Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 6: The Sneaky, Stealthy Gundam ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 6: The Sneaky, Stealthy Gundam
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word” denotes flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0000 hours
Location: Artemis
As the Archangel docked inside the asteroid fortress of the Eurasian Federation, tension filled the atmosphere in the bridge as its crew found each other held at gunpoint by armed Eurasian soldiers. Murrue and Natarle looked at Captain Biddulph with shock and surprise on their faces.
“What are you saying, keeping us quiet? What's the meaning of this? We are fellow Earth Alliance officers in this ship!” Natarle demanded.
The inspecting captain brushed off her objection with a wave of his left hand. He was a few inches shorter than her, sporting a gruff goatee, hawkish nose, and steely dark-brown eyes. He ran a hand through his short, blonde hair.
“The Eurasian forces here in Artemis are taking precautions, on the basis that this ship has no military identification code. And you are?”
“Ensign Natarle Badgiruel, second-in-command of this ship.”
“Hmm… are you two the only high-ranking officers amongst the crew in this ship?”
Before Murrue could reply, the elevator doors opened, revealing a visitor. At the first sign of the action, half of the soldiers quickly lined up their rifles at the expected visitor.
“Well, well, this is a surprise. Am I invited to this party?” the Hawk of Endymion joked while raising his hands up the air at the sight of pointed guns at him. Biddulph looked at Mwu with a stoic face, directing his attention to him.
“And you might be, sir?”
“I'm Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga at your service, mobile armor pilot of this ship.”
“…Ah, I've heard of you, lieutenant. I take it you're also a high ranking officer in this ship like the captain and ensign here?”
Mwu nodded. He had dropped off the two guests (Kenji and Peter Hyne) in one of the officers' quarters a while ago at Murrue's instruction. After hearing the PA (Personnel Announcement) regarding armed soldiers storming in the ship, he cautioned them to remain in their temporary room. Having secured their safety, he quickly headed over to the bridge to see what the fuss was all about.
With a quick glance at Murrue and Natarle, he stood next them. Biddulph nodded to himself and motioned the soldiers to escort the trio out of the bridge. Mwu felt a slight jab of a rifle's muzzle at his back as he glanced around at the Eurasian soldier behind him.
“Hey, hey, watch it. I get your point.”
“I shall see to it personally that you'll be escorted to the commander's office. You'll have to excuse the precaution, Lieutenant La Flaga. Right this way please,” Biddulph continued.
Meanwhile in the ship's mess hall, other armed Eurasian soldiers were herding the rest of the crew. Amongst them, Jackie stared at one soldier in the eye and started, “What's the big idea moving us here? What are you planning?”
“Quiet! We received orders to isolate and keep guard on the crew of this ship. I've heard that the three high-ranking officers amongst your crew are being escorted to meet up with the base commander.”
Arnold placed a hand on Jackie's shoulder, prompting him not to ask the issue further. With a reluctant nod, he backed off, rejoining the group.
Kira and his other teen friends looked at the soldiers with worry and anxiety. Miriallia held close to her boyfriend, prompting him to comfort her. Kuzzey shook his head to clear off his confusion and worry. Sai folded his arms, surveying the soldiers.
This isn't good. But why hold us at gunpoint? I probably assume Captain Ramius, Ensign Badgiruel, and Lieutenant La Flaga are being shown to the commander in charge of this base.
The Strike pilot sadly sighed. Suddenly the thought of the Seraph pilot entered his mind.
I hope he's ok, and not caught by those soldiers.
Inside the Hynes's temporary quarters, Kenji suddenly sneezed. Fishing out a handkerchief from his lab coat pocket, he wiped his nose with it and placed it back in place. He rubbed his hands, shaking his head to clear his mind. Peter looked at him with a raised right eyebrow.
“What's wrong? Caught a cold?”
-Sniff- -Sniff- Nothing like that. It's the first time though.”
Either that or someone's talking about me.
Peter looked around the room, observing the contents. A simple table with chair was on his left, with a reading lamp. Two bunk beds with sliding curtains on the outside were on his right. A small intercom phone was adorned next to the door, with the light switch alongside a numeric pad lock.
“Well, the room's ok, I guess. Simple and catering to needs I say. Hmm, what's happening outside? I can hear clatter of footsteps approaching.”
At cue, footsteps were heard outside approaching the room. Placing a finger on his lips, Kenji motioned his uncle to stay quiet and approached him quietly. He cupped on his ear, whispering.
“Stand over there at the side and stick close to the wall. We don't want to be spotted yet; I have to know whom we're dealing with first. Just stay there until I tell you it's safe.”
Peter nodded, understanding his plan. He complied and went over to the left side of their quarters' door, sticking close to the wall. Kenji did the same, but on the opposite side. With one last check at his uncle, he reached for the light switch and flicked it off.
“Have we checked this room?” a voice spoke from the outside, belonging to a Eurasian soldier.
“…Nope, I guess this is the last one. I'll open it first, and then you check. I'll immediately follow after,” another voice replied, belonging to another Eurasian soldier.
“Fine, hurry it up!”
Quick pressing of buttons from the lock outside was heard.
“What the… it's open all along? Alright, here we go.”
The door opened, revealing the darkened room. The two Eurasian soldiers cautiously stepped in, with the door closing after them.
“What the hell? Where's the light switch for this room?”
“It's there somewhere, just feel for it! We didn't bring a flashlight you moron!”
“Well, excuse me, genius! We're as blind as bats!”
Under guise of the darkness, Kenji trained his eyes to adjust to it. He could briefly make glimpse of the soldiers' figures and feel their presence inching closer to he and his uncle. Slowly disentangling himself from the wall, he snuck on tiptoes, closing distance on one soldier from behind. He listened intently for his voice, as he felt for the lock behind him. Feeling the buttons on the numeric keypad lock, he randomly pressed them.
A locking sound was heard as confirmation. The soldier turned around facing the locked door in surprise.
“Huh? The door's locked?”
The young Coordinator's ears soon caught the words. At that moment, he immediately grabbed the soldier from behind with his left arm in a headlock, then delivering a sharp karate chop near the right side of his neck, knocking him unconscious. Feeling his fallen form, Kenji quietly dragged unconscious soldier to his corner, laying him down there.
Meanwhile the other soldier was confused, looking around frantically for his partner.
“Hey, you ok? What happened…?”
Peter touched around for the reading lamp, switching it on. The small light revealed one knocked-out soldier slumped against the left corner of the room, and the other one instantly disarmed and caught in a deadly hold from behind by Kenji. The soldier's mouth was covered by the Coordinator's hand.
If looks could kill, Kenji would probably do so at the spot as he looked at the soldier with killing intent in his eyes. The sight of them caused the soldier to sweat nervously and cease his resistance. Kenji slowly uncovered his mouth.
“Listen closely if you want to live. What's the situation in this ship?”
“T-T-There are orders from the commander to seize the ship and hold its crew. Three high-ranking officers among them are being escorted to the commander for further inquiry.”
