Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Honey Crackers ❯ Athrun.... again... ( Chapter 2 )
'So... what is it about Cagalli that attracts you, Athrun?', asked Kira again as Athrun shook his head. 'You really had nothings to do other than bothering me?', sighed the prussian-haired Coordinator as he continued typing on his laptop. 'U-un...', Kira replied as he popped another choc candy into his mouth. 'Cagalli and Lacus were still with the kids at the orphanage and I was tired of having to play with them...'
'And your last option was to hang out by my side? Why is it?', said Athrun again as Kira nodded, munching happily on his favourite sweets. ''re wo'king too mulch.. gotta keep you company.. no bored...', he replied, causing Athrun to let out another heavy sigh. 'So can't you keep quiet?', he reasoned as Kira swallowed. 'No fun! Besides... it's been so long since we actually hang out together, outside of battle...'
'Then, my lovelife was the only thing that you can talk about?', sighed Athrun again as Kira elbowed him. 'Of course! Since Cagalli is my twin sister and you're my best friend, I was practically happy if you two made it together--', chirped Kira as Athrun shook his head. He stopped typing as he glanced at him. 'And you with Lacus. Haii... does that mean that I will always have you to bug me around?! How troublesome...', moaned Athrun as he glanced towards the ceiling. 'Hey, let me have some!! Don't hog all the sweets to yourself!!', cried Athrun as he reached over towards the big bucket of sweets Kira was holding. But he got none as Kira pulled it out of his reach.
Athrun made a face as he looked away angrily. Kira glanced at him in surprise as he eventually took some and shove them to him. 'Okay... here you go..', said Kira apologetically but Athrun ignored him. Alarmed at the fact that Athrun was mad at him again, he shoved the sweets into his hands. But Athrun took one look at them and snorted angrily, still vexed. 'Kechi...', hissed Athrun as Kira made a worried face. He took another and unwrapped the colorful foils of the sweets.
'Athrun!! Ne... ATHRUN!!', cried Kira as his voice started to break. Athrun turned towards him violently, '--wha--', and froze as Kira popped the chocolate into his mouth. 'Peace--?', asked Kira as Athrun made noises towards him. Kira chuckled as he found it funny that Athrun was doing it with the chocolate still stuck between his teeth. Athrun munched on the sweets as he wrapped his arm around Kira. 'Really... hard to get annoyed with you!', he started to snicker as Kira sighed.
'...that's the only thing that I could talk about. I don't want to talk about my real father or why he was bent on making me to be the ultimate Coordinator... Or about Mwu-san being dead and about Tolle... At least, talking about you and Cagalli was not so depressing...'
Athrun glanced towards him as he nodded. 'Okay... I guess, I needed the break. Don't go off thinking all those nonsense anymore! Whether you are the ultimate anything or whatever...'
'So... how you two met? That time at the Orb base was not the first time, isn't it?', immediately Kira jumped the gun. Athrun hissed at him. 'That was fast!! Well... it was before the Archangel crashed towards Orb. Met her on some island. But really... she was such a weird girl--'
Kira grinned as he gave him some more sweets. 'So that's why you liked her, eh?', he chided as Athrun scoffed at him. '...I guess. She even gave me this stone to protect me, even after I told her that I killed you..'
Kira glanced at him as he pulled out the pendant and smiled. 'Lucky she did. You did often end up hurting yourself one thing after another. And to note that you had twice destroyed your mobile suit! Made me think it was your new hobby, blowing up gundams...'
Athrun chuckled as the thought humored him. 'She was really one of the kind... Cagalli...', sighed Athrun, dazed. 'So make sure you married her in the end! Don't let her be snatched away by another guy--'
Athrun gaped at him. 'Kira--!!', he moaned. 'And that-- YOU were the one taking Lacus away!! I should be asking YOU the same thing...', countered him back as Kira chortled. 'Hahaha... it's like we were destined to be together! The four of us.'
Kira cried as Athrun slapped him. 'Don't talk like that so leisurely!! Now another problem is... people at PLANT still thought Lacus and I were still engaged. And I can't practically announce that I'm with Cagalli now! Or... should we broadcast to them telling Lacus and I officially broke up and you're with her now?', he asked as it's Kira's turn to blush. 'Mou!!', cried Kira as he jumped over him. Athrun laughed. 'Payback!!'
A small screen opened up on Athrun's laptop as Dearka Elsman stared at the screen in surprise. 'Hey... what were you two doing over there?!', he gasped as Athrun looked up towards the screen. 'Err... nothing! What's up?', said Athrun as Kira spoke up from his shoulder. 'We were just chatting about our girlfriends!!', he chirped. Athrun flushed again as he snapped at him. 'Kira!!'
Dearka sighed. 'Nah, just checking out on you. Maa... you guys are so carefree! While I have to follow Yzak around with his council work... Aaah! I missed all those carefree life!!'
Kira and Athrun chuckled as the brunette added. 'Serve you right! Dearka...', said Kira as Athrun added, 'Well you asked for it. Though, you're job was similar with mine. Except currently, the Orb princess was not working...'
Dearka snorted as he shrugged. 'At least you're bodyguarding your future wife! Me...? Stuck up with this friend of mine..', he said as Athrun pouted. 'Dearka!! That's not funny!!', snapped Athrun as Kira chuckled. Dearka chuckled too as he turned towards Kira. 'Hey, Kira... since you happened to be here, can you say hi to the guys? Kinda missed them...'
Kira smirked. 'The others? Or just Milly?', he jested as Dearka looked away, embarrassed. 'Err... her too, I guess. Got to much free time here, can't help myself.', he said as a faint voice of Yzak was heard calling him. Dearka shrugged as he whispered. 'Yzak was just jealous. Always scoffing at me whenever he saw me daydreaming... you bet if I got proof of this crush he got with this girl, I'm gonna blackmail him for a better job--'
'Dearka!! What you... talking behind my back, yea--', snapped Yzak as his image came on screen. 'Oh...', he gasped as he saw Athrun and Kira on the comscreen. 'Hi... Kira, Athrun! Sorry to interrupt, got to drag this lump of meat to work--'
'Yzak!', Yzak paused as he turned back towards the screen. 'What?!', he asked as Athrun chuckled. 'Dearka just told us that you've got a crush!', said Athrun as he grinned. Yzak went wide-eyed as he shrieked. 'What did... NO!! But it... aargh!! Stupid Dearka!!', stuttered Yzak as he pounded Dearka. The line disconnected as the comscreen blanked out. Athrun closed the laptop as he turned towards Kira. '--t's all your fault! Now I can't stop feeling giddy... you even spread it to those two at the other side!!'
Kira chuckled as he stuck his tongue at him. Athrun retaliated as they started another pillow fight...
az: Lesson to be remembered... Never EVER give me a lot of sugar!!! Else me go making these kind of fics... -sigh-