Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest ❯ Bonded: Wings On My Heart ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest

By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.

No infringement is intended

Wow. It's finished. I started this story ages ago, and now at last, I finally finished. In the time I Spent writing it, Rave has twisted into various and surprising plots even I never expected (thanks to Luna Hoshino for keeping me up to date) And now I'm coming up with new stories based on the latest mangas, including the sequel to this one. I apologise if you feel the end is a bit anticlimactic, but I promise, the sequel will follow. For now, though, I'm gonna concentrate on a few shorter stories..

I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read and review, and hope you, Rave fan or not, enjoyed it. Especially Maria and Luna! You know who you are…

Again, thank you!

Cattleya stood on the cliff, staring out at the cloudy sky. The weather reports had said that heavy rain was expected tonight, but right now, she was content to look at the blue sky, which was beginning to turn dimmer as the evening approached. Although she looked calm, she could have been jumping with glee. She had recently gotten an e-mail from Musica, declaring that he had found Haru, and that he. Plue and Elie would be back by tonight.

She was overjoyed that her brother was safe, and couldn't wait to see him again. She also couldn't wait to see Elie and Musica. Which she found rather odd.

Elie, she wanted to set straight. She believed it was her who had dragged Haru into this latest quest, and wished to give the girl a sound ear bashing. But why the sudden longing for Musica? True, he was staggeringly handsome, but still….

"Soooo Cattleya, I hear your brother will be back in town soon." A smooth female voice sounded behind her. Cattleya turned to see a well-dressed girl with blond curled hair. She recognised her as a girl Haru had once met in college, Asuka Miller.

"Yep. He's been gone a while, but he'll be back, safe and sound tonight."

"Oh lovely. I've been meaning to talk to him. It's been a while, and maybe it's time we rekindled things." She smiled sweetly.

Cattleya sighed. Asuka and Haru had gone out for a while when he had started college. Although she had thought of her as a smarmy, attention grabbing cow, the kind who liked to place herself above everyone else, she had kept quiet and let Haru judge her for himself. After a while Haru had called it off, perhaps realising Asuka was only with him for his status as the Rave Master. Even then, she still tried to seduce him.

"I doubt it." She said. "But if you want to say hello when he gets here…"

"Oh I will…." She grinned. See you later."

She ran off, leaving Cattleya to hope she wouldn't be too much trouble….

Musica strolled around the deck of his ship. After all those days cramped in Ethan's van, he was glad to take a faster and more comfortable means of transport back to Garage Island. He had never seen Haru's homeland before, beign too wrapped up with other issues to visit his friend.

He was looking forward to seeing Cattleya again…. Her perfect bod….

He shook his head. "Get a grip man. She's your best friend's sister. It ain't right." But still, Cattleya's face kept dancing in his mind.

He spotted Haru, Griff, Plue, Ethan and Angela standing on the main deck, looking into the sky. Musica walked up, wanting to discuss something.

"Hey Haru."

"Hey." The Rave Master's eyes remained on the sky.

"Listen, I was thinking, you know that Rizion sword? I figure that if I can put a groove in it, you could use it in the same way as Ten Commandments."

"Yeah, sounds cool." Haru replied absently.

Miffed, Musica looked up to see what they were staring at. He felt breath leave his body, beyond his control, at the rather awesome sight up in the sky.

About fifty feet above the ship, Elie flew through the air, propelled by her wings. Her white feathers and yellow sundress marked her out clearly against the darkening blue sky. She darted forward ahead of the ship, before looping upward and spinning round to go back. She dived toward the craft, then swiftly arched up and flipped into the air, before gently settling evenly.

She did this for several minutes, simply flying, looping, dipping and spinning like some airborne roller coaster cart. Every turn and flip was executed gracefully, and when she got closer to the ship, the joy on her face was evident.

Musica whistled. "Amazing. I mean, she only got those wings like yesterday."

"Actually, she's had them since she was young. She just couldn't remember how to fly with them until yesterday." Haru replied.

Musica nodded, then looked at his friend. "So Haru, when you gonna tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

Musica gasped. "That you love her man! What else could you tell her!"

Haru blinked and looked at his friend. "Yeah, of course. I will. I just need to find the right moment."

Angela looked at him in shock. "After you almost lost her back there, you're still waiting?!"

"For heaven's sake Haru, I'm getting sick of this!" Musica ranted. "Back when we were hunting for Rave, I could see you two had a thing for each other. I kept waiting for you two to just admit your feelings to each other. Then we all split up, and now, here we are, back again, you know for sure now that you love her, you still won't tell her, and frankly, it's driving me insane!!"

"Short version: Get a spine Haru." Griff spoke.

Haru ran a hand through his hair. "Guys… I want to… but it's hard."

"Hard? It's three simple bloody words!"

"But… Haru stuttered. "She's… just too beautiful. Maybe she doesn't want to be with the likes of me. If I tell her, will she still want to be with me? Will she stop being my friend and leave?"

Musica sighed. "Haru, that will not happen."

"But it might. I mean, why would she hang out with a hick like me?"

"Watcha talking about?"

