Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ When Universes Collide (Perfected) ❯ When Universes Collide (Perfected Version) ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Universes Collide

Marty Rourke(AKA Phoenix7)

Email: SciFi1979@AOL.COM

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, or any of the other anime characters that shall appear in this x-over fic, or the series from which they originate.

Pairings: Inuyasha+Kagome, Miroku+Sango (Inuyasha) , Heero+Relena, Duo+Hilde, Trowa +Cathy (Yeah, I Know They're Sibs, But It's My Fic, And I'll Pair `Em As I Please!), Quatre+Dorothy, Wufei+Sally, Zechs+Noin, Treize+Lady Une,(Gundam Wing) Kou+Nina, Keith+Mora, (Gundam 0083) Domon+Rain, Chibodee+Shirley, George+Marie Louise, Sai Saicci+Cecille, Argo+Nastasha(Mobile Fighter G-Gundam), Amuro+Sayla (Mobile Suit Gundam), And Gene Starwind+Melfina(Outlaw Star)

Rating: NC-17 (Strong language, violence, and sexual situations involving the afformentioned couples, also, death, as in, all the bad guys get torn to bloody hell!!!! YAHOO!!!)^-^

Warnings: If you are under the age of 17, DO NOT READ!!! STRONG LEMON CONTENT HERE! I WARNED YOU!

Author's Note: No, I said I don't own `em, nor will I ever! They all belong to their respective, very talented creators. Thank you, for bringing these cool anime characters into being to be used in stories such as this! Also, Anavel Gato (Gundam 0083), and Sesshomaru, will be good guys in this fic. OOC, I know, but I couldn't stand not having an opportunity for Naraku and Jaken to get nuked, in addition to all the other horrible things that will happen to them *snickers* (ooh, how I hate Jaken!). Without further ado, LET'S GET IT ON!!!

Chapter 1: The Crossover

It was another typical day for Inuyasha and his friends, after having battled with Naraku yet again. However, something was different today. Kagome had managed to shoot Naraku's Shikon Jewel Shards away from him with one of her arrows, purify them with her touch, and add them to their collection. They now only needed 5 more shards. Earlier in the day, as the group was returning from their latest fight with Naraku, Kouga had given Kagome his shards, once he had finally realized that Kagome would not leave Inuyasha. About 3 hours before they reached Kaede's village, Kikyo had been killed by Sango and Kirara for trying to kill Kagome, and that had infuriated Inuyasha, that Kikyo would stoop so low as to try and kill the woman he loved. He had told Kikyo "It's over between us, Kikyo. I've grown to love Kagome, because unlike you, she accepts me the way I am. In fact, Kagome made me realize that you never really loved me. You just made me think so, because you wanted to be free of guarding the jewel. That was why you wanted me to become human. I've decided, Kikyo. I love Kagome, not you." "You bastard, Inuyasha. I'm going to kill that little wench, then make you come to hell with me. Now, take one last look at this second-rate copy of me, before I put my arrow through her heart.........*aghhhhhhhhhhhh*", she cried, as Sango's Hiraikotsu struck her in the back, knocking her down. Kirara finished Kikyo off by slashing her across the throat with her claws. Everyone was tending to their wounds received in this latest fight. Kagome went back to putting some pain relief cream on Shippo's badly scratched-up back, since Shippo had been beaten up badly by Kagura's Dance of Blades attack. His wounds were deep, and the little kitsune was yelping rather loudly. Inuyasha, meanwhile, had already healed, and was helping his brother, Sesshomaru, tend to Rin, who had several nasty cuts and scrapes from when Naraku had whipped her with his tentacles. Inuyasha had pulled Rin out of harm's way, while Sesshomaru pummeled Naraku. They had joined forces 2 weeks ago, after being convinced by Kagome and Rin that they should put their differences aside and act like brothers, as per the wishes of their late father, Lord InuTaisho. The two had agreed, and now, things were really going great between them. Jaken, on the other hand, was being his usual useless, annoying, stupid self, and got fried by Kirara's flame breath for it. "Good kitty, Kirara!," Sango praised her adorable pet. Kirara meowed, hopped up onto Sango's shoulder, and purred, as Sango lovingly stroked her pet's soft fur. Sango went back to tending Miroku's wounds, which he had received while blocking one of Naraku's tentacles, as the evil hanyou had tried to strike Sango down, while she had been busy dealing with Kohaku. Sango rubbed some antiseptic on a particularly deep cut, causing the monk to scream in pain even more. "OWOWOWOWOWOW!," Miroku shouted, as Sango tried to hold him still. "Miroku, please stop moving around so I can get this stuff on your wounds! Your back is a mess!" "Not half as bad as Naraku will be when I get my claws on him!," Inuyasha replied, still seething with rage over how Naraku had backhanded Kagome, giving her a nasty headache, which she quickly recovered from, thanks to an icepack and some Tylenol that Inuyasha had retrieved from Kagome's backpack. "No one hurts Kagome and lives," he said, before he noticed several strange looking two legged metal giants coming towards Kaede's village. Shippo noticed also, and said "K-Kagome, w-w-what are those….?" Kagome looked, and said "My God, those are mobile suits, just like the ones in the anime shows my brother Sota watches!" Suddenly, one of the Gundams, a large one with angelic-looking feathered wings, and carrying a massive twin barreled gun, and a huge energy bladed sword, landed right next to them. The chest opened, and a young human male hopped out, followed by a young, blond haired, blue eyed girl wearing a pink sweater, and a red overcoat. They introduced themselves as Heero Yuy, and Relena Peacecraft-Yuy, respectively. Shippo yipped in fright as the other mobile suits showed up, followed soon by a large red, yellow, and blue spaceship which Kagome recognized as the Outlaw Star.

