Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Sayla Takes It Easy ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 23

Sayla Takes It Easy

Written By
Mark Moore

Author's note: Welcome to Level 2 of the tournament. I know that there's not a whole lot of new material in this episode, but I didn't want an entire month to pass without a new episode. This episode does have more new material that most of the recent episodes, though. Enjoy the story. Feedback is welcome. Also, if you haven't already seen it, check out my video review of "Gundam Battle Assault 2" on YouTube. Just search for Awesome Gamer Gundam.

The United Kingdom's second Gundam match is in two days, and Sayla Mass is confident that she will win.

Sunday, November 11, 2007, 4:52 PM, British Standard Time

At Ray Air Force Base in London, England, work was proceeding on the United Kingdom's Gundam. An elevator was set up to take people up to various levels of the Gundam. There were also metal platforms set up for people to walk on.

Karen Joshua, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Sayla Mass stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Karen. Standing at consoles on the platform was Dorothy Catalonia, the head engineer that had designed the Gundam for the British Government. The third person on the platform was Fraw Bow. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Sayla.

"The Gundam is coming along nicely."

Dorothy smiled. "Actually, Sayla, it's in better condition than it was right before our first match."

"Really. What did you do to it?"

"I added more durable armor, more fuel for the thrusters, more coolant, and more firepower."

"Kick-ass. I can't wait to try her out."

"Yeah, well, you'll have to wait 2 days."

"Come on, Dorothy! Let me try it now!" Sayla pleaded.

"Sayla, you know Sally doesn't want you touching the Gundam and accidentally fucking something up. That's what Karen's for."

"Hey!" Karen yelled.

Fraw laughed.

"Please, Dorothy!" Sayla pleaded. "I'll give you oral!"

"I'm not that desperate to get my pussy licked. That's what Karen's for."

"You're no fun."

"Bite me."

"If you let me try out the Gundam."

"Fuck you." Dorothy checked her console. "Power down, Karen."

Karen shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Karen got out of the cockpit.

Dorothy looked at Sayla. "If you really wanna pilot the Gundam before the match, ask Sally, but, I'm telling you right now, she'll say no."

"I don't wanna have to wait until Tuesday."

"Stop whining. Go and do something useful like practice in the simulator or something."

Sally Po, Sayla's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Sayla and Karen saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Dorothy?"

"It's good as we can get it. I'd like to look over it a bit more and see if I can make the computer code more efficient."

"Get it done. Our second match is in two days."

"Yes, sir. May I have a little bit more time to work on the code?"

"We're loading up the Gundam and shipping it to Niger. You'll have to work on it in the air."


Sally looked at Sayla. "I'm personally overseeing the Gundam's transport. You will leave for Niger tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Sally looked at Karen. "Karen, you're with me and Dorothy."

"Yes, sir."

Sally looked at Fraw. "Fraw, if Sayla wants to get in some last-minute training, you're in charge."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, come down from there. We have to move the platforms and elevator to get the Gundam out of there."

Sayla, Dorothy, Karen, and Fraw walked into the elevator and rode down to the floor. They walked out of the elevator.

Soon, a group of officers arrived. They operated heavy machinery to move the platforms and elevator out of the way. The women watched this.

Once all of that was out of the way, one of the officers held up a remote control and powered the Gundam up. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

The women watched as the officer made the Gundam walk out of the hangar. The women followed the Gundam.

A truck was parked outside the hangar. The officer made the Gundam lie down on the platform behind the truck. He then powered down the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

The truck driver pressed a button, and the platform moved into the truck, taking the Gundam inside with it.

The officer got onto the back of the truck and pulled the door closed.

Sally looked at Sayla. "Okay, we're off. We'll see you in Niger."

Sayla saluted Sally. Sally saluted Sayla, then she, Dorothy, and Karen got into the back seat of a car. The driver of the car followed the truck to the runway.

Sayla and Fraw watched the truck and car go until they were out of sight.

Sayla looked at Fraw. "Let's go to the simulation room. I want to practice."

Fraw looked at Sayla. "You sure don't waste any time."

Sayla and Fraw entered the simulation room in another building on the base.