Haru jumped and spun around to see Elie hovering behind him. Her wings flapped gently to support her, and her legs were crossed as if she sat in an invisible chair. She looked at Haru curiously.

"You looked a bit upset."

Haru fumbled with his words. "Well… I… er… Musica and I… were arguing er… about… who has the better clothes."

Elie blinked. "What a dumb argument. You both look good to me."

She focused on Haru. "Haru-maki, you look kinda tense." She floated on her back, next to Haru. "You okay?"

Haru sweated nervously. Glancing back, he could see Musica hissing 'Tell her' at him. He swallowed.

"Well, uh… I am kinda nervous you won't like my house. It's kinda small…"

Elie smiled at him "Oh don't worry. I'm sure your house is very nice."

Musica sighed. Haru shivered. How could she reduce him to putty with just her smile and kind words? Wasn't he meant to be the Rave Master?

Elie straightened herself. "Why don't we play a game? That'll cheer you up!"

Haru smirked at his love's playfulness. "I guess. What do you wanna play?"

"Tag!" With a swift movement, she yanked the Rave stone from around Haru's neck, and hovered out of reach.

Haru looked up. "Elie! Give that back!"

"You want it…" She grinned wickedly, and dropped Rave into her cleavage. Haru's eyes popped out.

"Come and get it!" She flew into the distance.

Haru reached into his pocket. "Right." He breathed as he held the Dragon Esper. Magic flared around him, and with a loud flash, the dragon wings and armour appeared, causing the others to jump back. Then he took to the air after Elie.

A gangly man with a green mohican, Musica's assistant Herby, walked up to the group.

"Hey boss, just came to tell you we'll be at this island in ten minutes." He then looked up at the flying twosome, and went pale.

"Uhhhh… I think I'd better lie down." He shambled off.

"Come on Elie." Haru hovered up to Elie. "Give it back. You might drop it."

She grinned. "You want it, you know where it is." She pointed to her bosom.

"I'm not sticking my hand down there." Haru retorted "Not that I don't want to." He smirked. "When did you become such a pervert?"

"I'm no pervert!" She laughed. "You were the one getting a perfect view up my skirt when I flew up here."

"I'll show you." Haru darted toward Elie, but she nimbly flipped over him.

"Gotta try better than that!" She flew away again, but Haru was close behind.

Elie darted up, down, and around the ship. She finally stopped and hovered adove it, and looked around. She felt utterly exhilarated, flying was the biggest rush she had ever experienced in her life. And she was glad Haru had the ability in his armor, it wasn't nearly as much fun without him.

Haru…. Life was worth living while he was around. He cared for her, looked out for her, and always went out of his way to make her happy. He was her best friend.

But she wanted more. To be with him forever, to feel him totally and emotionally. But still, she was unsure whether he wanted a girlfriend. Sure, he had let her live with him, and was very close, but just how close did he want her? Did he want her as a lover?

She shivered. What would his reaction be, if she was to tell him? What if it was bad? Would she lose his trust? She could hardly think of a life without…

"HARU!!" She screamed as Haru appeared behind her, and began to tickle her. Unable to resist, she just laughed and squirmed as Haru flew down and gently forced her down onto the deck of the ship, laying on top of her.

"Come on, give it up!" He laughed, continuing to tickle her.

"Ne… never!" She yelled between giggles. "Oh okay! Okay! Stop!"

She reached down her dress and extracted the stone. She placed it his hand, and as she did so, looked up into his eyes. The blue orbs displayed a whole gamete of emotions. Pleasure, happiness, excitement. Yet looking deeper, she was sure she could sense his curiousity, and something else….. It hit her.

It was a look of utter devotion.

Before she could lose her herself in the colours of his eyes, Musica's voice rang out. "Sheesh, get a room you two."

Elie blushed when she remembered where Haru was on top of her, and she could see his face go red too. He leaped to his feet, the Dragon Armor fading away, and he helped Elie to her feet. They both looked at Musica, who just sighed.

"One of these days, you guys are going to get a clue." He walked off, Griff, Ethan and Angela close behind.

"Wonder what that was about?" Haru asked.

"Eh, he's just being weird…" Elie stopped when she realised she was still holding Haru's hand. She pulled it away, turning redder. Haru looked nervous.

"Yeah… heh heh heh." He wandered off.

Elie watched him. "Does he want a girlfriend…. Does he have one already… would he want… me?"

As she made her wings disappear, Haru rushed back to her. He looked utterly excited.

"Elie! We're here! We're home!"

The Advent had lowered below the clouds, and was now approaching Garage Island. The group all went to the railing to see the small island in full.

Elie gasped. It was like nothing Haru had described. The entire island was covered in lush, green forest, with spacious, sandy beaches encircling the cresent-shaped isle. A snow-topped mountain and small town close to the coast completed the picture.

"Haru…. This is where you live?" Elie spoke.

He shrugged. "Yep, home sweet home. It gets a bit boring sometimes…"

"It's beautiful…" Elie whispered in awe. Haru smiled, delighted that she was happy so far.

"Yeah, you got a nice place here Haru." Musica commented. "Can't believe I never thought to visit you before."

