Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Round One Reloaded ( Chapter 48 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.

To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)

Chapter Forty-seven: Round One Reloaded

My car arrived at an abandoned shooting range. When the car stopped, I suddenly woke up and saw were I was. Eventually, everyone came and we where wondering why we were here - a shooting range, empty, cold, and in the middle of the desert - and being surprised to see everyone their athletic gear. We stood around a target and huddled around it.

"And the point for coming here besides freezing my ass off is?" Amy said angrily, shivering in the cold.

"I don't think there are any points," Savanna said. Amy growled in frustration as she leaned against a board.

"Well…while we're here…what information did you all receive?" I said looking at the frozen crew. I was the only one bundled up since I changed in the car and had a whole bunch of layers of clothing.

"One, Mariemaia's missing; two, our rivals left early," Niki counted.

"But why would they be watching us?" Savanna asked.

"It's simple: they observed their opponent before their game," Trel stated.

"Well, I don't see the god damn point!" Jason yelled as he punched one of the boards. A few seconds later, the ground shook violently.

"Nice going Jas!" Savanna said, trying to keep her balance.

"Wow…who would ever guess I would be that strong…go figure," he pondered.

The jolt only lasted a few seconds, and after it was done, no one was injured but all of us were shaken up.

"Is the San Andreas Faultanywhere around here?" Niki asked.

"That's all the way in California. Trust me, I know," I said with a grin.

"Then…what the hell? That was an earthquake…it couldn't have popped out of the middle of nowhere," Trel yelled. But after that, all we could hear where crickets chirping.

"I don't know if there are any earthquake faults in Texas," I said.

We were all disappointed since we just made a trip for nothing when the gravel started to move, and then the ground tilted, causing all of us to slide down. A few screams and curses later, we all landed on something bouncy. We couldn't see what it was since it was dark.

"Some lights would be useful now!" Jason hollered as he heard his voice echo around some steel walls. A few ticks later and portable flood lights were turned on and the doctors where waiting for us near a steel door.

"Why can't you guys act like normal people and just meet us somewhere instead of us being sucked underground," Amy ranted. We where all moaning in pain and where cussing to them at the same time.

"Get up, you have a lot of work to do," Dr. J said.

"Make me!" Jason said. The bouncy thing tilted some more and we all tasted hard, cold steel and banged the floor with a huge bang.

"Niki, please tell me you have something for my aches and pains," Amy moaned as she slowly stood up.

"She always does, don't you Nik?" Trel said, beaming at Niki.

"I might have some tea that might cure it," Niki said, smiling.

"Good, 'cause I feel very sick," I said, looking a bit pale.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, this ride is a negative 10," Savanna mumbled.

Eventually, we all got up and walked with the doctors. We only had half an hour to get ready; so we put our mission clothes on, took a good hot shower, and ate a few things. Niki, of course, made her tea and after everyone drank it we were ready to go after one sip. We where told to meet in the hanger; when we got there, we saw our pride and joys. All in a row on one side of the hanger and being worked on by USS Titian crew where mobile suits in their skeletons.

"Are those the Gundams?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but they're in the skeleton form. They need Gundanium and a few upgrades," Professor G said.

"But I thought Duo destroyed his," Trel said.

"They did," Instructor H said.

"I don't think their Gundams where at camp. I think they destroyed theirs before they found us," Trel said.

"But I didn't hear the big bang!" Jason whined.

"Wait a minute…how did our Gundams get out here anyway?" Amy asked.

"That would be my job," a voice said; we all assumed it was Fred.

"Fred, my man, how's it hanging?" Jason said.

"That's not Fred," Master O said.

"Howard?" we all said.

"Yep, the one and only," he said proudly. "My twin bro had to take a vacation, so I used my ship to get these babies over here quietly. A piece of work I must say."

"OK, so what's the plan?" Niki asked.

"It's simple: your coaches gave the blueprints that you stole right after you looked at them," Doktor S said.

"And?" I asked, waiting for more.

"You 6 will fly over Texas with your Gundams. They have been prepared to track down the enemy, but they have something different in their system, and we can't figure it out what it is," Dr. J said.

"OK, sounds easy enough," Jason said.

"Our basic search-and-destroy mission; alright, let's roll!" I said as we scattered in different directions.

I had to take the northwest part of Texas. My mission was to look for any tangos and to eliminate them if they appeared. Sounds easy enough, like what Jason said. But for the next two hours, I didn't see a thing. Nothing appeared on the screen, and on the thermal imaging, all I picked up where stray animals. I was headed for the Texas - New Mexico state line and I still didn't see anything.

"This is Matthew reporting. I'm heading back, there's nothing out here," I said over the comm. system.

"Go right ahead," he said.

I was about to turn when I got hit my something, which was a barrage of missiles from the ground. I went down to check it out, but I found nothing. I pulled out my beam saber to slice the first thing I see move. Then the sand started to shift under me; I turned around and saw the Western Rattler Gundam hissing and sending some sort of sonic wave which sent me flying backwards. Now, the bronze snake surrounded my suit and its tail wrapped around me. I felt like my cockpit was getting smaller, and it was getting smaller.

"Dixie!" I shouted.

"What issssssssssssssssss it?" she replied, hissing. Then I saw a face appear, and it had no hair; instead, there were diamond patterns, and she had fangs, a black tongue, and yellow snake eyes.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???" I yelled ever so loudly.

"I knew you would be sssssssssssssssssssupised Matthew," she said.

"Well, I ain't surprised. What the fuck are you?" I said.

"It's little 'ol me, I'm Dixie Ssssssssssssurgent, pilot of Wwwwwwwwwestern Rattler Gundam and Sssssssnake charmer," she said again.

"And I'm Matthew Miranda, pilot of this Gundam who is about to kick your little rattling ass," I said as I charged up my energy hand and gave her all I had.

She chuckled and said, "Ssssssssilly Matthew, you don't know that sssssssnakessssssss are cold-blooded and they are can be more deadly when heated up."

Obviously, the Burning Finger had no affect on her whatsoever, and it made her stronger and faster. The squeeze became tighter and my cockpit seemed to get smaller.

Just then, before I was going to trying a desperate maneuver, the grip loosened and I heard screaming from the cockpit. She started to hiss and scream madly as she disappeared into the night sand.

Now, I had to head back to base before my Gundam breaks down in the middle of nowhere…but I made it back safely.

Now to think…what in the fuck just happened?