“I see. Where's the commander's office?”
“Take the elevator straight ahead. I-I-It's located at the 3rd floor, s-s-straight from your right. Take the corner around to the left and head straight… you can't miss it!”
“…Thank you for your cooperation.”
Kenji delivered a hard karate chop to the back of the soldier's neck, sending him unconscious as his comrade. Wiping his hands, he body-checked the two soldiers for useful items. Of those, he secured two rifles and two stun batons. He handed a pistol and baton to his uncle, who reluctantly took them.
“Uncle, I know you dislike violence, but this is a dangerous world we're in. If you don't fight, you're a goner,” Kenji spoke, reaffirming his uncle.
“Yes… I know. You have a habit of getting me into unpredictable situations like this.”
“It can't be helped. See if you can remove that soldier's uniform, I'll take this one here.”
Peter looked from his nephew to the fallen soldiers ridiculously, then back at him.
“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
Kenji briefly smiled.
“You've read my mind clearly.”
Inside the base commander's room, he looked outside the glass panel showing space, with hands behinds his back. Eurasian Federation Rear Admiral, Gerard Garcia, chuckled delightedly to himself.
A golden egg had unexpectedly been laid before him. That egg was the Earth Alliance's secret military project, the Archangel.
“I can't believe that the EA's secret military project would be here in Artemis base. It must be a stroke of good fortune, eh?” he remarked, glancing back at the high-ranking trio of the Archangel --- Murrue, Natarle, and Mwu. The trio stood in line, military procedure.
Biddulph, of the inspecting team who brought them in at his orders, handed several pages of paper to Garcia. The commander studied them briefly, rubbing his bald head. He then turned around, facing them with his conniving black eyes.
“So, you're Earth Alliance officers then, that's confirmed from these papers here. Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga… the famed `Hawk of Endymion', I remembered fighting alongside you in the battle of Grimaldi Front. You were able to hold off several fighting GINNs, impressive. May I ask why you're on that ship?”
Mwu eyed him with a small grin, shaking his head.
“I'm afraid that's top secret, commander.”
Murrue butted in, cutting to business.
“Commander Garcia, our crew and that ship must reach to the Atlantic Federation's Moon HQ ASAP. It's our utmost priority. Plus, we've got ZAFT chasing us along the way.”
Garcia walked to his table and pressed the 5th button of a small six-button control panel. A screen monitor activated from the side, showing an image of the Gamow stationed nearby the base perimeter. He pointed it and looked at the trio with a confident smile.
-Chuckle- You mean them? Pshaw, you've nothing to worry about, Captain Ramius. They won't dare attack this base, for they can't breach the “umbrella” force field employed here. At the sight of any enemy forces in the area, the force field activates. So there's no chance they'll attack and breach in. Enough worry about that, you three must be tired from your journey. Biddulph, see that they be taken to a room to rest.”
Biddulph gave a quick salute to him, complying. He motioned two guards in the room to escort the trio out of the room. After they exited, Garcia sat down on his chair, hand on his chin in thought.
Hmm… I better start inspection of that legged ship. Heh, heh… I have other plans in store for it and its crew. I'll show the Atlantic Federation that Eurasia is no pushover!
Inside a guarded room, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle sat down on furniture provided. Mwu rubbed his chin with one hand while the other pocketed in his pants. Natarle then stood up with a clenched fist, while looking at the two.
“What now? We can't be sitting around like this! That ship shown on the screen before in Garcia's room was the Gamow. It seems ZAFT is very persistent in capturing the Archangel.”
Murrue looked up at her with a frown on her face.
“Well, the commander is having other plans in store for the Archangel and its crew, seeing it was the EA's secret military project. It's an opportunity for him.”
The Moebius Zero pilot glanced at both, adding in a comment.
“I'm worried about how Garcia can be arrogantly confident on the “umbrella” force field. The Le Creuset team is just outside there, waiting for an opening. I know Rau… he's got something in his sleeve.”
The two female EA officers looked at him worriedly.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0015 hours
Location: Artemis space
Meanwhile, the Gamow was parked outside, at front of the asteroid base. Inside its main bridge, Dearka, Nicol, and Yzak were discussing battle plans with Captain Frank Zelman. They circled around an interface table that projected an image of the asteroid base.
“What now? There's no way we can't get through that base's “umbrella” force field. It's the only obstacle blocking us from attacking,” Dearka commented, his arms folded.
“Yes… if there are any enemy or unknown force in the vicinity the force field opens. Any suggestions?” Zelman asked, looking back and fourth at the pilots. The Gamow Captain sported long, curly dark-red hair, and had the features that of a military officer. His age would seem to be around in his mid 30s, to say the least. His gray eyes swayed back and forth around the three red aces standing before him, awaiting a response from them.
Yzak slammed a right fist on the table in frustration.
“Tch, stinking force field…! Dearka's right, unless we can find a way to break the force field, we're just stuck.”
Nicol furrowed his eyebrows in thought as he examined the diagramed base. Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind.
“I have a plan, everyone. We're correct that the force field activates when any enemy or unknown force is in the vicinity. However, if the opposite of that happens, the force field goes down. This is where the Blitz Gundam comes in.”
Zelman looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“…'Gundam'… where did you get that word, pilot Amalfi?”
“It was displayed in the Blitz's OS when I first activated it; it's an acronym standing for General Unilateral Neuro-link Dispersive Autonomic Maneuver. Commander Creuset keeps referring to the prototype MS as “G-Weapons”, so that word is much suited.
“Ahem, back to the plan. The Blitz has a feature called Mirage Colloid Shift which renders it invisible to infrared sensors, radar, and the naked eye. Using this stealth capability, I can infiltrate the asteroid base and take out the devices operating the force field. From there, the Gamow can begin attack on Artemis, with Dearka and Yzak rejoining me in capturing the legged ship and the other reported Gundams stored.”
Dearka outstretched his right palm at the Blitz pilot.
“Woah there… how can you be sure the system works? You've never tested it yet!”
Nicol smiled, shrugging his shoulders.
“There's always a first time for everything, Dearka. Captain, I suggest that the Gamow stay out of sight from the time being, so that we give the base personnel the impression that we left and in order for the force field to shut down. I'll sneak in first and then begin attack from the inside. If this works, the “umbrella” force field will be out of commission.”
Zelman took one last look at the diagramed base and then at Nicol. He nodded in agreement.
“Have the ship turn around and reverse course! We'll stay out of sight for the time being. There should be an asteroid where we could hide behind. Activate thrusters, set speed to minimal!” he ordered his bridge crew.
Nicol motioned Dearka and Yzak to follow after him, as they headed for the hangar bay.
In the officers' lounge, Dearka and Yzak watched with folded arms Nicol preparing for launch in his Blitz Gundam. The Buster pilot snorted in disgust, feeling unsure about the battle plan.
“Tch… that mobile suit suits a coward like him, Yzak.”
