Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 9: The Fading Light ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 9: The Fading Light
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0000 hours
Location: The Archangel
Miriallia headed inside the female public bathroom, needing a shower after a hard day of work. There, she found Fllay applying cream to her face.
“Why are you working yourself a beauty treatment? What's the occasion?” Miriallia asked curiously. The red-haired, cream-covered girl glanced at her.
“Well, I have to look good when I meet my father, since he's the Vice-Minister of the Atlantic Federation. I have to give him a good impression, you know!” she happily replied, resuming checking herself on the mirror.
Miriallia shook her head, unfazed by the reply. She shed her EA uniform and undergarments, placing them inside a mini-locker. She grabbed a fresh towel and shampoo/conditioner from a small bath cabinet that provided necessary bathing toiletries, closing it.
She then headed inside one shower stall, closing the door after her, and turned on the shower faucet. A jet stream of lukewarm water sprayed all over her body, with her muscles relaxing. She squirted a small amount of shampoo and conditioner, then applying them to her hair. As she spread them all over her hair, massaging her head, she began hearing Fllay's excited chatter about meeting her father.
Give me a break… the last thing I need is Fllay getting giddy about meeting her dad.
She rolled her eyes over at the thought.
In the bridge, Murrue received a hail from a Nelson-class EA battleship, the Montgomery, belonging to the EA 8th Fleet advance escorts. The ship's captain appeared on the main screen.
He was an imposing man who had half-bald blonde hair, brown eyes, a blonde mustache, and seemed a bit short. Nevertheless he had the looks of a seasoned war veteran, who appeared to be in his 40s.
“This is Captain Paine Stevens of the Montgomery. Whom am I addressing to in this ship?” he greeted. Murrue saluted him before replying, prompting him to salute back.
“This is Lieutenant Murrue Ramius, acting captain of the Archangel, sir. We're glad to see you.”
“Thank you for the thought, Captain Ramius. The 8th Fleet was fortunate to have detected an EA id signal from your ship, though we don't have it in our databanks. Anyway, the Archangel will be under the 8th Fleet's command after the rendezvous.”
Another voice popped in, getting Paine's attention. He glanced at the person bothering him, allowing him to be seen in the main screen. The face of George Allster popped in view.
“Captain Ramius, I suppose? This is Vice Minister George Allster of the Atlantic Federation. I've heard from reports concerning Heliopolis. I'm glad to hear that you rescued some civilians… I also heard that my daughter is among them. I look forward to seeing her.”
Murrue saluted to Fllay's father, “Thank you sir. It'll be some time before you can see her.”
With a nod in reply, George moved out of the way, letting Paine be in view on the main screen. He saluted to the Archangel Captain once more.
“We'll see you then.”
His image flickered in the main screen, ending the hail transmission.
Murrue sighed in relief from her seat. She felt Mwu's hand placed on her left shoulder, prompting her to glance at him.
“No need to get worked up now, captain.”
“I guess it must be from the good news that we'd be rendezvousing with the 8th Fleet, that's all.”
The Moebius Zero pilot grinned little at Murrue, patting her left shoulder before removing his hand from it.
“I suppose we can take it easy, right professor… huh?” he looked around for Peter, getting his reply. He'd be usually nearby, leaning against the wall with hands in his lab coat pockets. However, now he seemed to have vanished.
Mwu then heard the ship elevator's doors closed, indicating the mentioned person left, and glanced at them.
“I wonder what's up with him all of a sudden?” he scratched his head.
In the hangar bay, Murdoch still found Kira working in the Strike's cockpit, after coming back from a small break.
“Hey kid, you still working there?” he called him out. Kira peeked out his head from the cockpit, staring at the head mechanic/engineer.
“Oh, Mr. Murdoch… yeah, I'm adjusting the calibration of various parts in the Strike. But, I wonder if this will be necessary anymore after we meet with the EA fleet.”
Murdoch clicked his tongue, folding his arms, his attention on the Strike pilot.
“Well, like I said before, just keep doing it until the rendezvous, because it's your job and responsibility, ok? It'll be fine once we meet with the fleet.”
“I hope you're right…”
Kira then resumed his business adjusting the calibrations through the Strike's OS. The typing of his keyboard interface echoed faintly all over the hangar bay. Murdoch shook his head, amused and impressed by the young pilot's diligence.
“Kid… you're doing great as always. Keep it up,” he spoke, glancing at the Strike's cockpit where Kira was.
With that said, he continued his original purpose on inspecting the rest of the machines stored in the hangar bay, mainly the Moebius Zero and the Seraph.
“It's better to be safe than sorry,” he recalled the remark over in his head. Anything could happen at any time, as he remembered previous experiences of attacks on the ship.
In Lacus's quarters, Kenji couldn't help but observe her movements as she finished up the tray of food and bottled water he had brought in. She neatly wiped her mouth with a napkin provided, and placing the spoon and fork in the tray.
Proper etiquette… she seems refined at a glance.
Lacus glanced at the Seraph pilot with a smile, hands on her lap and seated on the chair provided in the room. She slightly bowed to him.
“Thank you very much for the food and drink, Mr. Hyne.”
Kenji made a shooing gesture with his hand in protest, “No need for thanks. I figured you needed them, after waiting so long in that life pod you were on before. And, please call me `Kenji' instead, Lacus.”
-Giggle- Very well. Thank you also for being here, I feel lonely here with Mr. Pink here.”
The Seraph pilot raised his left eyebrow, perplexed by the name. Before he could ask of it, Haro then bounced towards Kenji. Lacus introduced her robotic toy to him.
“This is Mr. Pink, Kenji. Mr. Pink, say hello to Kenji.”
Haro bounced up and down, flapping his small “wings”, “Kenji! Kenji! Hello!”
The Seraph pilot was astonished at the sight of the robotic toy, for he had never seen it before in his life. He patted it with a small smile.
“Hello, Mr. Pink.”
Haro then bounced away from him, heading towards Lacus's bed doing his usual bouncing. Lacus looked at it with a smile as well before directing attention to Kenji.
“I got Mr. Pink as a present from my fiancé, Athrun. It was a birthday present from him. In fact, he made me several of this, in assortment of colors in the rainbow.”
“I see… what…! `Athrun' as in Athrun Zala, son of National Defense Chairman Patrick Zala… he's your fiancé?!”
The pink-haired princess nodded in reply.
Kenji contemplated a bit as he recalled that name. He then remembered his first conversation with Kira when he rescued him from the Aegis and the Duel Gundams a few days ago.
So that's him then… Kira mentioned that he's his best friend. He must be the one piloting the Aegis I fought with before.
Lacus suddenly broke his thinking, “Do you know Athrun, Kenji? Have you two met before?”
Kenji nodded, “Well, I heard that he and Kira were best friends. I think I've met him before.”
“Oh, I see. May I ask what are you doing here in this ship?”
“…Well, it's a long story. To make it short, my uncle and I got mixed up with the ship's business, and we lost our home in Heliopolis in the process.”
“Heliopolis? Oh my, that's grave news…”
The Seraph pilot waved off her worry.
“No, it's not as bad as it seems, Lacus. Anyway, let's talk about some brighter things. You have a beautiful voice in your singing I heard moments ago.”
A small blush crept on the pink-haired princess's face from the compliment.
