Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Standoff ( Chapter 35 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Thirty-four: Standoff
15 to 20 minutes had passed, and I was still at a standoff with Dekim who had the trigger on Relena.
"You know Dekim," I said as I walked to the trio, "let's put the weapons and let's talk this out like gentlemen."
"Don't make me laugh," Dekim chuckled. "You may think I'm evil, but I'm not stupid and I am an evil mastermind!"
"No you're not," I said as I came closer.
"What did you say?" he asked.
"You semi-evil, quizi-evil, you're the margin of evil, you're the Diet Coke of evil one calorie less not evil enough," I said to him.
"I am evil! I am the ultimate evil!" he yelled out as he pushed Relena away and aimed the gun at me; Relena ran to the corner and curled up. But before he could pull the trigger, I pulled the trigger first, taking Dekim down to the ground bleeding.
"You may be the ultimate evil, but I'm the ultimate saint you fucking asshole," I said. Then I walked up to Relena, who was shaking in fear shocked by my words, hugged her and stroked her hair.
"It's OK. Everything is fine now Relena," I said to her.
"Matthew?" she asked as she looked at me.
"Hold it right there!!!" Dekim said in a half-haggard voice. Figures out he had enough energy to fire off one more shot. He fired at us, and I held on to her tight, hoping to block the bullet and keep her away from harm.
"Watch out Miss Relena!" Mariemaia screamed as she took the hit from the bullet. I stood up and shot Dekim as many times as possible until I ran out of bullets. Now he had to be dead. I ran up to Mariemaia and checked if she was alive, and she was.
"Warning: self-destruct in two minutes," the intercom said.
I picked up Mariemaia and said, "Well, it's been fun, but we got to exit now." We ran out the base and kept the time in my head, running through the snow.
I was counting down while I jumped started Shining Bird Wing. A few seconds later, after I picked up Relena and Mariemaia, the base went out with a boom.
"Man, talk about a Fourth of July," I said. She was in my lap holding on to dear life with Relena in the backseat. There were some Scorpios left over, and I sliced them like a hot knife through butter.
I contacted my teammates and said, "Mission accomplished everyone. Meet me at the extract point, and Trel, I hope you're good at removing bullets because we have a critically injured with a bullet wound. Also: Nikita dear, please have some of our herbs handy; we're going to need them."
A few minutes later, I arrived at the extract point, and the others soon followed.