Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One way ticket ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
Rating: PG, maybe future PG-13 (don't think so though)
Genres: Action/Adventure/Humour/Romance
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xS, 6x9
Author: Maaya
Disclaimer: I really hate to write disclaimers, don't you? Anyway, I Do Not Own anything related to Gundam Wing or the movie Con Air. I would write the names of whoever the owners are; only I knew them. Now when you know this; don't sue!
Summary: Duo Maxwell has to go undercover as a prisoner in preventer-business. His mission is to watch over a flight with dangerous prisoners. What happens when the prisoners manage to take the plane and Duo gets stuck in the middle of it?
Warnings: There are shounen ai pairings in this fic, and that means homosexuality! If you hate that, then leave.
One way ticket - Part 6
"Who the *fuck* is this guy?" Wufei said loudly as he saw a man enter the main building of the Preventers.
That a man was entering the building wasn't so strange in it self, but if you added the clothing in the description, you got quite a strange picture, and it's also easier to understand the Chinese Preveter's annoyed asked question.
The man had short black hair, was quite small and he seemed to be slightly overweight. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, and he was dressed in grey costume-pants and a green and pink Hawaiian-shirt. The overall impression was rather strange. Not to say that he played with the gun he carried with him.
It made Wufei slightly worried when the man stopped an officer and asked something. When the officer pointed towards where Wufei stood, the fear grew, and when the strange man sauntered towards him only to introduce himself as "Smith, FBI-agent" his worst fears became true. He groaned quietly.
He tried to keep some authority as he asked, "Where's your partner?"
Smith shrugged carelessly "He'll be here soon, I sent him to order pizza for me."
Pizza! Wufei couldn't believe it. They had less than two hours to prepare him for the mission, which he also said to the unwelcome FBI-agent. Unfortunately, before he could start ranting about it, Sally came up to them and made him pause.
"Hey, Wu-bear! Quat' gave me the letter, `said that they couldn't find anything in it. Who in hell are you?" The last words came when she suddenly saw Smith standing beside her boyfriend, smirking at the pet-name she had given to Wufei, only to be added to the list of `tease Wuffie-names' that Duo had.
Wufei decided to step in. "Sally, this is Agent Smith from FBI. Smith, this is Preventer Sally Poe, my girlfriend." He added the last words since he saw the agent eyeing the female-preventer quite..thoroughly. Wufei didn't like that at all.
Sally suddenly started coughing and she dug in her pocket until she found a handkerchief that she hid her face in. Wufei strongly suspected that the coughs were used only to hide a big laughing, attack, but the only thing he did was to slap her on her back, hard, as he tried to look concerned about his girlfriend's health.
Smith's partner arrived with pizza, only to be dragged away by Trowa to be prepared for his mission. As those things finally were taken care of, Wufei showed agent Smith into a small room filled with video screens that showed what was going on, on the airport. Quatre were already sitting in the room, waiting for them. A surprised sound came from his throat as he saw Smith, who was juggling with his gun, but he didn't comment it. Wufei was glad about that.
The oriental preventer sat down and began speaking as a small man appeared on one of the screens as he stepped out of a car, handcuffed. "This is Bill Smith, A.K.A `Bat'. He's a genius, period. Haven't done all that much, actually, but what he *has* done isn't pretty." He wrinkled his nose as he remembered the pictures of Bat's latest victim. It hadn't been all that much left of the body.
Quatre stood up as he started where Wufei had stopped, pointing at another camera. His voice had taken that tone that he had used during the war, the voice that his friends had named `tactician'. "This is Marc Carsen, thirty-two years old and he's going to be executed once he's out of the country. He's smart, and desperate. He also spent a lot of time studying in jail. We'll keep him and Bat in cages on the plane because of the security."
"Eeeww, tough guy!" Smith smirked as Quatre stopped. He seemed unfazed by the descriptions.
Wufei decided that he *really* disliked agent Smith. "Do you realize how dangerous these prisoners really are!?" His voice became louder and louder and he pointed at another screen "You'll have a man up there, we'll have men up there..look!" He pointed a finger, which trembled in anger.
They saw as Duo stepped out of a car and said something to a prisoner who stepped out behind him. They both smirked, and seemed to get along well enough. "That is Duo Maxwell, an undercover like the man you brought with you! He's been in the prison for a month, only to get to know the convicts, and be a trusted companion. This is an extremely dangerous operation, and if it fails, the Sank-kingdom and the Preventers will be considered guilty!" Wufei stopped in the middle of his rant and took some deep breaths.
Quatre wondered if Noin would be pleased to hear that she was included as on of the `men' on the plane, as he watched Smiths slightly shocked expression with interest.
Wufei seemed to calm down enough to ask Quatre to take over in here, before he stalked out of the room.
Smith leaned towards the blond youth and asked, "Are all the Preventers as uptight as he is?"
Quatre didn't answer.
Noin bit her lip as she stared out of the window of the mini-bus, which would take the prisoners to the airport, a mile from the Sank prison.
She knew that Zechs was angry because she had accepted this job. They had an argument last night about it; she couldn't believe how stubborn he could actually be. He had been close to kidnap and tie her up [1], but she had threatened to break their marriage if he did. He had never acted this way before and he surprised her.
Then, finally, he had broken down and told her that he was worried about her.
How he looked when he had said that was imbedded in Noin's memory for all future; blue eyes wide with worry, and his blonde hair hanging in front of his face. He had looked so scared and.. pathetic. It scared Noin to think about it; because Zechs had reminded her of a desperate child who had lost too many beloved ones.
Somehow, she was ashamed to like the stronger him better. The scared side of him made her uncomfortable, even if she wanted to help him, and live with him.
"Come on, you two, and bring your stuff!" A guard, dressed in an ugly yellow uniform opened the doors to Duo's and X-boys cells. He waited impatiently as they threw their remaining stuff into the brown boxes the staff had given them yesterday. They had been supposed to pack and be ready to go when the guard came, but who actually did as they were told?
Duo remembered X-boys rather surprised face when the braided young man had gotten a box too, and Duo had a hard time explaining why he hadn't told his companion earlier. He had said something about `being moved to..forgot to tell you..' Luckily, X-boy seemed to believe in his made-up story.
Duo took the latest book ha had been given (`Handbook; How to play different card games) and threw it into the box together with the letters he'd gotten from Heero. The guard didn't seem to notice. The reason why he would steal the book was because he had planned to show it to Heero, and complain about how boring it had been in jail. His Prussian-eyed boyfriend had to make up for that..
"I can't believe I'm being moved again" he complained to the guard "I've only been here a month!" Duo didn't know if the guard knew about Duo's `job', the reason he had spoken was because he wanted to make his cover more believable.
"Well, shit head, at least you get to travel." The guard smirked
Duo snorted "Oh, lucky me" he exclaimed with not so little sarcasm. "Lead the way, my man!"
"Sure, honey!" The guard answered with the same amount of sarcasm, and smirked again. Duo blinked in surprise, the guard was cooler than he looked. The guard cuffed them and lewd them trough the corridors until they were finally outside. A white mini-bus stood waiting for them on the yard, and Duo could see people sitting by the windows. He could also see Noin, dressed in the same ugly yellow uniform as she waited for more prisoners to take care of. She looked bored.
"Well, here we go" X-boy smirked as the guard opened the door and told them to go into the bus.
[1] Not that way, hentai!