“-Giggle- Thank you very much, Kenji. I'm currently pursuing a singing career back in PLANTs. I hope that my singing can help calm down the people's worries in this conflict.”
“I'm glad for you. It's a good thing, for you can find purpose in your life.”
“…What about you and your uncle? What will you do?”
Kenji began considering the question. At the beginning, he and Peter took shelter here after Heliopolis's demise. He didn't realize he'd be helping out the Archangel's crew, and help achieve their mission. He recalled the memory of seeing his best friend before leaving ZAFT.
“Kenji… war is inevitable upon us. The EA and we ZAFT are pummeling each other for supremacy!”
“Eiji, don't you see how low some of our fellow comrades have sunk into --- murdering surrendered EA prisoners, conflicting civilian casualties, and have no regard to the ideals we're supposed to believe in?”
“'Ideals'… bah, what are you to say about that! It's simple: ZAFT must dominate and purged the Earth of all Naturals!”
“…Fool… you've been heavily influenced by the `Bloody Valentine' incident. I too felt the pain and remorse of those lost souls there… especially Lunamaria… but the way to exact retribution seems to have lost purpose!”
“…You dare mention her name! Those Naturals deserve to die for ruining her life! It's only fitting: the strong survive and the weak perish! Those Naturals dare look down upon us, thinking they can use their nuclear weapons to gain an easy victory!”
“I disagree with you… I think I shall take a different path than live this life without certainty.”
“Kenji… you'll regret betraying ZAFT! You even insult Lunamaria's memory by doing this! I swear… I'll take you down personally…”
“…Goodbye, Eiji.”
“Traitor…that's what you are from this moment on!”
“Kenji? Kenji? Are you alright?” Lacus waved her hand in front of Kenji's face, snapping him out of his thoughts. He shook his head, clearing his mind, staring at Lacus.
“…Oh… Sorry you had to see that. I just remembered something, that's all.”
The Seraph pilot's eyes shimmered little, as they fixed on the outside of the window. He floated to it, placing his right hand on the window, as he watched space. He could make out the image of his best friend angrily glaring at him.
Lacus approached behind him, reaching for his left hand.
Kenji widened little his eyes as he felt her soft touch. He slowly faced the concerned girl. The moment his eyes laid on her angelic face, he could see the face of his first love staring concerned at him.
Lunamaria's face slowly faded, replaced by the angelic face of Lacus. Kenji blinked his eyes rapidly, shaking his head to clear his mind once again.
“I guess I'm seeing things,” he muttered to himself.
Lacus became more concerned at his behavior. She noticed his eyes portraying a sad regret and hurt. She held his left hand firmly with both hands.
Your eyes… they look sad… are you hurt deep down?
“Kenji… is something troubling you?”
“Lacus… you remind me… of someone precious I lost.”
Lacus's hold on his hand slowly tightened.
“…Can you tell me who it is?”
The Seraph pilot paused for a while, trying to regain self-control on his emotions. He didn't want to expose his vulnerability to this angelic beauty in front of him. And yet, it was like seeing Lunamaria in person, as if fate answered his longing wish to see her.
He blinked his eyes, trying to get the clearer picture, and washing away his doubt.
“She… was a close friend. That's all I can say.”
“…I understand if you don't want to tell me.”
The pink-haired princess felt her heart beating faster as she found herself lost in Kenji's eyes. He looked like an ordinary guy from a glance, but it seemed he looked different up close.
I… I've never felt like this before. When Athrun was around me, I felt that we're just close friends.
Why does this happen now?
As to the Seraph pilot, he unknowingly reached his right hand to slowly caress her cheek. The soft, smooth texture of her skin seemed to bring goose bumps to his spine. He could feel his body getting warmer as he moved slowly towards her, closing the distance between them.
They continued to stare at each other, neither wanting to make a move and break the ice.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0030 hours
Location: The Vesalius
In the ship's bridge, Athrun stood behind the masked commander, waiting to hear out his plan of action regarding his fiancée's rescue.
“We've received an incoming signal from an EA fleet. The legged ship will be on course to rendezvous with them, after estimating its route from the overview map here. The fleet will most likely send out its escort units to meet up with the legged ship. Therefore, it's imperative that we should destroy the escort units before the legged ship meets up with them,” Rau started, glancing back at his subordinate.
Athrun was in disbelief at the remark.
“What… that can't be. Commander, what about the Lacus mission we're originally entrusted with?”
Rau shook his head, adjusting his mask.
“I know the mission to rescue Ms. Clyne is important, but I consider this to be an immediate concern. If the legged ship makes it to the EA fleet, then it'll be difficult for us to destroy or pursue it.”
“Why only now, commander?” the Aegis pilot looked at him hard, clenching his right hand into a shaky fist. The masked commander placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him down.
“…Athrun, you must look at the bigger picture. It pains me to place Ms. Clyne as our second priority, but for now, we must concentrate our efforts on the legged ship.”
Meanwhile, the Geneva picked up pace with the Vesalius at its side. Inside the ship's briefing room, Lloyd gathered Eiji and the Crusader Squad, his specialized GINN team, near the overview map table, which displayed the two Nazca-class destroyer ships' positions and routes.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it's come to my attention to update you all with this briefing. After conversing with the Vesalius's commander, Rau Le Creuset, I managed to get an understanding of the situation he's facing.”
The map magnified, increasing zoom on the area where the Geneva and Vesalius are positioned. It then showed route markers starting from them, trailing straight towards the Moon. Halfway near the Moon, another ship was symbolized as the Archangel, moving itself on the markers' paths.
“According to him, he received an intelligence report stating the existence of a top-secret MS project the EA has been planning, in order to counterattack our mass-produced MS. That project was rumored to take place in the neutral colony and satellite of Heliopolis.”
Ryu, the Crusader Squad leader, spoke out of the blue, standing with folded arms.
“Heliopolis… isn't it a neutral colony, captain? Perhaps the intelligence proved false?”
Lloyd nodded and smirked at him.
“Yes, that's a fact. However, the commander wanted the place checked out first, so he approached the colony, wanting to meet up with its superiors. At the start of that, he stated the colony fired the first shot, forcing his ship to return fire. Intense fighting erupted from there, and Heliopolis was destroyed as a result. Afterwards, it was discovered that 5 prototype MS existed, along with a secret EA warship. The commander dispatched his troops to seize all 5 prototypes; however, one was retrieved by surviving EA troops, and they managed to operate the warship, which was believed to have been destroyed.”
Barry clicked his tongue in annoyance, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Wait, wait, wait… to sum up, that warship managed to avoid destruction and carried off with that prototype MS? They then managed to escape from the colony?”
Lloyd nodded in reply, before resuming.
“Commander Creuset has his ship pursuing the warship as we speak. According to him, the Vesalius picked up an incoming signal from an EA fleet, which assumes that the warship will be rendezvousing with them. He added that it shouldn't happen, and plans to attack the fleet in order to prevent the warship from reaching EA space.”
The two female Crusader Squad members briefly studied the overview map. Lisa scratched her cheek in thought.
“So you suggest that we lend a hand to the Vesalius's mission then? What about the Lacus rescue mission? Weren't we supposed to go through it first?”