About 2 hours later:

It had begun to rain very heavily, not to mention heavy thunder and lightning, and they were still at least 2 hours away from Kaede's village, so everyone had helped cover up The Outlaw Star, and the Gundams, before going inside Sesshomaru's castle to wait out the storm. Jaken started being a pest again, and Aisha finally lost what little patience she had, pounced on the hapless little toad demon, and began to strangle him. "If you ever, EVER, EVER, yank my tail again, you wart-covered little bastard, I'll tear you apart and have you for dinner, AS TOAD SOUP!" With that, Aisha hurled Jaken across the room, causing him to go flying straight through the door, into the Gundam Physallis's bazooka. Jim said "Hey Gene, that little toad sure is aggravating, isn't he?" Gene replied, while undressing Melfina; "Yeah, not even Aisha is as annoying as Jaken!" Gato said "Excuse me, Sesshomaru, but would you mind if I fired that little pest out of my Gundam's bazooka?" "Not at all," Sesshomaru replied. Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo dashed to the window to watch, as did Rin. Sesshomaru lifted her up onto his shoulder, and Shippo hopped onto Kagome's, to get a better view. There was a loud mechanical whirring, as Physallis's huge atomic bazooka locked into firing position. Inside Physallis, Gato pressed the button to load the massive Mk82 warhead. One minute later, he pressed another button, which activated Physallis's targeting system. He locked onto an area about 100 miles from Naraku's fortress. The barrel of the huge bazooka began glowing a brilliant bluish-white, and, one minute later, Gato pressed the firing trigger on Physallis's control stick, and the huge bazooka let rip with a mighty blast that caused Shippo to bury his head against Kagome's neck, in order to shield his eyes. Rin pressed her head against Sesshomaru's shoulder, and Melfina hugged Gene tightly. Moments later, Gato came back in, his silvery-white hair plastered to his scalp, and his uniform soaking wet. Monsha looked up, and said "Damn, Gato, I always knew you Zeons were all wet, but….." He got no further, since Gato smashed his fist into Monsha's smart-assed mouth, knocking him out. "Idiot," Kou Uraki chuckled, from where he and Nina Purpleton were curled up by the fire, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Kou stared into Nina's lovely blue eyes, as she stared back into his brown ones. "I love you, Nina.", Kou said, kissing her hungrily. "I love you too, Kou," Nina answered, as Kou ran his fingers through her soft, blond hair. Kou began thrusting in and out of Nina's pussy, hard and fast, causing Nina to moan loudly. "Damn it, Kou, I love you! Please, Kou, marry me?" "Nina, of course I'll marry you. How could I refuse the chance to live the rest of my life with the woman I love?," he said, as he felt her explode around his hardness. He cried out loudly, as he exploded within her. "Oh, gods, Nina, you're beautiful. I should have realized my feelings for you sooner. I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry, Kou," Nina replied. "Just think, we've finally admitted our feelings for each other, and now we can spend the rest of our lives together," she said, softly, as she fell asleep in Kou's arms. Kou pulled out an instant matttress, two pillows, and a blanket from his backpack, and set them up on the floor. Finally, he stretched out on the mattress next to Nina, pulled the blanket over their nude bodies, and was asleep minutes later, his head pillowed between Nina's breasts. Domon Kasshu and Rain Mikamura were almost done getting undressed. As soon as Domon finished helping Rain get out of her soaking wet blue vest, red dress, and her light blue bra and matching panties, he said "Damn, Rain….you're beautiful!" "Domon, I love you.", Rain answered, as Domon began to gently fondle her breasts. Rain grabbed Domon's shoulders tightly, and began moaning loudly, as he thrusted into her pussy again and again. "I love you too, Rain. I'll never let you go. We will be together, forever." Heero was doing the exact same thing with Relena, staring deeply into her beautiful ocean-blue eyes, with Relena looking back into his cobalt-blue eyes, as he thrusted deeply into her repeatedly, his lips locked with hers, savoring her strawberry-and-cream taste, and her spring rain-scented perfume. After nearly forty-five minutes of deep, passionate lovemaking, Heero heard Relena scream his name one final time, before feeling a massive surge of heat between his legs, as he and Relena found their release in unison. They collapsed in each other's arms, as did the other couples, except for Inuyasha and Kagome. "Kagome, you are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Kikyo was nothing compared to you.", Inuyasha said, smiling hungrily at her, as he looked down at her beautiful, naked body. "I love you, Inuyasha.", Kagome said, in between gasping for breath, as she and Inuyasha rode each other again and again. He finally came inside her, marking her as his mate. "I love you too, Kagome.", Inuyasha replied, panting heavily, as he wrapped his long, red haori around both himself and Kagome. He then wrapped his strong arms and legs around Kagome, pressing her against his strong, warm body. She kissed him hungrily, then fell asleep, her head on his chest. He gently moved her so that he would be able to breath in the sweet scent of her hair and skin, while he slept.

