuinely interested. She also noted that Kanako really is still old enough to re-enter high school.

"Well, I do go to the same school as Kunio," she started. "I have to do a lot of work, though it's manageable."

"Oh, you're quite busy," Kanako said.

"Yeah, still...if it weren't for Kunio, and Mr. Onizuka..." She started.

"Right, I remember," Kunio said.

"Oh should be ready to deal with a pushy public, and an obsessed media," Tomoko returned.

"Wow, I know there are some people who are just looking for dirt..." Kanako started.

"Yeah, but she can't react to every little statement," Kunio said. Though he did think she'd likely do something accidental.

Tomoko did reveal to Kanako that she did have trouble keeping friends. She also revealed that there were things that also got her self-esteem lowered. Kunio grimaced. He knew full well he did participate in the teasing. Kanako looked to Kunio with a look of death. However, she did calm down to realize it was in the past. She explained how Onizuka and Kunio helped her out after the mess with Miyabi's failed plot. That is...she participated in the first beauty pagent...though, she came in second. The second beauty pagent...that ended up being the most beneficial for her, as many of the public still hold that it was rigged against anybody else but the agency's model. Kanako was very uneasy hearing about that. Kunio spoke up.

"Yeah, being in show business is cut throat...what ever you've read in a few popular the opposite," he said.

"I know which one you're talking about," Kanako said.

"I don't know why anybody would air their dirty laundry like that..." Tomoko said. "It's asking for more trouble...even worse if you got in through a connection."

"Honestly..." Naru said, hearing the conversation, "I can vouch for what happens when you act up...and you have a good thing going."

"Wait a second..." Kanako said.

"Yeah...I did reach idol status...I lost my temper...i got fired simple as that," Naru admitted bluntly.

"exactly, you don't have to be an ass-kisser, but you still have to remember to behave yourself," Kunio returned.

"Well..." Tomoko said "sometimes things can be accidental."

"That's true," Kunio said. "Both contests you took second...but the public still backed you up."

Kanako was getting the picture. It wouldn't matter about what jobs you can get, but if she was a person with a bad attitude...then it's going to be for nothing. Tomoko did want to see how poised Kanako was. She got up and walked very straight, and tall. That was something that always came naturally to her. It was even easier, since she practices the martial arts daily. Naru noticed that she still needed to open up and make a lot more friends. Tomoko had an idea. She wanted to take Kanako out to town for a bit, and have her back before lunch. All agreed, and Kanako did go to take a shower. Kunio have looked over, and saw Tomoko leaf through a sports magazine.

"Tomoko, I didn't know you were into sports," Kunio spoke up.

"Oh..." Tomoko said, snapping back, "I'm just looking at the outfits."

"That's just like you," Kunio said. "Still, I'm very surprised you can land such a sweet gig."

"Me too," she returned, "even if I got passed over, I still wouldn't take it personally."

"Right, because that would interfere in everything else."

"I'll admit...I still do get scared...I still get scared because I do think I did take things too fast."

Naru sat there and her jaw dropped to the floor. Tomoko was right there, and she heard Tomoko make that statement. That was very honest. She did not want to be any kind of model. That was something that really did disinterest her. She has questioned how steady her rise was coming starting from commercials, and such. However, her fears were washed over by one thing. She realized she will work hard, and will make herself proud over everybody else. Kanako and Naru reasoned that Tomoko really was genuine. soon as she did get up...she did trip over nothing, and nearly fell on her face. She was on top of Keitaro, and well...he broke her fall. Her chest...which was very much large...was in his face.

"I can see why she won't model," Naru said quietly.

"Are you alright down there?" Kanako asked.

"I'm okay!" Tomoko said, getting up from Keitaro.

"Oh, I hope you didn't catch an edge in the floor, I just had the boards replaced," Keitaro apologized.

"Nope, the floor is as smooth as a baby's bottom," Kunio said. "Tomoko, you really do need to be careful."

"Oh sorry," she said blushing.

