Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Level 1, Match 11 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 15

Level 1, Match 11

Written By
Mark Moore

Italy has defeated Syria and remains in the tournament. Now, attention shifts to the next match.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 4:52 PM, Eastern Daylight Time

The United States military base where the Gundam was being tested was Aznable Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. The Gundam was in a hangar.

Lunamaria Hawke, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Emma Sheen stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Lunamaria. Standing at consoles on the platform were Nina Purpleton and Lucette Audevie, the two engineers that had designed the Gundam for the United States Government. They worked for Anaheim Electronics and were currently under military command while on this project. The fourth person on the platform was Relena Peacecraft. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Emma.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Nina's request, Lunamaria pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Nina smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Lunamaria pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Nina nodded. "Good!"

"I think she can take a break for a while. I'd like to set up a test of the Gundam's flight speed."

Nina nodded. "Agreed, Lucette. Power down, Lunamaria."

Lunamaria opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Lunamaria got out of the cockpit.

Nina looked at Emma. "I'll get some engineers to clear the area."

"How long will that take?" Emma asked her.

"Maybe a half-hour."

Murrue Ramius, Emma's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Emma and Lunamaria saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Nina?"

"Pretty well. We're going to test the Gundam's flight speed. I'm getting engineers to clear the area."

"I guess you were so caught up in your work that you forgot about the time. Match 11 is going to start soon."

Lunamaria smiled. "Thanks for reminding us. Let's go to my house to watch it. I'll cook dinner."

Murrue smiled. "Sounds good."

Emma, Relena, Nina, Lucette, and Murrue gathered in the living room in Lunamaria's house and took their seats.

Lunamaria, carrying a tray with six large glasses filled with cola, walked into the living room. The other five women each took a glass. Murrue set the tray on the table, took a glass, and sat down.

Lunamaria turned on the television.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Level 1, Match 11, of the First Gundam Tournament. We're here live in the Rub' al Khali desert. Allow me to introduce myself to those of you watching at home. My name is Bright Noa. I am the commentator for this tournament. Today's match is Yemen versus Germany. The Yemenese pilot is Ali al-Arashi. The German pilot is Horst Merkel. Yemen's Gundam - the sandy one - is 19 meters tall, 1 meter of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. Germany's Gundam - the brown one - is 21 meters tall, 0.5 meters of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. The match is about to begin."

"Fight!" a simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

Ali moved his Gundam forward and punched Germany's Gundam with its right fist. Germany's Gundam was knocked back a bit.

Horst made his Gundam jump into the air, then he fired at Yemen's Gundam with the beam rifle in its left hand. The shots hit Yemen's Gundam repeatedly.

Ali fired at Germany's Gundam repeatedly with the beam rifle in his Gundam's left hand. The shots hit Germany's Gundam repeatedly.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Germany's Gundam declared.

"Take that!" Ali yelled.

"Take this!" Horst yelled.

Horst fired his Gundam's beam rifle repeatedly, hitting Yemen's Gundam over and over again.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Yemen's Gundam declared.

"You won't do that again!" Ali exclaimed.

Ali kicked Germany's Gundam ten times with his Gundam's right leg.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Germany's Gundam declared.

Horst kicked Yemen's Gundam repeatedly with his Gundam's left leg.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Yemen's Gundam declared.

Ali fired his Gundam's beam rifle. Horst activated his Gundam's thrusters and flew his Gundam into the sky, dodging the blast.

Horst fired his Gundam's beam rifle repeatedly at Yemen's Gundam, hitting it repeatedly.

"Checkmate!" the simulated male voice of Yemen's Gundam declared.

Ali's Gundam fell backwards.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!" the simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

"Damn it!" Ali exclaimed. "How could this happen?!"

"And there you have it. Germany has beaten Yemen. Yemen is out of the competition, but it is allowed to assist another nation of its choice. Germany moves on to Level 2. There will be more coverage on your evening news. Thank you for joining us."