Sayla got into the simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

Fraw made some selections on the computer console. "Using the battle data that was sent to us from yesterday's match, I'm going to program the drone to be a combination of our, Australia's, Niger's, Kuwait's, Turkey's, Poland's, Russia's, Iran's, Austria's, Israel's, Venezuela's, Lebanon's, France's, Iraq's, Jordan's, the United States', Egypt's, Spain's, Syria's, Italy's, Yemen's, Germany's, Saudi Arabia's, Japan's, China's, Ireland's, India's, Zambia's, Denmark's, Brazil's, Mexico's, and Canada's Gundams - every Gundam in the tournament. If you can beat this, it won't be a guarantee of victory in your match, but it should boost your confidence. Okay, try this."

The screens inside the simulator turned on. They displayed a dock. The ocean appeared to Sayla's left. The drone appeared in front of her. A thunderstorm was approaching. There were dark clouds in the sky. Lightning flashed. Sayla heard thunder. There was a light chop to the water.

"Fight!" the simulator's male voice declared.

Sayla moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at the drone. The drone jumped and avoided the attack. Sayla jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit the drone repeatedly. Sayla then kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Sayla knew that she had caused damage to the drone. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at the drone with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Sayla's Gundam landed back on the dock. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

The chop in the water was now medium.

The drone came at Sayla and kicked her Gundam ten times with its left leg.


Sayla gritted her teeth. "Shit!"

Sayla punched the drone three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it three times with her Gundam's right leg.

Sayla activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She quickly flew over the drone and behind it.

"Not enough power!"

Sayla's Gundam landed back on the dock.

Sayla kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's left leg.


The chop in the water was now heavy. Water was splashing onto the dock.

Sayla knew that she was close to victory. She kicked the drone five times with her Gundam's left leg.

The drone punched Sayla's Gundam fives times with its right arm. It then fired at Sayla's Gundam with its beam rifle repeatedly.


Sayla grew frustrated. She backed her Gundam up.

The drone fired at Sayla with its beam rifle. Sayla activated her Gundam's thrusters and started to fly into the air. The blasts hit her Gundam anyway, and it fell back onto the dock.

Sayla kicked the drone five times with her Gundam's left leg.


The drone fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

The simulation ended. The screens went black.

Sayla got out of the simulator.

Fraw smiled. "Pretty good, Sayla. Your reflexes are pretty good. So is your strategy."

Sayla walked over to her and smiled. "Thanks. I'm ready for the match. Let's take the rest of the night off and have a girls' night out."

"What do you have in mind?" Fraw asked.

"I've got 2 tickets to the Lacus Clyne concert. Wanna go?"

Fraw grinned. "Are you kidding?! Let's go!"

Sayla smiled at her. "I wish I was as confident."

"You know what you need?" Fraw asked her.

Sally, Dorothy, and Karen were standing in the special, massive airplane that was transporting them and the Gundam. They were currently en route to Niger.

Dorothy and Karen were standing at a console, testing the Gundam. Sally was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." Sally turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Dorothy. Karen."

Dorothy and Karen stopped their work and looked at Sally.

"I just got off of the phone with the Prime Minister. I pretty much guaranteed him a victory on Tuesday. Is everything ready?"

Dorothy smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our first match."

"And our pilot?" Sally asked.

Karen frowned. "I think she's taking it too easy. She's way too confident that she's gonna win."

"You think it'll be a problem?" Sally asked her.

"I don't know."

Sayla and Fraw walked into an auditorium.

They found their seats and sat down.

Soon, Lacus walked onto the stage. She had long, pink hair, which she wore loose.

Most of the audience stood up and started cheering and applauding.

Sayla and Fraw stood up and applauded.

After a while, the applause and cheering stopped, and the audience sat down.

Lacus smiled. "Thank you for coming to my concert. It's so nice to see so many people here tonight. I'd like to start off by singing 'Shizuka na Yoru ni' - 'In the Quiet Night'.

The music started playing.

Lacus sang the song.

When she was finished, the audience cheered and applauded.

"Thank you!" Lacus exclaimed.

Fraw stopped applauding. "She's great!"

Sayla stopped applauding. "Yeah! I love her!"

