Gundam Seed Destiny Fan Fiction ❯ Meer's New Side ❯ A Cool Night at the Mansion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Cool Night at the Mansion
I do not own gundam seed destiny or any of it's characters.... this story is wholly my own.
This story is adult in nature, if you are under-age, do not read on. Sexual scenes depicted bellow.
Meer felt her chest rise and fall slowly as she breathed. She had a hand placed on top her left breast as she lay calmly on the bed. It was a luxurious bed, like nothing she could of ever dreamed of. But that was all before she had changed.
The young woman had already spent the better part of an hour looking herself over in the large Meerror on the wall. She had had this new found look for some time now but yet could not believe the changes.
She had a hair stylus that kept her long, pink hair in near perfect condition. Then there was the physical trainer that had helped her achieve a very nicely toned body. There were so many people helping her become her dream, helping her become Lacus.
Meer lay naked in the dark, the room lit up from a large open window. This new house was huge, unimaginable. She felt like a girl in a toy store, able to buy anything she wanted.
She loved this new life, it was perfect.
Meer looked down her body, seeing the large breasts she had rise and fall with each breath. Her left hand rested above the nipple, feeling her heart beat. She looked at her nipples, they were perk from the cool breeze coming in.
The woman loved her boobs, she admitted. When they were changing her, making her more like her idol, she had heard the doctors talk about them. They were bigger than Lacus', noticeably bigger. But they had decided to keep them that size.
Before, in her old life, she was never one to really flaunt her body. She just did not like how it looked. Not even her breasts did she ever show off.
But now after all was done, she noticed the new looks people gave her. Meer especially noticed how the men looked at her.
Every now and then she would wear a low cut, tight shirt. It was not really her taste, but she knew the nice cleavage that was shown. The mens' eyes now gravitated towards her chest. She would catch them looking at her breasts and she had to admit, she loved the feeling that they were lusting for her body.
On some occasions she would even see the man suddenly look up and notice she was staring right at them. They would try to play it off or get extremely shy and look away. If they ever had an apologetic look and didn't look away, Meer would simply smile and stick her tongue out at them.
A cold breeze shot in for a moment, sending a shiver down her spine. The woman moved her right hand up along her belly, gently guiding it in circles around her smooth skin.
She looked at her perk nipples once more. Her left hand shifted up, squeezing the nipple slightly. A gasp of breath escaped her. Meer was full of energy that night, sexual energy.
There was one time a few weeks ago, sitting at a meeting with several older men. It was a boring meeting and the room had been stifling hot. She had removed her jacket, forgetting she had a simple tank-top underneath. No one seemed to notice, they were mostly talking amongst themselves.
As she had shifted down in the couch chair, she looked around bored. But she had started to notice something during that meeting. A few of the men would occasionally steal a glance in her direction.
Not only that but from her point of view she could see some under the table. And there she saw one of them had a bulge formed in his pants. The pervert, she had thought. Yet later the memory had excited her. People were now lusting over her like never before. Meer had felt a small sense of power now over these boring business men.
In the cool air Meer moved her right hand down, moving a finger gently up and down her skin, parallel to the lips of her vagina. Her other hand once more rubbled the nipple.
Mmmmm, she moaned. Maybe some day she could get one of those men up here... She giggled to herself at the thought.
Meer stood up off the bed, not sure if she should continue with her hands. With no thought of clothing herself, she walked over to that large open window. Outside was the vast courtyard, one of the chairman's personal houses. He was hardly every here, so it had become her place of residence. Her room was nicely situated on the second floor, giving her a nice view.
She leaned forward, arms resting on the windowsill. She giggled at how she must look, it was as if she was displaying her breasts out to the world.
A noise came from below, startling her. Meer saw a guard staring up at her with a look of shock on his face.
She squealed in shock, darting back into the room. After a moment of quiet, someone yelled out a sorry from outside. As she lay on the floor she began to giggle.
Wrapping her body up in the bed sheet, she walked over to the window once more. The guard was looking away this time, so she whistled to get his attention.
He turned around, looking quite embarrassed.
Meer giggled to herself softly. Oh how she loved that look.
"Don't worry, we'll just keep this amongst ourselves," she told him.
"Ok," the guard said, although he still looked very nervous. He waved back as she ducked once again into her room.
She let the sheets fall down to the floor and thought a rather naughty thought. The woman walked over to her night stand and took a drink of her wine. Perhaps this was aiding her in the wrong ways? she thought to herself.
With that she playfully skipped over to the window once more, this time concealing her chest. The guard had walked a little more along the building but was still in view.
Meer whistled to him once more. He turned around, looking not quite as nervous but still uneasy.
"Excuse me sir, is it ok if we talk a little?" she asked him.
"It should not be much problem Miss Lacus. The chairman told us to always be at your service," he responded, although many times looking away.
The breeze played with her hair as she rested her head upon her arms. She loved how they called her that name, even though she knew most of them knew the truth. "At my service? I will have to use this service more often," Meer slyly commented.
The man looked like he was trying to smile though the feeling of awkwardness.