“Yes, captain, doesn't that mission take high priority? A human life is at stake!” Miho added, backing up her squad mate.
The Geneva captain shook his head, shrugging his shoulders. His eyes mirrored struggling decisions, weighing down whether to proceed with the Lacus mission for the time being, or go on with assisting the Vesalius.
“To be clear with you all, I've made up my mind to assist the Vesalius on its mission. Of course we all know the Lacus mission takes higher priority, and I myself want to see Ms. Clyne safe and sound, but I think this assistance to Commander Creuset is somewhat interesting.”
Eiji stroked underneath his chin, considering the captain's thought, as he glanced at him.
Either he blindly wants to help Creuset, or he's actually ignoring the Lacus mission for something important. It doesn't make sense, though.
“I'll agree with the captain on this one. There might be something interesting about that pursued warship,” he stated.
The Crusader Squad stared at him with raised eyebrows, questioning his motives. On a side note, they didn't realize his identity yet, thinking he might be fresh from ZAFT military academy.
Ryu observed Eiji from head to toe, gauging his worth.
“Hmm… speaking of which, I take it you're fresh from the academy? I don't see the reason why the captain has enlisted you under his command in this ship.”
Eiji merely snickered to himself, amused by the smart-aleck remark. He folded his arms, staring back at the doubting Crusader Squad leader.
My, aren't we unsure of ourselves.
He glanced at the Lloyd, who seemed less thrilled in letting an internal conflict happening in front of him. Lloyd rarely was absent-minded, and now was the case, for he had dragged Eiji straight to the briefing, not bothering to make the introductions to his Crusader Squad.
“Ahem. It seems some introductions are needed. Crusader Squad, this is Eiji Shinonome, known mostly as the `Red Reaper'. I've decided to name him as second-in-command in this ship.”
The Crusader Squad stared from Lloyd to Eiji in slight amazement. The newly named second-in-command looked annoyed at him, as he placed his hands into his pants pockets. He gritted his teeth behind a closed mouth, not wanting to show his displeasure in public.
You idiot… I didn't ask for this!
From the squad, Barry stepped forth, shaking hands with Eiji in excitement.
“It's an honor meeting you, sir! Ha, ha, ha… you somehow look fresh from the academy, um, no offense.”
“…Right. I get that all the time when other officers mistaken me for freshies.”
“Is it true you destroyed 20 Moebius units and 5 EA warships by yourself?” Lisa approached him, wondering. Eiji looked at her, remembering the originality of her question.
“You must mean the Grimaldi Front? That statement is somewhat exaggerated… but, yes, it's true.”
Lisa stared at him in more amazed, as she gauged his worth. She furrowed her eyebrows in thought.
Amazing… is he really the famed `Red Reaper' everyone in ZAFT talks about?
Miho nodded to Eiji and bowed respectfully at him.
“It's a pleasure meeting you, sir. You grace us with your presence on board this ship.”
He made a shooing gesture with his hand, waving off the compliment.
“Please, stop, I'm not accustomed to being honored this way.”
Ryu looked uncertain, as he straightened his face, properly coming up with an apology for his rashness. He gave a small cough, clearing his voice. He extended his hand to Eiji, who earnestly accepted.
“…My apologies for the rashness of my remark, sir. By the way, I've heard you were promoted to the rank of commander, isn't? How we should we address you?”
“That was true, but I declined it. I rather remain as an officer and not promoted to be one of the top brass who just pushes others around to do their bidding. For the time being, you can just call me `Eiji'. Well, as to that rank, I guess the captain here has now made me second-in-command of this ship, isn't it? `Commander' will do, but only for formalities sake.”
Everyone stared at Lloyd, who grimaced nervously little. Regaining his composure by giving a small cough clearing his voice, he stared at Eiji.
“Eiji, allow me to introduce you my elite GINN force, the Crusader Squad, led by Ryu Katsuragi, the one whom you just shook hands with just now. The other members are Barry Walters, Lisa Sanada, and Miho Lenore.”
Eiji studied the mentioned squad one by one, taking mental note of their names. He nodded in reply.
“Good to meet you all. Now that we're done with the introductions, what's your plan, captain?” he glanced at Lloyd.
The Geneva Captain furrowed his eyebrows in thought, stroking underneath his chin, as his eyes studied the overview map.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0100 hours
Location: The Archangel
From his terminal in the CIC area on the main bridge, Romero picked up three blips on radar, picking up their id signatures as the Bernard, Law, and Montgomery --- 1 Nelson-class EA warship and 2 Drake-class EA warships. They were the escort ships sent by the 8th EA fleet.
“Captain, I've picked three EA warships on radar --- 1 Nelson-class, and 2 Drake-class --- identified as the Bernard, Law, and Montgomery!” he reported to Murrue. As he glanced back at the radar, the static slowly mixed in with the screen, indicating jamming. Romero's eyes widen in surprise.
“What in the world… the radar is suddenly jammed!” he exclaimed.
Natarle quickly approached his side, glancing at the now static filled radar. She acknowledged his report by nodding to herself. She turned around facing Murrue.
“Captain, what now?” she asked. Mwu went behind her, glancing at the radar. He went back at Murrue's side.
“It looks like the Le Creuset unit has caught up with us. N-Jammers… that's why the radar's getting out of focus,” the Moebius Zero pilot stated the fact, folding his arms and glancing at Murrue.
Meanwhile at the same area where the escort fleet was rendezvousing with the Archangel, the Vesalius and the Geneva approached them in view with due speed.
From the Vesalius, three GINNs were launched, followed by the Aegis Gundam. The Aegis took the lead, as the GINNs followed behind. They sneaked up on the Montgomery, beginning their attack run.
In the Montgomery's bridge, radar operators confirmed the ZAFT units' presence.
“Captain Stevens, we're under fire by enemy units!”
“Three GINNs identified… led by an unknown MS! It's not registered in our databanks, captain!”
“There are 2 Nazca-class destroyer ships in radar --- identified as the Vesalius and the Geneva!”
Paine's face grimaced in shock as he heard the reports. He slammed a fist on his seat's armrest in disdain. Seated next him, George Allster shared the same feeling.
“We can't just sit here, Captain Stevens! What about the Archangel?” he asked anxiously.
Paine regained his composure, acting on his judgment. He stood up from his seat, moving his arms and bellowing orders to his crew.
“Launch our Moebuis units to intercept the enemy units! Send a message to the Archangel that we're canceling the rendezvous on the double! Mr. Allster, I understand your anxiety in seeing your daughter, but that will have to wait for the time being!”
Back in the Archangel's bridge, Romero received the relayed message sent by the Montgomery. He reported to Murrue, worried by its contents.
“Captain, it's a message from the Montgomery! The captain has decided to cancel the rendezvous, for the escort fleet is being attacked!”
Murrue worriedly stared at him. A sudden impulse was now forming in her mind as she considered her options.
“…Send a message to the Montgomery that we're helping the escort fleet! We're on our way!”
Romero nodded in response, rushing back to his terminal to comply her order.
Murrue stood up from her seat, cutting the air with an outstretched arm.
“All hands, battle stations! Sound the battle alert throughout the ship! We'll engage in battle momentarily!”
The Moebius Zero pilot gave a small salute to her, adding a mischievous wink. He hurried to the ship elevator, leaving the bridge. His destination was the hangar where his Moebius Zero was parked and ready to go.
