Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 5: Phase Shift Down ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 5: Phase Shift Down
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1715 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
As the Aile Strike Gundam was launched into space, the Blitz, Buster, and Duel Gundams each activated their PS armor while approaching the Archangel.
Suddenly, the Aegis Gundam popped in view and engaged the Aile Strike, prompting each pulling out their beam sabers. They exchanged blows, with their beam sabers clashing against another.
They then briefly stopped, facing each other.
“Kira, stop it! We shouldn't fight like this… we aren't enemies! Why are you fighting for the EA?” Athrun pleaded via com-link from inside the Aegis.
“I'm not fighting for the EA… it's not like I wanted to!” Kira responded.
While the Aegis was busy with the Aile Strike, the other three Gundams began their assault on the Archangel. The Buster launched missiles from its chest missile pods while firing off shots with his gun launcher.
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Natarle ordered counter-measures to the bridge officers.
“Fire off Hell Dart” missiles! Use Gottfried Mk.71” beam and Valiant Mk.8” linear cannons! Targets are the enemy MS!”
A multitude of micro-missiles was fired at the three ZAFT Gundams. But after seconds of smoke clearing out from the impact, they were unscathed. Then mixture of beam and linear cannon fire rained towards them, but with declining accuracy.
Yzak turned his attention at the skirmish between Athrun and Kira. A frown was etched on the silver-haired pilot's face.
“What the hell's Athrun doing with the Strike? Tch… Dearka, Nicol, you two focus on the legged ship, I'll go help Athrun over there!” he spoke, leaving the Buster and Blitz while heading towards the Aegis and Aile Strike.
Dearka flicked his nose as he tightened his grip on the controls inside the Buster. He motioned his fellow comrade next him.
Nicol, I'll distract the legged ship! You go from below and attack there!”
The Blitz immediately boosted off in response, evading cannon fire while proceeding to attack below the Archangel.
On his post at the CIC area, bridge officer Jackie Tonomura monitored the enemy's movements on radar. He spotted the Blitz heading towards the ship.
“Detecting heat source heading fast below us… it's the Blitz!”
Natarle widened her eyes in realization as she heard those words.
Attacking from below? How can we drive it off… wait a sec, that's it!
“Have the Igelstellung” CIWS at the hull side direct aim at the approaching MS! Try to pin it at that area so we can trap it!”
As the Blitz neared its intended target, it was instantly greeted by hidden Igelstellung” CIWS positioned there. Nicol let out a yelp of surprise, and barely managed to evade incoming fire as he retreated, deciding to attack from above.
Dearka noticed his comrade's failure and intensified his attacks on the Archangel even more. The Buster dispatched another wave of missiles coming at him with a shot from its anti-armor shotgun. Then, it immediately joined its gun launcher and anti-armor shotgun together, forming its hyper-impulse sniper rifle. At the same time, it began charging up energy for a powerful shot.
“Eat this…!” Dearka exclaimed, firing off the shot at the Archangel.
“Evasive maneuvers!” Murrue commanded bridge officer Arnold Neumann, who was in charge of piloting the Archangel. He gave the control wheel a good steer to the side, moving the ship hard and fast. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he realized there wasn't enough time to evade.
“I'm steering as hard as I can! But, it's too late!” he exclaimed.
“Then brace for impact!” Murrue warned, prompting everyone in the bridge to take steady hold of something for balance. Several of them closed their eyes while gritting their teeth, afraid of anticipating the blow.
The streaking projectile neared its target, closer and closer.
Suddenly, an unknown barrier repulsed the shot inches away from the ship. At the same time, a powerful shot was fired from the same spot, heading towards the Buster.
Dearka was instantly surprised at the sudden turn of event, and desperately shifted the control sticks for evasive maneuvers.
“What the…? Shit…!” he cursed, as he tried dodging the shot. But it was a second late.
The shot connected with its target, blowing off the Buster's left arm, forcing it to steady hold its hyper-impulse sniper rifle with the remaining arm.
Dearka surveyed his surroundings, figuring out where the attack came from.
“Where the hell did that come from? Damn… the left arm's blown off!” he cursed.
Noticing the Buster's damage, the Blitz ceased its attack on the Archangel, and flew back to the Buster for aid.
“Dearka, are you ok?” Nicol asked, concerned.
“Yeah... I'm fine. Don't worry about me, keep attacking the ship!”
Before the Blitz could reach to the Buster, a blurred transparent figure suddenly charged at it head-on surprisingly.
“Ah---!” Nicol exclaimed, as he quickly regained control in the Blitz by activating its thrusters to regain balance. He looked around himself, wary of the unknown enemy attacking him.
“Strange… I don't recall being attacked in this fashion… Dearka! Whoever's attacking must be in some sort of cloaking device… huh?”
In an instant, the blurred transparent figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, revealing to be a MS, with its form somewhat shining radiantly. The most notable feature Nicol noticed was its angel-like wings, which were suddenly extended and unfolded. Its arms, which seemed to hug the body, unfolded together with medium-sized shields adorning them on the sides.
In its right hand held an anti-armor shotgun aimed at him point-blank range.
Like an angel, the Blitz pilot thought as he gazed at the Seraph Gundam in awe. However, the cocking sound of the shotgun brought him back to reality in a second.
“Boo,” Kenji uttered before pulling the right trigger of the Seraph's control stick.