Lunamaria turned off the television.

"We've got some time before the evening news begins. I'll make dinner now." Lunamaria stood up.

Lunamaria collected the empty glasses, placed them on the tray, and carried them into the kitchen.

Lunamaria placed one whole chicken each in three rotisseries, closed the doors, plugged the rotisseries into outlets, and set the timer on each of them.

Lunamaria quickly washed the glasses and set them to dry.

Lunamaria walked back into the living room.

She took her seat.

The evening news came on.

Peter Jenkins, the lead anchor, was sitting at his desk in New York City.

"Good evening, everyone. The eleventh match of the first level of the First Gundam Tournament was held in the Rub' al Khali desert this afternoon. The participants were Yemen and Germany. Germany won. It will move on to Level 2. Yemen, meanwhile, having been eliminated from the tournament, has announced today that it will not back any nation in the tournament. We turn to our White House correspondent, Donald Samuelson. Donald, how is the White House reacting to Germany's victory and Yemen's defeat?"

"Peter, the White House is happy that Germany won this match, because it did not want Yemen to win. At least, this is another regime that won't be spreading worldwide."

"Do the resources of Germany match those of the United States?"

"It's possible, Peter. It's a pretty good Gundam. However, we won't know for sure until we face it."

"All right. Donald Samuelson, many thanks. Now for the day's other news."

Lunamaria turned off the television.

"Dinner should be ready." Lunamaria stood up.

The rest of the women stood up as well.

Lunamaria opened the rotisseries and took out the chickens. She placed them on plates. She unplugged the rotisseries.

Lunamaria took the plates to the table and sat down with the other women.

Each woman took a chicken leg, a chicken wing, and half of a chicken breast; placed them on her own plate; and started eating.

"What do you think of the match?" Murrue asked.

Emma swallowed a piece of chicken. "I'm happy that Yemen lost. Its Gundam wasn't impressive, though."

Relena swallowed a piece of chicken. "I'm concerned. Yemen isn't officially supporting another nation, but I wouldn't be surprised if they helped another conservative Islamic state behind the scenes."

Lunamaria smiled. "This match was mildly interesting."

Murrue smiled. "Yeah, it was about as interesting as the previous match, anyway."

Nina looked at Lucette. "Now that we've made it to Level 2, the challenge will be tougher. We should upgrade our Gundam."

Lucette considered that for a moment. "Yeah. Good idea."

Murrue frowned. "Once we finish dinner, let's go back to base and run some simulations."

The women entered the simulation room in the base.

Emma got into the simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

Murrue made some selections on the computer console. "Using the battle data that was sent to us from today's match, I'm going to program the drone to be a combination of our, Australia's, Niger's, Kuwait's, the United Kingdom's, Turkey's, Poland's, Russia's, Iran's, Austria's, Israel's, Venezuela's, Lebanon's, France's, Iraq's, Jordan's, Egypt's, Spain's, Syria's, Italy's, Yemen's, and Germany's Gundams. If you can beat this, it won't be a guarantee of victory in your next match, but it should boost your confidence. Okay, try this."

The screens inside the simulator turned on. They displayed a city street at night. Skyscrapers appeared to Emma's left. A drone of Emma's Gundam appeared in front of her.

"Fight!" the simulator's male voice declared.

Emma moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at the drone. The drone jumped and avoided the attack. Emma jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit the drone repeatedly. Emma then kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Emma knew that she had caused damage to the drone. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at the drone with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Emma's Gundam landed back on the street. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

The drone came at Emma and kicked her Gundam five times with its left leg. Emma punched the drone three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it six times with her Gundam's right leg.


Emma knew that she was close to victory. She kicked the drone ten times with her Gundam's right leg.


The drone fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

The simulation ended. The screens went black.

Emma got out of the simulator.

Murrue smiled. "Pretty good, Emma."

Nina looked at the statistics on her screen. "Your reflexes are pretty good."

Lucette looked at the statistics as well. "So is your strategy."