Natarle returned back to her seat, prompting her CIC crew to make the necessary preparations.
“CIC crew, head immediately to your posts! Alert Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne to prepare for battle!” she instructed Miriallia, who was in charge relaying orders to the pilots. She nodded in reply.
The battle alert rang out throughout the Archangel, alerting its occupants.
Inside Lacus's quarters, it was the sudden interruption that broke the silence between the pink-haired princess and the Seraph pilot, getting their attention. The two broke off their gazing, looking upwards and hearing the deafening siren.
“A battle alert… this means we'll be in battle soon. I must take my leave now, Lacus,” Kenji remarked, running a hand through his hair, and with his cheeks a bit flushed.
Lacus briefly smiled, nodding in reply, sharing the same reaction.
“Thank you for your company, Kenji. Please take care.”
“Please stay in your room for the time being, until the battle is over. I hate to restrict your movement in this ship, but it'll make everyone feel edgy when you're roaming around. I've got no choice but to lock this room again, understand?”
Kenji placed a hand on her shoulder, once more closing the distance between each other. Lacus felt her heart quicken its pace as she took notice in his face. As her eyes slowly drifted from them, she then took notice of the small crucifix worn around his neck. She briefly held it with her fingers.
“A crucifix… why do you wear that?” she asked curious.
Kenji smiled little. He briefly clasped her fingers with his, eliciting a small blush on her cheeks upon contact.
“It represents everything I've lived throughout my life up until now. It's not just a religious object, but also a keepsake given to me by my late close friend.
“…I'm sorry, but I must leave. Just stay put here, ok?”
Savoring a few more seconds staring at the pink-haired princess, the Seraph pilot then left her quarters, locking the door after him using the keypad next to the side. As he turned around facing Lacus before the door closed in front of him, he caught a glimpse of a concerned and wistful look on her face as she watched him back.
Having finished that task, he turned to see Kira passing by.
“Pilots Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne, prepare for battle. Please head to your MS in the hangar on the double. I repeat, please head to your MS in the hangar on the double,” Miriallia's voice echoed throughout scattered speakers all over the ship. The two mentioned pilots looked upwards at them.
“Kenji! Let's head over there right now!” Kira exclaimed, getting the Seraph pilot's attention. He briefly nodded in reply.
As they proceeded on their way to the ship elevator, they stumbled upon Fllay, who appeared in view. She hurried over to Kira, latching her hands on his shoulders, with a worried look on her face.
“Kira, what's going on? Are we entering in a battle now?”
Kira shook his head, disentangling her hands off his shoulders and placing his hands on hers. He eyed her concerned.
“I don't know any details about the battle, but it looks like we're entering it soon.”
“What about my father? He's on that escort fleet over there, right? I'm worried about him! I don't know what I'd do if something happens to him!”
The Strike pilot shook her by the shoulders, calming her fears down.
“I assure you nothing wrong will happen to him, because Kenji and I are going out to fight as well. He'll be ok, Fllay. Just stay here and wait for the battle to finish, ok?”
Fllay nodded in reply, believing the sincerity and truth in his words. She watched the Strike pilot and Seraph pilot resume their hurried way to the ship elevator, heading towards the hangar bay. As she watched their retreating forms, she clasped her hands together in silent prayer.
Kira, please make sure that my dad is okay. I'll never forgive you if he's not!
Meanwhile, 4 customized, white-painted GINN High-Maneuver Type units were being launched off from the Geneva.
The launch sequence window popped in view from above. One by one, the Crusader Squad was deployed for battle. Ryu was the first to go, as his GINN High-Maneuver Type unit latched its back with the launch-suspension cable.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom
“Ryu Katsuragi, call-sign `Crusader-01', launching!” the squad leader exclaimed before he was shot off into space.
Next was Barry, who was brimming with anxiety at the aspect of battle.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Barry Walters Custom
“Barry Walters, call-sign `Crusader-02', I'm out of here!” he exclaimed before he was shot off into space.
Next was Lisa, who cracked her knuckles before gripping the control sticks inside her MS's cockpit. She was pumped-up to fight.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Lisa Sanada Custom
“Lisa Sanada, call-sign `Crusader-03', I'm off!” she exclaimed before being shot off into space.
The last squad member to go was Miho, who fidgeted her fingers as she took a deep breath to calm down inside her MS's cockpit. Unlike her squad mates, she wasn't thrilled into entering a battle.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Miho Lenore Custom
“Miho Lenore, call-sign `Crusader-04', best of luck to all!” she exclaimed before being shot off into space.
The Crusader Squad gathered nearby, waiting for one more MS to launch from the Geneva. Its back was attached with the suspension-launching cable.
“Commander Shinonome, are you ready?” the MS operator inquired from the bridge, his image shown and voice sounding through the com-link. Eiji was suited up and ready for action, as he switched on the necessary controls, activating the MS's OS and controls. Its eyes flicked bright yellow, indicating its activation.
“I'm good to go, operator,” the mentioned pilot replied, looking at the operator's image displayed by the com-link. His face then moved aside, replaced by Lloyd's gruff one.
“I'm sorry to have made you second-in-command in this ship, but I feel obligated to have one temporarily taking my stead. I think you're more suited in that role, Eiji,” the Geneva captain remarked.
Eiji didn't feel the annoyance he had back in the bridge before as he listened to the remark. He gave a thumbs-up to Lloyd along with a smirk.
“…I understand, captain, but inform me sooner before you take action. As second-in-command, I should be notified of your plans, no?”
Lloyd was slightly relieved and glad, understanding the pilot's agreement. He nodded in reply with a small smile.
“Thanks. Remember the plan discussed before!”
His image then flickered off from the com-link.
Eiji gripped firmly the control sticks, feeling his adrenaline kicking in slowly. He always delighted the rush of a battle, regardless of its size and duration of time to start and finish.
“Eiji Shinonome… Spawn Gundam, launching!” he exclaimed before being shot off into space, with the launch-suspension cable forcibly detached off the Spawn's back and jettisoned back into place.
A few seconds later after its launch, a glimmering shade of black coated all over the body, as its pilot activated its PS armor. It then extended its 2 wings, as it clenched its two fists and outstretching its body like an awakened being.
Eiji could feel a newfound power emanating from the MS. His lips curved into a wicked smile.
“…Now, let's see what this Gundam can do,” he remarked. He spotted the Crusader Squad waiting for him nearby, and joined them.
“Crusader Squad, remember the plan! We'll stick to just lending support fire on the enemy fleet. Don't spread out too openly!” he instructed, glancing at each squad member.
“Yes sir!” they exclaimed, their GINNs eyes' emitting a bright magenta color. Leading on the attack, the Aster team headed towards the escort fleet, joining the attack runs done by Le Creuset team.
Back in the Montgomery, battle sirens sounded about throughout the ship, as it was getting knocked back and forth by impacts caused by small explosions in parts of the ship. The GINNs noticeably were the major units causing that damage. Back in the bridge, Captain Stevens watched with his own eyes at the main screen showing the Bernard destroyed by the GINNs, becoming disheartened at the ship's loss.
