Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 10: Divided Paths ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 10: Divided Paths
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes com-link dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0100 hours
Location: The Archangel
Outside the ship's area, the Aegis and the Aile Strike ceased attacks on each other as their pilots listened to Natarle's broadcasted message. Inside the Aegis's cockpit, Athrun received a message from the Vesalius on his com-link.
“Damn it!” he cursed to himself, slamming a fist on the CIS in frustration. He glanced back at the Aile Strike facing him.
“Kira…! Is your idea of justice fighting with cowards who'd use innocent civilians as hostages? I vow to rescue Lacus when I've the chance!” he remarked to Kira via com-link. The Aegis turned around, activating its thrusters, and flew off to the Vesalius.
Inside the Aile Strike's cockpit, Kira watched the retreating Aegis and wondered at the situation.
Is using hostages what the EA does? It… doesn't make sense!
On his com-link, Miriallia's face appeared on screen.
“Kira, please return back to the Archangel at once!” she instructed.
“Understood, Miriallia. I'm heading back!” he replied, nodding to her. Her image flickered off from the com-link.
The Aile Strike turned around, flying back to the Archangel.
In the Archangel's bridge, Murrue stared distressed from her seat at Natarle, who returned Kuzzey's headset to him and left his post, approaching her.
“I don't think what you did helped much, Natarle,” she remarked, troubled by her actions before.
The second-in-command shrugged her shoulders, staring back at her, flustered.
“Well, at least it will give us time to escape and rethink our strategy, captain. We're in a tight bind right now, with the Vesalius and the Geneva approaching us nearby. We must take advantage of the situation, if we're to succeed in our mission.”
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows in uncertainty, as she stared at the ensign.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0110 hours
Location: The Vesalius
In the ship's bridge, Rau folded his arms and stared at the main screen, analyzing the present situation while he was next to the Vesalius Captain's seat. Ades glanced at him in doubt.
“Commander, you don't think the legged ship is holding Miss Clyne inside? Maybe it's just a ploy to buy them more time to regroup?” he suggested.
“Maybe… or maybe not… that's the question, Ades. Even with the Geneva supporting us, we won't be able to make a move until we rendezvous with the Gamow. Although we outnumber them by a small margin, we must heed their warning. I concur there's a strong possibility they might hold Miss Clyne inside,” Rau replied.
“Do you think they'll do something to her, commander?”
“Hmm… I doubt it. But there's always a possibility they might, under dire circumstances such as now. They're pinned down by our ships and outnumbered, seeing that we've disrupted their rendezvous with the EA fleet. For now, we can do nothing but wait and see. Contact the Geneva and inform them not to make a move until further orders from me.”
Ades nodded and complied, carrying out his instructions.
“Communication operators, contact the Geneva and inform them not to make a move unless Commander Creuset orders so!”
In the Geneva's bridge, the communication operator received the Vesalius's message in his terminal at the CIC area. He pressed firmly his headset-mic against his ears, to clearly listen the message. He turned around facing Lloyd.
“Captain, it's a message from the Vesalius! They inform us not to make a move until Commander Creuset orders so!” he reported.
Lloyd nodded, then cutting the air with an outstretched right hand.
“Tell the Vesalius that we'll comply and remain on standby!” he replied.
The communication operator nodded in reply, resuming his task, sending the captain's response back to the Vesalius.
The bridge doors opened, revealing a fuming Eiji stepping inside. As they closed after him, he quickened his pace approaching Lloyd, prompting him to glance back at him, acknowledging his presence.
“Ah, Commander Shinonome, glad you've returned.”
“What's the meaning of this, calling back the Crusader Squad and me here? I was busy fighting off the enemy!”
“…Yes, I've heard from Ryu, who reported me about it. Was it another prototype MS you were fighting with back then?”
Eiji clenched a left shaky fist, as he stared hard at Lloyd, who looked at him indifferently.
“Apparently, it was. What was even more bizarre is that it had the exact same design as my Spawn Gundam, not to mention weaponry as well. I had to engage it, and find out who the pilot was.”
“…I see. Did you uncover the pilot's identity?”
“…Unfortunately not, captain,” Eiji lied. He didn't want anyone to find out his hated rival piloting the unknown MS. It'd meant that Lloyd would take measures limiting his sorties, or worse, ground him here in the ship. It'd complicate things further if word got out a former ZAFT soldier sided with the enemy by facing Eiji in that unknown MS.
Lloyd glanced at the Spawn pilot's face as he listened to his response. He studied his face, taking note of the intensity mirrored on his eyes. He looked down the floor, smirking to himself.
It's obviously a lie he personally knows the pilot then. What's his reason for lying to me about him?
Eiji raised a left eyebrow as he saw Lloyd chuckling little to himself.
“Is there something funny, captain?”
-Chuckle- No, I was thinking… about something else. For now, we'll be on standby for the moment. We received a message from the Vesalius telling us not to make move until further orders from Commander Creuset.”
“Fine, I'll be at my quarters until then. He'd better not keep us waiting long.”
With a quick turnaround, Eiji left the bridge. Lloyd glanced at his retreating form until the bridge's doors closed after him.
What are you hiding from me, `Red Reaper'?
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0130 hours
Location: The Archangel
The Aile Strike parked itself in the hangar, as the launch doors closed behind. Deactivating its OS and systems in few seconds, Kira opened the cockpit hatch, climbing out and removing his pilot's helmet, tucking it under his left arm. He looked around to find repairs starting on the Moebius Zero and the Seraph Gundam.
