Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Expected Suprises ( Chapter 23 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Twenty-two: Expected Surprises
We were packed and ready to head to Salem. The gang packed a few cherry and smoke bombs, fake blood, body parts, and other customs.
We drove past Salem to a huge wooden cabin in a deep forest, which the locals considered to be haunted by an old woman named Agatha and other local legends. We arrived at the cabin and unloaded our gear.
I went to the basement to store the items that Amy and I would use in our operation, such as oxygen tanks, masks, and others. But in a corner, I saw two silver briefcases, long in length, with the tags "Matthew" and "Amy." I also saw a note on a table.
To Matthew and Amy:
I have supplied the both of you a few things that you'll probably need on your mission. Also, head to SalemExecutiveAirportand ask for a "Shoeless Johnson." He's a good friend of mine, and he'll supply you two with the plane needed for the drop.
Good luck,
Dr. J
"AMY!!!" I called to her. Within a few seconds, she was downstairs with me.
"What is it Matt?" she asked me.
"You have a package from Dr. J," I said as we both grabbed the briefcases and opened them. I found inside mine a FAMAS G2 Assault Rifle, my Deagles, and a Thermal & Night Vision goggles (like the one in the video game Splinter Cell) with communication link. Amy found a 5.7 mm FN P90 Submachine Gun, an H&K .45cal Mark 23 pistol, and the headset as well. Also, under the foam, there was our brand-new mission outfits for the both of us (also as seen on Splinter Cell).
"So, you want to head to the airport?" Amy asked.
"Sure, why not," I said as we headed to the car to head to the airport.
At the airport, we asked for "Shoeless Johnson," and the clerk found him easily. We both introduced ourselves, and he knew right from the start we knew Dr. J. He showed us the cargo plane we would be using, named "Harpy Lady," which was a converted MC-130 Combat Talon, a plane designed for these types of drops. He told me that in the early days of the AC that the US military invented a system that allowed planes to fly itself. It was quickly adapted to most of the existing transport planes. By time the time AC 196 rolled around, most of those planes where retired, replaced by more advanced transport planes. There was only one of the Combat Talon planes still in use, and it was also retired; it was auctioned off for civilian use. He was the lucky one to buy it, at a price of $11.5 million dollars.
"It's one-of-a-kind," he told us. "It can take off and land by itself, and I'll execute the drop with no flaws. The only thing I'm worried about is that it hasn't been used in awhile, but it should still work," he said.
We said thanks, and then we had to leave to prepare more for the mission. When we got back, Jason said Savanna had left to get groceries. Amy told me she was going out to do some recon of the base and within a few minutes, she was gone. I went downstairs to prep the things needed to work on our mission.
It was early in the evening, and I was still downstairs looking at the items. Some of the gang got scared when I fired a few rounds off. I brought a TV with me to keep me occupied, and I was currently watching the news, and it featured Relena giving one of her speeches. I missed her so much, and I bet you she missed me too. Then I heard Amy and Trel yell, "They're here!" So I came upstairs, wiping my hand off with a blue rag.
"I'm telling you, I saw Heero!" Amy said, throwing her hands in the air.
"Same here except for Duo and bin Laden," Trel said, but growled at the last part. Meanwhile, Savanna and Jason where munching their heads off with a table full of food.
"So, where not alone. Then we have to be extra careful. Keep a low profile," I said while stealing a few of Jason's French fries.
"I guess the old lady has to make her appearance," Savanna told me; I nodded at her as I went back downstairs into the basement.
A few hours, after she came back, we called it a night and went to sleep. It was October 29th, so we had one day to get our final plan and the next day to execute it perfectly…