Seated next to him, George became disgusted as he felt the irony weighing down on him --- one of the rumored G-weapons (developed by the Atlantic Federation) in ZAFT's hands, and used in destroying the EA forces instead of them. He laughed bitterly at himself deep down.
“This has to be a sick joke, getting shot down by one of our units,” he remarked to Paine, who looked passively at him, not bothering to reply back at the remark.
Meanwhile the Archangel was fast approaching the battle, lending a hand to swat off the attacking ZAFT forces. The Moebuis Zero, the Aile Strike Gundam, and the Seraph Gundam were getting ready to launch on the linear catapult just near the hangar bay.
Mwu was first to go. The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Mwu La Flaga, Moebius Zero… taking off!” he exclaimed before being shot off into space. He then immediately headed towards the battle.
Next was the Strike Gundam, perched on the launch pads of the linear catapult. Behind it, several robotic arms popped out, carrying the Aile parts to form the Aile Strike. As they were loaded onto the Strike, inside Kira received a brief message from Sai on his com-link.
“Kira, Fllay's father is on the Montgomery, so please take note of that, ok?” he asked.
“Understood, Sai, I'll do my best to protect his ship,” Kira replied, nodding to him. The red-tinted spectacled teen smiled at him, before his image flickered off from the com-link.
“Kira Yamato, Aile Strike… launching!” he exclaimed before being shot off into space. He then followed suit towards the battle. He saw the Aegis in view as he approached near the attacked escort fleet.
“Athrun… must I fight with you now?” he helplessly remarked.
The Aegis transformed into its crab-like MA (mobile armor) mode, and charged its “Scylla” cannon for a few seconds. Out from it came a burst beam of energy shooting through the Law, fatally damaging it.
The Aegis then turned around noticing the Aile Strike charging at it.
“The Strike… Kira…!” Athrun exclaimed, transforming the Aegis back into MS mode. The Aegis and Strike both fired their beam rifles at each other, but each dodged the other's shots. Seeing long-range combat out of the question, they then switched to beam sabers for close combat as the fighting continued around them.
Back in the Archangel, the Seraph Gundam was ready for launch, as it perched its feet on the linear catapult. As Kenji switched on its OS and controls, Murrue's image appeared on the com-link.
“Kenji, provide support for the Moebius Zero and the Strike when you can. We need all the help we can get,” the Murrue remarked, her voice pleading for his help.
The Seraph's two eyes flicked a bright yellow, indicating its activation.
“I understand, captain. Who's supposed to be confirming launch with the pilots?”
“It's crewman Miriallia Haww who's handling that duty. You'll see her shortly.”
Just then, Miriallia's image appeared on another window on the com-link. She briefly smiled at him in greeting.
“Hello, Kenji, I'm Miriallia. I'll be instructing commands to the pilots coming from Captain Ramius or Ensign Badgiruel here. Oh wait, the ensign wants to speak with you,” the CIC operator moved aside, letting Natarle's face appearing in view.
“Kenji Hyne… please do all you can to repel that ZAFT unit's attacks on the escort fleet. According to our initial communications with the Montgomery, the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister George Allster is aboard that ship as a special guest, so take note of that.”
Kenji nodded in reply, taking a mental note from the statement.
“Roger. Anything else you want to add?”
Natarle's face etched into a reluctant look as she tried forming the right words to say to the Seraph pilot.
“Well… just take care out there, Kenji.”
“I'll take heed of that, ma'am.”
Natarle then left Miriallia's terminal in the CIC area, resuming back on her seat. Deep down, she whispered a silent prayer for Kenji's safe return, before her face returned to its usual cold, judgmental look, reflecting her personality as a military stickler.
Please don't die on us, Kenji. I believe in you.
Miriallia went back on her seat, appearing on the com-link.
“Well, you heard her, Kenji, so remember that. Are you all set?”
“I'm ready anytime.”
Murrue and Miriallia's images then flickered off from the com-link.
“Kenji Hyne, Seraph… is taking off!” Kenji exclaimed before being shot off into space. Like its brother, the Spawn, the Seraph extended its 2 wings, clenching its fists and outstretching its body. A glimmering shade of white chromed all over the body, indicating its PS armor activation.
Kenji clutched at his crucifix necklace, closing his eyes momentarily.
Lunamaria… please watch over me.
They then opened, their blue-colored orbs shimmering little. He gripped firmly the control sticks with a new resolve.
“Here I come.”
The Seraph's thrusters boosted, propelling the mobile suit towards the ensuing battle happening in front of it.
Meanwhile, the Moebius Zero dodged and weaved machine-gun fire from a pursuing GINN. It then climbed upwards in a reverse loop, letting the GINN go ahead, and positioning itself behind it.
“Take this!” Mwu exclaimed, pulling the trigger on the control stick. A well-placed shot was fired from the Moebius Zero's linear gun, hitting its mark on the GINN's back, destroying it.
Mwu raised his free hand up the air in triumph.
1 down… and 2 to go
He noticed 4 white-painted GINN High Maneuver Types trailing towards the escort fleet. As they approached it, they then separated, peppering the remaining Montgomery with machine gun fire.
“No, make that 6 to go… where did they come from? I never seen those types from Creuset's team… what the?”
Mwu felt a big jolt inside as he noticed from his CIS the Moebius Zero's status. Two of its 4 Gunbarrels had been damaged, and it suffered a hit on the body, just missing its engine. He maneuvered the damaged Moebius Zero around, spotting the culprit behind the received damage --- another GINN.
“Shit… I don't believe this! I just shot down 1 GINN and then get shot down by another. This sucks,” he dejectedly remarked to himself. He switched on the com-link, displaying Miriallia's face on a small window.
“I've taken major damage in my Moebius Zero. Sorry, but I've got to head back to the ship for repairs,” he stated his status.
“I copy that, Lieutenant La Flaga. Proceed immediately back to the ship right away!” Miriallia replied.
The damaged Moebius Zero dodged another round of machine-gun fire from the GINN, managing to lose it after some distance.
Seeing the enemy unit returning to its home ship, the GINN headed back to the battle, helping out its other comrades dispatched from the Vesalius.
Back in the Archangel, a panicked Fllay ran up to the bridge via the ship elevator. She watched the ensuing battle on the main screen. Anxiety and worry filled her up by each second, as she didn't mind the bridge crew glancing at her in surprise by her intruding.
“Oh my god… is my father ok? Anyone, please tell me he'll be ok!” she exclaimed.
Murrue noticed and understood her behavior, but remained a stoic face as she stared at her.
“We're in the middle of a battle now, Miss Allster! You're not permitted inside the bridge at this time! Crewman Argyle, please escort her off the bridge.”
Standing from his post in the CIC area, Sai went up to her, laying his hands on her shoulders to calm down the red-haired girl.
“Easy there, Fllay. You shouldn't be here. Come on, I'll escort you off,” he motioned her to exit the bridge and head over to the ship elevator, following her behind. She glanced at the main screen showing the Law exploding in front of them.
“Oh my god… no!” she panicked. With one forceful, soft push on her back, Sai escorted her off the bridge, entering in the few winding corridors of the ship.
Seeing their retreating forms, Murrue let out a breath of relief. She didn't want more problems coming at her ship at the present. She glanced at Natarle, who was seated in the CIC area.
“Natarle, can't we do something about this?”