"How old is she?" Fraw asked.


"Cool. I wanna get an album after the concert."

"Me, too."

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Sayla pressed Fraw against a wall in their bedroom and held her arms against the wall.

Sayla kissed Fraw passionately on the lips.

Fraw opened her mouth. Sayla used the opportunity to slip her tongue into Fraw's mouth. Sayla and Fraw french-kissed.

After a moment of this, Sayla released Fraw's arms and placed her hands on the wall. Fraw moved her arms around Sayla and placed her hands on Sayla's ass.

Sayla finished the kiss. "I want you."

"I want you, too."

"Then let's not waste any seconds."

Sayla and Fraw took off their clothes and let them fall to the floor.

Fraw hugged Sayla and kissed her passionately on the lips.

Sayla broke the kiss. "Not yet. Let me get the bed sheets pulled off first.

Fraw released Sayla. "Hurry."

Sayla turned, grabbed the bed sheets and cover, pulled them off of the bed, and let them fall to the floor.


Fraw tackled Sayla and pushed her onto the bed. She shoved her tongue into Sayla's mouth.

Sayla lied down in bed, smiling. "That was fun."

Fraw lied down to Sayla's right and smiled. "I knew you'd like it. Now, get some sleep."

Sayla kissed Fraw on the lips briefly. "I love you. Good night."

"I love you, too. Good night, love."

Sayla soon fell asleep.

Sayla had a dream.

She was sitting in the cockpit of her Gundam, fighting a vague, indescript Gundam. She kept pummeling the other Gundam with repeated kicks and punches.

"You're going down!" Sayla yelled.


"That's it, Sayla!" Dorothy yelled through the Gundam's radio frequency. "Kick his ass!"

Sayla kept punching and kicking the opposing Gundam.


"I'm gonna win!" Sayla yelled. "This fucker can't fuck with me!"

Sayla fired at the opposing Gundam with the beam rifle in her Gundam's right hand.


The opposing Gundam fell down.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

Sayla opened the cockpit jumped out of her Gundam. She landed on the ground.

Sally, Dorothy, Karen, and Fraw ran over to her.

"Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass! Sayla Mass! Sayla Mass! She's the one that kicks all ass!" they chanted in unison.

Sayla smiled. "Thanks, everyone!"

Sally smiled. "Congratulations, Sayla! You won!"

Fraw smiled. "But the real fun has just begun!"

Dorothy smiled. "We're going to kiss and lick every part of you."

Karen smiled. "So take off your clothes, lie down, and enjoy yourself as we form a fucross."

Sayla quickly took off all of her clothes.

Sally, Dorothy, and Karen rode in the back seat of a car to the location of the match. A truck followed them, carrying the Gundam.

After Sally, Dorothy, and Karen got out of the car, they stood and watched as the Gundam was unloaded from the truck and placed in an upright position. Then computer consoles and an elevator shaft were set up near the Gundam. Niger's Gundam stood across from their own, covered with canvas.

Dorothy turned on the consoles and checked the readings. "Everything seems to be working just fine. The consoles are interfacing with the Gundam's systems. Karen, please go up there."

Karen walked over to the elevator shaft and got into the elevator. She pressed a button. The elevator rose and stopped at the Gundam's chest area. Karen opened the cockpit and climbed in.

"Power on!" Dorothy called.

Karen pressed a button and turned on the Gundam. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

Dorothy checked the readings on the console. "We've got a 100% signal. Good. Radio on!"

Karen turned on her radio.

"Can you hear me?" Dorothy asked Karen.

"Yeah. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah." Dorothy looked at Sally. "We're going to do some system checks before going to bed for the night. You should get some rest."

"Nah, I'll be fine. I want to observe your work."

"Wow, she must really be bored."

Sally frowned. "What was that, Flight Lieutenant Joshua?"

"Oh, bloody hell. Nothing, ma'am!"

"That's right. Now, get to work, you two."

Sally, Dorothy, and Karen entered their hotel room.

Karen closed the door behind her and locked it.

Sally turned on the lights.

Dorothy yawned. "We seriously need to get some rest."