The Duel pilot made a right fist and punched the palm of his other hand.
“…Yeah, I agree with you. But I suppose we'll have to stick to his plan if we're to get the legged ship with those two Gundams we've fought out. Tch, that guy piloting the unknown Gundam is going to pay!”
The Blitz positioned itself on the linear catapult, its back attached by launch-suspension cable, ready for launch. The launch sequence window popped out from above.
“Nicol Amalfi, Blitz, launching!” Nicol exclaimed before he was launched into space.
As he was a few meters away from the Gamow, he immediately activated the Mirage Colloid System. In an instant, the Blitz was transparent, and headed for Artemis's defense line.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0018 hours
Location: Artemis
In Garcia's room, his phone rang, interrupting his train of thought. He picked up the receiver.
“Yes, what is it?”
“Sir, this is the command center speaking. The Gamow seems to have reversed course. Also, Captain Biddulph reports that two prototype mobile suits are discovered in the Archangel's hangar. Both of them have their OS locked, and can't be operated.”
Garcia watched on the monitor screen the image of the Gamow reversing course from the vicinity. He snickered triumphantly.
“I see. Inform Captain Biddulph I'll be heading to the ship for inquiry on the crew held up there. Monitor the vicinity for the time being and inform me of any further developments.”
He set the receiver back to its place, hanging up. He picked up his officer's hat laid on his table, wearing it. He pressed the 5th button on the small control panel for the screen monitor to switch off and fold back inside his desk.
He then left the room, heading for the central base elevator. Two guards stationed outside the room saluted him as he exited before resuming their posts.
After following the set of directions he “persuaded” the Eurasian soldier to confess back in his temporary quarters on the Archangel, Kenji casually walked out of another base elevator located at the side, disguised in a Eurasian soldier uniform. Peter followed behind, disguised the same while walking in similar style as he tried to blend in.
The two Hynes found themselves in a t-section hallway, where two soldiers were guarding the base commander's room to their left. Kenji surveyed the surroundings, forming a plan. He paused briefly and motioned his uncle behind him to stop in his tracks.
“What is it?” Peter asked.
“Just a couple of guards… no problem. Follow my lead, uncle.”
The disguised Hynes walked towards the soldiers, getting their attention. One of them stepped forward, impeding their progress.
“Halt! What's your business with the base commander?”
“We're sent by the inspecting captain to personally report to him regarding the Archangel. Is he present?”
“Negative, he just left shortly, heading down to the docking harbor to personally inspect the mentioned ship.”
“I see… thanks for the info.”
Then in an instant, Kenji delivered a left back blow at the soldier's face. Seeing his comrade taken in surprise, the other soldier quickly stepped forward, approaching Kenji. The Seraph pilot threw a right fist to his gut, knocking the wind out of him.
Then, he grabbed hold of him with both hands, and delivered a right knee strike to the face, knocking him awry. Topping it off, he grabbed and threw him over his shoulder to the ground. He then delivered a quick punch to his face, effectively knocking him out.
The first soldier, reeling from his left back blow, took out his pistol from his right side holster, aiming at Kenji. Peter noticed it and tried tackling him to prevent the shot.
It was a few seconds late, for he pulled the trigger.
Kenji's ears however picked up the discharged shot as he instinctively jumped up and flipped over back, with the bullet traveling behind him and lodging itself on the wall. At that position, he twisted himself around, stretching and setting his legs together, setting up for a dropkick aimed at the soldier who was aghast seeing him avoiding his shot.
Taken a heavy blow to the chest, the soldier was fiercely knocked back against the wall, with the impact sending him to dreamland instantly. During his tackle, Peter noticed the slumped soldier and Kenji getting up from his dropkick; in a split-second, he put on his brakes, almost losing his balance. Kenji grabbed his shoulders in time, preventing his fall.
“Woah uncle! What's that for?”
“Whew… thank god you managed to dodged that shot. I was about to tackle that soldier to stop him, but I was too late.”
“Thanks, but I'm okay. ZAFT military training is stuck on me, so don't fret. Ouch, my ass,” Kenji rubbed his behind a bit, massaging to ease the fall he just took from his dropkick.
Peter chuckled at him, knowing his nephew had a lighter side. Kenji noticed his action and sighed.
“Back to business.”
The Seraph pilot walked over to the keypad lock and pressed the buttons at a speed few Coordinators would achieve and no Natural could do. A beep emitted after, indicating access as the door slid open.
“Let's drag these guys in here, quick,” Kenji beckoned to his uncle.
The two Hynes dragged the knocked-out soldiers inside as the door closed after them. They set them propped against the wall on a corner. Kenji looked around and spotted Garcia's desk with the small 6-button control panel in view. Walking up to it, he studied each button, unsure which to press.
“Here goes.”
He first pressed the 3rd button. A keyboard tray popped out, with a small screen unfolded from within the desk. The screen then displayed a file system.
Base Commander File System
Kenji rolled over his eyes at the screen.
“Another password… but I don't have time to guess it. Help, uncle?”
Peter glanced over his nephew's shoulder to see the screen, and furrowed his eyebrows in thought. An idea suddenly popped in his mind as he fished out a miniature electronic device from his chest pocket. The device was a touch-screen palm top with a pen and had an infrared sensor at the top. The professor pointed it at the screen as he took out the pen and turned on the device.
“A hacking device, uncle? I didn't know you were into that stuff,” Kenji remarked as he observed the device. Peter smiled a bit.
“Just a hobby of mine, Kenji… this'll take a few seconds.”
Base Commander File System
-Crack-a-Code System activated. Initiating password procedure…
…PROCEDURE4: password: GARCIA? NO.
…Password found.
DOC 1:
The Present Situation
DOC 2:
DOC 3:
DOC 4:
DOC 5:
Earth Alliance Military Project (NEW)
“Military project… hmm, it seems Eurasia's intelligence isn't bad,” Kenji remarked. He selected DOC 5 as his first choice.
DOC 5: Earth Alliance Military Project
The sudden arrival of the legged warship, the Archangel, is a surprise. Its crew has been kept on hold, with the commanding officers placed under base jurisdiction, located in Room 200, 2nd floor.
The ship is on guard in the docking harbor for the time being.
According to the commanding officers, it seems a ZAFT special force unit was pursuing the Archangel. A Laurasia-class ship, the Gamow, was spotted near the base vicinity and stationed there. After several minutes, the Gamow reversed course from the vicinity. Alert level has been raised to yellow.
We're making an analysis of the warship and its technology, which seems to surpass Eurasia's brand of warships. Details of them will soon to follow in the next report.
There's also a discovery of two prototype MS and a MA located in the ship's hangar. One of the MS is rumored in the Atlantic Federation's MS project proposed by Rear Admiral Lewis Halberton, while the other is a mystery. Their designs are uncanny and unique, which seem to hide their potential in the battlefield. An inquiry of the pilots for all three machines is at progress.