"It's alright, you had things to do."

"Where you want us to land?"

"Er… on the beach should be fine."

The ship landed, and within moments, the gang exited, Haru leaping out and landing spread-eagle on the ground.

"Ah, home!" He said to the sand. Elie giggled. Haru got up, and gestured for the others to follow him. Along with the gang were two of the ship's crew, lugging Elie's trunk.

They walked up the beach, taking in the sights as Haru led them into the small town. Brightly painted, simplistic houses and shops lined the streets. As they walked, people would poke their head out of their windows and shout hello to the Rave Master, and persons passing would call out to him.

"Haru! Great to see you back man!"

"Hi Haru. We've been looking for you."

"Yo, Rave dude! Hows it hanging?"

"EEEE! Haru's back! He's so cute!"

Musica smirked. "Heh, look at him, he's like king of the island here."

"Well, he is the Rave Master." Ethan commented.

Elie watched as Haru waved to a bunch of cooing girls. He looked rather embarrassed, as if not used to all the attention. She strode up to walk alongside him.

"You seem pretty popular here."

"Yeah." Haru sighed. "I think its annoying myself."

Elie blinked. "Annoying? You have all these fans! You're famous! Its so cool."

"But I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to save the world." Haru stared up at the sky. "It is nice to be admired sometimes, but most times, people come on too strong. They mob me in the streets, lots of girls try to date me just because I'm the Rave Master. I just want people to like me as well…. Me."

He smirked. "I must sound pretty dumb."

"No you don't. I understand." Elie replied. "You're a bigger person than me. If I'd been that famous, I would have lapped it up." She sighed. "But a little fame wouldn't be so bad…."

"True. It was thanks to people giving me money as thank you gifts that got me into College. Hey, we're here." Haru pointed ahead of him.

Elie looked over the small, square two-level house. It looked rather Spartan, save for a large sunflower with small arms and a face which was on the wall next to the door.

"This is your house?"

"Yeah…" Haru sounded anxious.

Elie chuckled. "Sorry, it's just… seeing how popular you are around here, I kinda imagined you lived in a mansion."

"Oh." Haru looked slightly hurt. Elie saw this immediately, and tried to rectify herself. "Oh, but I like it! It's so cute!" She ran up to the sunflower. "And what a nice decoration."

Suddenly, the sunflower's face came to life. "Hey, who you calling a decoration?"

"AHHHHHHH!" Elie leaped back in fright and fell to the ground. Haru helped her up.

"It's okay, Elie. He's a friend."

"Haru? HARU!" The sunflower cheered. "Come're and give me a hug!"

Haru gave the flat creature a hug as best he could, while the others watched in bewilderment. Musica scratched his head. "He looks just like that fortune teller, Saga Pentragon, who told us where Rave was."

"Yep. Guys, meet Nakajima!"

Nakajima smiled at the group. "Oh, so you're these pals he keeps going on about." He looked at Elie and Angela. "So, which one did you have the hots for again?"


Musica smirked and pointed at Elie. Nakajima grinned. "Well, I'm sure Cattleya will be glad to see you back. I'll just call…

"HARU!!!"" Cattleya appeared at the door. Upon seeing her brother, she rushed at him and hugged him tight.

"Oh thank God you're alive! I was so worried!" She cried. Haru held her.

"I know. I'm sorry I left so suddenly…"

Cattleya whacked him on the head. "You'd better be!" She shouted. "I was worried sick. You could have at least come home first before going on this dumb quest."

"It wasn't dumb." Elie spoke up.

Cattleya glared at Elie. "And you. How could you goad my brother into following you? He could have been hurt."

"Well, actually.. some guy did almost kill me." Haru sighed. "But don't take it out on Elie-chan. She actually tried to lose me.

"Lose you?"

"Yeah." Elie said meekly. "Please don't be angry with me, but I did ditch Haru, just so he wouldn't get hurt. I know I was stupid…"

Cattleya looked at the girl. She seemed genuinely sorry. "I see. But hey, forget about it. I'm just glad you're all okay."

"Yeah. That's the main thing." Haru grinned. "Come on, you are gonna love the story I've got to tell."

"I hope so. I mean, this little quest of yours had to have some benefits, right."

Plue took that moment to transform into his larger form. Cattleya jumped in shock.

"Yes, I certainly benefited."


The creature laughed. "Don't worry, master will explain it all. For now… I feel like some sweets." He ambled off into the house.

"Hold it Plue! Just cause you're bigger doesn't mean you can take the snacks. STOP!" Nakajima yelled. "Ahhh, damn my lack of legs."

"Excuse me Cattleya…" Elie pointed at her trunk. "But can I put this in my room?"

Cattleya blinked. "Your room?"

"Or if you havn't got a room ready, can I put in the back?"

"Your room?!!" Cattleya goggled. "What do you mean, your room?"

"Er… I'll explain inside." Haru led the others inside. Cattleya stood in bewilderment.

"So, you okay? I think Elie's about to drop a small bombshell."

