Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ MS Seed Girls ❯ Return to a shattered peace ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

MS Seed Girls
Disclaimer: I own nothing except Alexandra Kerensky.
Notes: Some words in Russian and their translations.
Da: yes.
Niet: no.
Tovarisch: comrade.
Dasvidania: good bye.
Baboushka: grand-mother.
Chap 1: Return to a shattered peace.
She was alone, fighting for her life. Her plasma-beam sabre cut in half another Zion mobile suit and she flew away from the explosion in a burst of her main thrusters. Sweat threatened to hinder her eyesight despite the automatic remover of her helmet.
There! A cloud of missiles on a direct course to her. Their optical sensors already locked on her. She activated the Vulcan-guns on her head as she manoeuvred in a corkscrew trajectory to loose those she didn't destroy. Where did they come from?
In the darkness of space the humanoid red form came to her at an incredible speed. Her torso-armour was partially melded by a near-hit of a rifle beam before she could even react. She spun in a tight spiral as she redirected all the energy she could spare to her propulsion and vernier systems. Where?
She instinctely fired two short bursts of her handheld machine-gun in the red form which suddenly appeared in her back. The projectiles bounced on a thick oval shield. A heat-sword sliced to her mid-section but her shield intercepted the strike.
Not for long. The heat-sword cut through the shield and she was forced to abandon it. She kicked in her thrusters again, attempting to build a distance sufficient to catch her breath but the enemy was relentless.
She was desperate as her foe closed the distance in the blink of an eye. She didn't want to die, she wanted to live. SHE WANTED TO LIVE! Screaming a denial, eyes ablaze with power, she threw everything she had in her New-Type ability.
The point-blank psychic blast dispersed the pseudo-metal made of New-Type energy which composed the closed red helmet, exposing the head of the pilot to the hard vacuum of space. Even a MS girl could not survive in the void of space without equipment.
Her eyes widened as she looked into the blue eyes of a short-haired blond young woman before the decompression transformed the surprised beautiful face into a bloody mass.
The young girl screamed as she suddenly nearly jumped from her bed. Her nightgown was drenched in sweat and she was sobbing.
She was a teenager of 16 years with a height of 160 centimetres and a sportive built. Her mussed hair was red and her crying green eyes were searching her bedroom for anything. Her breathing began to slow as she realized that she was still in her studio.
“A nightmare…It was just a nightmare.”
Alexandra Kerenski sobbed in her sheets as the remnants of the dream continued to filter in her mind. It had been so long that this specific nightmare had not haunted her. Charlotte, or more exactly `Char Aznable of Zion' was one of the main protagonist of the `One Year War' phase of the Gundam Wars and at a time she had been her mentor. Her sacrifice and the sacrifice of her arch-enemy Rei Amuro to protect Earth had hit her really hard at that time. It was the `Red Comet' who taught her high-speed attacks and Rei had been her main teacher in the basic of her New-Type abilities.
She stood up and began her morning ritual since her arrival in the colony of Heliopolis. The hot shower banished the tension of her body but she was still anxious. She was the most powerful New-Type living, in fact, she was the only New-Type in this entire dimension. Although she had sealed most of her power in order to live a normal life, some abilities remained. Because of these abilities, her skills learned on the battlefield and her physical capacities, she had been forced to register herself as a first generation coordinator in order to be…less visible.
One of the most basic powers was a sixth sense that could lead to precognition flashes or in this case, special dreams. The dream had been an amalgam of scenes of her past that really happened and deep fears that various situations made possible but never happened. But behind it there was an indistinct threat: A dark cloud that she could perceive in her future and the future of others. Her eyes widened.
“The others! Test day… Morgenroete! I'm late! I'M LATE!”
A typhoon raged in the studio. Alexandra was running full thrusters five minutes later, a toast in her mouth as she attempted to button her blue skirt. Among the student community she was the only one to sport old style school-uniform. Many have asked why and she answered why not: Fashion was fashion. Beside, she looked good in those old reminders of a long time past in another life.
“Hello Baboushka! Bye Baboushka!”