He helped both Keitaro and Tomoko up. Kanako couldn't help but to smile. She dusted off and smiled. Kanako had her shoes, and Tomoko took her into town. She knew it wasn't going to happen if she was cooped up inside of the house. Kunio just smiled and, broke out in laughter. He had no idea of seeing his landlord in a very comical situation. Keitaro also broke out in Laughter. Naru tried to stifle, but it wasn't going to work. After, Kunio decided to go change his clothes to go out. Naru looked to Keitaro.

" you have any plans for tonight?" Naru asked.

"I do," he said. "I'm supposed to meet with Julia tonight at six."

"Well, she is a beautiful woman," Naru smiled.

"She's also a very tough woman too," he admitted.

"Well, yeah considering how her family did her..." Naru gritted.

"We cannot do anything about that," Keitaro said. "We should leave that one alone so we don't open up old wounds."

"You're right," Naru said. "I do hope you were able to pass your exams."

"I hope so too...even so...I have decided not to do the archaeology major."

Naru did see a lot of Keitaro's photographs, and his drawings. She knew he was very much talanted. She was thinking about what exactly were her talents. She did give Keitaro a peck on the cheek. She did go to change her clothing. He went to his bedroom and he needed to remove that statue and fix that hole in the floor. That was the one thing he had to do this afternoon. It would take awhile. He did make a call to some heavy movers who were able to specialize in objects heavier than normal furniture. They came right on time, and he did tell them exactly what they were taking. They also didn't want the statue to fall in the springs creating an even bigger mess. Keitaro gave permission to cut a hole through the already damaged floor, since it was going to be repaired anyhow. They did so, and called in their sister company to do the repairs. It did take about a half-hour, but the statue was now gone. It took about another to repair the ceiling and the floor together. After everything was moved and repaired, Keitaro signed both work orders, and paid up in full. He did have put away money for such emergencies as these.

"Thank you sir," the repair person said, "have a good day."

"You have a good day too," Keitaro said.

He leads the crews outside, then ran upstairs to get ready. He had to be ready before six. He called out to see if anybody was in the shower. Kitsune did answer back, that she was in there, but she was going to be wrapping up shortly. About 5 minutes later, Kitsune came out. She was already dried off and ready to go. Keitaro went in to take his shower. He took no chances, especially since the incident on day one. He did take a fifteen minute shower, and after. He was out, and to his bedroom. He didn't have people trying to climb through the hole in the floor. so he was safe. He was already dried off, so he got dressed. He didn't want to be too dressy, or too casual. While he was getting ready, Tomoko and Kanako were at the mall's food court. They really enjoyed shopping. Kanako was wearing that traditional red dress...that was her staple. Tomoko knew that she wanted something modest and classy. She thankfully found a lot that suited her.

"Thank you for this day," Kanako said.

"Oh, you're welcome!" Tomoko said very sweetly, and excitedly.

"You seem to have moved up at a decent pace," Kanako noted.

"Yeah...I have...but...sometimes I do question how fast I came up," Tomoko admitted.

"Right, sometimes...people have gotten things that are too much, and too fast."

"Still...I did read that manga...the one still should have lost her job," Tomoko said. "If anybody did that at my talent agency..."

"They're done," Kanako answered.

"Right, and I can't also think of a poor sweet guy getting burned like that."

"Honestly...they do need to do their homework...espcially in acting, teaching, and modelling..."

"Yes, that's very much true..."

" really are a good person," Kanako said.

"I do have my friends to help me out," Tomoko returned.

"You know...I do want to go outside of my comfort zone..." Kanako said. "If ever I'm going do anything...I can't be inside of my shell."

Tomoko smiled. She then also frowned. She thought on Kanako's earlier statement. She did intimate to her, that if things came too much too fast...she would have quit right on the spot. In her mind, there is something in timing, hard work, and doing ethical things. She did tell Kanako there were a few times where she nearly lost jobs due to her rather unique physical assets. Kanako's jaw dropped to the floor. She didn't think a pretty...though a clumsy girl like Tomoko could lose a job based on her big boobs. Though, in the end everything did work out. Tomoko still will do commercials on television. However, she just won't do any that would require her to degrade herself. Kanako accepted the explanation, and smiled. She was on her first step to the rest of her life. Meanwhile, Keitaro was back at the house dressed up, and ready to go. Kunio was there, and he smiled.