The scattered shot landed a hit at the Blitz's chest, knocking the Gundam back a long distance.
“Wah…!” Nicol yelped as he felt the impact lurch him further in his seat. Had the Blitz not activated its PS armor, the damage would have been minor. Luckily, it was just a scratch, but the force of it was great.
“Nicol…!” Dearka exclaimed at his knocked-back fellow comrade. His lips turned into a snarl as he gave attention to the new enemy.
“Damn you!”
The Buster fired off at the Seraph using its hyper-impulse sniper rifle held in its right hand. The recoil effect of the shot however, made its accuracy awkward, as it missed the Seraph by inches.
The Seraph's head fixated on its foe. Its eyes flickered bright yellow, giving the Buster a menacing look.
“A waste of my time…!” Kenji exclaimed, gripping tightly the control sticks. He shifted the control sticks hard forward, prompting the Seraph to dash toward the Buster at great speed.
The extra passenger onboard, Peter Hyne, was aghast as he clung on the back of the pilot's seat for dear life. He gave a quick gulp in his throat as he could feel an aura emanating from his nephew.
God help us.
He needed a prayer badly for his first experience in battle.
Meanwhile inside the Archangel's bridge, the crew was astounded at the unknown MS that was their savior. Murrue stood up from her seat, her eyes fixed on the Seraph.
In the CIC area, Natarle snapped out from staring at it intently like the rest of the crew as she recalled the present situation happening at hand.
“Snap out of it, everyone! Operator, can you identify that MS?” she bellowed at Dalida. He frantically keyed in several short commands on his keyboard terminal, trying to obtain the MS's ID code. His assistant operator, Sai, was also alongside him, lending help as well.
A small pop-up appeared in the screen, with the words “UNKNOWN ID”.
“Negative! It's not listed in the databanks, ma'am!” he replied.
Natarle turned around to look back at the Seraph with a perplexed look.
Impossible… is it also one of the G-Weapons?
“Oh… mother of…” Dearka muttered in horror as his CIS showed the Seraph pulling out its Swallow Edge” swiftly out from the “Angelus” mounted on its left arm, while charging at him in a sudden burst of speed.
The Buster pilot's eyes widen slowly as he noticed the double-sided beam saber's length.
“Shit… you get away from me!” Dearka screamed as he desperately started shooting at it with the Buster's hyper-impulse sniper rifle and chest missile pods, hoping to fend off its charge. He closed his eyes as the Seraph's image approached closer and closer, expecting the inevitable.
This is it… I guess this is goodbye… huh?
Dearka slowly opened his eyes to find himself still inside the Buster's cockpit. His heart was beating twice than normal while feeling his blood running cold to his hands, which gripped the control sticks tightly. His eyes fixed on his CIS showing garbled static.
“No way… I thought I was dead for sure.”
He checked the controls, trying to get a clear view outside, as he flipped switches and pressing buttons. Finding no response, he banged his hands into fists at the cockpit walls' sides.
It took minutes for the Blitz to regain stability as its pilot checked the rest of its systems for further errors. Activating its thrusters, it flew towards the damaged Buster.
Well, more like a crippled Buster.
Nicol gasped in amazement and horror at the damage the Buster suffered. Its head, arms, and legs were sliced cleanly off, leaving behind a body floating aimlessly in space.
“Dearka, do you read me? Are you ok?” he asked via com-link, concerned for his fellow comrade's condition. He directed the Blitz to grab hold of the damaged Buster.
“Damn… he'll pay! Sorry, Nicol, I'm out,” Dearka replied defeated.
“It can't be helped. Come on, I'll take you back to the Gamow. We'll let Athrun and Yzak take care of it and the Strike.”
With that said, the Blitz carried the Buster back to the Gamow.
From the Archangel's bridge, silence once again reigned. The entire bridge crew's jaws dropped down, their eyes wide-open in astonishment at the event that transpired just now. A young assistant operator in the CIC area, who was boyfriend to Miriallia, broke that silence.
“AWESOME! That's so frickin' awesome! Did you see how fast that MS took care of the enemy?” Tolle cried in glee alongside bridge officer Romero Pal, in charge of weapons firing systems, from his operator's booth. His eyes drank in every detail of the attack.
“Unreal…” Kuzzey uttered, who worked as assistant operator to Jackie.
Murrue sat back down on her seat, letting her body relax on it. She glanced back at Natarle, who was much astounded as she. She shook her head, trying to take in the reality that happened in front of her.
First Heliopolis is destroyed, now this, a G-Weapon instantly disabled by an unknown MS.
Amongst the debris field that surrounded the Vesalius and the Archangel, the Moebius Zero was traveling through undetected. Inside its cockpit, Mwu checked his radar, scanning for the V0esalius.
“Come on… I know you're nearby, Rau,” he muttered to himself as he looked around the debris he was flying slowly through.
As if by answer, a beeping sound emitted from his radar, showing a large blue dot appearing nearby a green triangle (the Vesalius represented).
“Ah ha… got you now, bastard,” he remarked triumphantly. The Moebius Zero approached stealthily, as the Vesalius was in view from a distance.
After numerous tries running away from Athrun, Kira quickly glanced back at the Archangel, making sure of her condition. In his CIS, he noticed the Blitz and Buster --- who attacked the ship a while ago --- flying towards their direction, with the Blitz carrying a headless, armless, and legless Buster by its body. Kira arched his eyebrows in surprise.
