Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Bored Yet? ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title : Bored yet?
Author : walkin_siesta
Rating : PG-13
Characters : slight Kira/Athrun, Lacus, Cagalli, Chairman Dulindall
Summary : Cagalli's bored out of her mind
Notes : yay, another quickie! Written in response to my friend's request for a Kira/Athrun fic. Though it's definitely not what she had in mind, but sorry girl, I just can't write full-throttle, no-holds-barred smut yet (maybe not ever ^^). Unbeta-ed with extreme OOC-ness.
Disclaimer : They're not mine. Now shoo.
`…' = thought
“…” = conversation
-…- = written message
~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Cagalli sighs despondently. She is bored. Mind-numbing, hair-tearing B-O-R-E-D. Chairman Dulindall is still talking about diplomat so and so, who's going to visit Orb and discuss blah blah.. he's been at it for three hours! At this point, the diplomat can just drop dead for all she cares. She contemplates asking for a bathroom break, but she'd used it twice already, and Kira's given her the evil eye last time.
She looks around at her companions around the meeting table. Kira's doodling on a piece of paper, probably drawing his beloved Strike. Athrun's still listening to the Chairman, eyes intent. Cagalli snorts softly, `Huh, look at the golden child. Suck up.' Then she blinks and looks closer, `He looks a bit flushed. Does he have a fever? Nah, he seems fine before.'
She dismisses it from her mind and turns her attention to Lacus, who's sitting across the table from her. At first glance she just looks serene, but Cagalli's trained eyes can see that her gaze is a tad unfocused. 'Now there's someone I can relate to.' She quickly scribbles something on the corner of her notebook, rips it off and crumples it into a tiny ball. She then furtively shoots the paper ball across under the table, and it landed right on Lacus' lap.
Lacus feels something hitting her leg, waking her when she's just about to nod off. She picks up the message, smoothes it out and reads.
- Heya there, lassie. God, I'm so boorreed. It's been 3 hours! I need to take a leak too. Got any candy on you? -
She looks up to see Cagalli grins and gives her a little wave. Lacus searches the deep pockets of her uniform, finding no candy, and writes back on the paper.
- Nope, sorry. I swore I have some mints, but I must've eaten them. -
Then she crumples the paper and throws it to Cagalli in the same way. Cagalli reads the note quickly, the corners of her mouth turning down in disappointment. She then scribbles something and tosses it back to Lacus.
- Gah, no candy? Damn, I'm desperate. Can't even get a decent cup of coffee here. Come on, tell me a story, some jokes, whatever! -
Lacus reads the message, then replied,
- A joke? Well, here's one. Why does the lettuce cross the road? Because it's time for him to leaf home. Haha -
Just as she was about to toss it back to Cagalli, a strange noise comes from Athrun, something between a gasp and a cough. Four pairs of eyes simultaneously turn to him, and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
“Are you okay, Athrun?” Dulindall asks.
“Yes, sir. Just a bit of dry throat. Carry on please” Athrun smiles weakly at him.
Reassured, Dulindall turns back to his presentation and continues to drone.
Glad that they weren't found out, Lacus continues to toss the paper back at Cagalli. Cagalli reads, then make a gagging motion with her mouth. She writes back,
- That it so lame Lacus. Is that the best you can do? - and underlines the word `lame' three times.
She throws it back to Lacus, but she missed, and it bounces on Lacus' leg to land on the floor near her feet. She sneaks a peek at Dulindall, finding his attention elsewhere and ducks to retrieve the paper. Cagalli raises an eyebrow when she appeared several moments later, wide eyed. She writes something and tosses the paper back at Cagalli.
Cagalli reads - Want to know something good? Look under the table. -
Her curiosity needled, Cagalli glances across the table to find Lacus looking at her, with a secretive grin on her lips. Suddenly suspicious, Cagalli writes back,
- What? What's under the table? Tell me. -
- Nope, not telling. Just look. -
As her suspicion level rises up, Cagalli tosses back,
- I'm not going to look unless you tell me what it is first. I have a feeling I won't like it -
At this Lacus just grins evilly at her, scribbles something, then toss the paper back. A good two feet to the left of Cagalli's seat. Cagalli tries to fish the paper closer with her foot, but failed. She gives Lacus a look, but she just continues to grin and raises an eyebrow. `Chicken' it says. Her pride on the line, Cagalli takes a deep breath and ducks under the table. She grabs the paper, and about to rise, when her eyes caught a movement nearby. She automatically focuses.. and stares.
`omigodKira'sfoot'sinAthrun'slapwhatishedoinghewearsbluesockst here'sdirtonhispantshistoes'rewigglingnowthey'regrippingAthrun'szipperit'sg oingdown.. down.. down..'
“HOSH*T!!” Cagalli scuttles backward, horrified. BANG! “Ouch!” her head's hitting the table on her desperate flight, another BANG! “Oww!” can be heard. There're sounds of chairs being shoved backwards as people scramble to see what all the commotion under the table about. Cagalli looks around frantically and shoots for safety.
“Aaahh, my virgin eyes!!” she shrieked as she landed on Lacus, who yelped when they're both toppled to the ground
“What the hell happened??” Dulindall shouted.
“Cagalli! Lacus! Are you okay?” Athrun takes a step closer.
Lacus looks up, then says “Um, Athrun?”
“Yes?” Athrun prepares to help them up.
“… your fly's open”
~ + ~ + ~ + ~
So how was it, huh? Huh?
I'm just making use of Gundam Seed Destiny's charas, so don't go flaming me about the AU setting. My fic, my setting *raspberry*
Just a note, I don't know if:
- there're pockets on Lacus's outfit
- they still use paper
- athrun's uniform pants even have flies never mind zippers on them.. maybe he uses astro-glide-zip-its or something, but you can't play footsies with a remote control, now can you? ^0^