“A progress report… I expected much. It seems “Commander Garcia”, or the base commander, has other plans in store for the Archangel and its crew,” Kenji exited the menu and switched off the monitor by pressing the 3rd button again. The monitor and the keyboard tray pocketed back inside the desk.
“Well we know the present situation happening now. You've got a plan in mind?” Peter asked as he switched off his miniature hacking device and placed it back in his chest pocket.
“Hmm… short and simple. We free the commanding officers of the Archangel first. My guess is that those officers must be Captain Ramius, Ensign Badgiruel, and Lieutenant La Flaga whom we recently acquaintance first. Then, find a way in reclaiming the ship and escape from the base. It seems that ZAFT unit is probably out there waiting for an opening to attack this base. The Archangel must be a badly-wanted ship.”
“It seems your hunches turn out to be 99 percent correct all the time.”
Kenji looked at his uncle passively.
“What about the 1 percent…?”
Peter shrugged his shoulders, giving a faint chuckle.
“A minor flaw of miscalculation… we're prone to err, aren't we?”
“...You head over to the 2nd floor, Room 200 and free those officers. I have no doubt you can take care of the guards posted there, probably two at the most. I'll keep tracking around for this Commander Garcia in the meantime and find a way to let the ship escape.”
“Agreed. Take caution, nephew.”
“Same here to you.”
The two Hynes exited the Garcia's room. As the door closed after them, Kenji went to the keypad lock and pressed randomly on the buttons at an uncomprehending speed, locking the door. Peter watched curiously at the action, as his nephew turned around and looked back at him.
“How on earth did you find the lock combination easily?”
Kenji shrugged his shoulders.
“To be honest, something in my mind clicks when I get to work on deciphering codes and other stuff similar to this.”
Peter sighed in defeat, unable to comprehend his nephew's Coordinator traits.
“Head back to the Archangel when you're done! I'll see you there!”
The older Hyne glanced back at his nephew one more time before running back into the side base elevator he and Kenji originally came from. As its doors closed after him, Kenji looked at them with a raised eyebrow.
Uncle Peter seems to get weird at me… is it because of my Coordinator abilities? Tch, it's not like I'm special or something. Anyway, back to business.
Shaking off the thought from his mind, the Seraph pilot went over to the central base elevator and pressed the lift button on the side, requesting the elevator to arrive. After waiting 5 seconds, it did.
Kenji stepped inside and pressed the close button on the elevator control. As the doors closed in front of him, he studied the other buttons in view. His eye suddenly caught one marked “CONTROL ROOM”; he selected it.
The elevator whirled into life as it began to go up, heading for its passenger's destination. The Seraph pilot checked his available weapons holstered to his sides. From his right, he readied an automatic pistol, ejecting the cartridge.
15 bullets loaded in the clip.
Nodding to himself, he loaded the clip back inside and switched off the safety lock. Next, he checked a stun baton from his left. Taking it out, he eyed for further details. A small switch was found on the handle. Curiously, he switched it on.
A faint, electric hum emitted from the baton's base, which seemed to glow bright. One touch from it, and the unfortunate victim would be jolted with a high dose of electricity.
Kenji laughed softly, shaking his head.
Ha, ha… it seems the EA could hardly be at the same level with ZAFT in terms of technology. This baton is measly and small, compared to the customized riot club I used to have back when I was in ZAFT. But I guess this'll do for the meantime.
He switched off the electric feature, hence the term “stun”, and sheathed it back in his left belt holster. Smoothing out some wrinkles in his EA uniform, he ran a hand through his spiky hair, and took a deep breath.
From the small display monitor above the elevator control, the words “CONTROL ROOM” were shown.
The elevator doors then opened.
Meanwhile in the Archangel's mess hall, its doors opened, with Garcia stepping inside. He looked around the other held-up crewmembers huddled up in a corner by his soldiers. Adjusting his throat, he began his inquiry.
“According to reports I read, three machines were found in this ship's hangar. Two of them seem to be prototype MS. I want to know which among you are the pilots of those mobile suits.”
Arnold stepped forward among the group.
“What do you want with them?”
Garcia shrugged his shoulders and looked at him lazily.
“Why, I want to look at them of course. What an obvious question coming from you.”
Murdoch stepped in front of Arnold, prompting him to huddle back in the group and answer Garcia.
“To answer your question, one of the pilots is Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga. He pilots the one called the Strike Gundam; it's colored in bright colors of blue, white, and red.”
“Ho, ho, ho… lies. I personally know the lieutenant years back, for I fought alongside him in the battle of the Grimaldi Front. He pilots the Moebius Zero!”
Garcia looked at Murdoch in the eye warily. He shifted his attention to the other crewmembers of the group.
“Who among you pilots the Strike? Hmm… I see a little persuasion is needed to ensure cooperation from you all.”
He walked towards Miriallia and grabbed her by the arms. The female teen shrieked in fear. Tolle impulsively stepped out among the group and tried to drag her away from him, but two of Garcia's soldiers impeded his progress.
Among the group, Kira clenched his hands into fists as he stared hard down the floor. As Miriallia's cry prolonged, he shook his head and made up his mind. He pushed his way out of the group, moving aside Murdoch who was startled by his action.
“I'm the one you want! I'm the pilot of the Strike,” he remarked helplessly. Garcia immediately let go of Miriallia and snarled at him, thinking he was lying. He then walked towards him.
“Liar! This'll teach you!”
He flexed his right arm to deliver a punch at the young Coordinator. Kira noticed it quick and sidestepped, then grabbed him over by his shoulder, throwing him down to the floor.
“Oof!” Garcia exclaimed in surprise as he landed on the floor back first. Several soldiers quickly grabbed hold of Kira.
But it was a high-pitched yell of protest from Fllay that got all the occupants in the room their attention. All eyes were on her.
“Stop it! Kira is really telling the truth! And… he's also a Coordinator!” she exclaimed. A small gasp of shock was heard from everybody in the room.
Garcia slowly stood up, dusting himself off. He approached the Strike pilot, hands behind his back.
“Well, well… a Coordinator. No wonder… you two, escort him to this ship's hangar! Young man, your cooperation is required. This way, please.”
Two soldiers escorted Kira with Garcia taking the lead, to the Archangel's hangar. The group approached in front of the Strike Gundam. Garcia glanced at it from below.
“I'd like you to remove the lock on the OS first. Then afterwards, I want you to show me how to mass-produce this Strike Gundam.”
Kira looked away from him in disdain.
“No way, I refuse. I'm a civilian, and don't need to obey your orders.”
“Is that so? But, since you, a Coordinator, are in existence and found boarding an EA warship, it's clear that you've betrayed your people. But don't worry. Cooperate with us, and you're ensured that the Eurasia Federation will fully protect you.”
At the end of the remark, the two soldiers raised and pointed their rifles at Kira.
“I'm afraid you have no other choice.”
Glancing at Garcia in resignation, Kira sighed, heading towards the Strike's cockpit and sitting inside. He began work unlocking the OS, with one soldier pointing his rifle at him nearby.