“…I'm afraid not, captain. Besides, if we were to open fire at that area, we'd risk damaging the Montgomery!”
Romero reported his analysis on the situation from his post.
“She's correct, captain. The enemy mobile suits have been scattered about, and we can't get a lock on them, for we'll be forced to fire off randomly hoping to hit them!”
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows in thought.
“What about opening fire at the mother ships?”
“You mean, the two Nazca-class destroyer ships, the Vesalius and the Geneva? Hmm… it's possible, but they're far off course!” Dalida reported from his post.
Natarle rubbed her chin considering the suggestion.
“Hmm… it doesn't sound bad. If those two ships were to be at least damaged, we could force them to retreat! But, we'd need a target marker to confirm their positions, like last time! But, we can't use Lieutenant La Flaga to do that task again… his unit's damaged.”
Murrue slammed a fist on her seat's armrest in defeat. She grimly looked at the main screen showing the battered Montgomery taking a beating.
Oh God… what can I do?
As Sai escorted the dark red-haired female teen to her quarters, Fllay began to wonder where Kira was.
Kira… where are you? You promised you'd save my father!
She turned around facing the yellow-tinted spectacled teen with anxiety on her face.
“Sai, Kira promised me he'd save my father!”
Just then, a nearby explosion rocked the Archangel. Sai grabbed Fllay's right forearm, to steadily hold her, but she madly shook his hold off.
“Let go of me, Sai!”
Fllay then heard a melodious singing coming from Lacus's temporarily quarters. As if by instinct, she rushed into there with Sai in pursuit. Stopping in front of the door, she found it locked. She glanced at the keypad lock by the side, pressing randomly at the buttons to unlock the door.
“Damn it! Why won't this door open!” she angrily exclaimed after seeing the message “CODE ERROR” displayed on the mini-screen. She turned to Sai for help.
“Sai, please open this door! It's important to me!” she pleaded. The yellow-tinted spectacled male teen looked hard from her to the keypad lock.
I hope she's not planning on doing rash… but if my help can calm her down, I guess I've got no choice.
After another series of strikes and deadlocks from their beam sabers, the Aegis and the Aile Strike continued on fighting each other.
“Kira, I ask you again, please stop this! Why are you with the EA? You should be with me in ZAFT!” Athrun pleaded on his com-link to his best-friend-turned-foe.
“Athrun… I already told you, I've friends on board that ship! I can't leave them behind! And I'm not with the EA!” Kira responded, blocking another hit from the Aegis's beam sabers.
“Damn it, Kira, you're making it hard for me here!”
“I should say the same thing to you as well, Athrun!”
“You don't make sense, do you? Why can't you understand?”
“I've got no choice on this matter!”
Meanwhile the rest of the GINNs continued causing damage to the Montgomery. Inside its bridge, the bridge crew had to struggle for balance as they felt jolts and rumblings from explosions all over the ship. Captain Stevens faced his special guest with a sense of urgency.
“Please, Vice-Minister Allster, get on an escape pod right now! You have to escape!”
George looked incredulously at the Montgomery Captain.
“What are you talking about? In the midst of battle, I won't leave!”
Paine took hold of his guest by the arms, dragging him off his seat. He motioned two of the bridge guards to forcibly drag him off into an escape pod.
“You two, get the Vice-Minister into an escape pod now! That's an order!” he glanced at them with a look that could kill them on the spot. The two guards saluted him and began dragging George along with them, exiting the bridge.
“What are you doing? Let go of me this instant!” George pleaded angrily, struggling to get off their hold on him, as he was dragged off.
As the bridge's door closed after them, Paine let out a sigh of relief, and concentrated efforts to repel the enemy's attacks.
“Deploy the rest of our Moebius units! Driver, proceed to hard-left to port now! Activate thrusters; we're getting this ship moving! Send a message to the 8th Fleet! We've been attacked by ZAFT units, and had to cancel rendezvous with the Archangel!”
The bridge crew nodded, complying with his commands amidst the chaotic environment they were in.
-Chuckle- This is like target practice,” Barry remarked to the Crusader Squad leader via com-link as Crusader-02 continued peppering machine gun fire from its experimental armor assault rifle at surviving Moebius units deployed by the Bernard and the Law.
“Oh yeah, add them to my kill list!” Barry remarked triumphantly, raising his free hand up the air, at the sight of 2 exploding Moebius units on the CIS.
Nearby, Crusader-01 effortlessly dodged sideways, slicing in half 3 Moebius units with its heavy sword joined together with the experimental armor assault rifle.
Ryu clicked his tongue in agreement, unfazed by the enemies' retaliation.
“Hmm… I guess the EA is stubborn to make changes in its military strength. They still have these outdated units in use?” he replied on his com-link.
A short distance from Crusader-01 and Crusader-02, Crusader-03 skewered through a Moebius unit with its heavy sword. Glancing around to find 3 more Moebius units heading directly at it, it flung the skewered Moebius towards them with all its strength.
“Take this, you fools!” Lisa retorted, battle-driven.
One of them did an unexpected move, shooting down his flung comrade with its missiles while the other two dodged sideways to the left and right.
Unfortunately, Crusader-03 proved faster than they, as it cut down the Moebius unit on the left and peppered machine-gun shots at the other on the right. The remaining one passed by Crusader-03 and made a turn heading back towards it, opening fire with its linear gun, making a desperate attack.
“Idiot, you think that maneuver will work on me!” Lisa retorted.
Crusader-03 then quickly dodged to the side, letting the Moebius unit pass by, but at the exact time, it leapt on top of it and stabbed through the body, then firing off several bursts of machine-gun fire, finishing it off.
Following that, it quickly leapt off the fatally damaged Moebius unit, watching it explode from a short distance.
“I agree with you there, captain. The EA's hardly a challenge to us!” she exclaimed in disgust.
Just behind Crusader-03, a Moebius unit exploded nearby, prompting it to move away from the explosion and shielding itself from it with its arms.
Crusader-03 spotted Crusader-04 pointing its armor assault rifle at it after the smoke cleared.
“Lisa, don't get overconfident,” Miho cautiously warned on her com-link, lowering her armor assault rifle.
Crusader-03 made a fist and punched at Crusader-4's direction.
“Thanks for the save, Miho, I appreciate it. I'll be careful next time,” Lisa answered on her com-link. Her unit turned its head finding Crusader-01 and Crusader-02 approaching them.
“What is it, captain?” Lisa asked.
The entire Crusader Squad looked on at the Montgomery taking heavy damage from the 2 GINNs. Crusader-01 pointed at the direction where the Aegis and the Aile Strike where at each other out nearby the ship's area.
“See those two MS fighting each other there? They look entirely different,” Ryu remarked, observing the fight on his CIS, zooming on it to get a closer look. The rest of the squad followed suit, observing it from their positions.
“You think they're prototype MS like the Spawn Gundam we found back in Heliopolis, captain?” Barry asked.
“Hmm… could be, but they're fighting each other. I think the pink-colored one must be from the Vesalius, Commander Creuset's ship, as Captain Aster pointed out in the briefing.”
“What about the other one?” Lisa asked, getting interested.
“Amazing… they're holding on their own, though the fighting is getting pretty much intense for them,” Miho commented, amazed at the Aegis and the Aile Strike's performance.