Chapter 2: Naraku's Evil Alliance And Sudden Strike

Meanwhile, at Naraku's castle, Naraku was fuming over his loss. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!"; he roared in fury. "HOW COULD THAT STUPID LITTLE WENCH DEPRIVE ME OF MY SHIKON SHARDS??!! ALL THEY NEED TO COMPLETE THE JEWEL IS TO FIND THE LAST 5 SHARDS, AND, WHEN THAT HAPPENS, I'LL BE FINISHED!! I MUST THINK OF A CLEVER PLAN TO WIN BACK MY SHARDS, AND DESTROY THAT HALFBREED WHELP INUYASHA, AND HIS UGLY LITTLE HUMAN WENCH, KAGOME!!!" Suddenly, Kanna entered her master's chamber, and said "Master Naraku, Inuyasha and his friends have gained new allies. Look here," she said, holding out her mirror so Naraku could see what she meant. "Hmmmmm, metal giants controlled by humans, and a metallic bird crewed by 4 humans, and a cat-girl. Interesting," he mused. "Actually, Lord Naraku, Kagura and I spied on them, and heard that the metal giants are known as Mobile Suits, and the stronger ones are called Gundams." She showed him the different suits, their powers, and their pilots. "So," mused Naraku. "Tell me, Kanna, what of the metal bird?" "It is a grappler ship known as the Outlaw Star, lord Naraku. It has numerous weapons. "The crew, Kanna. what of them?" "The captain is this man here. Gene Starwind. His primary weapon is a caster gun, which fires shells with powerful magic in them. He would be a threat even to you, Lord Naraku. I cannot repel power of that magnitude. His assistant is Jim Hawking, the young blond haired boy. His girlfriend is named Melfina, and she is actually something known as a bio-android. The woman with the bokuto sword is an assassin named "Twilight" Suzuka, and she is very lethal. The cat-girl is named Aisha ClanClan, and she is a Ctarl Ctarl. She has 10 times the strength of a human, and is nearly invincible. I propose we make contact with this man….. a powerful Tao magic user named Hazanko. he leads the Anten 7, a feared group of pirate assassins. With their Tao magic, and our power, Inuyasha and his friends do not stand a chance." Naraku gave it some thought, then said; "Excellent idea, Kanna!" He summoned Hazanko through his new reality manipulation power, and then filled him in. "Any chance to crush Gene Starwind, reclaim Melfina, and take back the XGP, is well worth an alliance. I will assist you, Naraku. But, Gene Starwind…. is mine!!" "I only want Inuyasha and his little human wench. We have a deal. We shall leave immediately."

Later, back at Kaede's village, everyone there got to see the mobile suits, and the Outlaw Star. Chuck Keith, in his newly-adopted MS-14JG Gelgoog Jaeger, was scouting the area with Gato, checking for any signs of Naraku, when, suddenly, he saw him coming, and radioed Kou. "Uh, Kou…" "Yeah Keith," Kou asked, not liking the nervous sound of his best friend's voice. "That ugly scumbag Naraku's on his way, and he's bringing guests!" Gene pulled his binoculars out, then said "OH SHIT, THAT'S HAZANKO, AND THE ANTEN 7! BUT….THEY'RE DEAD! Melfina, get back in the ship, lock it up, and stay hidden. I don't want to lose you, Mel." "Okay, Gene. I love you!" "I love you too, Melfina. Stay safe. Jim, Suzuka, Aisha, LET'S KICK SOME ANTEN ASS!"