Garcia smiled delightedly. He then noticed the Seraph parked opposite, facing the Strike.
Hmm… I'll find out the pilot for that mobile suit is soon. I've got bigger fish to fry!
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0025 hours
Location: Artemis
From the command center, radar operators monitored for signs of the Gamow. The command captain seated in the center inquired for a status.
“Any sign of the Gamow in the radar?”
The radar operators shook their heads in response.
“Negative, captain. It seems the Gamow has disappeared from the radar and retreated back.”
“No other visual signs spotted. Captain, we're in the clear.”
The captain furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his chin in thought. He cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Alright then. Lower alert level to normal, and deactivate “umbrella” shield!”
“Aye-aye, sir! Shutting down power generators from sectors 1 to 10… confirmed. Shutting down generators from sectors 11 to 20… confirmed.”
The ruby-colored force field enveloped around the asteroid base then dissipated. The power generators supplying energy to it, and hidden among the defense line, were switched off.
From a short distance, the cloaked Blitz approached the defense line. Nicol surveyed the area around him, taking note the location of the power generators. Closing his eyes momentarily, he took a deep breath.
He then opened them, readying his move.
The unseen Blitz then began its attack. It immediately de-cloaked, and fired off its beam rifle, attached on its “Trikeros” offensive shield system, at one generator, destroying it. Then, turning around, it fired off its hyper-fast kinetic energy penetrator Lancer Dart pieces one by one at three generators, blowing them up.
Inside the asteroid base, Kenji stepped inside the control room. As he did so, explosions were heard, rocking the base by their impacts. Everybody in the room held onto something for support as the area around them shook.
“What's going on? Contact the command center at once!” one officer remarked.
Amongst the officers in the room, they performed multi-tasking, some walking back and forth with calls from the command center, some typing in their terminals trying to piece info regarding the present situation, and some just looking back and forth at their workmates, confused.
As Kenji checked his surroundings, he formed a short conclusion in his mind.
Those explosions must be a result of the power generators, supplying energy to the “umbrella” force field, destroyed. But how's it possible?
That ZAFT unit couldn't possibly carry out a surprise attack… unless…
Thoughts of his previous battle with the four ZAFT Gundams came into his mind. He focused on the Blitz's image.
Then, remembering from the small booklet given to him by Professor Kato, he pictured a page read regarding the Blitz. The words “Mirage Colloid System” came into view.
Jackpot. It must be the Blitz doing those attacks. Did the Seraph originally become the concept for that system, or the Blitz itself?
No matter. Thanks to its attacks, it's getting the most attention from the base personnel.
He walked to the center of the room and yelled at the top of his voice.
Everybody in the room stopped their tasks and looked at him incredulously with wide eyes and gaping mouths. An anime-style teardrop was on Kenji's head while he looked back and forth at the officers uneasy.
“Uh… well?” he warily asked.
“Run for your lives!” one female officer shrieked, standing up from her seat. This indicated that his words had an immediate effect on the control room's occupants.
“No, I don't want to die!”
The result was spontaneous. Every officer in the room quickly ran out of the room like a swarm, pushing each other in the process. Kenji moved out of the way, then seeing the last officer go, with the door closed after him. He smirked amusedly at himself.
“Huh… I never thought that would work. Now to the controls.”
Kenji walked towards the control panel, while he gazed outside the window several parked Moebius units. He spotted the Archangel parked deep back. He directed his attention at the controls, searching each button.
“Hmm… how do I open the docking harbor doors? Ah, here it is!”
He spotted a switch with a label “HARBOR DOORS” and flicked it open. The harbor doors then began opening. Several Eurasian soldiers and pilots wearing spacesuits in the docking harbor looked back and forth at the control room and the doors in confusion.
“What the hell? Who's opening the doors?”
“No matter! It's right timing anyway! We've got to find out who's attacking the base! Everyone, to your Moebius!”
The pilots quickly rushed to their respective Moebius MA and began activating them.
Meanwhile in the Archangel's mess hall, as the explosions continued rocking the base, Arnold saw a sign of opportunity as he ran up to one soldier and socked him with a left hook to the face. The soldier went down in an instant.
“Sorry, pal, we got to do what we must,” he remarked, grabbing his rifle.
This prompted Murdoch and Romero to do the same with the other soldier guarding the group, not giving him time to retaliate. The rest of the group scrambled back to their posts in order to regain control of the ship.
“Everyone, head back to your posts, and take control of the ship!” Arnold exclaimed to them as he headed for the bridge.
In the guarded Room 200 located at the 2nd floor, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle felt the explosions rocking the base. They all stood up from their seats and looked around the room.
“Woah… it looks like they've begun their assault on this base,” Mwu remarked.
Murrue and Natarle looked around the room, searching for a way out. An idea formed in Natarle's mind. She quickly whispered in the Archangel captain's ear. Murrue took in the words and nodded. She approached Mwu who gave a wondering look.
“Mwu, lie down and pretend that you're losing air.”
The Moebius Zero pilot nodded, complying her command. He lied down on the floor and began pretending to suffocate from lack of air. The two female officers pounded on the door, getting the two guards' attention outside.
“Help, help, help us! Our friend is suffocating from lack of air!”
“Open this door now! Please, help us!”
The two guards posted outside looked at the door hesitantly. Having the high-ranked officers of the Archangel fallen into a bad predicament wasn't something they'd like to report to Commander Garcia, since they're assigned to guard them. Looking at each other, they nodded and were about to open the door by the ID slide lock displayed on the side.
“Sorry, gentlemen, but you're in the way,” a voice spoke from behind.
They turned around to find Peter Hyne whacking both of them with a stun baton. The impact with charged electricity on the weapon's base shocked them unconscious. As they slumped down the floor, one of them dropped an ID card. Peter picked it up and observed it.
“Hmm… it's used for this slide lock then?” he remarked to himself.
He approached the ID slide lock and slid the ID on the card reader. The small glass display on the lock showed the words “ACCESS GRANTED”.
The door opened.
From the other side as the door opened, Murrue and Natarle stopped pounding on the door and stepped back. They huddled close to Mwu and knelt down beside him, assuming an ambush position. The Moebius Zero pilot gagged and rasped his voice, feigning suffocation as he clutched his throat with both hands.
Peter stepped inside, approaching them. As the two female EA officers saw the knocked out guards and looked up to the visitor, they immediately recognized his face with surprise and stood up.
“Professor Hyne! How were you able to find us?” Murrue started.
Natarle knelt down and shook the still-suffocating Mwu by the shoulders, bringing him back to reality. He looked up at Peter with wide-opened eyes. He then stood up and recomposed himself, dusting off his uniform and arranging his bright-blond hair.
“Well, well, I never expected you to pull off such a stunt, professor.”
Peter gave him a small smile. Switching off its shock feature, he sheathed the stun baton in his left holster belt. He adjusted his uniform's collar.