She spun round to see Musica. She gasped in surprise. Having not seen him for several days, she's almost forgotted how handsome he was. She stared into his eyes.

"You okay?"

She squeaked in surprise when she realised she was staring. She blushed.


"Nah it's okay." He gave a winning smile. "People say I have this effect on the fairer sex."

She blinked. "Are you trying to come on to me?"

"Maybe." He shugged and walked inside. Cattleya kept his eyes on him.



Kayana Hion, the woman who had assisted Elie back in La Razza, looked around the rather boring room where she ws waiting. She was slightly concerned, as she had no idea where she was.

After talking to the warrior Helix, she had requested an audience with his leader. Helix was reluctant, but had given her a number to call if she had interest in joining their crusade. Kayana had no real interest in their plans, but if she could use them in her own agenda…

After calling their leader, a masked man named Tyrant, he had said he would talk to her in four days. This morning, several men in black had entered her house, blindfolded her, and taken her to this place.

She had no way to figure out her location, as there were no windows, but one thing was clear to her. If these people went to such pains to hide their location, then they surely meant business.

Kayana heard the large iron door nearby open slightly. She stood up, opened the door fully, and entered the chamber beyond.

Her eyes widened. The room she had entered was massive, with cloth banners adorning the round walls. An odd language was written on them. In the center of the room, was a throne-like chair and a desk with an expensive looking computer on it.

And a few feet from her, stood the leader of these people. Tyrant. He was extremely tall, about seven feet, with a large black cloak covering his body. His face was hidden behind a white mask.

At first, he looked like some comical villan, but as he stepped closer, she could feel an incredibly powerful aura around him. She shivered, but tried to look strong.

"Miss Kayana." He spoke in a hollow voice. "I am pleased to meet you. Helix tells me you were… quite persistant."

"Er.. thanks… Say, how is your guy Helix anyway?"

"I regret to say, Helix is lost to us. He was beaten in his last mission." He sighed. "A pity really. He was the finest warrior in my employ. But clearly, for the adversaries we face, I shall have to bring in some new blood."

"Like me?" Kayana asked. "You see, I don't intend to enter your little gang here with getting something in return."

"First, you would need to have something I require…."

Kayana swallowed. "I'm guessing from your last mission that you needed that girl Elie. Well, she trusts me, as she believes me to be a friend of her mother's. I can get close to her… if you still need her."

"Indeed. Thanks to this little setback, our plans have been held back by weeks, but when the time come…." She could swear he was smirking under that mask. "You seem useful so far. But what else can you do?""

"Oh, I have people under my wing. You know, pirates, thugs, expendable types." She smiled.

"And if you were to join, what would you hope to gain."

Her stare turned angry. "Revenge. Against that girl and her family."

Tyrant chuckled. "Sounds like an fine excuse to me." He extended a hand. "Welcome."

He then walked behind one on the banners, revealing a passage to an outside balcony. Kayana followed him, and looked out at the night sky.

"Ah, look at it. A whole world. Ripe to be conqured. Soon, I will accomplish what Lucia Leagrove could not."

"Conquest?" Kayana said to herself. Tyrant was planning on world conquest? He seemed serious enough to do it.

She smirked. This deal was going better than she thought. Revenge, and the prospect of her own country.

Tyrant raised his arms. "You bask in your victory for now, Rave Master…."

"…but you will not win the war……"

Cattleya looked out at the night sky as she boiled more water for tea. Even in the dark, she could see clouds gathering. There would be a storm tonight. The sea was already looking choppy, and rain was beginning to fall.

She had been utterly entranced by Haru's latest adventure. Despite the fact that it wasn't as spectacular as his travels to stop Dark Bring, this time, he had brought some amazing proof. She'd gasped when Haru revealed Shiro Gear's sword, just like the pictures she had seen in his room. When she had had trouble believing that Elie was only half-human, Elie had stood up and exposed her wings, knocking over a vase and Cattleya in the process.

And even while Haru was talking, she kept sneaking glances at Musica, who had sat the whole time sipping tea and acting nonchalant… and yet, he looked so alluring, she could hardly take her eyes off him

She shook her head. She had also seen something else… Haru and Elie sat together the whole time, and from time to time, he would gently reach up and hold her shoulder, as if to keep her close. And when she had looked upset when she had related about how she had recovered her memories, Haru had actually hugged her.

She had believed her brother had a slight crush on her when she met her in the museum, but now… it seemed to be much deeper. But she still had her doubts about Elie. She seemed the type to shirk responsibility when it was pushed upon her, a carefree type who liked causing trouble. Could she put up with such a hyper girl?

She heard someone enter, and turned to see Haru, who looked rather pensive.

"So sis…" He spoke. "How do you feel about letting Elie live with us?"

She sighed. "Truthfully, I'll not sure. I mean, she seems nice and all, but I'm not sure… she's a little weird."

Haru seemed to pale. "Well, yeah… but I thought that too when I first met her. But she has matured a lot since I first met her…"

"I'm just not sure about her."

"We can let her live here! I mean, we never use that room."

"Yes but…" She chose her words carefully. "I hardly know her. How do I know I can stand living with her? Did you consider that? I might not like her."

