Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Our First Mission ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.

To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)

Chapter Seven: Our First Mission

The base we were headed for was close to the ocean, a forest, and a mountainside, perfect hiding places, or perfect ambush spots. Stonecoat, piloted by Trel, was near the foot of the mountain waiting patiently for the signal from Jason, who was deep in the forest quietly hacking away into the mainframe. I was circling, reading the base and the enemy's positions, also waiting for that signal; Amy did the same. Savanna was looking like a submarine, stealthy cruising under the depths of the ocean.

In a few minutes, Jason was in. It was a piece of cake, like hacking into a home computer.

"Okay, I'm in," Jason said. "The first thing we need to is to plant the virus in the server, retrieve the information, and delete it. There are three rooms that house the main computers, with access to the mainframe. So, Amy, you need the first computer room, and it's heavily secured by cameras and guards, so take the AC ducts to access them, then plant the bug. One that's in, it'll disable all the security cameras and systems, so the next jobs will be easier after that. Trel, you hit the second room though the mobile suit wing and you'll have an easier time getting in, thanks to the bug, plus there are fewer guards. Grab the info, then Matthew, my man; you have to hit the delete button. Are we ready to rock and roll?"

"Just one question," Amy said.

"What are you two going to be doing?" Trel asked.

"Savanna's decoy and I'm leading into the base. You guys better get moving," he said.

Amy, Trel, and I took our positions around the base. Our read was good: there's no one home in the outside, but knew that the inside was heavily defended.

"Are we all green?" Jason asked.

"We are green to go," I said, keeping and eye on Trel, Amy, and for guards.

Everyone else came in and we ready to hit it.

In a few seconds, the mission was underway, as Savanna and Silver Wing erupted the base into red alert. I waited until Amy was in and she planted the bug, so I sat in my mobile suit, keeping myself away from harm.

"Go, go, go. Virus is in," Jason said.

"Rodger that," I said.

I got out of my suit and infiltrated the base easily. I pulled out my guns as I headed into the main building. I had to peek around every corner, since guards may be on the lookout for any intruders. I had my fingers on the trigger finger, making sure I'm not caught first in a shootout, but I went through undetected. I found the computer room, sat down, and started to access the mainframe in a record time. Once I reached to my destination, I readied myself to hit the delete button.

"Jason, I made it, and I'm ready," I said.

"Alright, wait for the signal, and then hit it," he came back.

I waited a few minutes, and then Jason came back to me with good news.

"Okay Matt, you can press the button," he told me.

"With pleasure," I said.

With one hit of the button, the whole entire system was wiped out. "Deleted," I said in a Strong Bad voice.

I ran back to Shining Bird Wing, and started it up. In a few, I was in the air, ready to destroy the base with my Twin Buster Rifle. With one hit, the base was up in flames. Then I saw explosions across the beach, and when I flew over, I saw Savanna's, Trel's, and Amy's Gundam side down with salt water on them. 'Oh, shit,' I thought. Then a weird chuckle came on the radio, and my radar picked up something. I turned around to see a black Gundam on the cliff.

"So, you're the so-called leader of the group," the voice said.

I knew it was coming. I pulled out my beam saber, and the black one did the same. We were underway in our duel. At this point, I didn't know who in the hell was in there, but I would know later it was bin Laden himself. It was a stalemate until he pulled off a cheap move, and I lost my grip on my saber, and now I was cornered next to the ocean. But then savior came in a form of Jason's Gundam. He fired his missiles, and he hit him right on target. Screaming was heard, and Osama said, "I'll be back for you Gundam pilots!" as he flew into the black sky.

The lying Gundams got up, and the cursing commenced.

"Take a number and get in line sister: I got first pickings," Savanna growled.

"Save some for me too," Amy said.

"Lets head back and see what we got on the disk," I said.

I transformed back into my Neo-Bird mode and flew back, with the others in back of me.

It was a good performance for our first mission; except for the bin Laden show up.