“Like clockwork, Captain Ramius. Luckily Kenji and I weren't found and held up with the rest of the crew back in the Archangel. We managed to sneak in and obtain some info.”
Natarle furrowed her eyebrows in thought. The Seraph pilot appeared in her mind for the moment. She hesitantly looked at Peter.
“What about… Kenji? Is he alright, professor?”
”Him…? No need to worry, Ensign Badgiruel. Kenji is trying to find a way out for the Archangel and its crew, though I'm not sure where exactly he is in this base. Once he does so, he'll rejoin us in the ship.”
Natarle nodded, sighing with relief. Mwu looked at her with a raised eyebrow and elbow nudged her at the side with a grin.
“Worried about him, ensign? My, I didn't figure you to be a caring type.”
“Humph. It's nothing, lieutenant! I just want to know how he's doing that's all. We owe him our lives for saving the ship and its crew.”
Natarle's eyes were like daggers as they focused on Mwu. He backed away from her a bit, waving his hands in front of her in defense. Murrue rolled her eyes over at the sight.
“Now's not the time for antics, Lieutenant La Flaga! Natarle, it is useless getting mad at him. Professor, let's go, there's not much time!”
Peter nodded in reply and started the escape, with the trio following behind.
In the Archangel's hangar, as the first wave of explosions rocked the base, Garcia and his guards were surprised as the area shook around them.
Inside the Strike's cockpit, Kira momentarily stopped typing in his keyboard terminal. He looked at the sentry near him and delivered a kick to his gut.
“Oof!” he exclaimed, as he was kicked out of the cockpit.
“What the hell? Hey you, stop!” Garcia exclaimed at the Strike pilot.
“There's no time for this during an attack!” Kira exclaimed back as he closed the cockpit hatch before him and began activating the Strike from within.
Gritting his teeth in disdain, Garcia motioned his guards to follow after him, as he quickly fled the ship, heading to the base control room.
“Damn… an attack on this base? How can this be?” he remarked to himself.
The Strike's eyes flashed bright yellow, indicating its activation. It walked towards the linear catapult, setting its feet on it. Several robotic arms popped out from the catapult's walls, containing the Sword-type parts, as they attached them to the Strike. Kira was startled by the action.
“What's this?” he wondered. His com-link then opened, with a gruff voice speaking to him. Murdoch's face then appeared a second later on his com-link.
“Hey kid! We're attaching the Sword-type parts for the Strike! There's no time to waste!” Murdoch spoke.
“Mr. Murdoch…? Understood!”
Miriallia's image then appeared on his com-link screen.
“Kira, you're safe! I'm glad… all set to launch?” she asked, adjusting her headset-mic.
“Yeah… I'm relieved to see you safe as well. Has the whole crew taken control of the ship?”
“Yup, but only Captain Ramius, Ensign Badgiruel, and Lieutenant La Flaga are the only ones missing… oh wait, here they are now!”
Sounds of footsteps were heard approaching the main bridge. Its crew turned around to find Murrue and Natarle back in their usual posts, with Mwu taking another post of the fire controls officer (Romero isn't the only one behind the fire controls of the Archangel's weapon systems). Peter looked around the bridge crew and leaned against the wall, folding his arms.
Arnold smiled in relief at them.
“Captain, ensign, and lieutenant, welcome back! Oh, also to you, sir!”
The mentioned people nodded to him in reply. Murrue inquired for a status report.
“Radar has picked up a heat signature. Identifying the source… it's the Blitz!” Jackie reported from his post in the CIC area.
“Fire control systems are good to go. However, due to close proximity in the docking harbor, we could end up being damaged by the ship's weapons!” Romero reported from his post.
“The harbor doors seem to be opening! We can get out of the base!” Dalida reported from his post. Alongside him, Sai picked up an electric signal detected, the source of the doors opening.
“Ma'am, it seems someone in the control room above opened the doors for us!” he added.
Peter smiled to himself, chuckling. Murrue and Natarle looked at him incredulously.
“It seems Kenji made his way up there and opened the doors. Give him a few minutes to come back here in the ship.”
“What about our mobile suits? Are they ready?” Murrue inquired, resuming back to business.
“Ma'am, Kira is ready on standby in the Sword-Strike Gundam. Lieutenant La Flaga's Moebius Zero hasn't finished its repairs and therefore is unavailable. The unknown MS hasn't been occupied by Kenji yet, seeing that he's not present,” Miriallia reported.
“Have Kira Yamato launch in the Sword-Strike Gundam now! We can't wait up for Kenji Hyne to catch up in the unknown MS,” Natarle ordered.
“Professor, I only hope your nephew can make back here in time!” Murrue spoke to Peter, who nodded to her in reply.
“Patience is a virtue, Captain Ramius. Have faith in him.”
“Driver, we launch after pilot Kenji Hyne has returned back to the ship, got it?” the Archangel Captain said to Arnold, who gave her a small salute.
The Archangel was then activated, hovering off the ground for the time being.
“You heard her, Kira, you're cleared to launch,” Miriallia replied back to the Strike pilot.
“Got it. I'm ready,” he spoke, pressing a button on the right side of his pilot helmet, which closed its glass head visor.
In the launch catapult, the launch sequence window popped out from above.
“Kira Yamato, Sword Strike launching!” Kira exclaimed before being launched off.
The Sword Strike launched outside into the docking harbor with its PS armor activated. At the same moment, the Blitz popped in view, blowing away Moebius MA with its beam rifle mounted in its Trikeros. The Blitz turned its head around, directing attention to the Sword Strike.
“The Strike Gundam! Hmm… it's armed with different parts than before. Better approach it with caution,” Nicol remarked. He sent an instant message to the Gamow, before engaging Kira.
The Blitz fired off its “Gleipnir” rocket anchor at the Sword Strike. Kira saw the attack coming, with the Sword Strike retaliating by firing off its “Panzer Eisen” rocket anchor.
The two weapons collided against each other, sending them retracting back to their owners.
“The Blitz! I'll have to charge him then!” Kira exclaimed, gritting his teeth. He tightened his grip on the control sticks.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0035 hours
Location: Artemis space
Meanwhile in the Gamow's bridge, a communications operator received Nicol's instant message.
“Captain, message from pilot Amalfi! He's penetrated the defense line and destroyed the “umbrella” force field. He's currently engaging the Strike Gundam in the docking harbor!” the operator reported.
Captain Zelman, who was seated and drumming his fingers on his seat's armrests, then stood up and cut the air with an outstretched right hand.
Just as he planned it!
“Change course and head back towards Artemis! We begin attack! Pilots Elsman and Joule, launch in your mobile suits on the double!”
Dearka and Yzak immediately rushed into the ship elevator after waiting patiently with folded arms and lying down floating.
“No need to say twice, sir!” the Buster pilot remarked. Yzak pressed a button inside the elevator “HANGAR BAY” as the destination. The doors closed before them.