His eyes caught on the minor damage received on the Seraph's left “Angelus”. It apparently was cut in half, showing the beam rifle's butt and the “Swallow Edge” stored inside.
Sliced in half… I hope Kenji's alright.
As he landed on the ground, repairs started on the Aile Strike by another crew of Murdoch's team of mechanics/engineers.
Kira saw Mwu climb out of the Moebius Zero and approached him.
“Is using civilians as hostages what the EA does, lieutenant?” he asked angrily as Mwu removed his pilot's helmet, holding it under his right arm.
The Moebius Zero pilot stared at him with furrowed eyebrows and placed a hand on his right shoulder to calm him down.
“It's not our place to question what Captain Ramius and Ensign Badgiruel do. We're just soldiers following orders, understand?”
Kira gritted his teeth, unimpressed by the reply. He removed Mwu's hand from his right shoulder, looking at him in disagreement.
“I don't think it's right doing so, lieutenant. This is wrong!”
Turning his back at him, he left the hangar, heading for the ship elevator.
Murdoch approached the fazed Moebius Zero pilot from behind, getting his attention.
“Hey lieutenant, something wrong with the kid?” the head mechanic/engineer asked.
“Yeah… what Ensign Badgiruel broadcasted in the com-link apparent got him ticked off. I understand his feelings about it, but am not sure to agree it was the right thing for her to do that.”
“Oh… I see. Personally, I didn't think she'd resort to doing such a move. Threatening to do something to the pink-haired girl we rescued before? That's a no-no.”
“…-Sigh- You mean Lacus Clyne, huh. What else can I say?”
A mechanic caught up to Murdoch, getting his attention.
“Chief Murdoch! Pilot Kenji Hyne brought in an escape pod while we initiated repairs on the Seraph Gundam. Should we open it?”
The head mechanic/engineer groaned after hearing the remark, covering his face with his right hand and then removing it from there as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh no, not again with a life pod! Jeez, what's with those kids bringing in stuff here? First Kira, then Kenji! Oh boy…”
Mwu laughed, amused by his friend's reaction.
“Well, let's round up some guards as a precaution before you… hmm, what about Professor Hyne? Should he open it?”
“Hmm… I didn't see him around this often… maybe retired in his quarters. Looks like I'll take care of it. Alright, I'll notify the captain and ensign about this.”
Murdoch glanced at the mechanic.
“No, we'll open it once we the get the guards first. Move it to a clear spot somewhere… there,” he pointed to a clear spot in the area, unobstructed by obstacles and the like.
“Yes sir,” the mechanic replied, saluting him and complying with his instructions.
In her quarters, Fllay woke up from a nap and started screaming, waking up Sai, who was watching over her. The dark red-haired girl flailed her arms wildly as tears slowly trickled down on her cheeks.
“Daddy… Daddy! Where are you? Daddy… Daddy!”
“Fllay, please stop it!” Sai enveloped his arms around her, restricting her struggle to get off him.
Miriallia stepped inside with two water bottles in hand. As she laid eyes on Fllay crying in Sai's arms, she was aghast, feeling sorry for the girl and dropping the water bottles in the process. They rolled on the door's path, keeping the sliding door open.
Just outside the hallway, Kira floated by in his EA uniform, dejected. He had previously zipped off his EA pilot uniform and left it hung on the men's locker room. He noticed the opened sliding door to Fllay's quarters.
That's Fllay's quarters. Her father… damn… I was too busy fending off Athrun.
He walked in and picked up the water bottles, letting the sliding door close after him. He turned around staring at the distressed Fllay, who shakily noticed his presence and stared angrily at him. Miriallia gave him a small word of thanks, retrieving the water bottles from him.
“You… why didn't you save my father? You're not fighting seriously because you're fighting other Coordinators like you!” Fllay vehemently spat at him.
Kira was horrified by her remark, feeling guilt creeping in him instantly. Sai and Miriallia looked at him helplessly, trying to find words to console him. The Strike pilot closed his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief, and made a mad dash out of Fllay's quarters, with tears forming in his eyes.
Along the way, he passed by Kuzzey, who barely stepped aside for him to pass, and wondered at his retreating form.
“Kira? Where you going?” he asked his retreating form. Receiving no response from the emotional Strike pilot, Kuzzey shrugged his shoulders in resignation, and went about with his way.
Kira then opened his tear-stricken eyes fully to find himself in the observation room. He leaned against the window, letting his arms fall down to his sides, as he released his tears.
-Sob- I… I didn't mean… -Sob- for this to happen!” he cried out alone.
“…What's wrong? Why are you crying, Kira?” a concerned voice spoke to him out of nowhere.
Kira looked up surprised to find Lacus staring him with her calm, optimistic face.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0200 hours
Location: The Vesalius
In his quarters, the now unmasked Rau got out of his shower, refreshed with a towel wrapped around his waist. He went to his desk, opening a drawer revealing a small box of blue pills. Plucking out two pieces from it, he swallowed them and took a drink from the bottled water perched on his desk, downing them in his throat.
-Gulg- -Gulg- -Gulg- Ah… that hits the spot,” he remarked to himself, catching his breath. He closed the drawer, opening another beneath revealing a set of masks. He took out one, wearing it.
A sound was emitted from his com-link posted on the wall. The masked commander pressed a button labeled “RECEIVE”, answering the call. The small screen showed Ades's image.