The venerable old woman blinked and smiled as a redheaded human rocket sped in front of her clad in a white and blue sailor school-uniform of the past. She was the owner of the building in which the young `Alex' lived. Everybody called her `Grand-mother' because she treated her residents like her grand-sons and daughters. Alex was one of the few that called her such an endearing nickname in her native tongue. She just loved the young girl although she must have a problem this morning since she forgot something.
16-year old engineering student with dark brown hair and first generation coordinator Kira Yamato worked on his laptop, typing up calculations for a diagram of a mechanical exoskeleton. His dark purple eyes were glued to the screen as he was completely focused on his task.
“Hey, there you are! We've been looking all over for you, Kira!”
Kira looked up to find two of his friends, Tolle Koenig, black eyes with dark brown hair, and Miriallia Haw, a stunning green eyes girl with light brown hair, approaching him. He waved at them. “Oh, hi guys. What's up?”
Tolle looked at his friend's screen and laid his hand on Kira's shoulder. “Kira, you've got to learn to take a break once a while.”
“Yes, Tolle, I know, but it is better finishing up these calculations today before handing it in to Sai.”
Miriallia giggled. She noticed another screen popping out, showing the news. “Look guys, the latest news.”
The news reporter was describing another ZAFT attack on the Taiwanese city of Kaoshiung. The footage provided showed a couple of Ginn mobile suits attacking the city. The three friends suddenly sensed another presence behind them.
“Mobile suits…”
Alexandra Kerenski was hissing the two words with such venom that her friends were completely flabbergasted. Her green eyes were lit with dark fury as she looked at the news on the laptop of Kira.
Miriallia was worried about her friend and the latest event. Alex has always been very extreme in her opinion about mobile suit. A strange thing considering that she was an engineering student. “I wonder if we'll be all right here in Heliopolis. I'm afraid of what to do if ZAFT would attack here.”
Tolle shrugged off the worry of her girlfriend with a wave of his hand. “Don't worry about it, Mir; we'll be all right here because Heliopolis is a neutral colony. They wouldn't take sides with either the Earth Alliance or ZAFT.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Don't count on it, Tovarisch.” Alex's voice was flat, almost mechanical and her eyes were clouded by the past. “Neutrality is nothing but a paper shield and when it is gone...”
A robotic green bird circled around her head, prompting her to look at it and the fury slid from her features when she thought of the time when her friend Athrun Zala gave it to Kira as a gift of friendship.
A younger Kira is facing his best friend Athrun Zala, a dark blue-haired boy with green eyes.
“Don't worry, there shouldn't be any true conflict between PLANT and Earth. I don't think that there is a reason to be alarmed.”
Alexandra is under a psychic glamour that makes her appear to be the same relative age as her friends. She smiles as Athrun give Kira a green robotic bird.
“You'll come sometimes to PLANT. Right Kira? Right Alex?”
Kira patted his left shoulder for his pet bird to land. “Come here, Torii.”
“Torii?” Alex smiled a little as it spoke. It was the only word it could speak. It was strange that kira, a top-notch computer wizard, has still not expanded its vocabulary. The simple smile banished the tension around the group. Mirialla turned to the Russian teenager.
“By the way, Alex. Why are you here? You're not scheduled until this afternoon, right?”
The redhead blinked. “What? We didn't have a test this morning?”
Her friends chuckled. “That for tomorrow. Today, only the professor Kato is using us.”
She groaned and slapped her face. “Ho! Great! Just great!” She sighed. “One day I'm going to forget my head somewhere. Oh well, it's not as if I didn't have anything to do. I just have to stay with you a little.” She turned to Kira. “You still have to adjust the fine motors movements with Sai, right?” The group began to walk to a nearby station of transport.
Meanwhile at the spaceport of the colony, the Enrylion, an EA Agamemnon-class ship, went on with docking procedures. Inside, it carried ace mobile armour pilot Mu La Flaga and test pilots for an experiment with secret prototypes mobile suits built in Heliopolis.
At the bridge, the captain received news of ZAFT's latest attack in Earth and was thinking on the matter. He was a veteran and he didn't like what all of this was leading to.
