Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ We Got Visitors ( Chapter 46 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Chapter Forty-five: We Got Visitors
We arrived at the hotel very late, but we woke up, like we just slept early, at 6 in the morning. It was long time, since my match and Amy's meet didn't start until 12. Trel and Niki's game started at 2 against Brazil, Savanna's meet wasn't until 4, and Jason's boxing match against Russia didn't start until 6.
We met in the board room that we had that briefing yesterday and the Coaches were still not happy, despite hearing from the press that with the "Elite Six," the American team would win most of the medals with no scandal in sight. They were still not happy because the intel we found wasn't good. When we got in, we saw outlines, blueprints, and designs for 6 Gundams - all with a different design.
One was a shark-like Gundam; it could swim in water, had a shark mode, heat-seeking long-range missiles, nets, spears, and a fins that can cut through titanium like a hot knife on butter; name was Great White. 3 were like snakes; had a tail instead of feet, 2 of the 3 had rattlers on the ends, probably had some sort of missile on it, also had a virus implanted into the fangs so that if it bit a Gundam it could shut down its system in seconds, and metal whips; one was golden and called the East Rattler Back; one was bronze and called the Western Rattler Back; and the last one looked like a cobra with a hood, called Cobra X. But the other two looked funny. One was brown and looked like the Bolt Gundam from G Gundam called Sonic Quake, and the other one looked like Kodaic, had a katana, a whip, ninja stars, claws, and had a tiger mode; called Shadow Tiger.
"I'll give you one guess who would be piloting these things," Jason said, examining the pictures.
"It's kind of obvious Jason," Trel said.
"But why do Bin Head, Saddam, and Treizey build these things? We don't even know if they're in production. Heck, I don't even know if Dana would want to pilot one of those," Amy chuckled.
"But what are they trying to get this time?" I asked.
"The usual for any mad man and psychopath in world domination," Savanna said quietly. "That's what they all do."
"They've tried it twice," Niki said, "and failed both times hands down."
"Well like they all say, the 3rd time's the charm," Jason said, and we all looked at him. "Maybe they're after something else here?"
"Maybe it's something else," I stated. "After all, the notes said to 'defeat your rivals and protect Mariemaia,'" while I paced around the room.
"I don't see any connections here," Trel said, leaning back in her chair.
"My guess is that they want Mariemaia. After all, she is Treize's daughter," Savanna said, taking a sip of water.
"But the note said to 'protect Mariemaia,'" Niki said.
"Protect can mean anything Niki, from a life or death situation to a kidnapping," Trel said.
"I don't think he would go that far to kill his own daughter," Amy added.
"Unless you're Michael Jackson," Jason said, doing the crazy sign.
"He's probably mentally stabled," Niki said.
"But we don't know that for sure," I said, "but for now, watch for any suspicious activity."
"But why are the Gundam pilots here? I don't mind the company, but when something's up, they're there," Trel said.
"We'll find out later," I said.
"We do it anyway," Jason snickered. Just then, we heard a knock at the door. We had to close up fast before anyone came in.
"Doors open!" Coach Bombay as Noin, Zechs, Lady Une, Sally Po, Relena, and Mariemaia wearing a USA hat came in. Of course, I was far enough away from Zech's grasp; I didn't want any fights today, just with North Korea.
"Can we help you?" Master Ching said. Lady Une nudged Mariemaia forward who startled back slowly shyly. She also blushed.
"Yes, I was wondering if…" Mariemaia stumbled, "if…if…if I can have your autographs?" as she held a piece of paper out with a pen. We were all in shock because the girl who went crazy now was asking for autographs. I was the first one to respond to the little redhead.
"Sure I don't mind. What about you 5?" I said.
"Fine by me," Savanna said quietly.
"Autographs - let me at 'em," Amy said with a grin.
"Hey, anything for a fan," Trel said.
"Except for the shirts on our backs," Jason said.
"I've never had a fan before, but hey, why not," Niki said with a laugh.
Mariemaia smiled, which was a first for me, and handed me that piece of paper. I signed my name and my press name as I smiled at the former world dominator.
"So what's your name kid?" I asked her as I gave the paper back.
"It's Mariemaia," she told me shyly as she took the paper, and then headed towards Amy; she handed her the paper and Amy pulled out a pen.
"You look a lot like my uncle Duo," she said.
"Uncle?" Amy asked as she signed her name.
"Yeah he looks almost like you," she beamed. Amy handed her the paper, ruffled her hair, and giggled; meanwhile, Mariemaia had moved on to Savanna, and she signed.
"So what's your favorite sport?" Savanna asked.
"I'll bet you 10 bucks it's world domination," Jason whispered, and he got a kick in the shin by Savanna.
"What?" Mariemaia asked. It was good thing she didn't hear that. Anyway, Savanna finished off and handed the little red head the paper. Jason was next in line, and did the same.
"Where you at the pool yesterday?" she asked. Jason laughed nervously, finished up, and said "Nope."
The Tag Team was next up as she handed them the signed paper. Trel picked up the paper and Niki pulled Mariemaia up to her lap.
"Do you have a favorite country?" Niki asked.
"The USA and the Sanc Kingdom," she responded.
"Well you made a good choice," Trel said. She handed the paper to Niki, who then took Mariemaia off her lap and gave her the sheet. She smiled and us all saying "Thank you!" over and over again, jumping up and down over and over. Finally, she ran out of the room, like a regular 8 year old, with Lady Une, Sally Po, Zechs, and Noin following closely.
At the door Coach Myra handed them an envelope with something in it. They left, and before you know it, we heard Mariemaia scream one of those rabid fan girl's screams.
Meanwhile, Relena was smiling at me, and then walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed a bit as the room went into an uproar with Jason howling in the background.
"Thanks everyone," she said as she left the room.
Then the coaches came back in with smiles on their faces.
"Okay what did you do?" Jason asked full of curiosity.
"You'll find out," Coach Maxon said.