"Sure you will! She's the kindest person you could ever meet!" Cattleya noticed his voice seemed to be tinged with desparation. "Please Sis. She.. she has no family, no where to go. She's got no one but me. I promised I would help her."

Cattleya looked into his eyes. "Haru… why is it so important that she stays here?

He looked directly at her. "Because I love her."

She gasped. She could see it now, the determination and care in his eyes. "Really?"

"Yes really! And if you have a problem with it….. tough!" He growled.

"Haru… I didn't mean… oh dear, I thought it was just a crush."

His stare softened. "Naaw. It's funny. I didn't know I loved her…. Until I figured out that dream." He sighed. "Please Sis. I need her. As corny as it seems… she completes me."

He walked out of the kitchen, leaving a stunned Cattleya.

Her brother…. In love? She had tried many times to find a good partner for Haru, but all hadn't really been the girl for him. Especially the ones like Asuka Miller. But Elie… could this wild girl really be the one he wanted?

The door opened again. "Cattleya." A quiet voice sounded.

Elie entered. "Can we talk?"

Haru settled back in the living room, still feeling anxious. The others were ticking into cakes and tea.

"Your sister is an excellent cook Haru." Ethan said.

"Yeah!" Angela chewed on a scone. "Can I hire her to live at our place?"

Haru chuckled, then heard a knock on the door. He got up to open it, and sighed when a familiar figure appeared.


"Haru! Oh it's so nice to see you again. I was worried when you hadn't returned my calls."

"Yeah well, I was away…." He felt rather uncomfortable around her. He could felt a predatory air around her, which was normally around when she tried to seduce him. "Look er… I kinda have guests…"

"Oh well, I must introduce myself." She moved past Haru, and stood before the others.

Musica blinked. "Friend of yours, Haru?"

"Well, sort of…."

"Of course! I'm Asuka Miller. A dear aquaintance of Haru."

Griff drooled. "Oh wow! Are all the women on this island hot?!"

"Hello." Ethen greeted. He flinched when he saw Asuka's leering stare.

"Heloooo… we don't normally see men this handsome around here…" Angela imposed herself between the two, glaring angrily.

Asuka huffed and turned to Haru. "Well Haru, how have you been?"

"Alright. He answered. "Was there something you wanted?"

"Well yes actually. I was wondering if we could have a night together. You know, you and me… get reacquainted."

Haru saw the others shake their heads behind her. He sighed. "Look Asuka. I made it clear that I didn't want to go out with out anymore. We're wrong for each other. Please, I'm sure someone else would love to take you out."

She seemed surprised at his refusal. "Oh come on Haru! We were made for each other!" She smirked. "We had some good times. You just need to remember them."

"I remember them fine." Haru glanced anxiously at the kitchen door. "Now, if there's nothing else…"

"Okay…" She smiled. "But at least, let me give you a momento, to spark your memory."

And before Haru could react, she wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him hard.

Elie stared nervously at Cattleya, who stood anxiously, waiting for her to speak.

"I… I guess you're not too happy I came uninvited, are you?"

Well, I was rather surprised. It's not often Haru brings home a lodger." Cattleya said.

Elie moved closer, and Cattleya was sure she could see tears in her eyes. "Please Cattleya! All I want is to stay. You can put me in a house somewhere else, heck, I'll sleep in the basement! I'll cook, I'll clean…." As she rattled off chores, desparation showed in her voice. …"I'll be your slave. I just…."

"Elie… may I ask you something? And answer truthfully."


"Are you in love with my brother?"

"Ahhh! Er.. I mean… what?" Elie replied, wide eyed.

"Well, you seem so desparate to stay with him… I saw the way you touched him back there…" Her eyes slanted. "And I do hear he has a crush on someone…"

"Really?" Elie's expression brightened up. "I wanted to tell him earlier… but I couldn't bring myself. You know, in case I scared him off."

"Scare him off?" Cattleya laughed. "Honey, he's been trying to find a girl for ages now. But after seeing all his past girlfriends…" She smiled. "And watching you, and hearing about you when you were together looking for Rave… I think you're the first girl, who truly cares about him."

"I do!" Elie shot back. "I'd do anything for him. He sacrifices so much for me."

"Would you make him happy?"

Elie paused. "Anything for Haru-Maki!"

Cattleya extended her hand. "Well then… welcome to the Glory house."

Instantly, Elie knocked her down in a huge bear hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou…"

"Yeah,,, don't mention it." They got up and Cattleya freed herself from her grasp. "But if you're going to live her, I expect to to contribute. So you have to do chores…"


"… help with the bills.."

"I'll get a job! Just you see!"

"Cook dinner occasionally…"

"Er…." Elie giggled. "I'll have to get back to you on that. I'm not a good cook."

"I'll show you."

"Alright!" Elie higged her tight. "Just like a big sister would!" Cattleya shuddered at the use of 'big sister'.

"Yes, um… lets tell Haru the good news.

Elie turned, and bolted out of the kitchen. Cattleya was about to follow, when a load gasp was heard. She went into the living room, and froze at the sight before her.