“Something troubling you, captain?” Mu La Flaga was standing at his side, with a raised eyebrow and genuine curiosity on his face.
“Oh, it's you, Lieutenant La Flaga. I'm just pondering for a while here after hearing news of ZAFT's latest attack in Earth.”
“You're thinking they may strike here, sir?”
“Well, that's impossible. I don't think ZAFT will attack one of Orb's neutral colonies. If they attempt so, that would be a breach in diplomatic laws.”
Mu shook his head, snorting in disgust. He was sick of hearing that. “Sir, but to me, I think they might be planning to attack here, not giving a damn about diplomacy. We best be on guard for the meantime.”
The captain chuckled “I admire your cautious nature, lieutenant. Well, in the meantime, we should board that secret warship the EA has been kept their lips shut right now. Have the pilots escorted to the warship and ask one of the engineers here in the port for directions. I'll round up the crew and meet you there.”
Unfortunately for the optimist captain of the Earth Alliance, the Nazca-class destroyer battleship Vesalius and the Laurasia-class battleship Gamow were parked nearby the colony hidden behind an asteroid. Inside the Vesalius's main bridge, a masked man in white named Rau Le Creuset was discussing intelligence on the Earth Alliance's secret mobile suits with Captain Fredrick Ades.
“I'm sure that the EA is hiding these secret mobile suits according to intelligence from our recon group.”
“But Commander Creuset, even if they should possess these mobile suits, how can we confirm them?”
“We'll send in 2 infiltration squads to sneak in Heliopolis. Their mission is to capture these mobile suits and destroy a new battleship in construction as well, so that we can have the upper hand in this war. We mustn't let the EA have an advantage over ZAFT. It'd be a disaster if they should mass-produce these mobile suits.”
“But sir, Heliopolis is a neutral colony. We can't attack it; that would breach diplomatic laws established by the EA, Orb, and ZAFT.”
Rau turned his back on Ades, floating with a smile on his face. “It can't be helped. Let's just say the EA and Orb have to answer for their actions.”
He tossed a picture showing reconnaissance of one of the 5 secret prototype mobile suits to Ades. “Have the infiltration units begin their operation. Until they give us the signal, we'll remain here for the moment.”
“Yes sir!”
Within minutes, two smaller vessels launched from both the Vesalius and the Gamow, heading for Heliopolis, and touched down after a ballistic movement, undetected.
The group of four friends arrived in sight of the mass transit station. Alex liked her new friends a lot. In Heliopolis, only Kira qualified as an old friend since the school on the moon but she defended with ferocity each new ones. Life and time were too precious to squander them. With time, Kira and his friends have begun to appreciate the few extremes of the Russian young girl. Apart from her convictions, she was always helpful and always present for them. Behind her red hair and green eyes was a learned genius and she possessed a wisdom outside her age.
Mirialla internally smirked, thinking about perhaps the only `flaw' of her friend: She was a lesbian. She flirted lightly with any girl striking her fancy. She, herself, has been the target of her intentions in the beginning then she almost kicked Tolle into her arms. When she asked her why later, the redheaded teenager said that love was too precious and anyone must nurture it even if the person was not a part of it. Speaking of target, they came in sight of the poor soul selectionned by Alex.
A group of three girls were chatting waiting for an automated car to come.
“…that why I said…”
“That not what it looks like!”
“You lie!”
“Come on, now! Say it!”
“As I was saying…Oh! Mirialla?”
The young girl turning to Mirialla and her group was a beautiful redheaded, although her shade of hair was much darker than Alex. She had blue eyes that still shone with an innocent light now replaced by hidden hardened countenance in the green eyes of the ex-war veteran of the Gundam Wars.
“Hello, Fllay Allster. Hello, girls.”
“Hey, Mirialla, you certainly know something about the letter, aren't you?”
“A letter?”
“She received a letter from Sai Argyle! But, she refuses to tell us anything!”
“Stop it, you two!”
Alex smirked. “Oh! That letter.”
The friends of Fllay turned to the Russian girl. “You know something? Tell us! Tell us!”