The fight began, and immediately, Suzuka scored a tally for the good guys by slashing open Hitoriga's chest with her bokuto. Aisha took out Iraga, then Jukai, in quick succession. Gene, meanwhile, was busy with Shimi. Jim saw Wing Zero Custom blow Hanmyo to atoms with a blast from its huge twin-barreled beam rifle, but, he was over it. she was a Kei pirate, an enemy, so he pulled out his pistol and dropped Mata and Kemi, Hanmyo's two super-intelligent cats, with headshots. Deathscythe Hell Custom, Heavyarms Custom, Sandrock Custom, Nataku, Tallgeese III, Epyon, Taurus, Lady Une, Hilde, and Sally in their Serpents, Gundam Maxter, Gundam Rose, Bolt Gundam, Dragon Gundam, Burning Gundam, Rising Gundam, and Nobel Gundam, as well as the RX-93 Nu-Gundam, piloted by Amuro Ray, and the RX-78 NT-1, piloted by Sayla, Amuro's lover, were all making mincemeat out of the Kei pirate assassin robots that Hazanko had brought with them. Sango took out 8 of them with her katana, and another 14 of them with her Hiraikotsu. Shippo slagged 8 of them using his foxfire spell, after he saw them ganging up on Kirara. Aisha grabbed two of them from behind, and bashed their heads together, then she drove her sharp claws through the armored chestplate of another one. Treize brought Epyon's plasma saber into play, and sliced 6 more of them into scrap metal. Kirara bashed 3 of them into a tree with a swipe of one of her huge paws, after she transformed, and then melted another 15 of them with her flame breath. Gato nuked 100 of them with the Physallis's bazooka, then tore another 50 of them to ribbons with Physallis's 60mm head-mounted vulcan machine guns. after taking out the last 14 of them with her beam whip, Allenby made a funny face at Hazanko, just to piss him off. "Hey, ugly," she said, "got any more tinkertoys, or are ya fresh out?!" Everyone started laughing hysterically, even Argo. Shimi finally went down when Gene nailed him in the chest with a shotgun blast. Inuyasha jumped at Hazanko, only to be viciously slammed onto his back by Hamoushi, then stabbed in the shoulder twice by Tobigera. "INUYASHA!!!", Kagome shouted, as she tried to hit Kagura with her arrows. Sesshomaru leaped onto Kagura's back, and punched her head off in a spray of blood. Kanna fell to a #3 shell from Gene's caster gun. Miroku sucked up Hamoushi with his Wind Tunnel. Tobigera went to finish off Inuyasha, only to be suddenly ripped to shreds by his Iron Reaver Soul Stealer. now, only Naraku and Hazanko were left. Gene fired a #13 shell at Naraku, but he dodged, and it hit Hazanko, doing nothing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA, GENE STARWIND! DID YOU THINK THAT A CASTER