Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Spying ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Ok, when there is a * in the middle of the text, I have an author's note at the end of the chapter. Please go down there to check something out. Thanks!
Chapter 2
Kira Yamato docked the Strike Gundam in the Versalius's hanger. He sighed, and then unbuckled his seatbelts. He then opened the cockpit to see five guns being pointed at him.
"Lower your guns men." A blond man ordered. The people hesitated, the lowered the firearms. The Commander walked towards Kira. "You must be Kira Yamato, the coordinator that Athrun has been talking about."
"Yes sir." Kira replied. `Athrun's been talking about me? I wonder why?'
"According to Athrun, you're a very skilled coordinator." Commander Crueset noted.
"Thank you sir. You're very kind." Kira was flattered. `Athrun said that about me?'
"How about if you stayed and joined ZAFT?" the Commander offered.
"That's very kind of you to ask but I'm already with ZAFT." Kira stated.
"What?" the Commander asked. There were whispers around the whole premises. Athrun raised his eyebrows. "But you're with the Earth Alliance! How would you be with ZAFT?"
"Can we talk about this in private Commander? I'm not supposed to give details but, since I already have given some…" Kira asked.
"Yes of course. Come with me." Rau Le Crueset said as he walked towards the exit.
"Yes sir." Kira replied while following. They walked out of the hanger and towards the Commander's office. Once they got there, the Commander offered Kira a seat, then sat himself down behind his desk. Resting his head on his hands, he said,
"Explain, please."
"Well, sir, I already told you that I'm with ZAFT." Kira said.
"Well, I'm only on the Archangel to spy for the ZAFT forces. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but, I think now is the best time."
"I see. Do you plan to tell the Archangel crew about your plan? Also, do you plan to stay with the Versalius?"
"Yes, to both questions. May I use your communications services?"
"You may, Kira. I also assume you will need a ZAFT uniform?"
"Yes sir."
"I believe we have some spares. I'll have Athrun get them for you. Also, for your rooming, you will be sharing with Athrun. That won't be a problem will it?"
"No sir. Also, I have some information regarding the Archangel crew and the weaponry on that ship. Perhaps we should bring in the other pilots so they can know what they are up against?"
"Yes. That would be wise." The Commander replied while reaching for the intercom. "Athrun, Dearka, Nicol, and Yzak! Please come to my office now." Rau Le Crueset then switched off the intercom and waited until he heard,
"Athrun Zala, reporting as requested."
"Dearka Elsman, reporting as requested."
"Nicol Amalfi, reporting as requested."
"Yzak Joule, reporting as requested."
"Yes come in." the blond Commander replied. The door then opened to show the four boys clad in the ZAFT uniform come in and salute. Commander Creuset saluted them back and Kira stood up. "I called you boys up here so you can here about the weaponry on the Archangel. If you may Kira?"
"Yes sir. The weaponry on the Earth Alliance's new war ship, also known as the Archangel, is sixteen 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS or also known as Igelstellung. They are located at the top, bottom, port, and starboard of the ship. Four in each location. There are sixteen surface to air missiles, or helldarts, at the rear of the bridge. Two 225CM Dual focused beam cannons or also know as the Gottfried. Location, one on each port and starboard side. Two high energy beams next to them. Postitron Blaster Cannon, also known as the Lohengrin. Amount, two. Location, in the front of the ship. Anti Beam Depth Charges. Two 110CM Valiant Linear Cannons. Built on port and starboard sides. Last but not least, they have rear, full-size, missile launchers. Then they also have the mobile armor." Kira notified the commander and the four boys in front of him.
"Dang. That's a lot." Dearka whistled.
"Seriously." Nicol said.
"Commander, is Kira going to stay with us?" Athrun questioned.
"Yes. He will. Kira would you like to tell all of them why, or tell Athrun privately?"
"Privately sir." Kira replied.
"Alright. Athrun, Kira will be rooming with you. That isn't a problem is it?" the Commander asked.
"No sir." The blue haired replied.
"Alright, Athrun, see if we have any spares for the uniforms. Kira, stay with Athrun. Dismissed." Commander Creuset said while saluting.
"Yes sir." The five boys said while saluting. Then, all of them left.
* these weapons are in true position from the book. I transferred all of this information from the Gundam Seed manga series by Hajime Yatate and Yoshiyuki Tomino.
Ok. I hoped that you liked that chapter. Please review! It means a lot to me to hear your reviews. As long as they aren't flames. But, I might use the flames to burn down my school. ^_^