Fllay was beginning to be irritated by the topic. “That's enough! She knows nothing!”
“Oh? Really?” Alex leaned into the blushing face of Fllay. “What will I receive if I `know' nothing. Hum?” Her deep green eyes dived into the luminous blue eyes of the other redheaded and she smiled as she smelled the light perfume of her hair.
The innuendo and the intensity of the emerald gaze made Fllay blushing more and she quickly pushed her friends into the waiting robotic car.
Kira and Tolle were discussing in the back of the group when they were interrupted when a woman spoke from behind them. "Excuse me, but if you're not getting in, mind if I do?"
The two friends stood aside and allowed the black-haired woman and her companions to pass and climbed into a vehicle. The always alert eye of Alex raked them with her power backing her analysis as they departed. `They are Earth Alliance military personal in civilian clothes. I wonder why they are here.'
As the four friends took another automated car, Tolle was teasing Kira and Alex for being the rivals of Sai. Mirialla laughed when Alex shot down him by remarking that the situation only highlighted the value of `the prey' and Kira groaned.
As the mass transit car progressed into the traffic, Natarle Badgiruel, Arnold Neumann, and Jackie Tonomura looked around the scenery of the colony.
"Just look around this place. So peaceful."
Neumann turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
The Earth Forces Ensign pulled off her sunglasses, revealing dark-purple eyes. "To think there are already people as young as them fighting on the frontlines." She glanced back the way they had come, frowning as she reminded something odd. "I felt something strange about one of them. That girl in the sailor school uniform... as if she knows something."
Neumann shrugged. "Why worry about it? I mean, she can't possibly know anything about the G-weapons... can she?"
“She was probably just very observant. It's not that we were hiding our military bearing even with these civilian clothes.” She smiled a little. “It's young persons like her that the Earth Alliance need.”
In the coming months, she would be very glad that this young girl had not only deduced certain things but that she had also some extremely needed capacities.
Meanwhile, on the exterior wall of the colony, a ZAFT commando progressed to a hatch. The group of several green-suited soldiers and 5 in the red spacesuits of elite pilots opened the access and neutralize the security system.
Tolle was still teasing his friends as they pulled up to the security gate at Morgenroete. "Well, if you're not gonna ask him, I guess I'll have to."
Kira ran an ID card through the scanner as he turned to his smirking so-called friend. "Tolle, you're being a pest."
Alex laughed along with Mirialla. Such banter was refreshing after her forced loneliness during the millennial war. Teasing was good, especially if it was directed to her. She subconsciously detected the scanners directed to them and relaxed as she didn't detect a threat behind it.
The four of them finally reached the workroom, where two of their classmates were waiting with the project of their engineering group.
Sai Argyle saw them enter. He was a tall young boy with dirty blond hair and orange-tinted glasses. "Ah, there you are, Kira."
Her friends continued right in, but Alex before entering. `What the hell, I sense a familiar aura.' The mental sensitivity of her New-Type ability was quivering. She was almost sure that a past relation was present in the room. Her eyes swept the room, noting each person. There was dark brown-haired Kuzzey Buskirk, Sai, Mir, Tolle, Kira... Where was her quarry? She concentrated on her sealed power, trying to find the source of the odd presence.
Alexandra finally turned to her left, noticing for the first time the boy, correction, the girl that leaned against the wall there, near the door of the office of professor Kato. She was already looking at her, startled recognition visible in her amber eyes.
The eyes of the New-Type girl widened when she saw the blond hair hidden under a cap, the non-descript clothes and the features of her face.
“Cagalli…” She whispered the name of one of her first friends in the kingdom of Orb. She was the very princess and heir to the throne of the neutral nation. What was she doing in here?
The same things were running in the head of Cagalli Yula. Alex? Alex was working here? She blinked as she considered the matter then signalled her to come near her in order to have a private discussion. Maybe her old classmate could help her.
Meanwhile the rest of the group was talking about their assignment. Sai was giving something to Kira that the professor Kato was in need for him to examine. Kira was protesting about the heavy load of his work. Kuzzey was working on an exoskeleton and Tolle was trying to tease Kira again about the letter of Sai to Fllay. Mir remarked that Alex was talking to the guest of professor Kato in the back of the room.