“What the… it looks like they're taken care of… it couldn't be Lieutenant La Flaga, he's still looking for the enemy's main pursuit ship. I better head back to the Archangel, and see how they're faring.”
The Aile Strike turned its direction towards the Archangel; however, as it did, the Aegis immediately blocked its path, forcing the Aile Strike to retreat and take a different route.
“Kira, I'm asking you again: why are you helping the Naturals?” Athrun questioned his best friend while in pursuit.
“Athrun… I'm not fighting for the EA! I'm doing this because I have friends on board that ship you're attacking!”
Two beam shots missed the Aile Strike, as Kira looked up to find the Duel firing at him with its beam rifle.
“Fall…!” Yzak bellowed out a war-cry as he kept Kira in his sights.
Gritting his teeth under pressure, Kira dodged the Duel's shots while running away from the Aegis.
As the battle raged on, the Vesalius meanwhile closed in for a long-range attack at the Archangel. Inside the ship's bridge, Rau watched the battle with interest, his lips curving up devilishly.
“Captain, the legged ship is in range!” a bridge operator in charge of radar monitoring reported from his post.
Ades looked on at the present situation as he saw the Archangel on the main screen. He rubbed his chin while furrowing his eyebrows, considering his options while seated.
Rau then interrupted his train of thought.
“Ades, have the Vesalius fire at the legged ship as soon as it's in firing range.”
“Yes sir.”
“Fire it with everything we got. We shall take it down.”
The masked commander snickered deep down as it seemed that the tide of battle was on his side.
Dodging another shot from the Duel, Kira decided to retaliate, with the Aile Strike taking out its beam rifle, taking careful aim at the Duel.
Taking advantage of the Aile Strike's erring accuracy, Yzak dodged each shot with little effort.
Either the pilot's a rookie… or he's getting desperate now!
“Take this…!” the Duel took out a beam saber from its upper back, activating and raising it upwards, ready for an overhead strike while charging downwards at its foe.
Having fired several shots at its attacker, the Aile Strike found its beam rifle running out of energy. Cursing deep down, Kira discarded it immediately as he saw Yzak coming down at him with a strike. The Aile Strike immediately used its shield to fend off the attack.
The shield was sliced in half. Discarding it, the Aile Strike kept its distance from the Duel, shooting it with little remainder of its beam rifle energy.
Yzak growled in frustration as he noticed the outcome of this wasn't going anywhere. He looked around to find the Aegis watching them from a distance.
“Athrun, what the hell are you doing? Give me a hand here with the Strike and quit watching like an idiot from there!” he yammered to his fellow comrade, while focused on bringing down his foe.
Before Athrun could respond to the Duel pilot's help, he noticed the Blitz carrying a badly damaged Buster. He quickly flew by them.
“Nicol, Dearka…! What in the world… Dearka, what happened to you?”
“An unknown MS suddenly appeared out of nowhere and got us good. Dearka took worse than I,” Nicol replied.
“Athrun, forget us, go help Yzak with the Strike. I'll be alright,” Dearka added.
Looking at his comrades with worry, Athrun took off, heading back to aid Yzak. The Blitz and Buster then left the field, retreating to the Gamow.
In the Archangel's CIC area, a beeping sound was emitted from Dalida's terminal, indicating an incoming message. The bridge officer typed in commands to open it.
“Ma'am, there's a message from Lieutenant La Flaga!” he reported to Natarle, who stood up from her seat and checked the message. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Murrue.
“Captain, Lieutenant La Flaga has detected the Vesalius! He'll commence attack now. He's also provided us its coordinates.”
Murrue nodded in reply. She then remembered the Seraph, prompting her to talk to Natarle once more.
“Ensign Badgiruel, what about the unknown MS that saved us now? No sign of it?”
Natarle looked back sideways at bridge officer Jackie and started, “Jackie, any sign of that unknown MS that took care of the Buster?”
Jackie typed in numerous commands from his terminal as he began a quick radar search around the area the Archangel was on. The four ZAFT Gundams were on radar, with the Blitz and Buster retreating. Only the Aile Strike, Aegis, and Duel were on battle.
Before reporting his results, he noticed a new blip coming towards the three.
“Ma'am, I've located it! It's heading towards where the Strike, Aegis, and Duel are battling out!”
“What about the enemy Nazca-class ship? Have you found it?”
Jackie quickly typed in his terminal as he used the provided coordinates Mwu sent. A large green triangle was in range, a distance away from the Archangel.
“Nazca-class ship found! Target is bearing at X 150, Y 350, and Z 200!”
The second-in-command reported the results to Murrue, who nodded in reply and looked back at the skirmish happening outside. She massaged her forehead with her hand as she continued analyzing the situation.
As the Vesalius prepared to fire at the Archangel, in its bridge, Rau felt an instant familiar feeling running on his head coming from the side. He glanced at that particular direction, cocking up his eyebrows warily.
No… it can't be!
The Moebius Zero quickly jettisoned out the debris area, appearing behind the Vesalius and opened fire with its linear gun and activating its wired Gunbarrel pods, as it performed multiple strafing runs.
“HERE I COME!” Mwu bellowed a war-cry while in his shooting frenzy.
