Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Renaissance ❯ Phase 2: Vanguard Returns ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mobile Suit Gundam: Renaissance


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Disclaimer: Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny are both owned by Sunrise and the proper owners. Thus, Metal Keiya and Silver Frost do not claim ownership of any of it whatsoever.


Metal Keiya and Silver Frost have joined their ideals and poured their heart and soul to create a Gundam fic. The original story is from Silver Frost, and some of finer details and sub-characters are done by Metal Keiya


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Phase 2: Vanguard Returns


"Whoa, this suit flies like a dream! Instead of a glider system, the Flight Pack is similar to those found in jets!" Sky said with amazement, as he became more accustomed with the suit. He maneuvered the Vanguard left and right, and then flying up and down.


"Approaching Selvius City Limits… 2 kilometers… we will most likely reach it in five more minutes." Prometheus informed. "Scanning area for all hostile forces…"


A more detailed map of Selvius City popped up on the OS screen, with about twenty or thirty blue dots overwhelming a scattered five to six red dots.


"Scan complete. Hostile forces are displayed as blue dots, and the Meta forces are the red ones. The hostile forces vastly outnumber the friendly forces…all allies will be eradicated soon. Please decide on what to do next…"


"We'll fight of course!" Sky declared strongly.


"Understood…preparing battle strategy…" Prometheus bowed a bit as it began to load data into the OS screen. "Battle plan computation finished, do you wish to receive instructions?"


"Yes, please."


"Battle Briefing: There are three main forces deployed in the city, it is best to take them on one by one, starting with the smallest up to the main force. Considering the terrain, it is best to attack the hostile forces without giving any considerations to friendly forces…" Prometheus then informed him.


"Wait a minute, are you suggesting that we also attack the Meta force?" Sky intruded.


"Affirmative." Prometheus answered. "Due to the current situation, this is the best way to defeat the hostile forces. Besides, the friendly forces are almost eradicated, so there's no reason to help them…"


"You're wrong!" Sky said. "We still need to help them! As long as they're alive, we're obligated to help them! I want to help them! That's why I got in this suit in the first place!"


"What you are saying is illogical, if you try to help them, your success rate will go down from 86% to 23% it is best to focus your attention to the hostile forces." Prometheus placidly answered him.


"I don't give a damn! We're going to help the Meta force regardless of the success rate! That's the way we'll do it, alright?"


A short period of silence followed when the Vanguard landed atop a canyon overlooking Selvius City. Sky's eyes were locked with Prometheus', and then after some time, she blinked and then spoke.


"Understood, computation will restart. Battle plan formatted…" She began to speak. "Our objectives are, to support friendly forces, and to destroy the hostile forces…"


"Wait! I'm not planning to kill anyone. I just want to immobilize the enemy…"


"Understood." Prometheus said. "I suggest that you target the enemy mobile suit's limbs or, to completely immobilize them, target their heads, where their control modules are allocated…I will provide an automatic lock-on system so all you have to do is point and shoot."


"Okay, thanks a lot, Prometheus." Sky said as he relaxed a bit into the seat.


"Initializing Phase Shift Armor…" Prometheus declared. "Phase Shift Armor will decrease damage from energy-based weapons by 80% and from Physical weapons by 50%." The gray areas of the Gundam then began to change color: some of which began to be colored blue, some red, and some gold. "Phase Shift complete. You have 200 minutes of Phase Shift time before power drains out."


"Okay! Here we go!" The Sky then caused the Vanguard to jump off the canyon, soar at an amazing height, and then perform multiple barrel rolls in the air.


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Meanwhile, inside the central command center of Selvius City, the communications department is trying to trace the sign of the Vanguard to contact it and gain more information.


"We still can't get any response from the Vanguard Ma'am" A communications engineer reported.


"Try again." Sayla declared, sinking back into her seat. "We have to make contact with the Vanguard, no matter what. The defenses will have to hold, and we will need the Vanguard desperately."


Creed, is that you…? Sayla contemplated.


"Ma'am almost all our defense force is being destroyed, if we don't get any reinforcements soon, they will be able to break through!"