Using the ventilation shafts, the ZAFT commando arrived in sight of their objective. A battleship, still surrounded by a cocoon of machinery was waiting his crew. This ship was an experimental design called the Archangel and was the mobile base of deployment of the experimental mobile suits of the Earth Alliance.
The leader in a red suit rapidly gave hand-signals to his men. The soldiers stealthy progressed in the dock and posed delay-bombs in strategic points. They set the timers and went to their next targets. The operation was precisely timed and synchronised with their ships and they couldn't afford any retard.
“Niet! It cannot be true!” Alexandra was alarmed by what her friend has revealed to her.
“I know. I didn't believe it myself at first. But, then I searched a little and found some data on the `not supposed to exist' experimental models.” She extracted a data chip from her jacket. “Read this when you'll have the time. But please, help me to confirm it!”
Alexandra numbly took the chip. It was a nightmare! Orb couldn't possibly think to enter the weapon race between PLANT and the Earth Alliance, it will only precipitate the conflict. Worse, they were in a civilian colony, if ZAFT decided to take action…
It was then that her sixth sense began to scream into her conscience. She whirled in the direction of the ominous sensation and knew deep in her heart that it was already too late.
Aboard the Vesalius, the commander Rau Le Creuset waited patiently as the countdown reached the fixed time. “It's time.”
The crew of the two ZAFT warships began the second phase of their operation.
The Strike Gundam appears in all its variations and shows what they can do.
Alexandra appears in various configurations of her mobile suit power armour and shows what she can do with it.
In the command centre of Heliopolis, it was bedlam.
“Sir, two ZAFT battleships are approaching the perimeter! We have identified them as a Nazca-class destroyer and a Laurasia-class battleship.”
“Open communications!”
“ZAFT ships! You are violating our territorial space area. Stop immediately your approach…”
“They're broadcasting interference waves, jamming our radar systems! It is clearly an act of war and we have been able to confirm mobile suits deployment before that!”
“Blast! What's ZAFT thinking? Send out our Mistral worker pods for defence!” The responsible knew that the lightly armed and armoured pods will not be able to stop determined mobile suits but it was the best they can do.
Aboard the Ea ship still in dock, Mu La Flaga was preparing himself for the Battle. The captain just confirmed him that it was a ZAFT attack.
"Figures." He was in his flight suit now, cradling his helmet with its distinctive white feather emblem under his arm. "Have Luke and Gayle board their Moebius units, but don't deploy them yet!"
In a bay near the Archangel, its captain was giving orders. “Don't be too excited! They want us to act first without preparation!”
Around him the technical crew was frenetically preparing the battleship for take off.
“Propellant injection, now at 80% capacity…”
“Sixteenth polyvalent team, prepare for the transfer of the material…”
The captain was speaking in a telephone. “Yes! I know! Yes…if they managed to come here, the ship will take off!” He violently put down the phone and turned to the ensign Badgiruel. “Contact the lieutenant Ramius and tell her to hurry the transfer of the units.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Now , you pilots will wait here for the units and board them ASAP!”
Unfortunately, the bombs placed by the commando exploded and most of the EA personal present near the Archangel was killed including the captain and the G-weapons pilots.
Aboard his Moebius-Zero, Mu finished his checklist.
“Lieutenant? Please take off immediately, the ship is under attack!”
“I'm taking off! Now!”
The various forces on the colony could only react to the actions of the ZAFT units. Already, GINN mobile suits were penetrating the main shaft of the colony to the dismay and rapidly terror of the population.
Near an access hatch and inside the colony, the ZAFT commando was surveying the secret facility where the experimental units were moved. Everything was according to the plan as they witnessed the panicked reaction of the EA military. They moved in coordination with their suits to capture the units.
Outside, the battle was turning rapidly to the advantage of Zaft. The GINN were more agile and better armed than the Mistral pods and the Moebius. Only the Moebius-Zero of Mu was their equal and that was only due to his superior skill in piloting.
