Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Another Ball? ( Chapter 29 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Twenty-eight: Another Ball?
We didn't know that after receiving our jackets if we should have put them on. Fred also told us that we had space suits with the same labels, a design based on the Gundam pilot's suits worn during the Eve Wars.
Fred soon started our training in space. We were outside doing spacewalks or two and experiencing zero gravity for the first time. We all did double flips in mid-air without touching the ground, and Jason even pulled off swimming like a frog and it looked so funny. Our training was located behind the moon so that we could be concealed, and for the first time we saw earth from space and not space from earth.
"It's beautiful," Trel said as she looked at the green and blue ball in awe.
"It looks so small," Amy said, "like a kid's marble waiting to be knocked out the ring."
"That's it looked like after I threw up a blueberry pie and a green apple with whip cream," Jason said dreamily.
"JASON!!!" we all shouted at him.
"What? What did I say?" he said.
"Um…we didn't need to know that Jason," I said grossly.
"TMI (Too Much Information)," Savanna said calmly.
The gang continued to train and fight each other to gain experience from our mistakes, and there was many. We knew that a inactive year would equal rustiness, and soon we found our flaws and continued to train.
It was getting close to the first full year of the Eve Wars, and we were prepared for a fight.
All of us were in the gym in the USS Titan training too. Jason was on the punching bag, and Savanna was on the balancing beam, while Amy was practicing her karate moves, and Trel and I were throwing deep bombs with a football. Fred came in with his hand behind his back, so we all stopped and paid attention to him.
"You have a party to attend," he said calmly as we walked towards the center.
"Party? What Party?" Amy said as she walked towards him wiping off her sweat.
"The anniversary of the Eve Wars," he told us.
"That party," Savanna said stealing my football. "What if we get caught?"
"Yeah; we already had our run-ins with three of the pilots," Jason said taking off his gloves.
"You won't," he said with confidence.
"This is because?" Savanna said sitting on the balance beam.
"None of them will be there. My informants told me that they are nowhere near this event," he told us again.
"Besides," I said, "they didn't show up in the movie, only Lady Une and Noin were here, so why should they be there now?"
"Good point," Trel said tossing the football up in the air and catching it.
"You'll have to leave in a few hours, so take a shower for god's sake, get dressed, and pack up because you'll be heading towards your positions in the war," Fred said holding his nose and walking out. We looked at each other and we all cracked up.
"Oh, Mr. English Man telling me what to do? Well let me tell you something I ate: a baby! A baby and the OTHER while meat! Baby: its what for dinner!" Jason did his best impression of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. We were laughing so hard we were crying. We were still laughing when we reached our rooms. We packed our stuff, took our showers, dressed up what we wore at the last ball, and walked out of our rooms.