“Commander, you have a call from the National Defense Committee Chairman.”
“Very well, patch it through my com-link line.”
“Understood, sir,” Ades's image flickered off. While Rau waited for the call connection, he briefly wondered at the present situation.
I don't see why we have to go through so much trouble over one girl. Chairman Zala is a fool for not taking this opportunity to destroy the legged ship. Well, I'll seize the chance.
In seconds, Patrick Zala's image appeared on the com-link screen. His face contorted into a disturbed look.
“What in blazes were you thinking, going into battle with an EA fleet? Wasn't your unit assigned the Lacus mission? I've kept checks on your progress, you know!”
“Forgive me, chairman. But as you've noticed, I've stumbled upon an opportunity.”
“…Enlighten me.”
“The legged ship is within reach from where my units are positioned in. We've managed to prevent it from rendezvousing with the EA fleet, by attacking the escort ships sent by them. However, the crew from the legged ship announced that they're holding Miss Clyne as hostage, and will ensure her safety isn't guaranteed if my units continue their attack.”
“…Hmm… so then what?”
“Well, this is killing two birds in one stone, chairman. Once we're able to confirm Miss Clyne's whereabouts in the legged ship, and ensure her rescue, we can proceed to capture or destroy the legged ship.”
Patrick raised an eyebrow on the suggestion.
“Are you sure it'll work, Creuset?”
“Of course, chairman. I'll see to its success or failure,” Rau slyly smiled.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 7; +0215 hours
Location: The Archangel
In the observation room, Kira was surprised to see Lacus appeared amazingly before him.
“Weren't you supposed to be in your quarters, Lacus? You need to stay inside, or people here will think that you're a spy!” he reasoned with the pink-haired princess.
“I'm sorry, Kira, but I couldn't help it. Besides, Mr. Pink here likes to go out in walks,” she cheerfully replied, with her pink Haro popping in view from behind.
“Walks! Walks! Walks!” the robotic toy exclaimed.
Kira shook his head, clearing thoughts in his mind, and stared down the floor.
“I… I didn't want to fight because I'm a Coordinator. I didn't also want to fight Athrun, for he's my best friend. He was the one piloting the Aegis.”
Lacus gave her trademark easy-going smile at the Strike pilot.
“Athrun? Oh yes, he's a good person, Kira, for he's my fiancé.”
Kira's eyes nearly bulged out from their sockets as he looked up her in surprise at the remark with a gaping mouth.
“Fiancé… meaning you're about to marry him?”
From another corner of the room, Kuzzey hid himself, deciding to eavesdrop on the conversation. He nodded to himself after hearing much, making a quiet escape. As he neared the exit, however…
“Ouch… huh?” the stricken teen looked up, after being knocked down to the floor, to find Peter Hyne staring down at him like a hawk. He quickly got up to his feet, dusting himself off.
“It's not nice to eavesdrop on others… Kuzzey, isn't it?” the professor spoke coldly, almost like a reminder to the teen.
“Um… yeah, it's not, professor,” Kuzzey nervously replied, cringing a bit under his gaze.
“Make sure not to get caught by me again, lad. Don't be trying to pull something nasty about your friend Kira. I can see you don't trust him well.”
-Gulp- I w-won't try anything stupid, honest!”
Peter took one hard look at him, cracking his right knuckle.
Kuzzey felt his legs shaking as he took notice of the professor's eyes bearing down on him coldly.
“If you understand my warning, we'll be on good terms. If not, it'll be much different.”
-Gulp- O-Ok, I got the message! S-S-Sorry!”
The teen quickly sprinted off, brushing aside Peter, who chuckled at his retreating form and pocketed his hands in his lab coat.
“That should teach him not to poke his nose into others' business.”
He slowly sneaked in the observation room, pausing after a considerable distance from Kira and Lacus. He glanced at them, raising an eyebrow.
Interesting. Lacus Clyne… you're an undecided factor in this present situation.
As he studied them continuing their conversation, he could get a brief glimpse of his nephew mirrored on the Strike pilot's face.
Just like Kenji… innocent, but tainted by the shadow of war. I'm sorry, Kira, if you were forced into this.
Deciding he'd seen enough, Peter sneakily left the room from whence he came.
“Athrun built Mr. Pink here. I have many of him in different assortment of colors back in my home in PLANTs,” Lacus spoke, watching Mr. Pink doing its usual bouncing up and down, flapping its supposed “ears”.
“Really? Well, Athrun also built Torii, another robotic toy, for me. He gave it to me as a parting gift when we separated after prep school,” Kira added.
“Birdie!” the squeaky voice of Kira's robotic small bird, Torii, sounded. The mentioned robotic toy appeared in view, and perched itself on its master's shoulder.
“It's so cute and adorable!” Lacus chimed with delight, petting softly Torii's head.
The Strike pilot slowly felt his heart being mended back as he stared at the smiling pink-haired princess, with his lips curving upwards little.
In the ship's mess hall, Sai, Miriallia, and Tolle, were discussing how Fllay went too far in what she said to the Strike pilot.
“This is ridiculous, Kira couldn't be handling everything at once!” Miriallia protested seated next to her boyfriend, who was eating from his tray of food. He paused a bit, and added a remark before resuming eating.
-Munch- -Munch- -Gulp- Yeah, we know what you mean, Mir. But, I guess Fllay was getting too emotional about her dad.”
Sai adjusted his yellow-tinted spectacles, as he propped his arms on the table the three teens were sitting behind.