"So, you're going out with my mother," he said.

"Yeah, but this isn't going to give you a break in rent," he reminded.

"Don't be a flake," Kunio said. "I have seen the way you have stared at her."

"I was that..."

" were," he returned forcefully. "As long as you don't do anything stupid...everything will go alright."

"Thanks," Keitaro said. "I do still need to be honest with her...she is a very nice woman, and a hard worker."

"You got that right," Kunio said. "She is strict when needed...after all, she is a mother just the same."

"Stil...I'm beyond nervous!"

"Just calm down," Kunio said. "A friendly date for drinks is high stakes."

"You're right," he said. "I do need to calm down."

"Also...don't forget if she had better break her fall..." he warned.

"I think that will be possible with my luck..." he said, with a nervous laugh.

"Why...are you praying that not happen?" Kunio teased.

"I am," Keitaro said cooly.

"If it does, don't take it personally...her chest may be shoved in your face," Kunio said egging on.

He did see his mom come through the door right when he said that. He was smart enough to make himself scarce and to go do his homework. Julia laughed. She wasn't that angry. She knew Kunio was half-joking, but never took it personally. Keitaro stood up, and Julia smiled. He was dressed just right. She decided to take him to a Korean Barbeque that was nearby. Keitaro never had it before, and Julia did save up. He did have his wallet to make sure he had more than enough money. After all, the gentleman has to at least offer to pay up. Once they arrived to the restaurant, it was very busy. They had to wait to be seated. After about a few minutes. They were led to a cleaned, and empty table. Keitaro got the menu from the server, and she left them to think about it. However...She did serve the both did present their photo ID to get served.

"Thank you," Keitaro said.

"Thank you," Julia said.

"I'll be back to get your orders," the server said, as she had to go to another table.

"Well, it really is busy tonight," Julia said.

"A lot of people are out on business tonight," Keitaro noted.

"So...there's a lot I do want to know about you," Julia said.

"Well," he sighed, "I am a third-year ronin..."

"Wow, that's not good at all..."

"I know, I hope I didn't mess things up on the entrance exams this time."

"Don't stress about it," Julia said, "If you do won't be able to concentrate, and white out."

"Right, then you found out about that useless promise a few days ago," he said suddenly.

"Yes...what was all that about," Julia asked.

"Well...I was about five when I made that promise to Mutsumi...somehow, Naru got twisted into it."

"Wait...exactly how old was Naru?"

"She was about two or three...way too young to understand what was going on," Keitaro admitted.

"I see, so the true girl switched it to her," she said. "The sad thing is, minors can't enter into contracts."

" grandma held that over my head...though...I did make things worse."

"How so?" Julia asked.

"I did push my family away, and my parents had that's how I ended up at the Hinata."

"So you were there for when you didn't get in?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered. "I made things a bit worse with Kanako."

"That's why you were so insistent that she comes live there," she noted.

"Yeah...I haven't been much of a man in general."

" just demonstrated one trait...though a bit late."

"What's that?"

"A man will always admit his mistakes, then work to correct them."

"I can say that for a true beautiful woman," Keitaro added.

Julia smiled. She knew exactly what he said was true. They did have to order at least the appetizers, They did talk a little more. It just was on the general happenings of the day. Julia was surprised to learn that he had to fix a whole that was in his bedroom through the floor. Julia noted it took some very special circumstances to keep people out. He also noted he had a very heavy statue removed. She nodded. It was something interesting. He was ready to order the full course, as was Julia.

"I'm back what would you like?" the server asked.

"Okay, my course order are the Golden Dumplings, Soybean Hot Pot Soup, and the spicy pork," Keitaro ordered.