“Captain, enemy attack coming from behind us!” a bridge officer in charge of radar monitoring reported.
The ship rocked back and forth from damages causing explosions in its several parts.
Ades was slack-jawed and pissed at having his ship being ambushed from behind. The entire bridge crew held onto something for support as they endured the impacts. Rau cursed deep down for not having noticed his hated rival's plan.
“Captain, there's fire in the right engine room!”
“Power output down by 30 percent!”
“Seal off bulkheads 5 to 10! Put out that fire now!” Captain Ades exclaimed.
From outside the Vesalius, the Moebius Zero flew around in circles, surveying the damage it caused. Mwu grinned satisfied at his work. He peppered a few more shots at the ZAFT ship for extra measure. He then escaped, heading back to the Archangel.
“Ades, begin withdrawal at once!” Rau ordered. A defeat was defeat. He'd figured to lick his wounds and live to fight another day.
“What on earth for?”
“Just do it! I can't explain now!”
Meanwhile in the Archangel's bridge, Murrue saw a gleam of opportunity as the Vesalius in view was drifting amok on the main screen. She faced Natarle grimly.
“Have the Lohengren” main guns ready to fire!”
“What…! Are you sure about this?”
“Do it! Tell Lieutenant La Flaga and Kira Yamato to stay clear of the main guns' path! Target is the enemy Nazca-class ship at front of us!”
“Yes ma'am!”
The Archangel turned around, adjusting to face the Vesalius. Its two front `legs' lower ends opened, revealing menacing main guns.
Romero monitored the weapon's status in his terminal.
“Main guns are charging at 30 percent and climbing… 45…”
In the nick of time, both Kira and Mwu received the Archangel's warning transmission while occupied in their actions.
For the Moebius Zero pilot, he shifted his control sticks forward, increasing speed, in order to catch up with the Aile Strike. He zoomed through the debris area, dodging incoming debris and getting away from the Archangel's intended attack on the Vesalius.
“I hope the kid's handling alright there. I better hurry!” he exclaimed, as the view from his helmet was slowly fogging up and wet due to his continuous sweating.
For Kira, that was a different story, as he was stuck fighting the Duel while at the same time getting away from the Aegis. All weapons that were left for him to fend off with were his beam sabers, Armor Schneider” combat knives, and his “Igelstellung” CIWS.
“Damn it… I've barely got enough energy left,” as he checked up on the depleting power level monitor on his left CIS. He kept his distance from the Archangel as instructed, luring the Aegis and Duel along.
“80… 100 percent… main guns are ready!” bridge officer Romero reported from his post.
“Fire…!” Natarle ordered.
The Archangel's main guns fired its destructive, positron beams, which headed towards the Vesalius. Meanwhile inside its bridge, Rau sensed the attack coming and glanced at the captain with anxiety.
“Set the ship to evasive maneuvers, Ades! We're being fired by the legged ship!”
“Driver, turn hard-right to port!” Ades ordered the driver operator, who quickly complied while turning the steering control all the way right as hard as he could.
Despite the quick response, it was too late.
A hit was sustained in the ship's port side, as the impact sent the ship rocking. In the main bridge, the entire crew held on to something for support. Rau was on one knee down, as he clutched firmly on Ades' chair.
“Ades, send word to the four G-Weapons to return immediately! It looks like we've underestimated the enemy. We must pull back at once!” the masked commander exclaimed.
“Sir, the Blitz and Buster G-Weapons are heading back to the Gamow! We have a message from pilot Amalfi reporting that the Buster has sustained heavy damage!” a bridge officer specializing in electronic warfare reported.
“What! But how can that be? What are pilots Amalfi and Elsman's status?” Captain Ades inquired with shock etched on his face.
“They are uninjured! The Blitz is taking the Buster to the Gamow for repairs!”
Rau adjusted his small mask with his hand as his lips curved slightly downwards. Another familiar sensation was felt deep down, with a sudden white bolt flashing through his mind.
Just like Mwu? Impossible… but, this is another familiar feeling!
As the skirmish between Aile Strike and Duel/Aegis prolonged, Yzak and Athrun received the relayed message from the Vesalius.
“You've got to be kidding me! I'm not returning back until I shoot down the Strike!” the silver-haired, hot-tempered Duel pilot commented after reading the message. He wasn't one to back down from his assigned duty given to him by Commander Creuset.
With another surge of perseverance, he pressed the attack on the Aile Strike. It used its Igelstellung” CIWS as its only retaliatory attack on the Duel, having disposed off its beam rifle.
After seconds, the energy level monitor located in a small window on the Aile Strike's CIS emptied out. The Aile Strike's PS armor deactivated, having drained all of its energy, switching to Deactive Mode, leaving a dull gray color all over the Gundam's form. It was left drifting aimlessly in space like a limp doll.
“No… not now!” Kira cursed, as he tried to restore power back to no avail.
“You're finished!” Yzak exclaimed as he took out his remaining beam saber and made a lunge at the Aile Strike to cut it down with both beam sabers wielded.
However, a pink blur dashed in front of him, carrying off the Aile Strike. It was the Aegis transformed in its crab-like MA mode.
Yzak slammed his right fist on his seat's armrest angrily. How dare Athrun steal his kill!
“DAMN IT, Athrun! What's the meaning of this! ” he exclaimed to the Aegis pilot.