The Moebius-Zero was a mobile armour which served as a prototype for the mass-produced version of the Moebius. In addition to the standard linear gun, the Moebius-Zero was equipped with a set of 4 wire-guided gun-barrels, which could overwhelm enemy mobile suits with a simultaneous multi-directional attack. Mu La Flaga was one of the few pilots capable of operating these gun-barrels. He earned the nickname "Hawk of Endymion" by using his Moebius Zero to destroy five GINNs in the battle of Endymion on the lunar surface.
The GINNs were using their heavy assault machine-gun with ruthless efficiency and were mowing down the EA and Heliopolis forces. Mu swore as his wingman was cut down by the heavy blade of a GINN. He could only avenge him and surround the suit with his gun-barrels, blasting him in oblivion.
Murrue Ramius was contemplating the disaster. Three of the experimental suits were loaded and ready to be transferred to the Archangel. If only they were sure about the situation. The tactic used by ZAFT was very simple and very effective. She couldn't afford to split her forces and the Ginns were making mincemeat of any units they have.
“Lieutenant Ramius! We lost contact with the ship! The situation is unknown!”
As she was digesting this last bad news, ZAFT took action on their position. A GINN strafed their transport team, pinning them in the worst possible zone. The road offered no cover to the attacks. Worse, she could already see the commando progressing by jetpacks on their position. “Bastards…All right, leave the X-105 and the X-303! And abandon the factory site!”
Ramius took a machine gun and prayed that she could accomplish her mission and delivered the three units to the Archangel dock.
In the Morgenroete facility, the shockwaves of the bombs shook the classroom.
Sai was bewildered. “Meteorites?”
An icy control that she thought to have forgotten descended to Alexandra. "Niet. We are under attack." She turned calmly to her friends, a hidden glow in her green eyes. "It would be wise to evacuate this area, immediately."
Tolle was very eager to follow her lead. "You'll get no argument from me. Let's go!"
Dropping what they were doing, the five students, led by Sai, headed back into the hallway. Alex and Cagalli trailed behind them. They went quickly to an emergency stairwell, which was already filling up with evacuees.
Sai asked the first person he saw. "What's going on?"
"I don't know."
The Russian New-Type looked up to the ceiling and spoke with eerily assurance. "It's ZAFT." She then focused for a moment on what she was sensing. The number of endangered minds in proximity was sufficient for her sealed capacity to get an image "Mobile suits have entered the colony. They are GINNs, I think."
Mirialla was looking to her redheaded friend with widened eyes. She had seen for a moment a light glow in the green eyes. When the Russian girl exercised her ability at full power, her eyes glowed.
Cagalli turned to the young girl and whispered. "You're sure?"
"Then I think it's time we tried to see those machines."
Alexandra frowned but nodded. Although she didn't want to endanger her first friend, she knew better than trying to stop her to do what she decided to do. They took off running down a side passage.
Kira saw them go. "Hey, wait! Where you two are going?" He quickly headed off after them, ignoring Tolle's protests. "I'll be right back. Go!" He caught up with the two girls in a few steps. "Where are you going? It's a dead end here!"
"Stop tailing us! You'd better go back and link up with the others."
Alexandra seemed to listen to a silent voice. "Too late for that!" She reached for them and threw them on the ground with her on the top. A second after that, an explosion nearly blew off in their vicinity and the shrapnel would have taken their heads off if they have still been standing up.
The Russian girl stood up and considered the debris blocking the corridor. “A little too close for my taste. No turning back now.”
Kira, meanwhile, had noticed Cagalli's hat had flown off, setting free a mass of blonde hair and was surprised by her nature. "You're... a girl.”
"Yes! Of course! What did you think I was? Huh?"
"No, I just…"
Alex laughed as she observed two of her circle of friends that didn't know each other until now. There was something particular in the scene. She shook her head. No time for that now. “Really Kira. You're disappointing me. And here I thought that you were a gentleman.”
“All right, all right. We don't have time to joke. This way!" She took off running, heading down a side corridor.
Kira grabbed Cagalli's hand. "Come on, let's go!"