As the elevator proceeded downwards to the hangar bay, Yzak punched the palm of his right hand in anticipation. Dearka smirked at him.
“Anxious, aren't we?”
“Humph… shut it, Dearka! I've got a score to settle with the pilot of the Strike! And also the other one of the unknown G-Weapon that sliced off my Duel's left arm… he'll pay!”
“Yeah, I too can't wait to settle the score with that unknown MS.”
In the hangar bay, both the Buster and Duel were armed and supplied. The Duel proceeded to the linear catapult first, with its back attached by the launch-suspension cable. The launch sequence window popped out from above.
“Yzak Joule, Duel, launching!” Yzak exclaimed eagerly, as the Duel launched into space, activating its PS armor along the way as it headed towards Artemis.
The Buster followed next, at the same position as the Duel.
“Dearka Elsman, Buster, launching!” Dearka exclaimed cockily, as the Buster launched into space, activating its PS armor along the way as it followed the Duel heading back to Artemis.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0040 hours
Location: Artemis
The skirmish between the Blitz and Sword Strike continued, with the Blitz firing off its beam rifle at the Sword Strike.
The Sword Strike boosted quickly sideways, dodging the shots, which trailed towards several Moebius units, destroying them. It took out its “Schwert Gewehr” and raised it for an overhead strike.
“Take this!” Kira exclaimed.
The Blitz dodged both slashes left and right, then circling around the Sword Strike. Nicol gritted his teeth in pressure as he realized his caliber wasn't up par to Kira's. Shaking off further doubts, the Blitz deployed its beam saber and charged head on at the Sword Strike.
“Don't underestimate me!” Nicol retorted.
Kira angrily snarled, with the Sword Strike taking out its “Midas Messer” and flinging it at the Blitz. The Blitz fired off its “Gleipnir” again, this time deflecting the projectile back to its owner. Sheathing it back in place, the Sword Strike fired off his “Igelstellung” CIWS and increased speed, circling the Blitz.
As the Blitz took in the shots, which bounced back from its PS armor, Nicol monitored the Blitz's power level from his right CIS. The level was represented in small bars, each representing a certain amount of power.
It was decreasing to 50 percent.
“Ugh… I don't know how long I can hold off this guy; he's too strong!” he remarked.
Meanwhile in the base control room perched above in the docking harbor, Garcia and his two guards entered inside. The base commander's mouth was agape as he looked around to find the room empty. He clenched a fist and angrily stomped on the ground.
“What the hell! Where did all those idiots run off to at this crucial time! Shit, we're being attacked as I speak!”
He approached the control panel and looked at all the buttons shown. A switch labeled “HARBOR DOORS” was apparently flicked open. Before he could switch it off, a scuffle was heard from behind him.
As he turned around to see what it was about, the sight of his two guards knocked out and lying face down on the floor shocked him.
“What in the world…”
A presence was felt from above as it crashed down on him, knocking him facedown to the floor. He held his forehead in pain as he felt the weight of someone on top of him get off. He was then lifted up in the air by his uniform's collar and facing the mystery assailant, who was none other than Kenji.
“Commander Garcia, a pleasure to meet you,” the Seraph pilot spoke with a grin. Garcia looked at him nervously.
“What do you want from me? Who're you?”
“Someone dragged into this pointless conflict between EA and ZAFT due to circumstances. My name doesn't matter to you. But… I believe you hold information regarding the Mendel Colony?”
“The Mendel Colony… it's been abandoned for years! What could you possibly find in that graveyard?”
Kenji tightened his grip on Garcia, shaking him.
“I'll ask the questions. Does the `Ultimate Coordinator Project' ring any bell to you?”
Garcia could see anger, anxiety, and resolve mirrored in Kenji's eyes. Fear suddenly gripped the base commander to cooperate.
“Y-y-yes, I've heard of it! All I know about it is that the project head, Ulen Hibiki, died. Other from that, there's no other info regarding it!”
“Was there anyone else involved in the project besides Dr. Hibiki?”
Garcia looked up the ceiling, quickly recalling from his mind.
“...Haruma and Caridad Yamato…! They had something to do with it! Last that I heard about them, they were living in Orb. One of my spies there confirmed a connection between them and Lord Uzumi Nara Attha!”
“Interesting… I must take my leave now.”
Kenji then struck with his left knee at Garcia's gut, taking the wind out of him. He delivered a karate chop to the back of his neck, and grabbed him over by his shoulder, throwing him against a computer terminal.
Glancing at him one last time, the Seraph pilot walked out of the room, and began a mad dash back at the Archangel. Garcia's info about the Yamato family having connections with the mentioned project reflected in his mind.
Yamato? Wait… aren't they the parents of Kira Yamato, the Strike pilot I rescued? Interesting… plus, with Lord Uzumi of the Orb Kingdom involved in it…
As the slumped and bruised Garcia slowly regained his senses, a damaged and burning Moebius MA trailed towards the control room. The base commander flailed his arms in front of him in a futile effort, screaming.
The Moebius MA crashed inside the control room, killing Garcia and his two guards as it exploded, blowing up the room.
The Sword Strike took another swipe at the Blitz with its “Schwert Gewehr”.
The Blitz ducked it and fired off its beam rifle as a counter. The Sword Strike dodged the shot and flung its “Midas Messer” and firing off its “Panzer Eisen” at the same time.
The Blitz fired its “Gleipnir” anchor, deflecting the “Midas Messer”. But there wasn't enough time to counter the rocket anchor wrapping around its “Trikeros” mounted on the right arm. It flexed the right arm, trying to pull the Sword Strike towards it.
Surprisingly, the Sword Strike held its anti-ship blade with the right hand, while giving a good yank with its “Panzer Eisen”, pulling the Blitz towards it with greater strength. Nicol yelped out in amazement as he tried shifting the control sticks back to halt his dragging motion.
The Sword Strike then made an overhead slash at the Blitz.
“Is it the end…?” Nicol asked, fearing the inevitable.
Just then, a charged shot came from way behind, missing the Sword Strike by inches.
It then was forced to retract its “Panzer Eisen” and cease its attack, putting its “Schwert Gewehr” back in place and retreating back to the Archangel.
“Nicol, you alright?” Dearka inquired. The Blitz pilot sighed in relief at his image displayed on the right CIS.
“Thanks… I needed that, Dearka. Yzak is with you?”
“Yeah… guy is anxious to take on the Strike! What the? More pests are coming!”
The Buster fired its two missile pods, scattering micro-missiles of destruction to another group of Moebius MA. Dearka clicked his tongue in annoyance after their destruction.
“Damn, these pests are in the way of the legged ship! Yzak, what about you?”
The Duel sliced in half two Moebius MA. Another approached him from behind, its weak firepower bouncing off from the Duel's PS armor. Yzak took out his beam rifle and shot it down.
“Grr… there's so many of them! We got to dispose of them first!”
In the Archangel's bridge, Murrue looked on the chaotic scene displayed on the main screen. She banged her left fist down on her seat's armrest grimly. She glanced at Miriallia.