Emma walked over to them and smiled. "Thanks."

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

In Montreal, Canada, Christina MacKenzie, Reccoa Londe, and Flay Allster sped down a road in Christina's red convertible. They were listening to "Victory" by Bond on the radio.

They soon arrived at École du Ciel.

Christina parked her convertible in one of the faculty parking spaces.

After parking the car and getting out of it, Christina, Reccoa, and Flay walked to the school's entrance. It was a cool Autumn evening. A gentle breeze was blowing.

Christina inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "The breath of Autumn is a whisper to the soul."

Flay inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "Absolutely. I know what you mean, Christina. It feels wonderful. It's so refreshing and uplifting. It makes me feel joyful."

Reccoa inhaled the fresh air and exhaled. "You're right. However, nothing beats Autumn in Paris."

Christina opened the door to one of the buildings and stood aside. Flay walked into the building, Reccoa followed her, and Christina followed her.

They walked down a corridor and over to an office.

Christina knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Christina opened the door and walked into the office. Reccoa followed her. Flay followed and closed the door behind her.

Natarle Badgiruel, Christina's superior officer and the school's dean, was sitting behind her desk.

Une Antonn was sitting in a chair in Natarle's office.

Christina saluted Natarle. "Lieutenant Christina MacKenzie reporting as ordered, sir."

"At ease, Lieutenant."

Christina relaxed.

Natarle smiled. "Miriallia has created something that she wants you to see, Christina."

Christina smiled. "What is it?"

Natarle stood up. "Let's go to the hangar. She'll show you."

Christina grinned. "Yes, sir!"

Une stood up. "I think you'll like it, Christina. You, too, Reccoa."

Natarle, Une, Christina, Reccoa, and Flay each submitted to thumbprint and retinal scans outside the hangar. Then Natarle typed in a code on the keypad.

The hangar doors opened.

Natarle, Une, Christina, Reccoa, and Flay walked into the hangar.

The hangar doors closed.

Soon, they arrived at the Gundam.

"So where's the surprise?" Christina asked Natarle.

"Patience, Christina."

Natarle, Une, Christina, Reccoa, and Flay walked into the elevator. Natarle pressed Up, and the elevator rose. It stopped at the chest area, and the five women got out of the elevator.

Miriallia Haw, the Gundam's head engineer and communications officer, was standing at a console. Standing with her was Stella Loussier. Catherine Bloom was also standing there, staring at the Gundam in fascination.

Miriallia turned to face Natarle and saluted. "Sir!"

"At ease."

Miriallia relaxed.

"How's the Gundam coming along?" Natarle asked.

"Well enough. It'll be ready in time."

"I want you to show your new invention to Christina, Reccoa, and Flay."

"Well, basically, I added a second simulator. It's connected to the original. It will allow Christina to practice against a human opponent. It was a bit pricey, but I think it'll pay off when you win your first match."

Christina smiled. "You seem to have a lot of confidence in me, Miriallia."

Miriallia smiled. "Think positively."

"I'll try."

"Stella helped me with the simulator."

Stella smiled. "I look forward to your comments on it."

"Will you be ready in time?" Miriallia asked Christina.

"I believe so. I've practiced in the simulator for many hours."

"Want to try it out?" Miriallia asked.

Christina smiled. "Of course."

Miriallia turned to face the Gundam. "Asuna! Come on out!"

The Gundam's cockpit, which was located in the chest area, opened, and Asuna Elmarit, the test pilot, got out.

"Asuna, Christina is going in the sim. Let's go and watch her."

Asuna smiled. "Okay."

All of the women walked over to the elevator and rode down to the floor.

Miriallia smiled. "All right, Christina, let's see how you do."

The women entered the simulation room in another building on the campus.