"Damn, what are the Meta officers doing? Why haven't they sent any reinforcements yet?"


"First and fourth defense units are dwindling slowly, they need reinforcements fast!"


"The second and fifth defense force can't hold on much longer! They need help! Commander, what now?"


"Tell them to hold on! Help is on the way!"


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Meanwhile, at the Mobile Weapons Guild, a tall, stocky man was giving orders and helping a stressed and rushed crew with the weaponry.


"Okay you slackers! Get this ammo to the soldiers!" the man sharply ordered." Support team, get your butts out there and provide support fire for the soldiers! We'll show those Earth Federation monkeys what the McDougal Mobile Weapons division can do! What are you all staring at me for! Hurry up!"


"Dad! Dad!!!" Markus came running towards the man together with Lirei.


The man turned around and was a bit astonished by Markus' appearance. "Where have you been!? I was worried that you might have been caught in the middle of the crossfire! If anything happens to you, your mother will have my head!"


"Sorry Dad…" Markus looked at the floor as the crew began to scramble in panic. "We were at the old hangar when the commotion started" Markus explained.


Mr. McDougal saw that Markus was not alone, and with him was a woman his age. Speculating, he then hit Markus square in the head with a fist.


"You slimy little weasel!" Mr. McDougal declared with a furious tone. "Who gave you the permission to do THAT!? And what did you do to coax this poor, sweet, innocent girl to do it? You have shamed the family name!!!"


"A-ah, it's not like that at all…" Lirei said, her cheeks flustered. "I mean, I want to be with my Markus, but…"


"Y-you got it all wrong, Dad!" Markus declared, his face even redder than Lirei's. "I'll never do such a thing! And Lirei…" Markus began to make exaggerated signs in front of the girl. "WE… ARE… NOT… A COUPLE!!!"


"Denial…" Lirei smirked.


"Whatever." Markus said. "Anyway, that's not the point!!! You'll never believe this Dad, but Sky found…"


"Sir!" one of the crew came running pell-mell towards Mr. McDougal. "You won't believe this, sir, but they say that the Vanguard has been spotted somewhere near Selvius City and it may come here to help!"


"You gotta be kidding me!" Mr. McDougal's eyes widened at the statement. "The Vanguard?"


"It's positive sir!" Another crew member came from outside. "The Vanguard has been sighted in the city and is fighting alongside us!"


"Well bust my wrenches and call me grandma! You don't say! The Vanguard is here!" Mr. McDougal then came running out. "What you're saying can wait son, we'll talk later!"


"Dad, hey wait!!!!" Markus tried to chase after his father but fails. He then sighs and looks at Lirei. "Well, what do we do now?"


"I don't know…" Lirei sat down atop an empty box of ammunition, looking very worried. "Let's just pray that Sky's all right."


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"Sir, I'm out of ammo!" A soldier informed his captain though ComLink.


"Use your heat axes! As long as we can still fight, we won't let the Earth have own beloved city!" An old captain encouraged his soldiers, tossing the empty Gun Launcher his Blast Zaku Warrior was holding, causing it to hit an X-Dagger in the air and lose balance, and then drew the suit's heat axe and slashes at the grounded X-Dagger. It was able to slash off the left arm, and then the captain kicked it away and shot a few Vulcan at it before another rammed into him, pinning his suit against a building, and crushing the Zaku's left arm and shield. As the officer tries to reboot the system, the X-Dagger's beam rifle readied to fire.


Suddenly, a beam shot hit the X-Dagger in the head, causing it to fall over. When the captain looked up to see the one who fired the shot, he saw a White mobile suit who swooped down in front of him, and then easily shot at three X-Daggers who were trying to stop it, blowing all their heads off and immobilizing them. The suit then dashed upward with lightning speed, and then shot at incoming foes with utmost precision using its beam rifles and head vulcans. It then continued its blitz assault of the enemy, drawing fire to itself and away from the Meta soldiers.


"What is that? It's amazing…" A young soldier commented as he helped the captain's Zaku to stand up.


