Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hell Knows No Fury Like A Woman Scorned ❯ The Goddesses' Life Jewels ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: A new chapter up and no review. You guys don't love me anymore. (Pouts)
Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. R&R and no flames. Flames will extinguished by a fire extinguisher.
Chapter Summary: After Chione returns to the Sanctuary, she heads to the Crystal Room where the Mercury Crystal lies floating and we learn that the Ginzuishou wasn't the only crystal during the Silver Millennium.
Chapter 4: The Goddesses' Life Jewels

Days later, Chione returned to the Sanctuary on Colony L6.
The attendants bowed to the Goddess as she scaled up the staircase to the Crystal Room.
Upon reaching the glittering crystal room, she approached the Mercury Crystal that floated on a lapis lazuli Greek pillar of glass. It was said that the Sailor Crystals were the source of the Senshi's powers. But what was never revealed was that the Sailor Crystals were not fully complete; in fact, they are the power cores of the Warrior Goddesses' Life Jewels. The Warrior Goddesses will only regain their full power when their Life Jewels were complete. The only completed Life Jewel was Eternal Sailor Moon's Ginzuishou.
Chione trailed her fingers lightly against the outline of the delicate crystal. After Chaos was destroyed, Sailor Cosmos had came to her, revealing that the eight shards of the incomplete Life Jewel of Chione laid within five of her sorceresses and Chione's three Elite Senshi, codenamed: Ice Dragon, Frost Phoenix and Snow Owl. Sailor Cosmos had also assured Mercury the other girls will find the missing crystal shards on their own.
Chione had already found the five Virtue crystals; reliability, sympathy, harmony, friendship and loyalty. Therefore, she knew the last three, composure, mutual understanding and unshakable trust laid within her Elite Senshi. All she had to do know was to find them.
Chaos had feared that the Warrior Goddesses would awaken and was afraid of their power. He was dead set on preventing their revival, remembering clearly that it was they who sealed him within the Cauldron in the first place. That was why Sailor Chi had demanded Eternal Sailor Moon to sacrifice her power and her crystal.
Chione gasped and clutched her chest as a jolt stabbed her heart.

The battle had shifted as Galaxia pinned Eternal Sailor Moon to the ground. She told her that she was born a nobody on a terrible planet and that her life was horrible. She was awakened as a Sailor Senshi, a chosen one, but believed that any ordinary Sailor Senshi was worthless, and that she needed the strongest star. She added that she had been searching for her star, and she had found it, but in order to obtain it, she needed the Galaxy's most powerful crystal.
Sailor Moon then blasted Galaxia off off her and told Galaxia that Senshi powers were to be used to protect and maintain peace and justice for those they love. Galaxia questioned the idea of love and friends, saying that hanging out and roaming together was a sign of weakness. She added the only thing worth believing in was the power within, the power of the Sailor Crystals. With this power, she said, even those who had been killed could be revived. Images of the Solar System Senshi appeared in a Garden Crystal, but they vanished in a flash as Galaxia told Sailor Moon how easily their bodies were destroyed. Sailor Moon gasped, but Galaxia pressed on, insisting that Sailor Moon knew what she believed in, like love, friends, peace and the future, was all an illusion.
Sailor Moon lunged at Galaxia, saying that she could never understand how strong friends, lovers, bodies and words could be. She added that she made it this far, and continued to fight, because of her desire to save her friends. She took her stand and maintained this was what it meant to be a Sailor Senshi.
Galaxia was shocked. Suddenly, the Garden Crystal vanished and Galaxia retreated, running into the palace. Sailor Moon was stunned, but followed. While Galaxia ran she wondered why Sailor Moon had the Galaxy's most powerful crystal. She was determined to get Sailor Moon's power in order to destroy Chaos and rule the Galaxy. As Sailor Moon chased after Galaxia, they arrived on the edge of a precipice which overlooked a bright glowing disk, seen through a stone archway.