Asuka was kissing Haru. And Elie stood still, a look of horror on her face. Haru pushed Asuka away.

"What the hell are you doing!?" He yelled.

Then, with a small wail, Elie ran out of the room, the slam of the door marking her exit from the house.

"Elie-chan!" Haru looked shocked to the core. "Damn! Elie!" He ran for the door, but stopped and glared at Asuka.

"Just couldn't let it go, could you? I hope something happens to you to make you get a clue." He ran out.

Asuka looked confused. "What's going on?"

"You made another pass at my brother, that's what!" Cattleya shouted. "Honestly, don't you get it? He's in love with someone else!"

"No way… but, who else could he be seeing? And who was she?"

Musica glared. "Someone who truly cared for him, and now may never trust him."

"Well… Oh come on!" She angrily retorted. "He was totally into that kiss!"

Cattleya sighed. "How the hell did you get into the same class as him?" She pointed at the door. "I think it's best you leave."

Asuka looked at the accusing glares of the others, then angrily stomped to the door."

"Wait!" Griff yelled. "Can I have your number?"

"Gahhh!" Asuka broke into a run. Griff sighed. "So, no date?"

As Haru ran out of the house, he was pelted with heavy raindrops falling from the night sky. He looked around frantically trying to find Elie.

He had never been more afraid in his life. If she left… if he could no longer find her…. Then that was it. Life as he knew it was over.

Damn Asuka…. No… his damn courage, or lack of it. All he had to do was tell her. But he had been a coward and kept silent.

If she left because of him…

Then he spotted them on the cliff, near his mother's grave. A set of white wings. Moving closer, he could now see Elie standing on the edge of the cliff, her dress clinging to her wet skin, hair blowing in a breeze. He ran toward her.

"ELIE! ELIE NOOO!" He yelled, fearful she was about to jump off. He ran up, the rain battering his skin, and stopped a few feet from her.

Elie turned around slowly, her wings matted from the rain, her hair drooping in wet strands. Her golden eyes looked at him in despair.

"Please Haru…. I can't stay here…." She moaned.

"No, please! Asuka… she just did that to try and get me back. But I'm finished with her! I'm not interested in her!" No reaction. "Please! You have to believe me!"

Elie trembled. "Haru, please… I can't stay here. It.. it just can't be."

"Why…" He stuttered, not understanding "Why not?"

"Because.." She wept. "..because… you're my friend. You always say you and I are friends. But.. I see you as more… and you don't…" She avoided his stare. "If I were to stay.. I don't think I could stand it."

She turned away. "Please Haru. I want you to be happy. Go find someone. You… you don't want to be with a weird girl like me."

She looked down at the raging sea. All she wanted was to fly away.. to forget all this…

Haru clenched his fist. She was hurt, upset. She had been hurt many times in her life. A new determination filled him, stronger than the one that had led him to defeat Lucia.

Never again. He would not let her get hurt again. He moved softly up behind her, her feathered wings ruffling in the winds, and the scent of her hair on his nostrils, and her kind aura mingling with his.

She gasped involinarily as a set of arms wrapped tightly around her, so tight to almost choke her. Haru's desparate voice sounded in her ear.

"You're not weird. You.. you're the most beautiful person I've ever met."

Elie's eyes widened. Her mind could hardly comprehend with what she had just heard. Did Haru really say that?

She turned to look at him, and was overcome by the show of emotion in his eyes. They looked at her in complete adoration.

"Elie-chan… that dream I was having. I've stopped having it,… because it's true now. That girl…. It was you all along."

A silent gasp escaped her throat.

"The dream was telling me… what I need to make me happy… and it was right."

Were those raindrops.. or tears on his face? His voice started to break.

"Because.. as long as you're here.. as long as you're happy.. I can survive."

He stared directly into her eyes. "Please don't go. I want…" He seemed to stop, but came back. "… I want you to be loved."

"And I… want to love you as long as you need."

Elie's hands shot to her mouth, to cover the loud gasp which was sure to erupt. He loved her. He had admitted he lover her. All that time, wondering if he felt what she felt for him… thinking it was some far out dream. But it was true.

Her arms wrapped around him, her hands travelling up his damp shirt and back to hold him near.

"I love you…." She whispered.

The smile on his face could hardly have been bettered. Haru lowered his head into the crook of her neck. He felt so warm… so nice.

"I'm so sorry." He spoke softly. "I wanted to tell you sooner…." He sighed. "I'm such a coward."

Her hands stroked his hair. "Haru… it's alright now. We.. we were both scared. But it's alright now."

"I wanted to tell you sooner… but you had left.. and I'd had no idea what it was I felt…" Haru looked deeply into her eyes. "I guess I'm a sucker for punishment."

Elie giggled, pleased he;d found his wit again. "I'll say. I thought you were hot ever since I met you."

"Really?" Haru looked embarrassed. She loved it whenever he looked embarrassed…

"Yep." She looked over the wet shirt clinging to his muscles. "You still are."

"Er…" Haru was obviously not that used to being compliented. "Lets go in. I don't want you to freeze."

