Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Songfic: Minstrel Boy ( Chapter 60 )
To understand any of this, you need to go and read Shadow Fox's Gundam Wing: Go Fight Win. Unfortunately, some of it had gotten deleted, so your best chance of reading the whole story - with alternate endings, EW, and other side stories - is to go to
This is a songfic/fanfic of that story about my character that's in it - Matthew Miranda. It's about what happened after Matthew saved Relena and Mariemaia after The Great Return. The song Minstrel Boy is based Irishman Thomas Moore's classic poem about a musician-warrior gone to fight, and destined never to return. In the movie Black Hawk Down, Joe Strummer, the former lead singer of The Clash, performs the song. He died in 2002.
Note: Italics indicate speech except for the italics above.
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing, but Matthew Miranda is mine. Everything belongs to their respective owners.
// The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone //
// In the ranks of death you will find him //
Everything was clear to me. Everything came to me. I was sitting in my Gundam, as snow was falling in the night. I was getting some sleep; the night was hard for me, after rescuing Relena and Mariemaia from the clutches of evil. I was really tired, so after everything happened, and everyone was fine, I got in my Gundam and slept.
I dreamed about why I was here - 9/11. I remembered the day the towers fell, and my mom cried. I remembered the day we were transported to the Gundam World to deliver an ass kicking to Bin-head and Co. I remembered the day I met Jason, Amy, Savanna, Niki, and Trel. I remembered the day I met the 5 pilots and Relena. I remembered the day I fought in my Gundam for the first time. I remembered the day when I fell in love with Relena. I remembered the day I kissed Relena.
I remembered everything.
// His father's sword he hath girded on //
// And his wild harp slung behind him //
Now, it was Christmas Eve, and I was trying to catch some sleep. But I couldn't seem to fall asleep, so I got out of his Gundam to check out his comrades and friends; I was greeted quickly.
Jason: Hey Matt. Catch any Z's?
Matthew: Nah. I can't sleep. I'll just stay here.
Amy: That's cool.
Trel: Here's some tea if you want some.
She handed me a cup of her tea.
Matthew: Thanks.
// "Land of Song!" said the warrior bard //
// Tho' all the world betrays thee //
While I was drinking my tea, Relena came from behind and hugged me.
Relena: Hey Matthew.
Matthew: Hey. You feel better?
Relena: I'm feeling a lot better.
Matthew: That's good. You want some tea?
Relena: Yeah.
Trel gave her a cup of tea.
Relena: Thanks.
Trel: You're welcome.
Matthew: So, is Mariemaia OK?
Amy: She's recovering well.
Relena: Can we visit her?
Trel: She's sleeping, but you can.
So, I decided to pay a visit to Mariemaia.
// One sword, at least, they rights shall guard //
// One faithful harp shall praise thee! //
I entered the tent where Mariemaia was resting. I had Relena behind me, also seeing how she's doing.
Matthew: Hello Mariemaia.
She slowly opened her eyes to see Relena and me in her sight.
Matthew: How you doing? Are you feeling well?
She nodded, and then hugged me. I hugged back.
Mariemaia: Thank you for saving me Matthew.
Matthew: You're Welcome.
Relena: Are you wounds healing well?
Mariemaia: Yea, Trel's herbs are doing the trick.
Trel walked by and gave us thumbs up. All of us just waved back.
// The Minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain //
// Could not bring that proud soul under //
We allowed Mariemaia to rest. I looked at my clock and it read 12:02 AM. It was officially Christmas Day. All of us greeted each other, and all of us greeted Mariemaia before allowing her to rest.
Matthew: Merry Christmas Relena.
Relena: Merry Christmas Matthew.
I kissed her deeply. She deepened the kiss.
Matthew: Hey, I've been waiting to give his to you.
I handed her a box, which contained a 14k diamond bracelet. She opened it, and her eyes gazed at the bracelet, then she gazed at me.
Relena: It's so beautiful. Thank you!
She put on the bracelet on her wrist. Then I felt her kiss my cheek.
Matthew: You're Welcome.
// The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again //
// For he tore its chords asunder //
It was about 12:45 by now, and I was really tired. So, I decided to back into my Gundam, and try to get some sleep.
Matthew: Good night Relena.
She gave me a good night kiss.
Relena: Good night Matthew.
Finally, I fell asleep.
Everyone else filed into the tents and Gundams to get some sleep.
// And said, "No chains shall sully thee //
// Thou soul of love and brav'ry!" //
While I was sleeping, I thought about what I've done here and my impact. I had a huge role, as I was the leader of the American Gundam Team. Everyone looked me to make the decisions.
I remember why I was here: to defend my country, and its freedom. I felt like a modern-day Patriot. I think all of us feel like a modern-day Patriot.
I wondered if the Americans would remember us as the new generation of freedom fighters. There would be a memorial built in Washington, DC, to remember our actions. But I thought no. That would be crazy. But it could be possible.
I also had flashbacks on everything I've done and did while I was here. Some were good, some were bad, and some were in the middle.
// Thy songs were made for the pure and free //
// They shall never sound in slavery! //
It was morning now, and it was bright and sunny, with no clouds in the sky.
I got out of my Gundam, and I met the sun as it shined over me.
Then everyone else greeted. Relena came over and hugged me.
Relena: Good morning Matthew.
Matthew: Good morning.
Relena: Did you sleep well?
Matthew: I slept well.
Relena: That's good to hear.
We decided to pack our things and head home. Everyone was going his or her separate ways. Everyone said good-bye as we departed.
Relena: Bye Matthew. I love you.
Matthew: I love you too Relena. I'll miss you.
Relena: I'll miss you too.
We both shared a passionate kiss before we parted ways.
And then, we all left.