“I'm capturing the Strike and taking it with me back to the Vesalius!”
“We have orders to primarily destroy it! Let me finish it off!”
“No! We're to either capture or destroy it! Enough rambling, Yzak! Dearka and Nicol have retreated back to the Gamow.”
“What? How the hell did that happen?”
“Dearka's MS was damaged badly, and Nicol's also suffered too by an unknown MS. I don't know the details, but we're proceeding with our mission!”
“Damn it all!” Yzak cursed again as he reluctantly followed the Aegis that captured the Aile Strike, with beam sabers in hand.
In the Archangel's bridge, the crew was stunned at the sight of Kira's capture by the ZAFT units. In the CIC area, Miriallia tried to contact the Strike pilot from her terminal.
“Kira, please respond! Kira, please respond!”
Jackie reported on the Gundams' movements on radar from his terminal.
“The Aegis has captured the Strike and is retreating with the Duel!”
Kira's friends expressed their worry for him, as they spoke his name one by one.
Natarle inquired another report from Dalida.
“Where's Lieutenant La Flaga? Is he present?”
“Negative, ma'am, he'll be here at 5 minutes! By then he's too late!”
Murrue stood up from her seat, as she felt the situation growing grim. She looked back at Natarle.
“Natarle, can we intercept them?”
“Negative, captain, we wouldn't make it at this rate of speed. I'm afraid we can't do anything from here.”
“No… Kira…”
Having felt himself captured by the Aegis, Kira was once again surprised by his best friend's voice via com-link. He tried reasoning with him.
“Stop this, Athrun! I refuse to be sent to a ZAFT ship! I won't join ZAFT!”
“Kira, that's enough out of you! If you still resist, I'll be forced to shoot you.”
Athrun was in a sad disposition as he recalled the famed, sad tragedy of Junius Seven in his mind.
“My mother… she was killed in the `Bloody Valentine' incident…”
Suddenly, multiple beam shots coming from nowhere hit their marks on the Aegis, catching Athrun unaware.
“What in the world?” Athrun remarked, as he was forced to release the Aile Strike, due to the impacts received.
Yzak looked around for the source of those shots, but was aghast at seeing the Aile Strike free. Sensing the opportunity, he twirled his beam sabers and dashed at it in one motion for the killing blow. Before he could do so, he was greeted with a foot to the Duel's face.
As it turned out, that foot belonged to the Seraph Gundam, as it appeared in view. Inside, Kenji was forced to shut off the Mirage Colloid System, as he noticed it affecting the rate of power diverted to the Seraph's PS armor.
“Well, so much for surprise. I never liked being too sneaky anyway,” he commented.
The Seraph pulled out its “Swallow Edge” beam saber from the “Angelus” mounted on its right arm. At another split second, it slashed at the Duel with one swift motion.
Yzak gritted his teeth in frustration while shaking off his dazed state a few seconds ago, as the Duel barely brought its shield up to block it.
The Duel's left arm carrying a beam saber and its shield attached was cleanly sliced off. Yzak cried out his frustration, his MS swiping at its new foe with the beam saber held in the remaining arm.
“God… damn it! Who the hell are you, messing up my kill! Die!”
The Seraph quickly backed off, dodging the attack, while sheathing its “Swallow Edge” inside the “Angelus” mounted on its right arm.
“You need anger management, with the way you're talking like that now. You've clearly got issues,” Kenji remarked to Yzak via com-link, perturbed by the Duel pilot's attitude.
Behind him, Peter could form an anime-style sweat drop on his head, with his mouth twisted in disbelief at his nephew's remark.
I can't believe he'd be talking carefree like this in the midst of battle!
“Why, you punk!” Yzak cursed furiously, his grip on the control sticks getting tighter within each second. The Duel lunged at the Seraph with its remaining beam saber in hand.
Meanwhile Athrun transformed the Aegis back to MS mode as he witnessed the action happening in front of him. He took aim with his beam rifle at the Seraph, the target reticule from the CIS mirroring on his pilot helmet visor. However, the unknown MS proved to be a slippery eel, as the reticule was trying to catch up and lock on.
“Is that one of the G-Weapons? Only five were reported in the intelligence reports. Tch… no matter, I've got to take it down!” Athrun commented, starting shooting at the Seraph.
Kenji's instincts kicked in suddenly, as he dodged each shot. He turned around slightly to spot the Aegis.
“The Aegis… hmm… where's the Strike?” he quickly typed in his keyboard interface activating another camera monitor at the right CIS. It showed the deactivated Aile Strike drifting off aimlessly. He returned to typing again, this time sending a short message to the Archangel.
Three more beam shots dodged, the Seraph quickly boosted upwards, narrowly evading the Duel's frustrated charge. At the same time, it fired its “Panzer Eisen” rocket anchor, mounted on the left forearm, at the Duel, grappling it around by its remaining right arm. Then it flung the MS like a whip, throwing it towards the Aegis, and retracting the rocket anchor after.
“Gah…!” Yzak exclaimed, feeling his stomach lurching back and forth.
The Aegis ceased firing and sidestepped, avoiding the thrown Duel. Athrun didn't want to take the brunt end of the blow. He suddenly found himself face-to-face with incoming cannon fire.
It turned out the cannon fire came from the “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon wielded by the Seraph.