“Well… they're definitely prototype MS, that's for sure. We've already taken care of the small fry here. It seems those two GINNs are doing the rest of work for us,” Ryu commented, stretching his body. He checked his radar for the Spawn Gundam.
“Hmm… speaking of which, has anyone seen Commander Shinonome?”
Crusader-02, Crusader-03, and Crusader-04 shook their heads in reply. Ryu then spotted another clash of light happening from a different area near the Montgomery.
“What in the world…”
Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, Rebirth and Death, Good and Evil…
In reality, there always exist opposites. They help carve the different views of everything, even down to the most trivial detail. It's always interesting to see something from both sides of an object, say a coin for example.
You always hear the saying, “Opposites attract.”
Such is the case happening right now.
“You… Kenji… Kenji Hyne!”
“…Eiji… Eiji Shinonome!”
The Seraph and Spawn began clashing with each other, as the other spotted him fast approaching by near the Montgomery. They brought their “Angelus” offense/defense system, firing off their beam rifles at each other. That proved to be useless as both dodged each other's shots.
“That hesitant approach… I can't be mistaken… it's you along, Kenji!” the Spawn pilot exclaimed to his foe via com-link, firing off his beam rifles at him.
“…And that aggressive charge… only you have that style of fighting, Eiji!” the Seraph pilot responded back, returning fire with his beam rifles.
Eiji could feel a rush of emotions running through him as he finally met the one person he considered a traitor in his life. He gripped the control sticks firmly, as he continuously pulled the triggers as he targeted his foe.
“You traitor… I've finally found you… this time you pay for your betrayal!” he heatedly exclaimed.
The Seraph and the Spawn continued engaging in a MS dogfight, trading fire with each other. The deadlock was broken when the Spawn took out its “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon behind its right arm and took a hasty aim, firing off a shot.
The Seraph dodged sideways, avoiding the streaking projectile. Inside, Kenji was quickly selecting his array of weapons provided in the OS from a sub-window appearing on the bottom left of the cockpit interface screen. His eyes quickly scanned them, until they landed on the “Hell Fang” heat rod.
Kenji furrowed his eyebrows in deep concentration.
The “Hell Fang” heat rod protruded out from the Seraph's right forearm, with the MS whipping it towards the Spawn, which blocked the blow and had it wrapped around its “Angelus” mounted on the left arm.
A shot of electrical shock coursed through, zapping the Spawn. Inside its cockpit, Eiji gritted his teeth as he felt electricity coursing through inside.
“This is nothing, Kenji!” he retorted.
At the next instant, the Spawn flung aside its “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon and quickly pulled the Seraph towards him with its strength mustered. At the same time it took out its “Swallow Edge” beam saber stored inside the “Angelus” mounted on the left arm.
Activating it, the Spawn made a thrust to its body.
Kenji quickly noticed, and retracted the “Hell Fang” heat rod. At the same time, the Seraph parried the attack with the left “Angelus” and took out its “Swallow Edge” stored inside the left “Angelus”.
Activating it, the Seraph counter-attacked with a swipe to the chest area. The Spawn blocked it with the right “Angelus” and swiped back, clashing with its brother's “Swallow Edge”.
The Seraph and Spawn were in another deadlock, adding pressure to each other, hoping the other would break and lose focus.
“I always knew you'd be a traitor… a traitor to ZAFT and a traitor to Lunamaria's memory!” Eiji exclaimed heatedly, anger etched on his face, his eyes tried remembering the Seraph's image, where his foe lurked about.
“You're always stubborn to believe that! I tell you I'm no traitor to ZAFT, and especially to Lunamaria!” Kenji retorted, his eyes remembering the Spawn's image.
“Ha! Like I'll believe you! You're clearly fighting for the EA! Why would you rush to the aid of this battered EA warship taking a beating? You dare insult Lunamaria by not paying your respects to her grave!”
“You'll never understand why I left ZAFT! I think you've forgotten my reasons for doing so 2 years ago!”
“Kenji… your punishment for betrayal is death!”
With a strong push from the Spawn, the deadlock was broken, forcing the Seraph off-guard. The aggressor raised its “Swallow Edge” above for an overhead strike.
“TAKE THIS!” Eiji screamed.
Kenji gritted his teeth and pulled hard the left control stick to bring up the Seraph's left arm.
Half of the “Angelus” on the Seraph's left arm was cut off, revealing the butt of the beam rifle stored inside. Kenji then prompted the Seraph delivering a hard kick to the Spawn's body, kicking it away from him.
The Spawn staggered a short distance by the impact of the kick. Turning on the thrusters to maintain balance, Eiji motioned his mobile suit to face his foe.
Both pilots took a few seconds catching their breaths, with their MS drawing their “Swallow Edge” in hand.
The Crusader Squad approached a short distance from the Seraph and the Spawn, being spectators.
“Amazing… is that really the famed `Red Reaper' in action?” Lisa wondered, amazed by Eiji's performance.
“Call me Booby and slap me silly,” Barry chided, throwing his hands up the air in disbelief.
Ryu and Miho were speechless.
Just then, Lloyd's image appeared on the com-link in Crusader-01.
“What the hell are you doing there? Lend a hand to Commander Shinonome!” the Geneva captain exclaimed heatedly.
“Sorry, captain, but I think he can fend for himself. I doubt he needs our help,” Ryu replied, folding his arms and continuing watching the Seraph and Spawn stare down at each other.
“Can you contact him?”
“…I've tried, but he's not responding. He's totally worked-up on another prototype MS facing him as we speak.”
Lloyd raised an eyebrow.
“Another MS prototype… what is it?”
“…The strange thing is… it's identical to the Spawn Gundam, except colored in white,” Ryu finished, his voice hitting on realization. His squad mates looked at him in wonder.
Kenji breathed heavily as he stared down at his best friend-turned-rival in front of him.
How ironic… best friends… but on different sides of a coin… is this fate?
He moved the Seraph's head, glancing at the Montgomery. His eyes widen in realization and surprise.
Shit, I forgot about the Montgomery! The Vice-Minister is there!
He looked back at the Spawn.
“…Sorry, Eiji, but I'll bow out of this fight. I'll take a rain check,” Kenji remarked via com-link.
The Seraph switched off its “Swallow Edge”, storing it inside the left “Angelus”. It then extended its wings, and with a burst from the thrusters, jettisoned quickly off to the Montgomery, leaving an infuriated Eiji catching up to him.
“Where do you think you're going? It's not over yet!” he yelled, switching off the Spawn's “Swallow Edge”, storing it inside the “Angelus” mounted on the left arm. He noticed the drifting “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon nearby and quickly grabbed it. He took a hasty aim and fired off madly, hoping to land a hit.
A blur of white suddenly crashed from all sides of the Spawn, forcing it to cease firing its “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon.
It glanced around the Crusader Squad, with Crusader-01 and Crusader-02 at his front, holding down the “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon, and Crusader-03 and Crusader-04 surrounding behind.
“I didn't ask for interruptions!” Eiji exclaimed angrily.
“Commander Shinonome, please calm down! There's no point in pursuing that MS,” Ryu stated, hoping to cool off Eiji's anger.
“Crusader-01, this isn't your business to interfere!”