“She doesn't understand how hard Kira's fighting for us, though I don't blame her because of her dad,” he sadly spoke.
“I wonder if that's true what you said, Sai.”
The three teens turned to find Kuzzey walking in, catching his breath. He apparently looked scared out his wits as he seated himself next to Sai.
“Why do you mean by that, Kuzzey? And why are you like that? It's as if you've seen a ghost,” Sai wondered.
“Um… it's nothing, I was just running around… for um, exercise, right! Ha, ha, ha!”
Miriallia, Tolle, and Sai looked at their friend with peculiar looks on their faces.
“Are you feeling ok, Kuzzey?” Miriallia asked, concerned.
The mentioned teen waved off her worry.
“Y-Yeah, I'm fine, honest! Um, anyway, I happened to overhear in the observation room Kira speaking to that pink-haired girl he rescued before. It seems he has a best friend named Athrun who's apparently the pilot of the Aegis Gundam.”
Tolle finished off his tray of food and set down spoon and fork, looking at Kuzzey.
“Sure, then that would explain why he seems hesitant in fighting the Aegis! Jeez, Kuzzey, you really like to draw conclusions.”
Sai rubbed his chin, pondering at the remark.
Just then many footsteps were heard outside the hallway, prompting the four teens to step outside the mess hall. They saw the entire bridge crew passing by them, with several guards in behind.
“What on earth is going on?” Kuzzey asked.
Among the bridge crew passing by them, Natarle stared incredulously at the teens and stopped her tracks.
“What on earth are you doing here in the mess hall? All crew members are gathering at the hangar!” she exclaimed.
“Huh? What for?” Tolle wondered, shrugging his shoulders.
“Just follow us and head there! It seems Kenji brought along an escape pod after the recent battle.”
“No way, another one! It seems he's like Kira!” Miriallia giggled to herself.
In the ship's hangar, everyone (minus Kira, Lacus, and Fllay) was gathered around the escape pod settled on a clear area. Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle approached near it, with several guards surrounding it, rifles drawn and pointed at the expected enemy popping out from there. Peter and Kenji stepped next to Natarle, the Seraph pilot's helmet tucked under his left arm.
The ensign glanced at the Seraph pilot, a bit surprised and embarrassed by the close proximity between each other.
“First Kira, then you, Kenji. Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder if you both have the knack of bringing unwanted things aboard this ship,” she commented.
Kenji glanced at her with a small, sincere smile.
-Chuckle- Is that a compliment, ma'am? Why, thank you.”
Natarle could feel her heart pace quicker by his smile. She looked back at the escape pod's hatch, not wanting to show her small blush. She cursed deep down.
Damn me, why am I blushing like an 18-year old schoolgirl? He's a young pilot and a fellow officer!
He actually smiled at me. No one has given me such a sincere smile in my life, not counting Lieutenant La Flaga's, which always remind me of his mischievous antics.
Peter briefly stole a glance at Natarle, a bit startled by her reaction. He laughed to himself deep down, looking back at his nephew, realizing the reason for her behavior.
Well, well… I never thought my nephew turned out to be a looker!
Kenji glanced at his uncle, a bit confused by his behavior.
“Uncle, you ok? Why are you chuckling to yourself?”
“Um… -Cough- -Cough- nothing, it's nothing, Kenji! Ha, ha!”
“? If you say so…”
Murdoch tampered with the small keypad posted near the pod's hatch, unlocking it.
“Alright, it's opening now,” the gruff head mechanic/engineer spoke, stepping back and joining the crowd as the escape pod's hatch slowly opened.
“Oh… my aching head. Huh?” a tired, formal voice spoke out from inside. A man dressed in business attire slowly stepped out, sporting blonde, curly long hair, and brown eyes. He looked around the crowd, wondering about his whereabouts.
Murrue voiced out the man's name in amazement.
“Oh God… Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister George Allster? You're alive!”
Natarle shared the same reaction as her comrade, adding a salute to Fllay's father.
“Welcome onboard the Archangel, Vice-Minister. It's a relief to see you alive.”
George stepped forth, approaching the Archangel high-rank trio, shaking hands with them.
“Thank you for rescuing me from the Montgomery. It seemed Captain Stevens was a hardhead, forcing me into that escape pod in that time of urgency. Had I not been forced in there, I'd be space debris with the ship,” the Vice-Minister spoke relieved. He turned facing the Hynes standing next Natarle, and shook hands with the Seraph pilot.
“You must be Kenji Hyne, pilot of the GAT-XP01 Seraph? May I ask what made you attempt to rescue me from the Montgomery?”
All eyes were on Kenji, who was devious of the fame slowly growing about him, thanks to murmurs from the crowd.
“I guess my gut instinct told me your rescue was a priority. Also, Ensign Badgiruel noted before my sortie that you were on board the Montgomery as a special guest.”
“I see. My thanks once more, Kenji,” George turned his attention to Peter, “…You must be Professor Peter Hyne, I believe?”
Peter looked at him with little surprise, confused.
“Yes, I am. However, I believe this is the first time we've been acquainted?”
George chuckled to himself.
“I've heard about your work on electronic warfare. You were working in Morgenroete Inc.'s facility in Heliopolis on that, yes? I was acquainted with Professor Aile Kato, who was assigned as a chief coordinator of the secret mobile project spearheaded by Rear Admiral Lewis C. Halberton.”
“Really? I confess Aile wouldn't have been such a famed person.”