At the nick of time, the Aegis brought up its shield absorbing the damage. However, the power of the cannon fire was so intense that it began melting the shield material. Athrun remembered a similar firepower from EA warships.
What kind of firepower is this? It's like combined firepower of several warships!
“Tch… take this!” he transformed the Aegis into MA mode, quickly charging its multi-phase cannon “Scylla” by seconds before firing.
The Seraph quickly brought up both its arms, blocking the energized shot with the “Angelus” mounted on them. It then dove in, shooting its beam rifles.
Two of the four shots landed hits on the “Scylla” multi-phase cannon, damaging it. Electric sparks emitted from the cannon, indicating damage. The Aegis transformed back into MS mode, drawing up beam sabers in hand.
“We settle this close-combat now!” Athrun exclaimed to Kenji via com-link, getting little irritated at the less effectiveness of his attacks on the Seraph.
“By all means,” Kenji replied back, the Seraph's hands poised in drawing out the “Swallow Edge” sheathed inside the left “Angelus”.
The two Gundams neared contact.
Their beam sabers drew against one another in a deadlock. They added pressure to them, hoping either could break one's defense.
Athrun started to feel his opponent's newfound strength as he gritted his teeth in concentration, tightening his grip on the control sticks.
“Why are you fighting us? Are you with the EA?” he demanded.
“The past seems to catch up with me.”
“…What are you talking about?”
“I see ZAFT hasn't changed much these past few years. But then again, it's not unusual seeing your units stoop low in destroying a neutral colony like Heliopolis!”
“How dare you insult the allegiance I serve? Heliopolis wasn't even considered neutral, as evidence of it producing weapons like the G-Weapons for the Earth Alliance!”
“Yet, you still comply to attack a neutral colony where innocent lives are at stake!”
Athrun felt his blood boil in anger as he heard the remark. The pilot's voice sounded familiar, though. Shaking off the thought, he targeted the Seraph's face and fired his “Igelstellung” CIWS, seizing the advantage.
It took Kenji a second or two to spot the incoming fire as he exerted every ounce of strength to increase pressure on the Aegis's beam sabers wielded by hand.
This caught the Aegis pilot off-guard, giving Kenji a small chance breaking the deadlock by throwing a kick to the body, pushing Athrun back. The Seraph then fired off its “Panzer Eisen”, which wrapped around the shield arm brought up momentarily by the Aegis.
The Seraph tugged back its rocket anchor, pulling the Aegis to it with all strength. With the other arm, it took out its “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon, pointing it at the Aegis. Athrun widened his eyes at the end barrel of the “Agni”, as he mustered all his piloting skill to avoid the expected shot coming out from there.
“Right on target,” the Seraph pilot commented, as the Aegis was on sight. He pressed the trigger on his right control stick.
A layer of smoke clouded after the explosion, leaving Kenji unsure of his target's destruction. He waited for it to pass only to find small, pink fragments of debris.
From a distance, Kenji spotted the Aegis retreating in MA mode, carrying a battered and one-armed Duel. He typed in his keyboard terminal, increasing zoom on the camera fixated on the retreating Aegis. He spotted its shield gone.
Along the field, a retreat signal flare was fired.
Tch… didn't get him. I must be getting rusty in my piloting. That signal flare must have come from the enemy's main ship… looks like they've pulled back for now.
The Seraph hovered stationary, turning its head around looking at the Archangel, which was approaching it momentarily. It then looked around for the Aile Strike and spotted its lifeless form floating aimlessly from another distance.
Well, my message reached the ship then. I better help the pilot back to the ship first. Hello, what do we have here?
Late by a minute after the battle ended, the Moebius Zero finally arrived in view near the Archangel. Inside, Mwu kept caution as he noticed the Seraph look at him.
“A G-Weapon… is it a friend or foe? Wait… is that the kid over there?”
Folding its wings, the Seraph went over to the Aile Strike and carried it by the shoulders, then helping it back to the Archangel. Inside its cockpit, Kira was in a state of puzzlement at his mysterious savior. In an instant, a voice emitted from his comm-link.
“Pilot of the GAT-X105 Strike, do you copy? Are you alright?”
“Yes, I read you loud and clear. Thanks for the rescue.”
“No problem… I'm Kenji Hyne, pilot of the GAT-XP01 Seraph.”
“Why did you help me? Are you with the EA?”
“No… but that pilot I fought with just now asked me the same thing.”
“You mean, Athrun?”
Kenji was hardly surprised hearing the Aegis pilot's name, raising a curious left eyebrow.
Athrun… does he mean Athrun Zala, son of the PLANTS National Defense Committee Chairman, Patrick Zala?
“…So that's his name… is he a friend of yours?”
Kira was hesitant at first to reply to that question, feeling overwhelmed by the fast pace of the present situation and due to the latest battle with a ZAFT unit. He sadly replied with a heavy heart.
“…Yeah… he was... a best friend, to be exact.”
“Hmm… well, let me help you back to the Archangel.”
Switching off his com-link, Kenji resumed the task at hand. Behind him, Peter wiped off sweat from his forehead, taking deep breaths to calm down. He placed his hand on his nephew's right shoulder.
“Good work, Kenji. I guess you haven't lost your touch in piloting a MS. I guess that's one of the perks in being a soldier.”
A sad smile etched on the Seraph pilot's face at the remark.