“Sir, with all due respect, we think you're going overboard on this one. Plus, Captain Aster has called all us back in the Geneva,” Barry added, supporting his squad leader.
Eiji momentarily forgot his anger and had a look of surprise on his face.
As the Seraph neared the Montgomery with fast speed, Kenji forced his weary body to endure, as his eyes glued on the CIS showing the battered EA warship.
I have to make it. I got… to take care… of those annoying GINNs attacking it.
The 2 attacking GINNs noticed the approaching Seraph, directing their attention on it. They let loose a barrage of fire from their heavy assault machine guns.
Thanks to Seraph's PS armor, their bullets merely bounced off or made little scratches on it. The Seraph changed direction, charging at them.
The 2 GINNs pressed on with their fire in a last-ditched effort.
“What… the hell is he doing?” GINN1 pilot remarked.
“What's that MS? Our weapons have no effect!” GINN2 pilot exclaimed.
The Seraph neared, closing its distance from them.
Passing by them and pausing from the other side, it turned around glancing at them.
“This can't be!” GINN1 pilot shrieked.
“NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!” GINN2 pilot joined his comrade's shrieking.
The 2 GINNs were neatly sliced in half… vertically. Their halves crumbled apart, and exploded in an instant.
In the Montgomery's bridge, silence reign as the bridge crew and Captain Stevens stared down at their savior incredulously.
“He… he… merely finished them like that…” a bridge operator stammered, breaking the silence.
Paine shook his surprise and wonder, focusing on important tasks at hand, namely, his damage ship. He clapped his hands getting the bridge crew's attention.
“Enough! No time to dawdle, we've taken major damage! Now's our chance to retreat!” he exclaimed.
The bridge crew returned to their tasks with furious fervor, hoping to escape this battle alive. A radar operator reported from his post.
“Captain, we're locked on by the enemy Nazca-class ship bearing down on us from X 0, Y 100, and Z 0!”
Paine felt a sense of dread bearing.
Oh god… we won't have time to retreat…
A communications operator received a hail from the Seraph. He pressed his headset firmly against his ear, to clearly hear out the message. He turned around reporting to Paine.
“Captain, we're being hailed by that MS!”
“Put it on screen then!” Paine regained composure.
On the main screen, Kenji's image appeared on view.
“This is GAT-XP01 Seraph, pilot Kenji Hyne speaking. I'm with the Archangel. Is the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister George Allster aboard?” he inquired.
“…Yes, he was, but we shoved him into an escape pod. This ship won't last much longer, I'm afraid.”
“Then immediately eject that escape pod containing the Vice-Minister right now! I'll personally carry it back to the Archangel!”
Paine nodded, not wanting to argue. He turned to one of the CIC operators.
“Is the Vice-Minister in an escape pod now?” he hurriedly asked.
“…Yes sir, it's confirmed! He's in escape pod 01!”
“Then eject escape pod 01 immediately!”
A small escape pod was shot off from the Montgomery on its hull side. Kenji quickly noticed it drifting far from the ship, and gingerly grabbed it with the Seraph's right hand. He slowly opened it to check if it was intact.
“Whew… it's intact. Are you certain the Vice-Minister is inside?” he inquired on his com-link.
“Yes, he is. You have my word on it. Please give my apologies to Captain Ramius of the Archangel… I'm afraid the ship is on its own to meet the 8th…”
Communications was cut off as Paine's face disappeared from the Seraph's com-link. At that instant, a concentrated beam fire tore through the Montgomery. The ship seemed to swell as several explosions came about from inside, before blasting the ship to smithereens.
The Seraph clenched its right fist, holding it to its chest, as its wings enveloped it, shielding from the explosion's impact. It quickly activated its thrusters, backing away from a distance.
Estimating the right time to lower his defenses, Kenji prompted the Seraph's wings to uncover, retracting back to their place. The Montgomery's remains were now a pile of space debris.
“No… I don't recall… unless…” he shockingly muttered to himself.
The Seraph turned its head to see the Vesalius and the Geneva approaching. Kenji gritted his teeth in anger and banged his fist on the CIS showing them.
“…No! How could you!” he angrily screamed.
Meanwhile in the Archangel's bridge, the same reaction Kenji had mirrored in Fllay, as she screamed wildly at the sight of her father's ship blown up.
She had previously dragged Lacus from her temporary quarters to the main bridge, telling Murrue to pass along the message that she would kill the pink-haired princess if ZAFT attacked her father's ship. To prove her point, she carried a sharp knife, laying it on Lacus's throat.
The bridge crew was at a loss at what to do, especially with Sai, who had been in pursuit of Fllay, realizing his actions, unlocking Lacus's door to her quarters, a mistake.
Now, the dark red-haired girl's eyes widen in shock, as she dropped the knife, her mouth agape. She began her screaming, seeing she lost her only family.
“No… daddy… NO!”
The bridge crew could do nothing but stare helplessly at the screaming teen. Natarle shook her head, regaining composure, and noticed Murrue distracted, unable to do something in this situation. She quickly scooted over to Kuzzey's post, and wore his headset piece, bringing communications with the Vesalius and the Geneva.
“Attention, Nazca-class destroyer ships Vesalius and Geneva, this is the Archangel speaking. We have onboard with us Lacus Clyne, daughter of the PLANT Supreme Council chairman Siegel Clyne. We're holding her hostage, and cannot guarantee her safety should you choose to continue your attacks.”
In the Vesalius's bridge, Rau smirked to himself at the message. He rubbed his chin, analyzing the situation.
“Hmm… such a move done in poor taste… Ades, tell our forces to withdraw. Send a message to the Geneva to withdraw their troops as well,” he glanced back at the Vesalius Captain seated, who had a shocked look on his face and awaited orders.
“Yes sir. All units withdraw now!” Ades ordered his operators to relay his message to the mobile suit units deployed. One of the operators turned facing at him with a look of surprise.
“Captain, we've lost signal with Erich, Louie, and Jones. Only pilot Zala is reached.”
“…No matter, just get Zala to withdraw and return back here!” Ades exclaimed, surprised that his GINN units were annihilated, and only the Aegis left.
In the Geneva's bridge, Lloyd folded his hands in a triangle, looking at the main screen showing the Archangel.
“Damn… a lot has happened in this battle. I doubt it'd be a trick, or maybe the enemy's getting desperate?” he remarked to himself, considering the situation.
“Sir, it's a message from the Vesalius. They want us to withdraw our units from the battlefield,” the communications operator reported from his post in the CIC area.
Lloyd cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Contact Crusader Squad and the Spawn Gundam to withdraw back here at once!” he ordered.
Back on the Archangel, Sai watched over a traumatized Fllay in her quarters. He soothingly rubbed her back, comforting her.
“Fllay…” he sadly spoke, his eyes shimmering a bit underneath the yellow-tinted spectacles he wore. He could only watch the red-haired girl cry out her pain.
“D-Daddy… D-Daddy… D-Daddy,” Fllay stammered, her cries mixing with the mantra calling out her father.
Meanwhile, Lacus was escorted back to her temporary quarters by two guards called in by Natarle. Along the way, her mind drifted back on Fllay's shock a while ago in the main bridge. A gazing Kenji in her quarters before then replaced the image.
Kenji… I hope you're well…
Her lips curved downwards in a mixture of guilt, sadness, and worry.