This is the holiest place in the universe,” Galaxia added, “the Galaxy Cauldron.” She explained to Sailor Moon that everything, no matter how weak or strong, was born at this place. Sailor Moon thought that the place where stars were born was beautiful, and believed that if there was hope left, it would be found here. Sailor Galaxia told Sailor Moon that this was the place where the chosen one would be victorious. She said that everything was made in this place, and here, everything would be lost. With that, the Garden Crystal appeared and Galaxia raised it over the Cauldron. Sailor Moon shouted to her, but the other Senshi tossed the massive Crystal into the Cauldron, melting it and all the Sailor Crystals inside into the birthplace of stars. There was a bright flash and Sailor Moon was struck motionless. Galaxia observed that crystals from all across the galaxy were now melted into nothing, and exulted in the feeling it gave her. She declared that the Cauldron was the most powerful and strongest star in the universe.
Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon arrived to see Sailor Moon in shock, staring into the Cauldron. She was stunned that the Crystals had been melted away, knowing now that she could not retrieve them and save her friends. She remained resolute, however, and resumed her assault on Galaxia as Tuxedo Mask appeared beside the powerful Senshi. “Grow more angry! Be alone and awaken the true power within you!” With these words, Galaxia raised her arm and forced Tuxedo Mask off the precipice into the Cauldron. Sailor Moon cried out Mamoru's name, and Galaxia told her that once she knew the whole truth from Chaos, her power would overload and she would self destruct and be destroyed along with Chaos. At that point, Galaxia said she would claim the Cauldron. Sailor Chibi Moon and Chibi Chibi Moon were stunned, and Sailor Moon continued to call after Mamoru as his body melted away into the Cauldron.
After he disappeared, Sailor Chibi Moon also faded away. Sailor Moon called after her too, but there was a violent eruption from the Cauldron. Galaxia was excited at the reaction and told Sailor Moon that she would sacrifice herself to the Cauldron as well. She attacked Sailor Moon with “Galactica Super String!”
Chibi Chibi Moon rushed forward and deflected the attack away from Sailor Moon. Galaxia was surprised and realized the little girl was a Sailor Senshi. Chaos groaned and Galaxia addressed it, saying the strongest Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon, would belong to it. She thought to herself that her time of ruling the galaxy had finally come.
Then, without warning, Chaos erupted and released an attack that sent Galaxia plunging towards the Cauldron. Sailor Moon rushed forward and grasped Galaxia's wrist tightly, pulling her to safety. There was a powerful blast from below and Sailor Moon held onto Chibi Chibi Moon while Galaxia laid on the ground beside them. Sailor Moon's power activated, releasing a powerful glow. Chaos reacted to the power, the strongest light in the galaxy, and desired to claim it.
Chaos introduced itself and told Sailor Moon that it was the one that did not become a star, and now ruled over the dark stars in the Cauldron. Chaos told Usagi that she was the one who received the beautiful power of the light and destroyed all the dark stars; they were her kin, born of this place, and she made her name famous by defeating them.
Chaos laughed but Sailor Moon was confused by this statement. Chaos added that all those she had called enemies were actually a part of Chaos itself, sent from this place through time and space to find the light. Sailor Moon was struck by this revelation, and she recalled all of the enemies she had defeated. Chaos told Sailor Moon that her coming to this place was fate, that the darkness and the light drew one another. It said that they were destined to be together again like they were in the beginning.
Chaos called for Sailor Moon to give over her powers so that it would finally rule over the galaxy. In the heat of the blast, Galaxia regained consciousness and asked Sailor Moon why she saved her. Sailor Moon was surprised, and Galaxia wanted Sailor Moon to kill her. She realized that she could not overcome Chaos, and sadly thought that her star was not to be found here either. Sailor Moon told Galaxia that she saved her because she felt the sadness within her and did not want to lose any more friends. Galaxia angrily shouted that she was the enemy, and this is war, but Sailor Moon replied that she could not fight anymore with everyone gone. She told Galaxia that she was not always fighting for peace and justice, but also for her friends. Without them, who should she fight for?