"I can't believe it…" The old captain's eyes began to well up as he shed tears of joy.




"He's back, after these long years he's back! TheVanguard, the Vanguard has returned!" The captain declared in a joyous tone "Okay, men! I guess we can win this battle after all! Everyone assemble under the Vanguard! With it in our aide we can win!"


"Huh? T-the Vanguard!?" the soldier said in shock.


"Is that the MS that won the war for Mars three years ago?"


"No way! The Vanguard's back!?"


"What are you Young ones doing? Let's push the enemy back! Don't let the Vanguard take all the glory!" the captain declared with renewed vigor as the McDougal support team came with weapons and ammunition.


"Captain, your suit has been decommissioned." One of the soldiers under the captain said, referring to the Zaku's left arm. "Please fall back and we'll do this."


"No!" the captain declared, then grabbed another gun launcher with the Zaku's right arm. "It is my sword duty as a soldier to defend this place with my life, and that's what I'll do. I'm not getting young, so I might as well be of use in the best way I think possible!"


"Captain…" one of the soldiers said. They then helped their captain up to help regain balance, and then flew out with the Vanguard, which was still dashing around in the air and shooting down X-Daggers on the ground.


News then spread like wildfire to the soldiers: the legendary Vanguard Gundam was there to help them! Because of this, they began to fight more aggressively, taking the Earth Forces by surprise, and pushing them away from the city proper.


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"Ma'am this just came in! The Vanguard has arrived in the city area, and has engaged the enemy forces. Together with the remaining units, they have cleared out the first wave of attacks, and are now almost done driving out the second wave!" a soldier reported to Sayla in the Central Command.


"The Vanguard made it? Thank God!" Sayla sighed with relief, and then began to relay instructions. "Okay, with the Vanguard, we will have a chance for victory! Order all troops to rally behind the Vanguard and defeat all invaders. Let's march to victory!"


"Yes, Ma'am!" the soldiers confirmed, then began to give the orders to the field units.


Sayla just smiled contentedly as she rested in her seat.

Just like old times… she thought. He'd always be there when we need him, just like old times.


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At the Enemy Flag ship, more and more X-Daggers were withdrawing, but the officers forced them to fight on.


"Commander, there's a new mobile suit that came in the battlefield, and it's the reason why more and more of our units are falling back."


"Hmm…? Which one is it?" the officer with the facial scar asked the soldier.


"Checking the MS library…Commander, you won't believe it, but it's the Vanguard!"


"What! Are you sure?" The officer stood up from his seat.


"It's verified sir. The unit is the MARS-01 Vanguard Gundam."


"How can this be? That man is still alive?" the officer then sank back into his seat and then began to think.


"Sir it already took care of the first battalion and is currently engaging the second battalion. What do you want us to do?"


"Humph… so he's still alive…" the officer said. "Fine, get my suit ready. I'm going out."


"Yes sir. Preparing the Sigma for deployment…" the soldier said as he began to work on a panel.


"At last we'll fight again, Creed…" the officer said as he laughed heartily, much to the crew's surprise.


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On the battle field, the Vanguard had just reloaded its beam rifle with a cartridge that was passed by one of the Zaku Warriors.


"Prometheus, how many more are there?" Sky asked as he blasted an X-Dagger and blew off its right arm.


"Only half of the second wave is left, and then we can engage the main force and then they job is finished."


"Alright, then…" Sky hid the beam rifle in the Vanguard's shield, and then pulled out one of his beam sabers and rushed towards another enemy suit. He then slashed off the arms and kicked it aside. He was going to pursue two other X-Daggers when beam shots were fired, forcing the Vanguard to dash backward. Sky then averted his scanners to where the mean came from.


It was from a mobile suit that hovered in the air, which has the Chassis of a Zaku Warrior, though it was painted red, its standard assault rifle turned into a beam one that was mounted on the left arm shield, the heat axe was replaced with an energy lance, and it was equipped with a Flight Pack. It then landed in front of the Vanguard.


"Huh?" Sky said. "What's this? Is it another one of the Earth Forces?"