-Chuckle- Yes, I too share the same feeling. But he's regarded as a brilliant scientist in EA. It'd be an honor just meeting him.”
The Archangel high-rank trio stared at the conversing people with interest.
“Well, I'll be… more surprises from our guests, captain?” Mwu nudged Murrue on her side. She glanced at him indifferently, minding the humorous tone in his remark.
“I'd never thought Professor Hyne was well versed in electronic warfare,” Natarle wondered to herself, taking a mental note.
George then turned his attention from Peter to Murrue.
“I suppose there's another time for conversation, professor, thank you. Anyway, Captain Ramius, how's my daughter Fllay coping here?”
The Archangel Captain remembered Fllay's previous outburst in the main bridge, and reluctantly responded.
“She's… not coping very well, I'm afraid. She saw your ship go down, and assumed you… passed on. Had it not be for Kenji's efforts, she'd be such in a traumatized state.”
“T-T-Traumatized! Good lord, please, lead me to her!”
Murrue nodded in reply, and turned to Kenji.
“Kenji, can you lead the Vice-Minister to Fllay's quarters?”
“Huh? Oh, yes… captain. Vice-Minister, please follow me,” the Seraph pilot motioned the rescued guest to follow after him, exiting the hangar.
Natarle looked around the crowd and hollered at the top of her voice.
Groans and mutters sounded from the crowd, as they dispersed, returning to their posts and tasks. Natarle wiped her hands, looking back at Murrue and Mwu.
“I never thought it'd happen like this, captain, lieutenant.”
The Moebius Zero pilot merely grinned to himself, with the Archangel Captain rubbing the temples of her forehead with her fingers, astounded by the recent event unfolded.
Peter pocketed his hands in his lab coat, then looking at the Seraph.
Aile… what monstrosity… and miracle… you've created.
With help from Sai, who tagged along, Kenji had no trouble leading George Allster to his daughter's quarters. Noting the dead silence in the air, Sai tapped Kenji's shoulder, whispering to his left ear.
“Um, you see, Fllay had a… breakdown… she still thinks that her dad's dead. I had to lock her room, giving her privacy.”
“Oh… I see. Thanks, Sai. Well, since you locked it, why don't you unlock it for the honors?”
Sai grinned at the Seraph pilot, who offered to unlock Fllay's room via the keypad lock. After short button presses, the door slid open. Kenji turned to George, speaking quietly with a nod.
“She's all yours now, Vice-Minister. We'll leave you be.”
Sai added in, “Oh, if you need to see the captain, ensign, or lieutenant, just head over to the bridge via the ship elevator.”
George nodded, thanking them. The two then left, after nodding back to him in reply.
The Vice-Minister slowly stepped in, the door closing after him. The room's lights were off.
-Sob- -Sob- -Sob- D-D-Daddy… D-D-Daddy… D-D-Daddy,” a soft wail sounded from the small lump figure on the bed, who was none other than the grief-stricken Fllay.
Concerned, the Vice-Minister quietly seated himself next her on the bed, prompting her to suddenly reach for the small lamp light switch near her on a small desk and sitting up.
“W-W-Who's there…?”
The dim light barely illuminated George's face, but it was enough for the grief-stricken Fllay to see. Her eyes widen in amazement as shock and doubt crept in her. She shakily placed her hand on his cheek, rubbing it slowly, then to his hair, feeling it.
George nodded and smiled at his daughter, opening his arms to her.
“Yes, it's me, Fllay. I'm alive and well.”
In a second, Fllay dove in, enveloping her arms around him, praying he was real, and not a wandering spirit. She looked up to his face once more convincing herself it was indeed her dad in the flesh, before crying into his arms.
“Oh d-d-daddy…! Daddy…!”
George had few tears in his eyes as he embraced his daughter, rubbing her back soothingly.
“Oh Fllay… I'm glad to see you.”
Hours passed by, after George Allster's rescue. With private family time with her father, Fllay's emotional wounds were on a quick road to recovery. She slowly began to open to others, gradually being accepted into the Heliopolis' teen circle of friends (Miriallia, Tolle, Sai, Kira, and even Kuzzey). Realizing her previous emotional outburst at Kira, Fllay sincerely apologized to him, and they were good friends.
She expressed her debt of gratitude to Kenji (with a joyful hug) in the ship's mess hall (making Natarle glaring daggers at her as she passed by there to eat as well), expressing her thanks to him for saving her father.
The Strike pilot was thankful and glad that her father was well and rescued, owing a debt of gratitude to Kenji, who merely shrugged it off and solemnly accepted it.
Of course, that little changed Fllay's views on Coordinators. Though she had slowly learned to trust Kira and Kenji, she still harbored distrust at Lacus, whose presence continuously made the ship's crew edgy.
Despite this, Kenji made sure Lacus felt welcomed by his company. He became her close friend, making sure she was well fed and taken care of. Noticing his activities, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle were glad of his volunteerism and duty to Lacus, since she was a special “guest” onboard.
Unfortunately, that left Natarle harboring some suspicion on Lacus (mostly because she was involved with Kenji, triggering mixed feelings).
The rest of the Archangel crew learned to accept the Hynes. They noticed the value and trust they harbored, seeing them as an essential part in keeping the ship afloat and running. Peter lent his talents in electronic warfare to the CIC bridge crew, and helped out Murdoch and his mechanic/engineer team making modifications in the ship's defenses.
