Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Wings of Freedom ❯ PHASE-00: Titles and Prologue ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dramatis Personae
Gundam Pilots
Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton
Quatre Rababa Winner
Chang Wufei
Aidan Munroe
Lady Une
Lucrezia Noin
Sally Po
Preventer Wind
Relena Darlian
Hilde Schbeiker
Dorothy Catalonia
Crew of the Archangel
Cap. Murrue Ramius
Lt. Natarle Badgiruel
Lt. Mu la Flaga
Arnold Nuemann
Romero Pal
Jackie Tonomura
Dalida Lolaha Chandra II
Kojiro Murdoch
Ens. Kira Yamato
Sai Argyle
Kuzzey Buskirk
Tolle Koenig
Miriallia Haw
Flay Allster
Earth Alliance
William Sutherland
Murata Azrael
Patrick Zala
Cmd. Rau Le Creuset
Athrun Zala
Yzak Joule
Dearka Elsman
Nicol Amalfi
Cpt. Ades
Andrew Waltfeld
Martin Dacosta
Siegel Clyne
Lacus Clyne
ORB Union
Lord Uzumi Nara Athha
Princess Cagalli Yula Athha
Col. Ledonir Kisaka
Dr. Erica Simmons
Asagi Caldwell
Juri Wu Nien
Mayura Labatt
With high expectations, human beings left Earth to begin a new life in Space Colonies. But the United Earth Sphere Alliance gained great military power and began to seize control of one colony after another in the name of justice… and peace. The year was After Colony 195. Operation Meteor. In a move to counter the Alliance's tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies schemed to bring new armaments to Earth disguised as shooting stars. After an intricate and bloody war, the six young men, and their Gundams, were victorious with the help of their allies. In the year A.C. 196 the Earth Sphere Unified Nation was formed and all battle weapons were either destroyed or discarded. However, as long as humanity exists, there will always be battles…
…Another time, another place…
Year 70 of the Cosmic Era. Tensions were mounting between Earth and the ZAFT organization. Due to the Bloody Valentine Tragedy, these tensions exploded into an all-out war. Almost 11 months had passed since the conflict had begun, with no end in sight. The stalemate was broken when, on January 25, CE 71, ZAFT's Le Creuset Team invades the neutral space colony Heliopolis in order to steal the Alliance's new mobile weapon prototypes and destroy its new mobile assault carrier Archangel. All of the prototypes are acquired except for the GAT-X105 Strike, piloted reluctantly by a young civilian named Kira Yamato.
After many difficult battles, Kira and the Archangel thought they would be able to descend to the EA HQ in Alaska under the protection of the 8th Fleet. However, the fleet was decimated and the Archangel's descent was thrown off so that it landed in ZAFT controlled Africa…