Galaxia wondered if war would end because the two last soldiers could not fight, while Chaos' power groaned around them. Sailor Moon thought that was the thing she had been hoping for, but she did not want it like this.
Chibi Chibi Moon came to Sailor Moon and told her that war would not end, and that it would go on forever. She told Sailor Moon that she could end this war here and now by eliminating the source of all darkness: the Cauldron and Chaos.
Sailor Moon was taken aback. Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon told Sailor Moon that the Cauldron and Chaos had become one, and that to eliminate Chaos, the Cauldron must be destroyed. Sailor Moon realized that destroying the Cauldron would mean that no more stars could be reborn and that the galaxy would die out. Chibi Chibi Moon warned her that if she did not destroy it now, the wars would continue because of her inaction. She told Sailor Moon that she would regret it.
Sailor Moon studied Chibi Chibi Moon. She observed that as long as stars are born, there will be war, and wondered if this the will of the Galaxy; does it mean that the end of all suffering must come from the destruction of everything? Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon shouted to Sailor Moon that it was the only way to end the suffering.
Sailor Galaxia added that even if the Cauldron was destroyed a new one will likely be born again. She said that light and darkness will be born again and a new future will begin. She was surprised that the idea of a 'new future' could still exist within her.
Sailor Moon agreed that a new future would always be created, that light and darkness, battles, hope, life and death, happiness and sadness will all come into existence again, because everything was part of this universe. Sailor Galaxia listened to Sailor Moon and was awed by her belief in the future of the universe. She thought to herself that Sailor Moon might be the soldier that drew in all light, and believed that she has found her star, but it was too bright and out of reach. She fell to her knees and her bracelets cracked. Sailor Moon reached out to Galaxia and calls her name. Galaxia's last thoughts was that Sailor Moon would always shine, then her bracelets shattered and she vanished. Her brooch fell to the ground and Sailor Moon picked it up.
With tears in her eyes, Sailor Moon told Chibi Chibi Moon that she would not give up. She told the small Senshi that because everyone believed in her, she would make the future. She told her not to give up either, that hope and the future would not disappear, and that she should believe, because as long as stars are born, they would be okay.
Chibi Chibi Moon began to understand. A warm glow surrounded her, and her body transformed into that of a grown woman. She kissed Sailor Moon's cheek and the two came face to face. Her outfit has changed, and a bright star shines on her forehead. “Chibi Chibi?” Sailor Moon asked, shocked. Their hands touched as they floated in a bright light, and they realized they would not lose because they are Sailor Senshi.
Chaos reacted with fury and told Sailor Moon that the Cauldron would be her grave, and this is the birth of the ultimate star, Chaos.
Sailor Moon floated up into the air and surrounded herself with a powerful light. In her mind, she addressed all her enemies: Chaos, Queen Metallia, Death Phantom, Pharaoh 90, Queen Neherenia, and Galaxia. She understood now why they had come for her. It was for the same reason that she always sought to be with her friends: because they were all lonely stars, longing to be one with each other. That was how they began. Sailor Moon said that she would now surround them, inside the Cauldron, to save everyone.
Chaos cried out as Sailor Moon descended into the Cauldron below.
Eternal Sailor Moon used all of the Sailor Crystals to attack Chaos with Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power, and succeeded in defeating it. After that, Guardian Cosmos, Guardian of the Galaxy Cauldron, appeared and offered Sailor Moon a choice - either to go back to her everyday normal life where enemies would always come after her, or to stay in the Cauldron with the other stars in their purest forms. Sailor Moon chose to go back with everyone.
Sailor Cosmos sent Sailor Chibi Moon and her team back to the future and then faded away herself, with new hopes for the future.

“Now I knew your pain, Usa-chan.” Chione whispered softly, rivulets of tears flowing down her face. “You really are the future of the Universe.”
“And because you believed, I will not fail.” she swore.

SailorStar9: Yeah, that ends another chapter. Read and review.