“Is Kenji here, Miriallia?” she inquired.
From her terminal, the said female teen checked for life signs of the Seraph pilot by scanning the entire ship. A few seconds later, a beep sounded and a video footage of Kenji hurriedly making it inside the hangar was shown. She glanced back at Murrue with relief.
“Yes, he made it back! He's now in the hangar!” she reported.
Upon hearing that, Murrue and Natarle nodded to themselves with relief. The second-in-command took a deep breath and sighed. Murrue eyed Arnold and cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Driver, get us out of here! Miriallia, send word to Kira to return back inside the ship! We're avoiding combat with the ZAFT G-Weapons near us.”
Miriallia nodded in reply and contacted Kira via com-link. His face was shown on her terminal screen.
“Kira, return back to the ship, we're retreating and escaping the base!”
“Ok, I understand!”
The Sword-Strike landed on a small clear spot near the Archangel's bridge, holding on for support.
Arnold quickly steered the driving wheel to a hard bank to the left and right, steering the ship around to position it facing the harbor doors.
“Activate thrusters and set speed to maximum!” Murrue exclaimed.
With a burst from its thrusters, the Archangel gradually picked up speed, exiting the crumbling asteroid base. The Blitz, Buster, and Duel looked on its retreating form, as they disposed of the remaining Moebius MA retaliating back at them.
The area was in flames. Wreckage floated everywhere from the chaos created by the Le Creuset ZAFT unit.
Inside the Duel's cockpit, Yzak slammed a right fist on his seat's armrest.
“No… and we came close this time!”
Inside the Buster's cockpit, Dearka clicked his tongue and shook his head in disappointment, folding his arms.
Nicol's face etched into a frown. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his long, olive hair. He glanced back at his comrades.
“Dearka, Yzak, let's head back to the Gamow! The base is falling apart!”
The three ZAFT Gundams made a quick getaway, heading back to the Gamow, which arrived minutes late to intercept the Archangel.
Flames erupted from explosions made in the asteroid base, as it slowly fell to oblivion.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0100 hours
Location: The Archangel
Tired both mentally and physically, Kira headed back to his quarters. As the door closed after him, he immediately headed to his bed. Along the way, he zipped off his pilot suit, flinging it to the side, and removing his pilot helmet. The two articles of clothing were at motion brought by the zero gravity of space.
He plopped down on his bed face first. Rolling himself to lie on his back, he dragged the blanket up to his chest. His eyes slowly watered as Garcia's words began to break his emotional defenses down.
Is that so? But, since you, a Coordinator, are in existence and found boarding an EA warship, it's clear that you've betrayed your people. But don't worry. Cooperate with us, and you're ensured that the Eurasia Federation will fully protect you.”
“I… I'm no… traitor…” he stammered. His pet robotic bird Torii flew by, perching on his shoulder. It looked quizzically at its owner.
Tears trailed down on the Strike pilot's cheeks.
In the Hynes' quarters, Kenji removed his EA uniform disguise and set it aside. He looked at his research lab coat, his ID attached on the left chest pocket, perched on a coat rack in the corner of the room.
ZAFT… could I ever find my purpose in life?
He kicked off his leather shoes, exposing black socks worn. He lied down floating, hands behind his head, as he looked up the ceiling.
Lunamaria… another tragedy has sparked a war.
He slowly shut his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 27; +0105 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
Amidst the floating wreck of debris scattered in the area, a Nazca-class ZAFT ship, the Geneva, appeared. Inside its bridge, Captain Lloyd Aster observed the floating ruins of the neutral colony. He adjusted his uniform's collar, running a hand through his buzz cut, blonde hair.
“Damn… we're too late. Operator, any life signs in the area?”
From his terminal, the radar operator performed a wide scan of the colony area. Several blips were found.
“Found life signs, captain! They're coming from escape pods… they must be civilians who escaped the colony. They're transmitting their beacons,” he reported.
Lloyd nodded to himself at the report.
“What about other signs?”
Another radar operator performed a routine scan on the colony area. A faint heat pulse was detected partly hidden among debris.
“Found one faint heat signature, captain! It appears to be hidden among the debris.”
“Hmm… deploy the Crusader Squad to check it out! Leave the escape pods! They'll be picked up by the EA forces sent to investigate.”
“Aye-aye, sir!”
The Crusader Squad was immediately deployed from the Geneva, sent to investigate the area where the faint heat pulse was detected. The team leader, Ryu Katsuragi, glanced at his squad mates.
“Spread out and see if you can find anything suspicious here.”
The four white painted, GINN High-Maneuver Types split up, each searching a different spot among the debris.
One of them then bumped into something at its front.
“What the…? Huh?” Barry Walters wondered, a pilot known as Crusader-02. He brought his GINN hand up, reaching out and touching the dark-colored obstacle blocking his path. He moved his camera (mounted on the head) and saw two grayed out eyes belonging to a MS.
“Wah…!” he exclaimed in fright, backing slightly away from it.
“Barry, you found something?” Ryu spoke via com-link.
“Er… yeah, I did! I don't what it is!”
“We'll be right there in your location! Stay put there!”
Seconds later, the rest of the squad gathered. Crusader-01 stepped forward.
“Well, where is it?” Ryu asked.
“T-T-There sir!” Barry gestured, pointing at the MS. The entire squad glanced at his direction. Ryu zoomed in with his camera, taking a closer look at the MS. His eyes widen in surprise.
“It's a MS… unlike anything I've seen. Geneva, this is Crusader-01 speaking. We've found a dark-colored MS. It looks weird, but appears to be deactivated.”
“Weird? Captain, what should we do?” the communications operator asked from his post in the Geneva's bridge.
Lloyd rubbed his chin with his left hand and weighed his options.
“Bring it back here in the ship immediately! It must be a prototype MS.”
“Crusader-01, your team is to bring that MS here in the Geneva on the double. That's all,” the communications operator relayed the captain's order.
Ryu nodded in reply at the operator's image displayed in his CIS. He glanced at his team around him.
“We've got orders to bring that mobile suit back to the ship. Let's move!”
The Crusader Squad approached the unknown MS and proceeded to pry it out from the debris it was buried partially on.
After successfully digging it up, Crusader-01 and Crusader-02 carried it by the shoulders, each on both sides, while Crusader-03 and Crusader-04 stood by their front and back respectively, guarding them, as they headed back to the Geneva.
In the Geneva's hangar bay, the entire personnel (minus the bridge crew) gathered around the unknown mobile suit brought in by the Crusader Squad. Murmurs and words were exchanged between each other.
“What in the world is that?”
“A MS… what kind of design is that?”
“Woah… weird.”
Lloyd floated up, examining the MS, which its design caught his eye. The Crusader Squad got out of their customized GINN High Maneuver Types, joining in the crowd.
Lloyd's eyes suddenly widen at a realization.
It looks like… a devil… no… a hellish spawn.