Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Seed or Destiny? ❯ The irony of Fates ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The irony of fates
Fandom: Gundam Seed Destiny
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Gundam Seed/ Destiny.
Pairings: Shinn/Cagali
Author's notes: This fic is a dedication to <lj user="craze_izumi">


Shinn Asuka couldn't help but mused. The sight of Cagali busying setting up the dinner in front of him still seemed unrealistic to him. After all, it weren't so long ago when they had been arguing with one another whenever they see each other. Their first encounter with one another have been off to a bad start; for Shinn had blamed Cagali's family for ruining his life.

Shinn had openly declare that her father, Uzumi, was the culprit for killing off his family. Cagali had tried to reason with him, but he was being far too childish to care back then. When reasoning failed to get them anywhere, Cagali had tried to slap him only to have her bodyguard, Athrun Zala, stopping her.

The second time they met, it was on the battle field. Shinn was with Minerva while Cagali was on board the Archangel, and Minerva was engage in a fierce battle with the Earth Alliance and ORB's force which had joined with the EA. Yet, Archangel had appeared of nowhere, trying to stop their battle. Shinn had to agree if it weren't for a murasame team from ORB force, he would have taken down Cagali, right there and then.

He had always pictured himself with Stellar, but fates have other plans for him. Stellar have died, and he had avenged Stellar by striking down Freedom. However, that only causes Athrun to leave ZAFT for a second time in a row. He was glad for Athrun's departure initially, yet, how Athrun could have forsaken Cagali for Meer Campbell. He had no idea, he didn't bother switching sides until he realized the truth behind the chairman's plot.

It turns out that ZAFT have been making use of him all along, he was engage in a battle with Archangel and the Earth Alliances forces when he'd saved Cagali quite concidentally, he had sworn. Yet, that proved to be the turning point of his life. He discovered Athrun's interests in Meer and felt sorry for Cagali. Initially, his aim was to provide words of encouragement and comfort for the latter, yet, somehow along the way; he ended up falling in love with Cagali.

Now as he thought back of the time they'd spent glaring at one another, he couldn't help but shake his head at the irony of life.


date started: 21/06/05

date completed: 21/06/05