SHELL COULD STOP ME NOW, WHEN IT DID NOTHING BEFORE? YOU FOOL. NOW…..DIE!!!!!!!!!" "Pugwah sumfa pugwah sumfa pugwah sumfa pugwah sumfa gianta siar!!!!" A huge yellow beam of Tao energy shot out of Hazanko's hands, but, instead of hitting Gene, the beam was absorbed by the powerful gundanium alloy/rare metal hybrid armor of the Burning Gundam. Domon quickly brought the Burning Gundam into play. "HERE I GO," he said; "THIS HAND OF MINE BURNS AND ROARS! IT'S LOUD CRY TELLS ME TO GRASP VICTORY!!!! SEKIHA TENKYOKEN!!!! Hazanko was atomized by the powerful attack. "YOU'RE PATHETIC!," Domon said, as he took up a defensive position, and began to assist the evac of the villagers with Rain.

Naraku, meanwhile, had taken 3 arrows from Kagome, and was weakened badly. However, he managed to summon enough strength to lash out with one of his tentacles, and speared it straight into Kagome's heart. She stood there for a second, staring blankly ahead, staggered backwards, then fell to the ground with a loud <THUD!>. "K-K-KAGOME!!!!!!", Inuyasha shouted, running over and cradling his lover in his arms. Kagome spat a large amount of blood from her mouth, then said "I-I-Inuyasha, I…..I love you…..". her head sagged over to the side, the lights in her lovely brown eyes went out, and then, she died, there in Inuyasha's arms "K-Kagome..........I swear........I will avenge you.", Inuyasha said, while struggling to hold back his tears. Inuyasha then wheeled about to exact his revenge on Naraku. "NARAKU!!!!!!!!" Inuyasha roared, his eyes flaring red. "NO ONE HURTS KAGOME AND LIVES!!!!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! FIRST, YOU TURN KIKYO AGAINST ME, THEN YOU KILL HER, THEN YOU TURN SANGO'S BROTHER AGAINST HER. THOSE ARE BAD ENOUGH, BUT NOW, YOU'VE CROSSED THE LINE, ASSHOLE!!!!!! I HAD FINALLY LEARNED TO LOVE AGAIN, AND KAGOME WAS MY HEART, MY SOUL, MY…MY MATE, MY LOVE, AND NOW, YOU'VE KILLED HER TOO! NOW, I'M GONNA AVENGE THE DEATH OF MY BELOVED MATE KAGOME…………BY SENDING YOU TO HELL IN TEN BILLION LITTLE FUCKING PIECES!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE, NARAKU, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Kukukukuku….. that stupid little wench was useless, Inuyasha, and you'll be the one to die!!!!" Suddenly, without warning, Naraku was blown off his feet by the Full-Vernian Gundam's beam rifle. "Hah, gotcha, you bastard!", Kou

shouted. In retaliation, Naraku lashed out with one of his tentacles, and smashed the Full-Vernian into a tree, hard. "KOU!!!" Nina shouted, fearing for her lover's safety. Mora held her friend back, saying: "Nina, Kou's okay. Gato and Keith are going to get him now, and this is Inuyasha's fight."

