Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Patience is the Key ❯ Patience is the Key ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Gundam SEED belongs to Bandai, Sunrise, and whatever lucky bastard owns it. I am not gaining any profit whatsoever so don't sue the poor student who is about to become poorer when said student is about to go to college. Especially a private institution. Need to write a better disclaimer. Not that anybody reads this. O_O

Summary: 'Was that even humanly possible? Then again, this was Cagalli he was talking about. When angry, she could put her mind to anything. Like that one time…'

Pairings: Athrun/Cagalli, brief mention of Kira/Lacus

Warnings: An attempt at fluff here; I hope I'm getting better at this stuff. A little swearing but it's not bad. There are no spoilers as far as I'm concerned, but then again I always miss things when I review my own work. O_O

A/N: This was a challenge I took upon at the drabble_me community at live journal. The challenge was to write exactly 722 words, with either a pg or r rating, having the quote, "Try to learn some patience. It'll do you good." This is the result. I don't really liked how this turned out but I blame that on the constraints I was limited to. Or maybe I'm just making excuses. O_o Anyways, enjoy the little drabble. ^_^


Athrun strolled into the bedroom where he promptly collapsed into wide array of multi-colored pillows scattered across the bed. Today was tiring as far as work was concerned. Kira was unable to work for the next two weeks at Orb because of his and Lacus' fifth year wedding anniversary. They were currently taking a vacation on Earth since the both of them haven't really had a chance to look at it.

Both him and Cagalli would have gone with them since it was also their anniversary being married on the same day as them, but there was one little problem that they had and they were unable to join them.

Which brought him up to his current predicament…

"You didn't forget, did you?"

Athrun blinked and looked up to see Cagalli's figure leaning languidly on the door way. Wearing only a simple green t-shirt - which suspiciously looked like his own - that went down past her knees, emphasized the relaxed state she looked like she was in.

Except that her face looked anything but relaxed. Slightly bemused, if not angry, her face was not relaxed at all. And from the look of things, she looked like she was going to make nothing out of something as usual. Sometimes, she could be so stubborn but that was one of things she loved her for.

Sensing an incoming argument from her, Athrun shook his head a little clearing up any cobwebs that might of still been there, letting purple silk slide into the front of his eyes. Pushing them back, he decided to answer his irritating, err loving, wife.

"Forget what?" he asked with a completely innocent expression that would of done Kira and Lacus proud.

If he wanted to infuriate her even further, he did a good job of it because Cagalli's eyes narrowed as well as arching an eyebrow. Was that even humanly possible? Then again, this was Cagalli he was talking about. When angry, she could put her mind to anything. Like that one time…

"I distinctly remember telling you to get some Chinese take out as soon as you got out of work." He was interrupted from his musing to see her narrowing her eyes even further if that was possible making her look even more intimidating.

Seeing that she didn't have her husband's complete attention, she glared at him even harder. "Where is it?" She emphasized her point by pushing herself off the doorway, putting her hands on her hips, tapping one foot, while still keeping that impossible expression on her face.

Seeing as this was a discussion that could decide whether he was to live or to die, he stood up from his position on the bed to deliver the bad news.

"I forgot."

Those two words were not the ones she wanted hear, he noticed, because she flared her nostrils, stomping to his position on the bed where she promptly threw herself at him. Instinctually catching her, he let out of poof of air and landed back on the bed with her on top of him, her arms striking whatever she could find.

"How could you of forgotten, dammit! You remember what happened last time this happened, don't…"

She was cut off with a simple kiss that left her dazed. When her vision came back to her, she looked up to see Athrun with gentle smile that was rare for him.

"Feel better?" he asked with a mischievous smile on face, addressing both her and the swollen belly covered up by his shirt. He rested one hand on her hip and the other was rubbing the said protruding belly with light touches of his fingertips.

"I guess," she answered, like a petulant child not getting what she wanted. "But we're still hungry," she added threading her fingers with his and rubbing along with him.

"Don't worry. I'll go get some food soon. I just want to spend some time with you." A smile spread across her face at his declaration.

"How do you feel?" he asked with some concern, looking over her for discomfort.

"Okay, I guess. I just want this baby to come out right now," she said with a small pout threatening to spread across her face.

Before silencing her with another kiss, he murmured, "Try to learn some patience. It'll do you good."