As to the Vesalius and the Geneva, they hovered close by, not wanting to make a move as by Creuset's orders. That however, didn't change the fact their sole objective in destroying the legged ship, preventing it from reaching EA space.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 8; +2200 hours
Location: The Archangel
In his quarters, Kira lazed about on his bed in his sleeping attire (white shirt and boxers), thinking about the present situation, with Torii perched on his left shoulder. He looked up at the ceiling, his thoughts on Lacus.
The Vesalius and the Geneva will keep pursuing the Archangel while we have her onboard. But… what if she's returned to them? Would that slow them down for the Archangel to make it to the EA fleet?
“Birdie…?” Torii chirped, looking at its creator.
Kira made up his mind and shaking off the blanket, then reaching for his EA uniform hung on a chair next him.
Silently creeping through the ship's corridors, Kira managed to reach Lacus's temporary quarters. As he was about to enter, the door slid open, revealing a dressed-up Kenji in his EA uniform, with Lacus behind him, and about to make their exit.
“What the… Kenji…?” Kira uttered surprisingly.
Kenji immediately placed a left forefinger on his lips, quieting him.
“I'm not planning letting Lacus be used by the EA. So, now, I'm planning to return her to the ZAFT units pursuing us, just to stall time for the ship. It's the safest bet.”
“…I was thinking the same thing. Let's head to the hangar quickly and quietly.”
Kenji glanced back at Lacus, checking up on her.
“Are you ready, Lacus?”
The pink-haired princess smiled softly, nodding her head. She reached her left hand holding Kenji's right. Kira looked at their entwined hands with slight surprise.
“What is it, Kira?” the Seraph pilot asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Nothing… forget it, let's go.”
The three individuals started their silent trek to the hangar via the ship elevator. As they passed by a hallway intersection, with the ship elevator at the end, Kira glanced from the corner of his eye at Sai and Miriallia, who were surprised to see them. They approached the trio.
Oh nuts… they spotted us!
“Hey, what are you two doing with Lacus?” Miriallia asked. Sai studied them intently, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
Kenji stepped forward, his right hand holding Lacus's left, securing her. He then glared at them threateningly, with a worse-case scenario of them alerting the ship's crew formed in his mind.
“Sorry… but I'm afraid you'll have to step out of the way. Please don't be involved.”
Instead of the expected worse-case scenario happening, the opposite happened. Sai merely grinned, extending a hand to Kenji.
“You know, only a villain would kidnap a girl, Kenji, Kira. Count us in to help you.”
Kira let out a sigh of relief.
The group continued on their way. Kira then realized something before they entered the ship elevator.
“Wait, there's the locker room nearby. Let's get Lacus dressed in a spacesuit first.”
With Lacus in tow, Kenji and Kira went in the locker room, with Miriallia and Sai guarding the outside. The two Gundam pilots rummaged through every locker, until Kira found a spare spacesuit, and giving it to Lacus.
“Here, Lacus, please wear this first.”
“Thank you, Kira,” she smiled. She then proceeded to take off her dress, revealing a heavenly white-colored bra and panties worn underneath. Both Gundam pilots gulped at the sight and turned around, embarrassed and more likely aroused.
She's hot… what the hell am I saying? She's the daughter of the ZAFT Supreme Council Chairman, for crying out loud!
Uh… this is my first time seeing a girl in her underwear… now that I think about it.
“Uh, let's get dressed as well,” Kira motioned Kenji to follow after him and saving themselves from further embarrassment, getting their pilot suits and helmets out from their lockers and zipping them up quickly from another spot in the room.
With Lacus dressed and set, the group proceeded to the hangar. Once inside, Lacus turned to Sai and Miriallia before moving on.
“I hope we meet again someday. Thank you for your kindness and help,” she bowed thankfully to them.
Miriallia clasped her hand over hers, smiling. Sai looked at her, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
“We hope so too, Lacus. Please take care!”
“It's no problem with me too. Safe trip!”
Unfortunately, a sleepy Murdoch stepped inside, coming out from his quarters located just near the hangar. He groggily rubbed his eyes, and noticed the group. His eyes immediately bulged out wide.
“Hey, what are you doing there!” he exclaimed.
The group turned to see the head mechanic/engineer quickly approaching them. Kenji dragged Lacus forcefully along with him, with Kira following behind.
“Lacus, come on, there's no time!” the Seraph pilot warned.
Lacus nodded in reply, and waved a quick good-bye to Sai and Miriallia. They headed for the Seraph Gundam, parked next to the Aile Strike.
“Kira!” Sai exclaimed, getting Kira's attention. The Strike pilot turned around at him.
“What is it, Sai?”
“Will you and Kenji be coming back here in this ship?”
Kira looked at Kenji and Lacus, then back to his yellow-tinted spectacled friend. He gave a right thumb-up and nod.
“We definitely will, I promise.”
Sai and Miriallia smiled, relieved by his promise. Kira headed for the Aile Strike, climbing inside its cockpit, activating its OS and systems. Kenji did the same for the Seraph, with Lacus seated on his lap, her arms holding him by the waist.
The Seraph parked its feet on the launch catapult. The launch doors then automatically opened, with the launch sequence window appearing from above.
“Kenji Hyne… Seraph, launching!” Kenji exclaimed before being shot off into space. As he entered space, he routinely activated the PS armor, with the dull gray chromed over the Seraph's body changing into a brilliant white. The Seraph extended its wings, clenching its fists like an awakened being.
Behind him, Kira launched next.