Her wings faded away, and she took Haru's hand. They walked back to the house, their eyes never leaving each other.

Haru glanced back at the cliff for a brief moment. Perhaps things had not gone as exactly as his dream had gone, but it didn't matter.

He loved an angel. And she loved him back. Surely, that was enough.

When the two got back into the house, they were met with applause by Griff, Musica, Angela and Ethan.

"At last, at long, fricking last!" Musica cheered. He gave his friend a slap on the back. "Honestly, I cannot believe it took you this long"

"Yeah! I'm glad you two got together at last." Angela turned to Ethan. "Alright. NOW you pay up!"

Ethan sighed and handed her some money. Haru and Elie could only stand and blush.

Cattleya stood by the side, looking very shameful. " Haru… I'm sorry. I told Asuka you were coming. I should have known she'd do something like this."

Haru just smiled and hugged his sibling. "It's okay. In the end, it turned out alright."

Cattleya looked at Haru and Elie, the way the two stood close, holding their hands, and sneaking quick glances. Any doubts she'd had about them being a couple were gone now. They looked totally at ease with each other.

"Hey guys, no offence, but we could all do with getting to bed. I'm dying to get into bed."

"Me too." Elie chirped. Then she realised what she said, and turned glow in the dark. "Er… I mean… just to go to sleep. That's all!"

Cattleya smirked. Then again, that was another problem to think about…

"Actually, where are we going to sleep? I doubt we can go home in this storm." Anglea spoke.

"Well…" Cattleya thought. "There's a small hotel. I'm sure you and Musica's crew can stay there."

"Sounds good." Ethan looked at Haru and Elie. "We may as well go now. I'm sure you two would like some time alone." Haru didn't miss the grin on his face. The two walked out.

Musica glanced at the door, then at Cattleya. "Well, I'd better join the boys. Unless, you know, you'd like me to stay."

Cattleya's brain froze. This handsome guy was asking to stay… how could she refuse?

But then… a memory came to her… of another man close to her… his red hair….his strength…

"Well… if you like… but I would have to put you in Haru's room."

"Yeah, I can take the couch, no problem." Haru said.

"Huh? You're not going to…." He gave a sneaky smile. "..share with Elie?"

Haru turned crimson, and glared at him. "Why don't you just get to sleep?"

Musica shrugged, and began walking upstairs, Griff close behind.

"I gotta warn you though." Haru grinned evilily. "I haven't cleaned in a while…"

"Whatever. See you tomorrow." He walked up, his eyes still on Cattleya.

Haru waited, listening for the sound of Musica entering his room..


"OH GOD! HARU, THIS PLACE IS RANK!" Griff screamed.

Haru sniggered. "I'll just get some blankets." He ran off to the laundry room.

Elie looked at Cattleya, who had a forlorn look on her face. "I must say,I'm surprised. Most women just can't resist Musica's charms."

"Well… he is nice… but…"

Elie smiled in understanding. "Shuda, right?"

Cattleya gasped at the mention of the ex Demon Card warrior, who she had had a short relationship with before he left to join Haru's group in the search for Rave.

"How did…?"

"He told us about you and him. I always wondered with you had a thing going on. I guess you did."

Cattleya sighed. "He's been gone for a year, ever since Haru came back from destroying Dark Bring… I.. miss him. I don't know if I could have loved him… but I do wish he was around."

Elie patted her shoulder. "Yeah, he was an ass, but you had to love him. But it's nice you still think of him."

"Do you think it's stupid… wishing he would come back? Maybe I should just get on with life…" It felt odd for Cattleya to admit this to a total stranger, but somehow, Elie was utterly comforting. Was it that kind smile, or her cheerfulness?

"When I left Haru to look for my memories all that long ago, I thought the same. But somehow, it was never as much fun as I thought. I kept wishing for my friends… for him to be around. No, it's not stupid to hope. If you need him so bad.. maybe it's a sign that you two should be together. And maybe one day, he'll come back." She smirked. "Don't tell Haru I said that though. He was a bit upset the first time he heard about you and Shuda."

Cattleya blinked. "Wow. And all this time, I thought you were some airhead."

Elie chuckled. "More to me than meets the eye."

Cattleya smiled brighter. Perhaps having Elie as a 'little sister' wouldn't be so bad after all.

Haru twisted and turned on the couch, but was unable to get to sleep. Besides the fact that the coush wasn't very comfortable for sleeping, his mind was wired. All he could think of was Elie.

He loved her, and she loved him. It felt extremely nice to know that his feelings were returned, and she cared that much for him. But what now? What changes would happen in their lives now? Dating, living together, sex… he didn't have a clue about any of those things. How could he possibly give her what she would need in a relationship?

He needed to clear his mind. And he knew the best way to do that.

He got up, carrying his blanket and tip-toeing past the sleeping Plue. He silently crept upstairs, and in the upstairs hall, opened a skylight. With the help of a small ladder nearby, he climbed up onto the roof.

The rain had stopped hours ago with the passing of clouds, and the roof was dry enough for him to sit on. Settling down, he stared up into the clear sky.

