Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ The Diary of Fllay Allster ❯ Sprained ankles and broken hearts ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Dear Diary,
Lacus sprained my ankle and now I cant go to track!!! Kira's on her side to! How blind is he, Dearka and Yzak even saw her but noooo he doesnt beleive me. I'm at the nurses office lieing down at the moment. The bed is like a rock seriously!!! I made track by the way. I know Ill do track anyway I mean come on! Terry Fox ran half way across canada with an amputated leg! I can run 3 kilometres with a sprained ankle! Yea It'll be easy cuz I have Dearka Mir Yzak and Erin to help me!! Erin freaked when she saw my ankle. Its all blue and black- soooo gross. Hey atleast Kira and Yzak carried me to the nurses office! Oh, did i tell Yzak told KIRA!!! He said kira forced it out on him. He threatened to expose the fact that Yzak wears heart boxers and once danced the can can in a skirt. Good times, good time. OH gotta go Kira just came in to see ow im doing ciao!
"Hey Fllay. How's your ankle?" Kira sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Fine thanks but this bed is a litteral rock!" Kira laughed. Ever since grade one Fllay's been making jokes even at the worst moments. He quickly hid the smile and put a serious face on "Fllay are you sure Lacus tripped you? This isn't a scheme to get me to like you?" Fllay's heart shattered. Tears strated spilling from her ice blue eyes. Kira relized he shouldn't have said that but he need to know. "NO IT'S NOT SHETRIPPED ME I SWEAR IT! I wouldnt risk my life just for you." Kira noticed he broke her heart. There was a silence between the two. Kira hoped Fllay would make a joke bt no such luck. "F F Fllay...........I'm sorry.......I didnt mean it to..come.......out..that way." Kia studdered. Kira hadn't studdered since grade one. Tears just kept streaming down her eyes.
"hmmmmmm I wonder what Fllay is gonna do to Lacus." Dearka wondered out loud. "Oh I dunno maybe stab her a couple a hundred times." Mirriallia answered. "how did rivarly start between then anyways.???" Dearka asked Yzak who seem distracted. "Oh um Fllay wrote Kira a love letter but forgot to sign her name. Lacus got a hold of it and signed her name on it. Kira accepted it and Fllay's swore revenge on Lacus" the three kept walking towards there lockers.
"F Fllay hello? Fllay " Kira was now standing. "leave." Fllay comanded. "what?" Kira was puzzeled. "Leave." she said once more this time louder. Kira nodded his head and turned for the door. He looked back at Fllay who was now opening a book. He truned his head and left.
Hey diary guess what I dont love kira nymore. well atleat i dont want to love him anymore. He just framed me of tripping myself so that he woud like me. I can't beleive him. He said sorry and started studdering. He hasnt studdered since the first grade when he was new in class. Hmmmmm I wonder if Mir can help me practice. UGH I cant get my mind off Kira. He hasn't studdered for sooo long!! He used to have that problem ugghhhhhhhh!!
Fllay put her diary down for a few seconds.
Flash Back:
"Alright class we have a new student!" Mrs. Mayu called in the boy. He had messy brown hair and amythest eyes. He looked very friendly and shy. "Please takea seat next to Fllay over there." Mrs. Mayu pointed to Fllay and began the lesson. Kira took his seat and glanced at Fllay. Fllay waved and smiled. She seemed sweet to Kira but he was still shy. He didn't answer any of the questions. He had a studdering problem and it embarresed him so he usually kept quiet. The class bell rang, it was lunch time.
"Hi I'm Fllay!!" Fllay stuck out her hand towards the boy. "uh h hi I I'm K K Kira......" He blushed. once agai his studdering got in the way. He was expecting Fllay to ask why he spoke like that or to make fun of him but she didn't. "Nice to meet you Kira!" Kira was stunned. she was the first person who hadn't made fun of him.
Flash Back ends:
Umm Diary i gotta go c ya later Bye! XO Fllay
She sighed it was worthless. No matter what she did Kira was stuck in her mind and he refused to come out. The nurse walked in with cretches. "here you go sweet heart." Fllay sighed. The school nurse was so nice. Nothing like those nurses on television, this one didn't yell at you. Fllay thanked the nurse and took the cretches. She hopped out of the room. The cretches were uncomfortable but atleast she got some. She spotted Kira and Yzak talking by some lockers. "Hey Yzak lookat me im litteraly the queen of pain!" Yzak turned around and laughed at the comment. Kira tried but failed to even chuckle. Instead he forced a smile and leaned against his locker.
The school bell rang. Fllay got up but forgot she needed her cretches and fell back. she would have hit her head on Dearka's desk but lucky for her Kira caught her just in time. "Are you ok?" Kira asked afraid of the answer. "Yea let go of me now" fllay mumbled. Kira did as she askedand dropped her hard on the floor. "Oww whats your problem Kira?" Fllay looked up at Kira. "nothing you said "Let go of me!" so I did." Kira said "let go of me" in a high pitched girly voise just to annoy Fllay. He turned around and headed for the door. That exact momemt Lacus walked in. "Oh hi Kira!" lacus smiled."hey Lacus!" Kira greeted her witha kiss. Fllay was hoisting herslef up using Dearka's desk. "Ugh get a room!" She spat out in disgust. Kira looked at her and suddenly froze. Once again Fllay seemed cute in the poition she was and kira couldn't shake it off. He held back the urge to go make out with Fllay and headed out the door followed by Lacus.
Fllay shook her head and whispered. "get out of my mind Kira.". She grabbed her cretches and limped out the door.
Chapter 4 on the way R&R! Sorry this one was so short!