"Scanning library archive for data identical to enemy mobile suit..." Prometheus then responded, along with a search window on the OS screen. "Currently, there is no match in the library for the unit at hand."


"Hmmm… so, there's no data for the suit?"


"Apparently so..." Prometheus answered. "Please engage the target with extreme caution."


A man's voice then emanated from the red mobile suit's external speakers.


"I've waited for this day, Creed… Now it's time for us to fight!" the voice announced as the mobile suit lowered its lance to a stabbing position.


"Creed…? Who's that?" Sky asked.


"He's referring to the previous pilot of the Vanguard Gundam, Creed Matahari."


"Previous pilot…?" Sky said. "He mistook me for Creed?"


"That is correct." Prometheus answered. The red mobile suit then lunged forward with the lance, causing the Vanguard to jump backward. The red suit's left arm shield opened a bit, and then the beam rifle was shifted into a firing position with shot at the airborne Vanguard, which almost wasn't able to place the shield in front of it to deflect the beam, causing the Gundam to recoil backwards. Sky then managed to stabilize the Flight Pack in time to stop the Vanguard from falling backwards into a civilian building. When the Vanguard stood up, Sky saw the red suit's left arm shield with the beam rifle raised to fire, and its lanced lowered to attack him.


"Should I fight this guy?" Sky asked Prometheus, recovering a bit from the recent attack.


"That is the most logical thing to do, since he is trying to destroy you." Prometheus answered. "Defeat him or you shall be the one destroyed."


"Can't we talk this over?" Sky said.


"Again, what you are saying is illogical. The enemy's intent is to destroy you. It is only logical to stop him from his goal."


"Alright, I get it…" Sky said. "If he wants a fight, I'll give him one!"


The Vanguard then stored its beam saber, and then pulled out its beam rifle, and flew vertically up, firing a few rounds as he ascended. The red suit then flew upward, stored the lance at its Flight Pack, and then drew out its beam rifle. The vanguard then shot another beam, which the red suit deflected with the shield, and then countered with a shot of its own. The Vanguard blocked the attack with its shield, and then once again fired at the red suit. The enemy then blocked the suit and the man spoke again.


"Ha, playing games are we, Creed? Are you too scared to come close? Too bad your gun's a classic! Witness the strength of the Sigma!" the voice mocked as the Sigma then threw away its beam rifle and then pulled from its backpack a gun launcher, and then fired several shots that caused the Vanguard to perform several complicated evasive maneuvers. The Vanguard then hid its beam rifle and whipped out one of its beam sabers. It then used its shield to ram the Sigma in mid-air, and then slashed out blindly. The Sigma was able to prevent the attack from destroying it, but the shield was caught by the slash, and was cut off.


"Wait a minute…there's something wrong…is this really Creed?" the scarred man thought as he clashed with the Vanguard. "His methods are quite unorthodox, and if this was Creed, he would have decommissioned the Sigma right about now. I see… this pilot is a greenhorn…"


The Sigma then launches itself towards the Vanguard, stabbing at the shield and propelling them both toward the ground. The shield cracked and the red suit tossed it aside and then tried to attack the Vanguard that was pinned down, but the Gundam then rolled away, but it was attacked immediately by the Sigma, hitting it at the left arm area. The Sigma then soared up into the air and fired its gun launcher again, which damaged the wings of the Vanguard's Flight Pack.


"Warning: Flight Unit has been damaged. Aerial Stabilizers are offline. The Vanguard cannot fly properly at this time. Phase Shift Armor only five minutes remaining…" Prometheus warned Sky.


"Damn!!!" Sky said as he tried to dash away from the Sigma's shots. "I got to think of something… I can't lose… I… just… CAN'T!!!"


Suddenly, Sky's arms moved of their own accord. His mind became blank, and all he could think of was defeating the Sigma. He pushed out a few buttons as if it was second nature, and then gripped the controls.


"Prometheus Automatic System Override activated... switching to Manual Mode. Good Luck, SKY." Prometheus said as she disappeared from the OS screen.


