Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Phases 1-2-3 ❯ Phase 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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"Phases 1-2-3"

(Cagalli's POV)

"Thank you for attending the meeting on short notice, Miss. Attha. Now if you excuse me, I must be going," General Canon said as he walked by me and out the door. Once the door closed, I fell right back down on the chair I've been sitting on for the past 5 hours. (Finally it's over, I thought I would be in there forever.")

Sighing out loud I thought about the meeting and the concerns that were issued. (Why is it that peace is so hard to attain and to keep when fighting is totally the opposite.) I heard a quiet knock on the door and looked up surprised.

Smiling gently I asked," Is there anything you want, Kisaka "

"I just wanted to inform you that Athrun Zala is waiting for you presence in the main lobby." my old friend and guardian replied.

I could feel my eye become large and my mouth opening wide. "Why is Athrun here?"

"I have no idea," Kisaka responded "However, if I were you, I would hurry along to see for myself."

Getting up quickly, I stuffed all the loose papers back into my briefcase, missing the smirk Kisaka gave off.

(What could Athrun possibly want. He knew I would be in meetings all day, so why come visit.) Once I completed my task, I walked quickly to the door and out into the hallway. I pressed the button for the elevator, tapping my foot impatiently. Once the doors open I walked in and pressed the button for the main floor.

I looked up and saw Kisaka walking out of the conference room I was just in. Right before the door closed, I heard him say, "You forgot your."

Pondering on what I could have forgotten, I looked down and made a mental list of everything I had when I walked into the conference room. Yet I had everything with me and nothing seemed to have been left behind. I could feel myself getting more and more annoyed thinking about the item I left behind. (I swear, if he was lying…)

It was about a minute later when the doors to the elevator reopened. Stepping out, I squinted for about five seconds until my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the elevator to the brighter light of the lobby. I continued forward towards the middle of the lobby looking back and forth, trying to pin point the location on Athrun. Not finding him, I walked towards the front desk.

Noticing no one was there, I rang the bell. A couple second went by and no response. I rang it again. Just like before, no one came. Getting angry of the lack of service, I started to ring the bell like crazy. Not caring if anyone saw me or not caring what a total fool I was making myself to be. It was then when I felt a small tap on my shoulder. Turning my head around slowly, I came face to face with a stranger. He was wearing a black overcoat with a hat cover his hair. I also found it strange was he had a pair of sunglasses on, that covered his eyes. (Who wears sunglasses inside a building?)

"May I help you," I asked, while trying to keep my temper down.

"I just wanted to point out the sign right there Miss." the stranger replied while pointing downward.

Looking down I saw the little squared sign next to the bell I was ringing. On it, it said in large bold letters, NATURE CALLED, BE BACK IN FIVE MINUTES. I could feel my face become beet red. Turning around, I excused my self from the stranger and walked back to the elevator. (Who in the bloody world leaves a sign like that.)

Once I reached my destination, I looked back to check if Athrun had mysterious appeared without my knowledge. Once again, I didn't see the blue hair Coordinator. Pressing the button for the elevator, I decided to go back up and check if Kisaka was still there and see what mysterious item I left behind. Walking inside the elevator I pressed the button for the fifth floor, hoping that was the right floor.

……………………& hellip;………............................................ ...................................

(Athrun's POV)

I had no idea what posses me to do what I was doing. Considering that she probably going to kill me afterwards. Except, last night when I talked to her through the phone, she wasn't herself. Hearing the elevator door open, I quickly hid behind a plant and watch the blonde hair girl walk out. She carefully looked around, most likely looking for me. I turn around so my back was leaning on the plant's pot. I noticed her walking towards the front desk. (Good, everything is going to as plan.) I could hear the bell being rung once and seconds later, it was rung again. Then I could hear her banging on the bell repeatedly. It was at that point when I had trouble keeping silent, as I could fell chuckle escape my lips. I also made mental note to buy a new bell for the hotel.

I took note as a person came behind Cagalli and lightly tap on her shoulder. As the scene took place, I was trying to figure out who the stranger was. He seemed so familiar, by the way he stood and walked. Then it came to me.

I watched as Cagalli went back to the elevator. As she walked inside the elevator, I saw her check the lobby once more and then the doors closed. Stepping out from hiding spot, I quickly walked over to the stranger at the front desk. Once I was behind him, I tap his shoulder.

He turned his head back and smiled once he recognized me. Turning completely around he took his hat off, revealing his brown hair. He then took off his sunglasses which revealed his purple eyes.

Smiling I said, "I'm glad you can make it,"

"So am I Athrun," Kira responded, "And by the looks of it, we are entering phase 2?"


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Author's Notes:

Okay, this was suppose to be a one-shot kind of story. However, when I was typing this, I decided to scratch that idea out. This is going to be 3-chapters long. And I know its short but I'm sorry. I wanted the next part to be by itself. I just got this idea over the weekend. And I'll try to get the next two chapters up as quickly as possible, b/c of the fact I left two other stories unfinished. So expect the next chapter by Wednesday or Thursday. And the last chapter up by Monday. Please review n tell me what you think. Especially considering I haven't told you what Athrun is planning.