Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Suicide Mission ( Chapter 16 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Fifteen: Suicide Mission
It was about 0730 hours when we received Dr. J's message. We left the island around 0800 hours, left the airport around 0910 hours, and arrived at the base at 1730 hours. We went into the planning room as the doctors welcomed us back.
"Welcome back pilots. I hope your training was successful," Dr. J said. We nodded in response.
"We have the item that will get rid of Osama bin Laden," Professor G said as he passed out a remote to each of us. "You press the button, here, to activate the machine."
"All five of you must be surrounding him to activate it," Master O said.
"Is that understood?" Doktor S asked us. We nodded again in response.
"Bin Laden is waiting for you here," Dr. J said as a map appeared on the screen. It looked like it was somewhere in the US, in the northern states. "Good luck, god speed, and good bye," he said as he saluted. The other doctors saluted, left the room, and headed somewhere.
We looked at the intel a bit more and the team was asking me questions. But Jason was acting weird, like he was spying on those doctors.
After briefing, we headed to the garage to head to the Gundam bay. Jason ran in and said, "Guys, guys, did you know that-" he said before he was cut off by Savanna.
"Yes Jason, it's very obvious that if they say 'Good luck, god speed, and good bye,' it means we're going on a suicide mission," Savanna said calmly heading for her motorcycle.
"It was that or the salutes that gave it away," Amy said, grinning and getting on her bike.
"Besides," Trel went over on the radio, "it's been fun. I mean how many people do you know that have piloted a Gundam?"
"Not even anyone in the military," I said over the radio.
We arrived at the base with our shining Gundams. We all thought that we were strong enough combined to defeat this evil and send it back to our world; it's not like wanted to.
One of the tech people ran up to us and said, "You have an urgent transmission from HQ. Everyone needs to come."
We waited for a bit at the comm. room for the transmission to come through. But when did come through, the Gundam pilots and Relena showed up.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Jason said happily.
"Thank goodness Matthew you're safe," Relena said with a sigh of relief.
"Where in the heck are you guys?" Duo asked.
"Why did you contact us?" Amy asked back.
"What's going on?" asked an enraged Heero.
"We were tricked into going into a suicide mission," Trel said, looking down to avoid seeing Duo's concern eyes. "We found about it, but we still accepted it."
"The doctors didn't know that we found out and they thought we were tricked into accepting the mission," I said in the best possible way in the best possible tone without making Relena cry more.
"But why did you still accept?" Trowa asked.
"We all have our reasons," Savanna said. "But all of us agreed because of the result if we succeed plus the benefits."
"But why?" Duo cried out.
"Look Duo! Don't make this any harder for us than it already is," Trel shouted at Duo; he stopped talking and started to listen to us.
"We don't want you to experience what we've seen," Amy said with a tear.
"But we can face it together!" Quatre said, also forming tears.
"It will put all your lives in danger, and that's a risk we can't take," I said. Then I looked at Relena, smiled, said, "Good bye Relena," and left the comm. room.
When I walked out, I heard a faint "No wait Matthew! I love you!" along with a faint cry. 'I love you too Relena,' I thought to myself.
I prepped for the mission as I waited for the rest of my team to say their goodbyes to their love ones.
We left the base and no one wanted to speak over the radio…it was like a moment of silence...all over again…