The Vanguard then began to run in a sideward way, dodging the shots, and then pulled out the two beam sabers. Sky then pressed a few buttons which ejected the Flight Pack, and used the Vanguard's basic thrusters to proper himself straight up and then dove towards the Sigma. Caught off-guard, the Sigma was knocked off the air, and the impact destroyed the gun launcher. The Vanguard then ran towards the Sigma with both thermal blades, as the Sigma attacked with its lance. The Vanguard then sidestepped to the right side, and then performed a double upward slash, which cut off the Sigma's right arm and its lance. Just as the Sigma was pulling away from the Vanguard, the beam sabers lost their power, and the Phase Shift powered-down. Sky then felt as if he had just gotten out of a trance, and felt his whole body exhausted and worn out.


"Very good…" the voice of the Sigma's pilot announced. "But this isn't over, who ever you are. That's right, I know now that you're not Creed. Till we meet again, Vanguard."


The Sigma then bursts away form the battlefield, along with the other Earth Forces. The Meta forces cried out in victory as they all gathered around the Vanguard.


"Whew! I'm glad that's over…" Sky said after he was able to move his body around once again.


"For a beginner, your performance was excellent. You even shifted to Manual Mode and were able to handle the unit like a professional. You have some potential." Prometheus said.


"Well, that's what you get when you play video games at the arcade all day." Sky said. "But something bothers me… that thing about shifting to Manual Mode? I didn't feel like myself there. Something… strange just came over me…"


"It must be adrenaline." Prometheus said. "Your body reacted to a time of need and maximized your potential. That seems to be the explanation for it."


"Ah, I see…" Sky thought. "Okay, I'll have to get out now to explain this to everyone…."


"Request Confirmed. Opening cockpit and lowering rope ladder…" Prometheus said as the cockpit opened, and then an automate ladder dangled to help Sky go down.


When Sky stepped out, he saw all of the people of Selvius City gathered around the Vanguard, all eagerly waiting for their hero to come out and meet them. Even the soldiers who were working at Central Command came out to greet the hero they thought has returned.


Sky saw Marcus, Mr. McDougal and Lirei squeezing their way towards the Vanguard. He then climbed down the rope ladder to meet the people, who were astonished to see who he was.


Meanwhile, Sayla was also forcing her way towards the crowd, trying to see the pilot of the suit. An array of emotions: anger, happiness, surprise were all rousing up inside her, hoping that she would see again the man who once left him.


But there was none other more surprised than her when she saw that the pilot was not the one who she counted it to be.


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"So, it's really the Vanguard Gundam." The officer with the scar on his cheek thought out loud as he sat in his commander's position inside the Taurus class battleship. "Things have started to become a lot more interesting."


"Is that so?" a young man said. Looking around, the officer saw a young man who is about 16 or 17 years old, with wavy blonde hair while his facial description is unknown as his back is turned on most of the crew, polishing a white mask at a corner of the command room.


"Yes, it's so unfortunate that you had to handle communications with out space fleet for today." The officer replied. "I'm very much sure that you would have enjoyed fighting the same Vanguard Gundam who murdered your mother, won't you, Lieutenant-Colonel Roelle Yamato?"


"Clyne." The young man replied, wearing the white mask, which covered his eye and nose area, and hid his eyes with emerald green lenses. "Roelle Clyne. I have long discarded the name `Yamato'. And mark my words; I will be the one who will destroy the Vanguard."


"Unfortunately for you, Mr. Yamato," the scar-faced man said with a bit of amusement. "The pilot of the Vanguard is no longer Creed, but another one. I'd suppose that will shave off some interest you have in destroying the suit."


"It's quite the contrary." Roelle announced. "This is all the more exciting for me. You see, I have studied every move the Vanguard makes in our simulators. It would make it interesting for me and the Tyrant if we fought against a pilot whose tactics we have not completely exploited and foiled yet."


A menacing smile played on the blonde haired masked man's lips as he sat down at a corner and then picked up the book on the control panel, which was Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and then began to read it. .


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So ends Phase 2. Read and Review, please. ^___^