“Kira Yamato… Aile Strike, go!” Kira exclaimed before being shot off into space. As he entered space, he routinely activated the PS armor, and the Aile pack thrusters, propelling the Aile Strike near the Seraph.
Murdoch's jaw dropped down in disbelief as he looked on the two Gundams' retreating forms. He then looked at Sai and Miriallia, who looked back at him with guilty smiles.
“Oh boy… this isn't good. The captain, lieutenant, and mostly the ensign will have a fit on this!” he remarked.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 8; +2215 hours
Location: The Vesalius
Inside the ship's bridge, the radar operator picked up two moving objects launched from the legged ship in his terminal at the CIC area.
“Two heat sources launched from the legged ship! Distance, bearing down on us! They're mobile suits!” he reported.
Rau and Ades were surprised by the report. The masked commander cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Sound the battle alert throughout the ship!” he ordered.
Warning lights and sounds blared throughout the ship.
“Captain, we're being hailed by the mobile suits!” the communication operator reported as he received incoming message in his terminal at the CIC area.
“Put it on screen!” Ades exclaimed.
On the main screen, Kenji and Lacus's image appeared. The entire bridge crew expressed surprise as they noticed them.
“It's Lacus Clyne! She's alive!”
“So it was true she was held in the legged ship!”
“No way…”
Ades was slack-jawed as well.
“Miss Clyne,” he mouthed to himself.
Rau felt a sudden white bolt flashing through his mind as he first laid eyes on the Seraph pilot.
Could this be from him? Impossible… it should only be from Mwu!
Kenji on the other hand, felt the same reaction as he noticed the masked commander on the Seraph's com-link screen. His eyes slightly widen.
This feeling… why do I feel like this? Commander Rau Le Creuset! Hmm…I don't want to be known to ZAFT. I'll go with a different name.
Shaking off the thought from his mind, he started.
“This is Kenji Katsuragi speaking, pilot of the GAT-XP01 Seraph, escorted by Kira Yamato, pilot of the GAT-X105 Aile Strike; we're from the Archangel. I'll personally return Miss Clyne here to you, but on two conditions: one, that the Vesalius and the Geneva don't move, and two, that only the pilot of the Aegis Gundam comes out… Athrun Zala, I believe. That's all.”
Their images then flickered off from the Vesalius's main screen.
Ades glanced at the masked commander in worry.
“Commander, I don't think it's a good idea to launch Zala.”
“Ades, you worry too much. Have Athrun launch in the Aegis to meet up them; I approve it. Also, have my CGUE ready for combat.”
“…Understood, sir.”
Kenji switched off the Seraph's com-link. Lacus glanced at him wonderingly, giggling little. He stared back at her uncertain.
-Giggle- Kenji Katsuragi? Wasn't your name Kenji Hyne?”
“…Well, circumstances like this are delicate. I don't want anyone from ZAFT to know my identity. Of course, I'm Kenji Hyne, Lacus. But, just keep your memory of me to yourself, ok? Don't let anybody else know.”
“I understand, Kenji. Oh dear, I'll have to get used to that name, huh?”
Kenji gave a sincere smile at her. He released his hand on the right control stick, holding over her hands wrapped around his waist. Lacus felt her heart flutter at his soft touch, as a small blush formed on her cheeks.
“I hoped you enjoyed your stay onboard the Archangel, Lacus.”
“Thank you very much for keeping me company, Kenji. I hope we meet again.”
Lacus rested her head on his left shoulder. The Seraph pilot could feel his heart pace quicken, his face flushing a bit. He glanced once more at the pink-haired princess, who looked at him with a mile.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 8; +2230 hours
Location: The Geneva
Inside the ship's bridge, the radar operator reported his findings from his terminal in the CIC area.
“Captain, the Vesalius has launched two MS, identified as a CGUE and the Aegis Gundam! They'll be meeting up shortly with two other mobile suits closing in on them, identified as the Strike Gundam and an unknown one, no valid id signature!”
Lloyd tapped his foot, waiting for an opportunity. He waved off to the radar operator.
“Tell all crew to standby! There'll be no launch or sortie at this moment!” he ordered.
At the ship's hangar bay, that was a different story.
The Spawn Gundam lined itself on the linear catapult, its back plugged in with the suspension-launching cable. The launch sequence window popped from above.
“Eiji Shinonome, Spawn, heading out!” Eiji exclaimed before being shot off into space. As he entered space, he switched on the PS armor. The dull gray chromed all over the Spawn turned into a brilliant black. It extended its wings, clenching its fists, like an awakened being.
I hate playing the waiting game.
Eiji smirked to himself, as he activated the Spawn's thrusters, heading for the meeting with the Seraph and Aile Strike.
In the ship's bridge, the communication operator received an urgent call from the hangar bay, and reported it to Lloyd.
“Captain, engineering called by to say that Commander Shinonome has launched in the Spawn Gundam!”
Lloyd slammed his fists on the armrests of his seat in disbelief.
Damn you, Eiji! You're not supposed to deploy!
He shook his head, waving off to the communication operator, “Forget it, he's already out. We'll just sit back and watch for developments!”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 8; +2245 hours
Location: The Archangel
Inside the ship's bridge, the now woken up bridge crew were at their posts. Natarle slapped herself on the face in annoyance, then turning to Murrue.
“What the hell are Kira and Kenji doing out there, launching in the middle of the night? We should have them shot down for acting on their own!” she exclaimed.
Mwu, who stood next to Murrue, shrugged his shoulders.