"NARAKU, YOU WORTHLESS, UGLY, ETERNALLY DAMNED BASTARD, I VOWED THAT I WOULD HAVE MY REVENGE ON YOU SOMEDAY, NOW, HERE COMES YOUR TICKET TO HELL! IRON-REAVER SOUL STEALER!!!!", Inuyasha shouted, ripping Naraku's arms and legs off, and gashing up his chest. Finally, he unsheathed Tetsusaiga, and, aiming the blade at him, he shouted "BACKLASH WAVE!!!!!!!!!!" Deadly spirals of energy engulfed Naraku, tearing him apart inside and out, until there was nothing but a huge smear of blood on the ground, as well as a massive crater. Shippo ran over to Kagome, and began sobbing loudly, burying his face in her clothes. Inuyasha gently picked up the little kitsune, and began speaking calm, soothing words to him, even as he was crying uncontrollably himself. Miroku and Sango were unable to do more than just hug each other, sobbing against each others' clothes. Sango let go of Miroku, and rushed over to Kagome's side, so she could pay her final respects to her dear friend. Kirara stood at Sango's side, as always. Even though she could see Kagome's lifeless, bloody body lying in a crumpled heap in front of her, Sango still couldn't believe that Kagome, the one that she had come to think of not only as a sister-in-arms, but also as one of her best friends, was dead. Melfina exited the Outlaw Star, and began sobbing heavily when she saw Kagome laying there, a huge amount of pooled blood around her. Suddenly, Melfina saw something in the nearby stream. "GENE!", she shouted, "GENE, THERE'S SOMETHING OVER HERE. IT LOOKS LIKE 5 SHARDS OF A PINKISH-PURPLE JEWEL!" "MY GOD," Inuyasha exclaimed, "THAT'S THE REST OF THE SHIKON NO TAMA!!!!!!!! GET IT! I CAN USE MY WISH ON IT TO BRING KAGOME BACK TO LIFE, AND MAKE HER IMMORTAL, AS WELL AS GIVING ME THE POWER TO CONTROL MY BODILY CHANGES, BE IT MY FULL YOUKAI FORM, MY HANYOU FORM, WHICH YOU'RE SEEING NOW, AND MY HUMAN FORM!" Relena and Allenby quickly gathered up the shards, and handed them to Inuyasha. Miroku gave him his 3 shards as well. with Naraku dead, his cursed hand was no more. Kohaku appeared near Sango, and she hugged him happily, sobbing, glad to finally have him back. He was still 11, since he had not aged, due to the Shikon shard that had been in his back. Meanwhile, Inuyasha took the jewel, walked over to Kagome, knelt down beside her, and let the jewel float up into the air. It asked Inuyasha in his mind "what do you desire?" Inuyasha replied, with his mind "I wish for my love, Kagome, to be returned to the living world, and that she be made immortal, so she can be with me, always. I also wish to have the power of a youkai, but to keep my heart, mind, and soul, as they are now." "As you wish…," replied the Shikon no Tama. The jewel shone it's bright, rainbow light onto both Kagome and Inuyasha. Moments later, Kagome stirred, and Inuyasha ran over to her, picked her up, and kissed her hungrily, his tongue battling with hers. "I love you, Kagome, and I will always love you.", Inuyasha said, smiling at her, staring into her big, deep brown eyes, with love shining from his brilliant amber gold ones. "I love you too, Inuyasha.", she answered. "Where's Naraku, is he…..?" "He's dead, Kagome. I killed him myself with Tetsusaiga." "Oh, Inuyasha…. we can finally marry and live our lives in peace!"