Christina got into the first simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

Natarle made some selections on the computer console. "Let's try a computer opponent first. Using the battle data that was sent to us from today's match, I'm going to program the drone to be a combination of our, Australia's, Niger's, Kuwait's, the United Kingdom's, Turkey's, Poland's, Russia's, Iran's, Austria's, Israel's, Venezuela's, Lebanon's, France's, Iraq's, Jordan's, the United States', Egypt's, Spain's, Syria's, Italy's, Yemen's, and Germany's Gundams. If you can beat this, it won't be a guarantee of victory in your match, but it should boost your confidence. Okay, try this."

The screens inside the simulator turned on. They displayed a dock. The ocean appeared to Christina's left. The drone appeared in front of her. A thunderstorm was approaching. There were dark clouds in the sky. Lightning flashed. Christina heard thunder. There was a light chop to the water.

"Fight!" the simulator's male voice declared.

Christina moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at the drone. The drone jumped and avoided the attack. Christina jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit the drone repeatedly. Christina then kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Christina knew that she had caused damage to the drone. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at the drone with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Christina's Gundam landed back on the dock. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

The chop in the water was now medium.

The drone came at Christina and kicked her Gundam five times with its left leg. Christina punched the drone three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it six times with her Gundam's right leg.


The chop in the water was now heavy. Water was splashing onto the dock.

Christina knew that she was close to victory. She kicked the drone ten times with her Gundam's right leg.


The drone fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

The simulation ended. The screens went black.

Christina got out of the simulator.

Natarle smiled. "Pretty good, Christina."

Miriallia looked at the statistics on her screen. "Your reflexes are pretty good."

Catherine looked at the statistics as well. "So is your strategy."

Christina walked over to them. "I don't know. All that it proves is that I can defeat Australia's, Niger's, Kuwait's, the United Kingdom's, Turkey's, Poland's, Russia's, Iran's, Austria's, Israel's, Venezuela's, Lebanon's, France's, Iraq's, Jordan's, the United States', Egypt's, Spain's, Syria's, Italy's, Yemen's, and Germany's Gundams."

Flay frowned. "She's right. Who knows what the other nations have?"

Asuna gave Emma a cheerful smile. "Don't worry, Christina. The real thing feels just like the simulator. I think you'll be able to use our Gundam to its full potential."

Christina smiled at her. "I wish I was as confident."

"Do you want to try fighting a human opponent?" Miriallia asked.


"Okay, get in."

Christina got into the first simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

Miriallia made some selections on the computer console. "I switched the program to 2-player mode. Do I have a volunteer?"

Reccoa walked over to the second simulator. "I'll try it."

"Okay. Hop in."

"Hop?" Reccoa asked, unsure.

"Not literally - unless you want to."

Reccoa got into the second simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

The screens inside the simulators turned on. They displayed a dock. The ocean appeared to Christina's left and Reccoa's right. A thunderstorm was approaching. There were dark clouds in the sky. Lightning flashed. Christina and Reccoa heard thunder. There was a light chop to the water.

"Fight!" the simulator's male voice declared.

Christina moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at Reccoa's Gundam. Reccoa jumped and avoided the attack. Christina jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit Reccoa's Gundam repeatedly. Christina then kicked Reccoa's Gundam three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Christina knew that she had caused damage to Reccoa's Gundam. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at Reccoa's Gundam with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Christina's Gundam landed back on the dock. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

The chop in the water was now medium.

Reccoa came at Christina and kicked her Gundam five times with her Gundam's left leg. Christina punched Reccoa's Gundam three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it three times with her Gundam's right leg.


The chop in the water was now heavy. Water was splashing onto the dock.

Christina knew that she was close to victory. She kicked Reccoa's Gundam five times with her Gundam's right leg.


The drone fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

The simulation ended. The screens went black.

Christina got out of her simulator.

Reccoa got out of her simulator.

Reccoa smiled. "Pretty good, Christina."

Christina smiled. "Thank you, Lieutenant. It was fun."

With Japan's first Gundam match fast approaching, Fa Yuiry is worried of her performance. Will she be ready in time?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Fa's Doubts"

You will race with the tide.