“If we do that, then it'll be them firing back at us. We don't want that to happen, do we, ensign?”
Natarle shook a fist at his casual answer, and looked back at the main screen, showing the Seraph and the Aile Strike.
What's with you Kenji, doing this? Why?
Launched in the Aegis Gundam from the Vesalius, Athrun proceeded to meet up with Kenji and Kira. The Seraph and the Aile Strike finally arrived at the meeting point, both its pilots switching off their thrusters, leaving them floating in space. The three Gundams' cockpit hatches opened.
“Get out of the Aegis's cockpit, and remain there,” Kenji warned Athrun via com-link.
The midnight-blue haired ZAFT pilot climbed out from the Aegis's cockpit, holding onto the cockpit hatch, as he watched Kira climbing out from the Aile Strike's cockpit, doing the same action.
“Kira…! Where's Lacus?” he inquired.
“She's with my friend, Kenji, in the Seraph,” Kira replied, glancing at the Seraph. Inside, Kenji looked at Lacus with little sadness in his eyes. Over the course of her stay in the Archangel, he had developed a close bond with her.
“Lacus… please speak over there to Athrun, so that he'll know it's you. I'll gently push you to him, ok?”
“Ok, Kenji… I hope we meet again.”
Both got out of the Seraph's cockpit. Lacus waved at Athrun, who waved back.
“Hello Athrun!” she exclaimed. Athrun let out a sigh of relief at the sound of her voice.
Kenji then gently pushed the pink-haired princess from behind, who then floated towards the Aegis pilot. As he finally grabbed hold and drew her to his side, he stared back at Kenji.
“Thank you for returning her to me, Kenji Katsuragi. I see she's in good health.”
“No problem. I saw to it that she was treated fairly as a special guest in the Archangel, not as a prisoner or hostage as implied.”
Athrun raised an eyebrow as he felt a familiar feeling at the sound of Kenji's voice.
I've heard that voice… but whose did it belong to?
He shook off the thought from his mind, then staring back at Kenji to Kira.
“Kenji, Kira, come with us! You two are Coordinators like I, there's no reason for you two to stay with the EA!”
Kira shook his head, as images of Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, and Tolle etched on his mind.
“I'm sorry Athrun… but I have friends onboard the Archangel! I must protect them!”
Kenji merely shook his head and waved Athrun off, as images of his uncle and the Archangel crew filled his mind.
“Sorry, I too have friends onboard that ship who need my help as well.”
The Strike pilot glanced at him with surprise, hearing the same reason. He smiled in relief, touched that he was considered a friend to Kenji.
Athrun grimaced deep down, knowing full well that he'd have to fight his best friend and the honorable stranger next time.
“I see. Then next time we meet, we're enemies then! I'll show you both no quarter!” he exclaimed, shaking a fist at them.
He and Lacus then got inside the Aegis's cockpit, its hatch closing after them. Lacus sat herself on Athrun's lap, doing the same position she had with Kenji. Athrun switched on the thrusters, preparing the Aegis to leave the field.
Suddenly, Rau's CGUE and the Spawn Gundam approached them, coming from the Vesalius and the Geneva. Mwu's Moebius Zero headed towards them as well, coming from the Archangel. This prompted Kenji and Kira to climb back in their Gundams, switching them on, and readying for battle.
“Damn, why did they send in their units?” Kira wondered, gritting his teeth in disdain.
“Sneaky, I didn't know they had in them,” Kenji commented to himself.
“Aha… I have you in my sights, Kenji!” Eiji exclaimed with delight, gripping firmly on the control sticks, as he increased speed from the Spawn's thrusters.
“Tch… I knew he'd be up to this!” Mwu exclaimed, as he jettisoned the Moebius Zero as fast as he could, as he realized his mysterious masked rival would interrupt.
Inside the Aegis, Lacus spotted the CGUE and the Spawn Gundam approaching on radar. She implored Athrun to activate his com-link to both.
“Please, Athrun, open your com-link so that I can speak with those pilots!”
“…Ok, I'll do.”
With the Aegis's com-link on, Lacus started, sending her message to Rau and Eiji.
“Pilots of those two units, please cease your attack immediately!”
The CGUE and the Spawn Gundam then halted their thrusters, bringing themselves to a stop.
“Why Miss Clyne, it gladdens me to hear your voice,” Rau commented through his com-link.
“Miss Clyne! But… they're the enemy!” Eiji exclaimed through his com-link as well, gritting his teeth.
“Will you follow the orders of a delegate of peace sent from PLANTs or not? These people don't mean harm, and have rescued and returned me back to Athrun!”
The masked commander let out an annoyed sneer at her remark, and shrugged his shoulders in defeat.
“Very well, Miss Clyne, I shall follow your orders,” he reluctantly replied, turning the CGUE around heading back to the Vesalius.
“I understand, Miss Clyne, I'll obey,” Eiji reluctantly replied, turning the Spawn around heading back to the Geneva.
Curses… just when I could get my hands on you, Kenji...
Mwu finally caught up with Kenji and Kira, amazed at the turn of events.
“Woah… I don't what just happened, but let's make the most of it to retreat back to the Archangel, guys,” he remarked to them via com-link.
”Well, that's fortunate at least. Heading back,” Kenji replied, turning the Seraph around heading back to the Archangel.
“Hey, wait up!” Kira exclaimed, doing the same action.
Mwu shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh boy… these guys will get their deserts soon.”
With that said, he jettisoned the Moebius Zero, following behind them to the Archangel.