As long as he could remember, stargazing had been his favourite way to relax. To see the patterns of stars in the darkness, it was mesmerising in a way he didn't quite understand. But he could stare for hours at the twinkling lights, and feel secure with himself afterwards…

"Haru…" A soft voice called.

He looked round to see Elie, standing some feet away. She wore nothing but one of his old shirts, the one with the slogan 'Money is a good servant, but a poor master'. The shirt only reached down to the top of her thighs, exposing a lot of leg and hugging her curves. She looked extremely cute… and extremely sexy.

"I'm not bothering you, am I?"

He smiled. "Nah. You could never bother me." He motioned for her to sit next to him.

As she got closer, he began to get nervous. Did he continue the way he had been when they had been friends, or did he have to be something else? His old fears were coming back.

"You er… couldn't sleep either?" He said quietly.

"Yeah. I heard you go up here." She looked up at the stars. "Beautiful, aren't they?"

He swallowed, taking in and marvelling at the way her hair shimmered in the night. "Yeah, bu..but not as… beautiful as you." He stammered. He cringed inwardly. He only wanted to complement her, but was deathly afraid he'd screw up somewhere. What was he meant to say?

"Don't say anything!" He thought. "Just… enjoy the moment."

He moved his arm to her back, and gently pulled her body next to his. She leaned her head onto his shoulder… Haru shuddered slightly, and looked at her while she stared into the sky. She felt so soft… her skin against his hand, her curves against his body.. hell, even her eyes looked soft, the bright amber seeming to beckon him closer…

Elie then turned to look him in the eyes. He held his breath, wondering if he'd made her uncomfortable..

"Haru-Maki…" Her voice seemed to echo in the air. "Are you scared of me?"

"What?" He almost jumped. "What do you mean?"

"Your eyes. I looked into them…" She seemed uncertain of speaking. Was she as scared as he was? "… and they had that look I saw when you fought someone like Lucia or Doryu…. or Helix. You looked determined..yet I could tell you were scared."

Haru blinked in amazement. She was right. All those times he had battled, he had been afraid that maybe, he might not win, or would lose one of his friends… or her. And she had read him, the invincible Rave Master, like a book all along.

"You're right. I guess I am scared… but not of you…" He spoke. "I… I'm just scared I might lose you again."

She wrapped an arm around his. "Lose me? Haru, I'm not going from here for a long time, and I'm sure you won't be too."

"I meant… just to turn you away…" He sighed, trying to get his words together. "I mean… I just don't get it? What's so great about me that makes you want to stay?"

"Haru…" Elie was surprised. Haru, the world's most confident man… sounded like a lost, vunerable child.

"I mean, take away Rave, and what am I? Some hick from a small island, with hardly any street smarts."

Somehow, it felt good to tell her this. Maybe she would understand. Than again, maybe she would decide to leave. But he couldn't stop now.

"I… I've never been in love before. I felt it sometimes when we were looking for Rave, but I never acted on it.. because I didn't know what to do. And now I know for certain that I love you, I still don't know what to do. How do we date, where do we date? Are we going to live together on our own house….

Elie stared as Haru ranted, bemused, but touched that Haru was revealing himself in this way. She too, had little idea of what to do, since her past relationships had gone so badly. She too, was scared of losing him.

She didn't want them to be scared. And there was only one way to show him that. Plus, it seemed to be the only way to get him to shut up…

"…! I don't know the first thing about sex! I'll always love you, but I don't know what to do, what to change….

Elie wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips to his.

Haru's mind instantly went blank. His worries seemed to disappear. All he could feel was the touch of her soft warm lips on his. Electricity seemed to shoot up his spine. She backed away, and he looked at her in shock, her eyes shining in mischief. "Wha… what was that for?"

She frowned. "That was our first kiss, of course. And that one Lucia gave me in Symphonia doesn't count."

She moved closer, her nose almost touching his, her golden gaze boring into him.

"Haru… I won't be scared if you won't. Whether it's the Diemen, Dark Bring, or just life in general…" She whispered. "… I'll be there to help you face it."

Tears dotted her eyes. "And… I don't need you to change anything about yourself….. I don't need you to just throw yourself into danger… though you'll do it anyway." She chuckled, then nuzzled his neck.

"All I need……. Is you."

Haru held her close. "That's okay by me…" He kissed her forehead. "I promise… you won't ever have to be alone again…"

He moved forward to kiss her, his heart pounding like a drum. Their lips touched, all his senses went of red alert, and he wished he had done this sooner.

His hands brushed though her silky hair, and he silently pray that this moment would last forever…

Nearby, unseen, Plue sat on the roof and chewed on a lollipop, watching his master and Elie embrace. It brought great relief to know that his friend was now a permanent part of their lives, and that his master had finally found the happiness he had sought.

He looked up at the sky. Things seemed to be alright now. But in his long life, he'd learned that the unexpected could appear at any time. And he knew that Haru and Elie would face a huge trial in the future.

But as long as they remained close, Plue knew they could prevail.

For now though… Plue settled back to sleep, as the Rave Master and his angel celebrated their bond.

The stars shone bright, as though just for them.