"So tell me, why do you have to patrol here? Do people know I am here?" she asked in a childish voice.
"Well we must protect you, it's our orders," he replied.
"And do whatever I ask?" she said, winking at him.
"Um, yes," was all he could find himself saying back.
"I am bored, I want to have some fun," the pink haired woman told him.
"I am not sure where I can help you with that." The man seemed to be trying hard to be soldier-like.
"I'm sure you can. Tell me, were they nice to look at?"
He just looked confused, staring up at her. With no reply, Meer stood up suddenly, exposing her breast to him once more.
She grabbed hold of the underside of them, tweaking each nipple. The guard stood in shock, not sure if to run away or keep looking. But he kept on looking, so she took that as a good sign.
"Well are you just going to stand there all night or answer a girl?"
He tried to get some words out of his mouth, mostly fumbling about. "They look great," the guard finally managed to say.
Meer loved it, he was so caught between two decisions. Time to push him over, she thought. "I got an idea, let's play 'you show me yours and I'll show you mine.' What do you say?"
The guard was motionless. "Come on now," Meer pressed, "you did say you were at my service no? I'll be waiting..." And with that the pink haired woman walked back from the window. She giggled slightly to herself and took another drink of the wine.
Meer sat on the bed, listening to noises of the wind outside the window. It had already been a few minutes and no sign of the man. Was he coming? she kept asking herself.
The woman felt nervous, this was something she had never done before. She got up and walked over to the window. There was no sign of anyone outside. Had he just continued his patrol? Part of her was nervous while another part started to have some second thoughts.
She walked over to the bed, taking hold of her glass of wine. Taking another sip, her eyes watched the door. Meer turned and placed the glass back upon the bedside table. Then she heard a noise of the door opening.
The man closed the door behind himself. He seemed caught between walking forward or standing where we was. Meer stretched out her long legs but kept them closed, staring at the young gentleman.
"So you are not wearing anything at all," he commented.
"Is that all you came here for?" she asked.
There was a moment of silence but in the dim light she could tell he was scanning over her body with his eyes. "So what is it that you wanted then?" he asked, not wanting to take the lead.
All those thoughts about turning back or regret washed away. She was enjoying having him like this. "Come closer then, I feel so lonely on this bed."
He walked forward at a slow pace until he was at the edge of the bed.
"So how old are you then mister?"
"I'm 25 years old miss," he responded in his formal ways.
Meer slid down to the edge of bed and sat there, padding the spot next to hers. The man sat down so now the two were at equal level.
She leaned in and kissed the man. At first he didn't move but she continued with short kisses, his lips now coming to meet hers each time. Her hand was moving along his chest, unbuttoning the shirt as best as she could.
"I hate these things," she protested.
"Here let me." The man quickly pulled off his shirt and undershirt in one quick motion over his head.
"So they really do train you," she commented as her hand ran along his smooth chest. "But now, are you going to show me yours then?"
The man looked down at his crotch then back at her, as if asking if that is what she meant. Lacus leaned in a bit closer and nodded. She felt like an expectant child, watching closely. One hand worked at massaging her left breast as she watched on.
The guard kicked off his shoes and unzipped his pants, sliding them off. All that remained were his plain, block briefs. There was a very noticeable bulge coming up from them.
She placed her hand, massaging the shaft through the cloth. "Show it to me," she commented. Meer let go and leaned back a bit, her hand already resting along her thigh, not staying still.
The man slid off his briefs, letting the cock spring upwards. She smiled as she looked into his eyes then back down at the shaft. Meer moved a hand over, wrapping her fingers around it. Her small fingers slid up and down the pulsating member.
"Does it um, feel good?" the man asked her.
She smiled, almost giggled at his shyness. "Yea it does, except maybe it needs some lubrication." The pink haired girl moved her head over the tip and stuck out her tongue. She flicked at the tip a few times.
Meer was winging it. She had never done anything like this before. Sure there had been a porn movie and some talk, but never actually gone down on someone. Hell, she had only had sex twice before with a boyfriend that was less than faithful. But that was all changing now. This time she was going to be the one tempting men away from their girls.
She opened her mouth wide and took the head into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head as her lips created a nice seal. Meer's hand continued to stroke the shaft. A small gasp escaped the young guard's mouth, only exciting her more.
Her mouth slid down more of the shaft, as much as she could. Sliding back up, she sucked in hard, with a small pop as she came up from the head. Her hands stroked the dick quickly, moving the saliva around.
"You know there is always something I've wanted to see..." Meer began, looking up at the man. A small bit of drool was escaping from the edge of her lips. The man watched as it slid down her chin and danced there for a moment. It then fell down, falling upon her right breast that was just inches from his chest.
"Yea?" was all he asked, now staring intently at the hard, red nipples that stood firmly off her boobs. They were pencil sized in thickness, surrounded by large areolas. It was hard not to center on them.
To play him on more, she used her free hand to tweak her left nipple, pulling slightly at it. "you see, I've always wanted to watch a guy jerk himself off." Her hand let go of his dick as she leaned her whole body back against the bed. "Would you do that for me?"