"Let go of me, you jerk." But she followed them anyway. She was a little taken aback by the comportment of Alexandra. She was cool under fire and there was something else that she never saw before with her demeanour.
They stopped before a security locked door. “And now? What will we do?”
Alex caressed the lock with her fingers and her mind. Hidden to her two friends, her eyes glowed as she used her reduced psychokinetic abilities on the electronic lock. The heavy metal door opened promptly. Inside, she paused to take a look at the factory floor below... and swore.
Cagalli took one look at the battle raging below around a pair of mobile suits and sank to the floor. She moaned. "I knew it! The Earth Forces prototype mobile weapons. Father, I knew you betrayed us all!"
Her sixth sense suddenly erupted in her mind and she realized an Earth Forces officer standing on one of the mobile suits was about to shoot at them. "Duck!" Leaping to the side, Alexandra was pleased to note the woman had realized she was firing at civilians and changed targets. She turned to Kira. "Get my friend out of here! I'll handle this."
"But, Alex…"
"Relax, Kira." She turned her eerily glowing green eyes to her two best friends and smiled to their bewildered look. “I am better equipped than any of you to survive this. I will explain WHEN we met later. Take refuge now.”
Cagalli took another look at her, still confused. She knew the person in front of her. Yet this young girl who had suddenly revealed such capacities was different. The Alexandra Kerenski she'd known was not a soldier, while this one clearly was and something else...
Kira was thinking along the same lines. She was still the Russian girl he befriended on the moon but she was revealing something that has been hidden in her until now.
There was no more time to ponder it. The two teenagers get out of the room, while Alex prepared herself to fight for the first time in this world. She muttered. "There is no turning back.” She sighed and closed her eyes. In order to be able to use her higher powers, she had to unseal her New-Type ability completely. An emerald glow surrounded her and something snapped inside her being. She opened blazing green eyes as her power reasserted itself. "Time to reap what you have sown, ZAFT!" She gathered herself and leapt into the melee
Kira and Cagalli arrived at last to the elevator to the shelter. The boy pressed a button on an intercom of the shelter. “Hey, we're civilians! Do you have room for 2 people?”
“…BZZT… Sorry, kid, we've only got room for 1 more person!”
“That's ok! I'm getting my friend in!” Kira shoved the unknown, for him, girl inside the shelter's glass elevator that opened in front of them.
“What are you doing!” Cagalli struggled to get out, she couldn't let this boy sacrificed a secure place for her. Kira pressed buttons on the intercom, closing the elevator. She banged on the glass with her hands.
“You'll be safe there! Don't worry I'm going to the next shelter!”
“No, wait!”
The elevator disappeared below. Kira headed back to find another shelter on the other side.
Lieutenant Murrue Ramius, the Earth Forces officer who had mistakenly shot at the three friends, stopped firing for an instant in pure surprise, seeing the young girl arc across the huge room as if she was flying. She landed into a group of green-clad soldiers of ZAFT and started to demonstrate a very high level of martial arts. What was completely amazing was the green aura around her fists and kicks. A powerful aura since the targets she hit were literally projected several metres backward on the impact.
Distracted by the unreal spectacle, she was saved from being shot in the back by Kira's return to the room. "BEHIND YOU!" Ramius spun, firing the last few rounds in her assault rifle's magazine; the green-suited attacker dropped, dead or hiding.
Ramius knew there was no way out of the factory anymore, so she made a snap decision. "Come here!"
Kira shook his head. "Thanks, but I'm off to the shelters in the left block. Never mind me!"
"There's nothing left behind that door!"
"She's right." Alexandra seemed to appear next to Kira, surprising the teenager. "I sense nothing but rubble and danger behind this door." Her confirmation was punctuated by a loud explosion.
Kira shielded his face from the explosion then ran along the catwalk with her friend protecting his back toward the ramp leading down to the mobile suit.
"Over here!" Ramius waved to them and they jumped over the railing, landing hard on the GAT-X105 Strike's shoulder. In mid-jump, Alex sensed another familiar aura nearby. `What the…Again?'
They were just nearing the Earth Alliance officer when a red-suited commando shot her in the right shoulder, dazing her. The only thing that saved her life was the attacker's gun jamming.