"I will take the Golden Dumplings, the Soybean Hot Pot Soup, and the barbeque chicken," Julia ordered.

"Thank you," she said taking the menu and writing everything down. "Please be patient, we're a short-staffed today."

"It's okay," Keitaro said, as more servers came out, "you're welcome."

"Thank you," Julia said.

"I will see you in a bit!" The server said.

"Well...what about you?" Keitaro asked.

"What about me?" Julia teased.

"Tell me about yourself," he said, in a less nervous voice.

"Well, I am 27...and as you well know I'm a single parent," she started.

"Right, you had Kunio at thirteen right?"

"I did...with zero help," Julia answered.

"I can see why you won't allow anybody to get into a situation that would tear a family apart," he noted.

"That's true...however, you are still making amends."

"I have talked more to my parents, and asking if they needed help."

"What does your parents do for a living?" she asked.

"They run a bakery," he answered.

Julia smiled. That definitely was a very hard business indeed. Julia then explained that she had to do odd jobs to help take care of him. It wasn't exactly easy for a girl who couldn't exactly get back into middle school with zero support. Though, Julia did admit she did have the kindness of her landlord. Since she couldn't pay rent...he did help out. He also made sure she at least was able to get through middle school. Julia did enroll in trade school, and took some work to help pay the rent. Once she got certified to be a crane operator, things kinda fell into place. However, she frowned. She hasn't seen, or heard, from her parents at all. Keitaro saw the appetizers come, with the soups.

"Well, I can guess your landlord did give you some jobs to help buy the essentials," Keitaro said quietly.

"They did," she said. "They both were very nice...the day I was able to get a steady income...I was able to pay them back in full."

"I can imagine everybody was grateful."

"Yeah, plus they did understand what it was like to be a parent," Julia said, ending the subject.

"Now, let's eat, before everything gets cold," Keitaro urged.

"I like that Idea a lot," Julia smiled.

Keitaro and Julia started with the appetizers and the soup. Of course, the Server did bring the barbeque, and more drinks for them. They weren't going to be there for longer. It was actually a better time than what Keitaro thought it would be. Julia really was nice...if not provoked. She also was very beautiful, and most of all, she had the spirit to endure the roughest times. Julia noticed that of all the times Keitaro had gotten into trouble...he somehow survived. She figured he had he same spirit. However, he did end up having a little too much to drink. Keitaro did still offer to pay for Julia, but she politely declined. They did pay for the dinner, and Keitaro couldn't hold his liquor at all.

"That was a fun night!" he said, a bit slurred.

"Oh time, I'm taking you to a place where there's no liquor," she said.

"I hope I can walk this blurry street," he said, with vision blurred.

The cab made it to the Hinata. It was still early. However, the driver waited up for Julia to take her home. Naru saw, and she was surprised. She decided to sacrifice her sleep to make sure he was okay. The very next morning...he woke up. His back was stiff...and he felt like God pounded a giant nail in his brain. He went down and got an ice pack. Kunio heard the commotion, and he figured out what happened.

"You couldn't leave well enough alone could you?" Kunio said.

"No...and I will..." Keitaro said.

"Funny...if you keep like that...I may see you as a damned hypocrite," he returned, as a shot across the bow.

"Can I die in peace?" Keitaro asked.

"Just not on the kitchen table...we have to eat here," Kunio teased.

"I do think I messed things up..."

"You made your own you gotta lie in it," Kunio warned.

Keitaro knew Kunio was right. He also knew that Kunio wasn't going to make things that easy for him. Still, the only small mercy was Kitsune giving him asprin, and coffee. Another small mercy is that she did make her version of a hangover breakfast...if one can call a fried egg on top of a hamburger breakfast. Either way, Keitaro felt like he messed up badly. He also felt like he lost Kunio's trust. That wasn't true. Kunio still trusted him...but barely. He just wanted to make sure Keitaro was doing the right things. He couldn't lash out, and do what he did prior to meeting Onizuka, and even during that time. There was no profit in it at all.