Today was the day that Inuyasha and Kagome had been waiting for….. their wedding day. They had all decided to hold the wedding in Inuyasha's time, after having had one already in Kagome's. The Outlaw Star crew had found a way to get back to their dimension, using a gravity slingshot, and the Gundam pilots had gone with them, to be dropped off in their own dimension. Sango was Kagome's bridesmaid, and Kohaku was the ringbearer. Sesshomaru was his brother's best man, and Rin was the flower girl. Jaken, on the other hand, was currently being fried by Kiraraagain, since he had pissed her off by yanking on her tails. Miroku wrapped things up quickly, seeing as it was a feudal-era wedding. he said "By my holy power, I now pronounce this man, Inuyasha, and this woman, Kagome Higurashi, husband and wife!" Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged rings, and kissed each other passionately, sealing their vows eternally.

After a long party, Kagome and Inuyasha headed back to the well, and jumped in, since they had decided to live in Kagome's time. Shippo came along, too, not wanting to be without Kagome. before they left, they wished Miroku and Sango luck with their marriage, and thanked Sesshomaru and Rin for their help. Shippo did one last favor before hopping into the well with his friends. He hit Jaken in the ass with his foxfire spell, then Sesshomaru finally killed the annoying little twerp with his poison claw attack. Shippo hopped into the well, and knew that they'd be back to visit many times!


As Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippo relaxed in Kagome's room, eating popcorn, drinking root beer, and watching Hot Shots: Part Deux, the three of them were laughing so hard, their sides were hurting. "Gods, Kagome, that was so darned funny. I mean, I never thought I'd see a guy die from having a chicken shot at him!", Shippo said, inbetween bouts of laughter.

later that night….

It was 11:05 pm. Shippo had curled up in Kagome's sleeping bag, and was fast asleep. "Now, Inuyasha," Kagome said, "Please….make love to me." "How could I refuse you, Kagome, my love?" he answered, pulling her against him. He began pulling off her clothes, and she did likewise with him. Finally, they laid there in Kagome's bed, both fully nude. "K-Kagome…….you're…..beautiful," Inuyasha said, shocked at just how truly lovely Kagome really was. "And you, Inuyasha, are very handsome," she replied, blushing. He wrapped his haori around them both, as well as her bedsheets, since it was a bitter cold night outside, and, before long, Inuyasha began repeatedly thrusting into Kagome's pussy, claiming her as his mate, forever. She moaned in ecstasy as she neared her climax, screaming his name, as she held his shoulders, tightly. She climaxed five minutes later, and Inuyasha did so another 3 minutes after her. They fell asleep, wrapped warmly in each other's arms and legs, Inuyasha's red haori, and Kagome's blankets. Just moments before he fell asleep, as he held Kagome tightly, her head resting next to his on the pillows, Inuyasha thought to himself… "Kagome's world sure is strange and new for me, but since Kagome is now my mate, I see no reason why I won't be able to get used to it. After all, I've got a lovely mate, a new family, and I couldn't be happier….'' He said to himself as he drifted off, lost in the lovely scent of honey, fresh spring flowers, and mint, that was the sweet essence of Kagome, the beautiful woman who would now be his mate for the rest of eternity.


FINISHED ON: August 8, 2004, AT 1:57PM




Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo get a visit from Miroku and Sango, who go through the well to tell them of a new demon that is wreaking havoc. Can they stop it, or will this new demon annhilate them? The other anime characters will be back (The ones from Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam wing, Gundam 0083, G-Gundam, and Outlaw Star), as well as the characters of Yu Yu Hakusho (Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Kayko, Koenma, and Botan.), and Witch Hunter Robin (Robin Sena, Amon, Yurika Dojima, Miho Karasuma, Haruto Sakaki, Michael Lee, and Kosaka). Pairings will be the same, as well as Yusuke+Kayko, Kurama+Botan, Amon+Robin, and Sakaki+Dojima.