Athrun Zala, seeing his weapon was useless, dropped it and drew a knife, then used his jetpack to fly to the top of the Strike, moving in bounds till he was in melee range of the woman and the two teenagers attending her. He raised the knife...
And Kira looked up, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Athrun...?"
Athrun hesitated. "Kira...?"
That was when Alex stood up and raised her hand. The knife was ripped from the hand of Athrun by an unseen force and floated into the hand of the Russian New-Type.
The ZAFT pilot turned to the girl and was taken aback by the lightly glowing green eyes. Suddenly, because his memory had been jogged by the discovery of Kira, he recognized her. “Alex…?”
“Athrun… Niet, it cannot be…It cannot be you! You cannot be a ZAFT pilot!” Alex was dismayed by what she was seeing. Her mutual best friend with Kira was…a soldier! And an elite mobile suit pilot at that! And he was a participant in the raid against the neutral colony!
Athrun would have fought this teenage powerful psychic anyway, not knowing he'd have lost almost instantly, but Ramius managed to raise her pistol and began firing at him. Without any weapon, he had no choice but to fall back, taking one last look at the young man and the young girl before dropping into the cockpit of X-303 Aegis, one of the Earth Forces' new mobile suits.
With that threat gone, Ramius shoved Kira into the Strike and jumped in after him. She then realized something. "There isn't enough room for three… Hum…I think I can take you on my lap. Get down immediately, there's no time…"
Alex forced in the back of her mind the problem with Athrun for later and grinned. "I'll see you outside, lieutenant Ramius." The eyes of Murrue widened. How did she know her name and rank. As the hatch began to close, she shot a reassuring glance at Kira. "Don't worry about me. I can handle myself against anything. Dasvidania!" The still eerily glow of her eyes was projecting to them the promise that she could do it and more.
The MS girl of another dimension turned to the explosions inside the factory. There were many things to think about and many things to do. Her peaceful refuge had been shattered. Once again war was seizing her in its traitorous and painful hands. Her eyes narrowed. As she had said before there was no turning back. She jumped among the fires and explosions, a nimbus of green New-Type energy surrounding her.
The daily life that had been taken for granted crumbled in an instant.
The familiar landscape is now covered in flames.
Then a large white body rises.
What's going through the minds of Kira and Athrun as they meet again amidst gunfire?
She never wanted to use that power again.
What her friends will think of her, now?
Next, on MS Seed Girls, “Its name is GUNDAM and her name is MS Girl”.
Notes: Here was the first chapter of MS Seed Girls. True, I didn't reveal the full awesome capacity of Alexandra Kerenski. Don't worry. The next chapter will blow out of the water all the witnesses to her power.
I am satisfied with Alex so far. Here we have a rather curious character. Under a cloak of normality that came from a long time ago (almost a millennium), we have a burned-out war veteran. She will be prone to extreme reactions at various intervals and situations.
I made her a lesbian because I wanted an interaction with some of the female cast. There will be a few surprises but I don't think it will alter too much the story. The story will develop along the healing of the soul of a wounded warrior. Her friends and enemies will be the key to her redemption. Will she allow this world to sink into the horrors of her past life or will she be able to help to overcome the crisis. Will she open the Pandora box and release the power of the MS girls or will she stay unique and run the risk to loose.
Yep, Alex was a participant in the Gundam Saga since the first show of Gundam. She was actually the first MS girl with the RX-78 NT-1 Gundam “ALEX” configuration from `War in a pocket'.
A MS Girl is able to generate and control a pseudo-matter made of New-Type energy. She can then mould the matter into a form that grants her with Mecha-level powers and capacities. The form and abilities of the power armour are limited only by the imagination of the MS girl but a pre-conceived form help the girl to properly form the armour and its possibilities. It also reduced the energy necessary to form the armour and thus the level of New-Type ability required.
The sailor school uniform came from `Project AKO'. The image of A-Ko was the one I wanted to project for Alex: A tough super-powered warrior trying to live a normal life and betrayed by her very own nature.
Read and review, Thank you.