Sally stretched. "Sayla and Fraw will leave for here tomorrow. Let's hope that Sayla has trained enough."

Karen chuckled. "Knowing her, she went to the Lacus Clyne concert."

Sally frowned. "That was tonight; wasn't it? Well, we'll just have to hope for the best. I mean it is Niger."

Dorothy smiled. "You're starting to sound like Sayla."

Sally smiled. "Maybe. Anyway, good night, girls."

Monday, November 12, 2007, 8:07 AM, British Standard Time

Sayla woke up.

She looked to her right. Fraw was sleeping next to her.

Sayla turned and positioned herself over Fraw. She took a moment to admire Fraw's beauty.

Sayla kissed Fraw on the lips.

Fraw woke up.

Sayla finished the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. "Good morning."

Fraw smiled. "Good morning."

"Let's eat a quick breakfast, then we can pack."


Sayla got out of bed.

Fraw got out of bed. "Are you sure that you've gotten enough practice?"


"Maybe we should go to the base early and practice before we leave for Niger."

"Nah. It's not a problem. I've got the win locked up."

"You seem awfully confident, Sayla."

"Why shouldn't I be?" Sayla asked. "You worry too much, Fraw."

"I recall that you worried before your first match. I'm just saying some more time in the simulator might do you good."

"C'mon, Fraw. It is Niger."

Sally, Dorothy, and Karen arrived at the match location and got out of the car.

Sally smiled. "Okay, girls, you've got all of today to work on the Gundam. Sayla and Fraw probably won't be leaving for the base for a bit."

Dorothy and Karen walked over to the consoles. Dorothy turned the consoles on.

Sayla and Fraw sped down a highway in Sayla's white convertible. They were listening to "Faster Than the Speed of Night" by Bonnie Tyler on the radio.

After driving for a few minutes, Sayla turned right onto another street.

A few minutes later, they reached Ray Air Force Base.

Sayla brought her car to a stop by the gate. She handed her badge to the security guard, and Fraw did likewise with her visitor's pass. The guard scanned them and handed them back. Sayla and Fraw handed their duffel bags to the security guard. The guard opened them, inspected them, closed them, and handed them back. Then Sayla had to go through a thumbprint and retinal scan. Finally, the security guard opened the gate, and Sayla drove onto the base.

Sayla drove to a runway and parked in the lot near it.

Sayla and Fraw got out of the car and walked over to an airplane.

The pilot and the copilot saluted Sayla. Sayla saluted them.

The four of them boarded the airplane.

"Aisle or window?" Sayla asked Fraw.

"I don't care."

Sayla sat in the seat by the window, and Fraw sat to her right. They each buckled their seatbelts.

Soon, the airplane's engines started. The airplane sped down the runway and flew into the sky.

Sayla stared out the window and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Fraw asked.

Sayla looked at her. "I'm fine. In fact, I feel great."

"You're not worried about your upcoming match?"

"No. Why should I be worried?"

"Well, Niger won its first match. Doesn't that concern you even a tiny bit?"

"Not at all. I'm going up against a guy that's never lost - just like I did in Level 1. It's the same thing."

"Sayla, that doesn't make any fucking sense."

"I'll do fine. Don't worry about me."

"I'm your girlfriend. It's my job to worry about you, love."

Sayla laughed. "I love you, Fraw Bow. You make seem so happy."

"I love you, too, Sayla Mass. If you're confident that you'll do well, then I know that you'll do well."

"I know that Level 2 is made up of the best of the best, but I'm more best than the Nigerian pilot."

"'More best', huh?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Get a bloody English book and read it."

"I'd prefer that you read it to me. I love the sound of your voice."

"You sure know how to flirt."

"Am I turning you on, love?"

"Oh, yes."

"Do I make you horny?" Sayla asked.

"Oh, yes. I want you to kiss me."

"Yeah, baby!" Sayla exclaimed.

"Ooh, you just ruined the mood. I no longer desire you."


"Yeah. Austin Powers. Total mood killer."

The United Kingdom's second Gundam match is here. Sayla Mass is confident that she will win. Will she be able to defeat the Nigerian pilot and keep the United Kingdom in the tournament?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Level 2, Match 1"

You will race with the tide.