Correction, uncle… you mean an ex-soldier…
Meanwhile back on the Vesalius, in the lounge area above facing the hangar bay, Athrun grimaced on the impact being slammed against a wall by a pissed-off Yzak. Grabbed by his uniform's collar, he was lifted up.
“Damn it, Zala! Thanks to you, I've suffered humiliation! Do you have anything to say about this… do you?” the Duel pilot exclaimed heatedly at his supposed rival.
Behind him, Dearka and Nicol watched the sight, with the Buster pilot sporting a cocky grin and the Blitz pilot having a concerned look.
Dearka shook his head in disbelief.
Jeez, Athrun… so you're friends with the Strike pilot then? If so, he's affiliated with the Earth forces! Bah… what are you trying to do?
Nicol then intervened, cooling down the conflict.
“Stop it, both of you! We shouldn't fight each other at a time like this!”
Looking at him with disgust, Yzak reluctantly let go of Athrun. He turned around, exiting the room muttering curses, followed by Dearka. Looking at their retreating forms, Nicol checked up on the Aegis pilot, who had a sad look on his face.
“I'm sorry, Nicol… but I need to be alone right now.”
With that said, Athrun moved away from him, exiting the room. Nicol looked down on the floor with a hint of depression, sighing tiredly.
In the ship's bridge, the masked Rau received a tear-up paper from the communications operator. Reading the contents, he was annoyed at the sudden change of plans suggested from them. He threw it to Ades, who headed towards him and caught it, glancing quickly at its contents.
“An order from the PLANT supreme council to return back to ZAFT… what now, commander, should we comply?”
“…Well, there's no choice. However, I can't abandon this pursuit of the legged ship. Just a little longer, Ades, we'll continue the hunt. Send word back to the council stating we'll do so. Also send message to the Gamow to continue pursuit of the legged ship. Nicol, Dearka, and Yzak shall be assigned to the Gamow, and will take temporary charge of the mission. Have the Blitz, Buster, and Duel G-Weapons also transferred to the Gamow as well. ”
“Yes sir.”
In the Archangel's bridge, the new guests were brought before the ship's high-ranking trio and started introductions.
“It's good to meet you both, Peter and Kenji Hyne. I'm Captain Murrue Ramius of the Archangel,” Murrue greeted as she shook hands with the two Hynes.
The entire bridge crew looked at them with raised eyebrows, noticing their researchers' lab-coat attire, which confused them to be doctors or scientists.
“I'm Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga, Moebius Zero pilot. Nice to meet you,” Mwu shook their hands next.
As the two Hynes faced Natarle next, a slight look of surprise was etched on her face, as she noticed Kenji's distinct amethyst eyes, which mirrored experience of a seasoned soldier.
“You are?” Peter asked, waving his hand in front of her. This brought her back to reality and a small blush of embarrassment was faint on her cheeks.
“My apologies, I'm Ensign Natarle Badgiruel, second-in-command. Welcome aboard,” Natarle shook hands with them. She couldn't help but glance closely at Kenji, studying the young man's features --- short, spiky light-brown hair, firm nose, pleasing mouth, and sporting somewhat a rugged look. His appearance seemed contrast to his quiet, conservative nature, as he looked back at her.
His eyes were starting to attract her more.
He's handsome… I can't believe this person standing before me would be piloting that unknown mobile suit.
“Do you find something peculiar in me, Ensign Badgiruel?” Kenji broke her gazing.
“N-No, it's nothing. Kenji Hyne is it? It's… nice to meet you.”
“The feeling's mutual, Ensign.”
“Well, now that we're done with the formalities, can you explain your purpose in helping us in that recent battle? We're grateful for your sudden arrival and help,” Murrue asked the two Hynes. Peter scratched his head, then stepping forward to reply.
“It's somewhat… complicated, Captain Ramius. And as to this sudden event of Heliopolis being destroyed by those ZAFT units we fought a while ago, we've been pulled into the conflict whether we liked it or not.”
Mwu grinned as he leaned himself against the wall.
“Care to explain to us how you got possession of that G-Weapon you used to fend off the Le Creuset unit? I suppose you were given that as a gift?”
Kenji chuckled at the remark, placing his hands inside his lab coat pockets. If the Hawk of Endymion knew of his situation, he'd hit the jackpot.
Mwu looked at him incredulously.
“You mean it's true what I said?”
“…You're quite the comedian, Lieutenant La Flaga. But you're not that off from the remark you just gave.”
Peter went up to his nephew, placing a right hand on his left shoulder in warning and whispered to his left ear.
“What are you saying, Kenji? We're not sure we could trust these people with Aile's secret! Do you remember what he made you promise him?”
“Relax, uncle. My gut feeling says that they can be trusted.”
Natarle watched them with a suspicious look on her face.
“What are you two talking about there?”
Murrue stepped in to intervene, knowing her comrade's hard-line attitude and being a stickler for military regulations. She coughed to get their attention.
“Gentlemen, unfortunately, we don't have time to discuss your matter now, but we'll do so at another time. We're on route to the Eurasian Federation's asteroid port, Artemis, and we're approaching it as we speak,” she motioned them to look at the main screen.
The two Hynes looked up on it to see the asteroid port Artemis drawn in view.
So, that's Artemis mentioned about in ZAFT intelligence reports. Hmm… it looks like I'm in luck, Kenji thought, facing Murrue.