The man took hold of his dick and started to stroke it slowly. "Well, will you also do it?" he suddenly asked.
Meer smiled. "Do what?" The words came out sounding very innocent. She bent her right leg to one side, exposing her pussy to him. Her hand slid down her body, some fingers flicking lightly at the perk lips of her vagina. "You want me to play with this?"
"Ohh yeaaa..." he breathed out, as if more a moan than a phrase. He turned around and moved closer, kneeling next to her. The guards hand continue to move up and down the shaft she had sucked earlier.
She licked her lips. "MMmm I like this closer view." Meer now had a her left hand massaging her nipple as the right rubbed the hood of her clit. Things were building up fast inside of her.
Meer pulled at the nipple, tugging a bit more till it hurt, but yet also felt good. Her other hand pressed against the clit then slid down along the wet lips of her pussy. A finger darted in and back out. She slid it again, a bit deeper then hooked it back out.
The pinked hair girl was moaning and just now realized it. The finger pushed once more into her then back out. It was wet with her fluids. She pressed it against her clit once more, yelling out a moan now.
She looked at her companion's eyes. He was watching her finger play with her pussy while his own hand stroked his hard dick faster. His eyes shot over towards her, he noticed the woman watching him now.
"Enjoying..." huff, she was out of breath for a moment. "What you see?" she asked, finishing the sentence. Meer didn't wait to answer, sliding two fingers into the folds of her pussy, a high pitch moan escaping her as she did.
The man's eyes once again watched as she darted the fingers in quicker now, back and forth inside of her. Her back began to to bend, wiping a bit from the pleasure.
"Oh I do, you are... something," was all the man mustered. "But I... am not going to last much longer..."
Meer loved the sound of that. She tugged on her nipple once more, feeling the intense pleasure and pain shoot through her. "Why don't you release it then?" she asked matter-of-factly.
The man responding without taking his eyes of her wet pussy as her hands worked it. "Do you want me to cum on your bed?"
She bit her lips, amazed at how naughty she could be. "Where would you like to shoot your cum?"
His eyes now shifted to look at hers, checking if she was really asking. "Well," he began, slowing down his stroke. "Can I do it on your boobs?"
Meer was hoping for him to say something with more finesse, but it still excited her. So perverted, but she loved it. "Come closer... and cum..." she said, biting her lips. She placed both her hands now down against her vagina, using her arms to press her boobs together.
The man moved up and placed a leg on either side of her. She could see his cock just over her breasts, the head bobbing with each stroke right at her. Meer used one of her hands to rub against her clit again as the other massaged just inside her. She had never seen a man cum before. And here his dick was ready to explode over her own boobs.
He let out a quick moan as the first bit came out. It was a long, thick streak of white fluid flying right towards her face. Her head flinched back as she closed her eyes. Meer felt the gooey liquid land at her nose, down across her lips and chin, and the last bit along her neck.
She was taken completely by surprise, not expecting it to reach this far. Her hands had stopped moving for a moment but then she saw the larger gob of cum drip out over the large breast. It rolled down her skin, she could feel it tingling along.
Meer began to once again pump her fingers. Oh the idea was too much for her, the reality of what was happening. She had semen on her breast, semen that a man had ejaculated just from watching here. And there was a bit of semen on her face, a man had actually came on her face.
Another large amount filtered out of the head of his cock, falling on top her left nipple. Her fingers were now moving fast, in and out of her wet vagina. This was all so wrong, so perverted, so unlike her but she loved it. But maybe this was the new here, the one that loved to be sexy, to be sexual, to be fucked.
She came, her body convulsing around underneath the man. She knew he was watching, watching her moan and breath hard. Her whole body filled with pleasure and energy, releasing it all then. Her fingers were wet, so very wet.
The man moved to one side, taking a seat next to her as she lay. Her body was sweaty, the room felt hot even with the open window. The room was almost quiet except for the noise of the two breathing a bit harder than they would normally.
He was looking away from her, now with the look of shyness once more. The guard stood up off the bed. "I should go."
She shot towards him and turned his head, kissing him on the lips. "Thank you," Meer whispered. "We will have to play again some day."
The man simply nodded as he stood there naked. He looked over her, taking particular notice of the line of cum across her face and the globs gathering at her cleavage area. "Yea, we should," he admitted.
She smiled as he walked away, taking his clothes and walked out the room.
Meer was alone once more, with a slight smile across her face. She let herself fall back against the bed. Oh this was fun, this was fun, she thought.
Her hand moved along her round breast, a finger touching into the pool of wet semen. She brought a finger up to her lips and took a taste. Meer was hoping it would taste great, but not really something she liked.
But of course, her thoughts countered, it's not something she hated either. And she had heard guys love it when a woman swallows this stuff.
Meer stretched her body out, feeling so relaxed. She smiled as more naughty thoughts crossed her mind. The future is going to be fun, yes definitely fun.
The pink haired girl slowly drifted off to sleep, not bothering to clean the sweat or cum off her body. No she wanted to keep it there and just drift off to bed. This was going to be a good life, oh yes, she was sure of it. With a smile on her face, the young woman dreamt of even better days.