Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit
Chapter One: The Beginning…the Real Beginning
It's been two years since September 11th, 2001, and it's been two years since I was sent to the Gundam world to fight Osama bin Laden; then Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden; then Treize Kushrenada, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden. But I still remember everything like it was yesterday…
The first thing that happened to me that morning that I was sleeping, listening to my CD player, dreaming about Relena Peacecraft. If my memory serves me right, I think both of us were in a ballroom during the dance.
"Matthew!" she yelled.
"I would love to dance with you Relena," I said, while I was hugging my pillow.
What I didn't realize is that I had just overslept, and that my mom was on the hunt for my room, carrying her large spoon. The next thing I know, she storms into my room.
"Matthew Miranda! Get your lazy butt out of bed!" she yelled.
I woke up immediately and fell off my bed, landed on the floor, and stared at my mom. My eyes were saying, "Why you do that for?"
"I'm up! I'm up! OK?" I yelled back, still holding my pillow in my arms.
"Now, I want you to get dressed for school. Anna and Lilly will be here any minute," my mom told me.
"Yes mom," I said to her, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
So, I got dressed and headed downstairs. My dad was about to leave for work and in an instant he was gone. I grabbed a hot pocket from the microwave as my mom turned on the TV. Then the doorbell rang, and I answered it. Anna and Lilly appeared on the doorstep, smiling at me.
"Ready for another day of pain we call school," Anna said as I stood in the doorway.
"Yeah… let me go get my bag," I said as I ran to my room to get my backpack.
"Bye Mrs. Miranda!" yelled Anna and Lilly.
"Bye mom!" I yelled as we left the door.
My mom closed the door and decided to watch the morning news until it was time for her to go to work. What she saw would devastate her for many weeks: terrorism. 9/11. History in the making. In a split second, she jolted out of her seat, went through the door, and hollered, "Matthew, get in the house: you're not going to school! You too Anna and Lilly!"
"But mom!" I said as we came back to the house into the hallway and living room.
"Just do as I say!" my mom said.
When I looked into the television screen, I knew what just happened. I knew now it was going to be a long day for me.
It was around 7:00 AM when my mom turned on the TV and saw the first Twin Tower collapse. All of us saw the second Twin Tower collapse. Anna and Lilly's parents came to the house and were picked up as a safety precaution. Dad got home around 8, and now both of us had the job of comforting mom, as she started to cry every time they showed the planes slamming into the World Trade, the towers collapsing, or people falling down to a certain death. I started to form tears too from the graphic images. All I thought of the next few days was revenge and one simple question: "What would the Gundam Wing characters do?"
It was a week later since 9/11. My mom decided to home school me for the rest of the school year for my safety. She was afraid that I would die from another terrorist attack, mostly anthrax. I would have to comply for this year, but after that I would head to high school in an genuine high school.
That morning, I woke up a bit later than my usual time. I sighed as I walked towards the bathroom, getting myself ready for the day. I was brushing my teeth when a white vortex came under me and took me somewhere.
"MOM!!!" I yelled as I was sucked into the vortex.
Now, I don't know if I backed out, but when the trip was all said and done, I landed in some unknown place. I couldn't open my eyes. All I could hear was, "It seems that the experiment was a success gentlemen." Now I thought that voice was somewhat familiar. It was. It was Dr. J's voice.