Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Operation: Guns and Roses Part 2 ( Chapter 11 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Ten: Operation: Guns and Roses Part 2
We were halfway through the trip to the ball, which was supposed to take place on a luscious country club with 18 holes of championship golf. I had some time I would have gone and probably challenged Jason to like 9 holes or something like that for 10 dollars. Anyway, I was looking at Relena when Amy decided to say hi.
"This is Amy contacting Matthew, do you copy over," I heard over the earpiece.
I continued to stare out of the window, and Amy said the same thing again. I was about to answer her, but she butted in.
"Don't talk, but just nod your head if you got the messages," she told me. I nodded. Meanwhile, Relena was staring out the window.
"I know; I know what you're thinking: your team set you up, right?" Amy said. I nodded and closed my eyes.
"Dude, we've known that you liked her; the blushing gave it away. You know it, and we know it, and probably she knows it," Jason said. I was getting a bit upset, and that caught her attention.
"Is something wrong?" she asked me.
"No, nothing's wrong. My tie is just too tight," I said nervously loosing it. 'So much for that jam,' I thought.
"Matthew dear, start a conversation for god sakes," Trel shouted. I winced at the tone of her voice.
"Matthew, just ask a few questions. We're almost there, like 5 to 10 minutes," Savanna said. I nodded.
I asked her, "Have you ever watched football?"
She turned, smiled, and said, "To be perfectly honest, I never heard of such a game."
So, for the rest of the trip there, I explained the rules, teams, and the many kinds of football in the world. She got very interested and continued to ask more questions. Now, for a Pacifist, I didn't know she would be interested in a violent sport.
Before we knew itbe interested in a violent sport. for a Pacifist, I didn', we where there. I spoke to my teammates before I got out the car. "Assume stances," I said to them. Then I got out, held my hand out for Relena - which she took - and escorted her to the ballroom.
I decided to sit down for a bit. Ballroom music could be heard in the room. She sat next to me, and I continued to tell her about football, like how soccer in Europe is called football. I was continuing on, when she asked me, "Would you like to dance?" I said, "I would love to."
We got out onto the ballroom floor, and we started to waltz. Now, this would be harmony: just she and I dancing, and no one else were there; just the two of us all alone. But the thing is, with all my weapons, I thought I wouldn't be this moveable, but I certainly was.
As we went on, I saw my other teammates getting onto the ballroom floor and dancing, but we where the one that was there from the beginning.
We where deeply looking into each other eyes and we continued to dance slowly to the music.
But what happened next, I didn't expect…