“Why is this ship headed here?”
“I'm afraid it's our only course to escape from the ZAFT units pursuing us, Kenji. For the meantime, Lieutenant La Flaga, can you show them to their rooms? Professor Hyne, we'll talk again in my office.”
Mwu stopped leaning against the wall and walked up to the two Hynes.
“Shall we, guys? I'll take you to your quarters if you don't mind.”
Peter nodded in response, motioning his nephew to follow as they stepped in the ship elevator, with Mwu leading them. As the elevator doors closed after them, Murrue sighed, sitting down on the captain's seat. Natarle stood by her side.
“Is it wise letting them stay, captain?”
“Natarle, they just happened to save our behinds in that battle back then. Had they not appeared, those ZAFT units would've captured Kira. Are you suggesting kicking them out of the ship? That's ridiculous.”
“…Point taken. But, I leave that to your good judgment.”
Natarle headed back to her seat in the CIC area.
“We're approaching Artemis area. We're now locking onto docking beacons, setting the ship for docking procedures. Wait… a message from Artemis, captain. They're sending in an inspection ship to lead us in,” bridge officer Dalida reported from his terminal.
“Unidentified ship, please remain in your current position. A ship led by Captain Biddulph is being sent to you for inspection,” a com-link operator from Artemis spoke.
Murrue nodded and replied, “We'll do so. Reduce thrusters and set speed for docking. We'll await the inspection ship first for them to lead in the docking.”
The Archangel switched off its main thrusters, gliding on auxiliary power.
Meanwhile in the hangar, Murdoch was scratching his head as he gazed up on the imposing Seraph Gundam parked the opposite direction, facing the Strike. What amazed him were their similar designs, with their equipments seemingly compatible with each other at a glance.
Jeez… is that another G-Weapon? Just great… as if this ship can't harbor in another secret weapon, this has to be brought in!
In truth, it meant twice the workload for him and his repair crew, if that was damaged along with the Strike and the Moebius Zero. What caught his eye even more was the Seraph's peculiar design.
Hmm, I don't know if there'll be any extra compatible parts for this MS. Its schematics are unknown to me, same with the Strike.
A while back, when the Seraph was first brought in and parked, a word of warning came from the young male pilot, Kenji, stating for his MS to be untouched by anymore other than him and his uncle. Before the chief mechanic could protest, the pilot's death glare directed to him meant serious consequences in store.
He could feel a feared aura emanating from the young male pilot as he barely nodded and replied with a gruff yes. As soon as Kenji and Peter were taken up to the main bridge by security, he bellowed out orders to his repair crew not to lay a finger on the Seraph.
Remembering that moment, Murdoch shook it out of his mind. Kenji's glare seemed to give him goose bumps.
Crap… I swear if he tries to give me another death glare I'll be rounding up security faster than he can think! But then again, I don't blame him for doing that. He must have his reasons.
As he looked at the Seraph once more, he could feel it telling him something.
“Bah… well, back to work. Hey, what the hell are you two up to there? Get back to work refilling ammo for the Moebius Zero!”
He directed his attention at several of his repair crew, who worked frantically around the clock keeping the Moebius Zero and the Strike in working order.
After dropping the two Hynes off in their temporary quarters, Mwu searched around for the Strike pilot in the many hallways of the ship. He then spotted him heading back to his quarters to rest, and approached him.
“Hey kid, you got a minute? That was great work you did back there. You ok? You look kind of down.”
Amazement, confusion, and fatigue mirrored on Kira's face. He slightly smiled.
“…Yeah. A lot's happened so fast, I need time to cope with, that's all.”
“Oh… listen.”
Mwu slung his arm around Kira, getting closer to him. He glanced around for signs of other people possibly barging into them. Seeing there were none for the moment, he continued.
“Here's the deal. I suggest that you put a lock on your MS's OS. That way no one else can touch it other than you.”
“…But why?”
“Think of it as a necessary precaution, kid. You have to be prepared for the worst when it comes to this time of crisis at hand. With ZAFT chasing us, it's better to be safe than sorry.”
Kira registered those words in his mind, mentally making a reminder out of it. He slowly nodded in reply. Mwu released his hold and edged away from him.
“Good. You take a rest now… you deserve it. Remember, just keep that in mind, ok?”
That said, Mwu waved off a short good-bye to him and resumed his way back to the main bridge. Kira watched his retreating form until he disappeared by a corner of another hallway. Sighing wearily, he proceeded back into his quarters to sleep off his fatigue.
As the inspection ship from Artemis docked in with the Archangel, several armed soldiers rushed out, surrounding the ship. They took the ship's crew in surprise as they forced them at gunpoint to gather and stay put.
Before word spread to the bridge about the situation, the inspection captain and another team of soldiers stormed in, surprising Murrue and the bridge crew. The soldiers surrounded and held them at gunpoint.
The captain looked around and noticed Murrue, who stood up from her seat. He walked up to her with his hands behind his back.
“Are you the captain in charge of this ship?” he inquired.
“Yes, I am Lieutenant Murrue Ramius, acting captain of this EA warship, the Archangel.”
“I'm Captain Gull Biddulph of the inspection team from Artemis. I'm afraid this ship will be placed under my inspection team's control and brought in.”
“What's going on? Why are these soldiers brought in here?” Natarle asked.
“Quiet, and do as we say.”