Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Kira's Show ❯ Passing Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N:This Is A Fic Based On the show "Chappelle's Show"

Kira's Show,Gundam Seed Style

Chapter One:Passing Up

Summery:The United States Of America:Two Hundred Years Of The Past

2004,New york:
It was a Cold Morning in new york city a kira,fley,and cagalli was smoking as it was cold.Man,this is fuck up,kira said.

1978,Washington D.C.:
It was traffic in the freeways of Washington D.C.,kira has a Afro in his car.COME ON IS THIS A DAMN FUNARAL COME ON,And FUCK YOU TOO!

Kira Was reading a newspaper with the atomic bomb blows on photo.Thank God That all Fucking over,kira said.

1863,South Carolina:
kira was a slave in the plantation as he sit down on the porch of the slaves' house.You know your an asshole man,kira said to of the slaves guards,he smiles brightly.

Kira was an african villiger as he leads a group of people to the beach when he saw a ship.Hey look at that,there someone coming,kira said.I don't know,what if it's a trap,cagalli said.
What's going happen,kira asked.

2 Weeks Later,Atlantic Ocean:
They were in a slave ship.Hey,this ain't so bad,kira said.Kira,remind me to hit you,Fiey said

End Of Chapter One.