Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Emma Takes It Easy ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 27

Emma Takes It Easy

Written By
Mark Moore

The United States' second Gundam match is in two days, and Emma Sheen is confident that she will win.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 4:30 PM, Eastern Standard Time

The United States military base where the Gundam was being tested was Aznable Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. The Gundam was in a hangar.

Lunamaria Hawke, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Emma Sheen stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Lunamaria. Standing at consoles on the platform were Nina Purpleton and Lucette Audevie, the two engineers that had designed the Gundam for the United States Government. They worked for Anaheim Electronics and were currently under military command while on this project. The fourth person on the platform was Relena Peacecraft. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Emma.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Nina's request, Lunamaria pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Nina smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Lunamaria pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Nina nodded. "Good!"

"I think that's about all that we have enough time for."

Nina nodded. "Agreed, Lucette. Power down, Lunamaria."

Lunamaria opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Lunamaria got out of the cockpit.

Nina looked at Emma. "I think everything is ready as we can make it."

Emma smiled. "Thanks, Nina. Thanks, Lucette."

Nina smiled. "No problem, Emma."

Lucette smiled. "We're glad to help, Emma. Besides, we love working on the Gundam."

Murrue Ramius, Emma's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Emma and Lunamaria saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Nina?"

"I think it's ready as we'll get it."

"Good. Our second match is in two days."

"Yes, sir. Um, may I do some tweaking of the OS code?"

"We're loading up the Gundam and shipping it to Iraq. You'll have to work on it in the air."


Murrue looked at Emma. "I'm personally overseeing the Gundam's transport. You will leave for Iraq tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Murrue looked at Lunamaria. "Lunamaria, you're with me, Nina, and Lucette."

"Yes, sir."

Murrue looked at Relena. "Relena, if Emma wants to get in some last-minute training, you're in charge of the simulator."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, come down from there. We have to move the platforms and elevator to get the Gundam out of there."

Emma, Nina, Lucette, Lunamaria, and Relena walked into the elevator and rode down to the floor. They walked out of the elevator.

Soon, a group of officers arrived. They operated heavy machinery to move the platforms and elevator out of the way. The women watched this.

Once all of that was out of the way, one of the officers held up a remote control and powered the Gundam up. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

The women watched as the officer made the Gundam walk out of the hangar. The women followed the Gundam.

A truck was parked outside the hangar. The officer made the Gundam lie down on the platform behind the truck. He then powered down the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

The truck driver pressed a button, and the platform moved into the truck, taking the Gundam inside with it.

The officer got onto the back of the truck and pulled the door closed.

Murrue looked at Emma. "Okay, we're off. We'll see you in Iraq."

Emma saluted Murrue. Murrue saluted Emma, then she got into the passenger seat of a car. Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria got into the back seat. The driver of the car followed the truck to the runway.

Emma and Relena watched the truck and car go until they were out of sight.

Relena looked at Emma. "Do you want to practice?"

Emma looked at Relena. "Nah. I think I'm ready as I'll ever be. I'll take the rest of the day off. What do you wanna do?"

Relena thought for a moment then smiled. "Wanna go to a dance club?"

Emma smiled. "Sure! A girls' night out sounds like fun. Maybe we can go out to dinner, too. Let's go home and change, then we'll go out."

Murrue, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria were standing in the special, massive airplane that was transporting them and the Gundam. They were currently en route to Iraq.

Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria were standing at a console, testing the Gundam. Murrue was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. President." Murrue turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Nina. Lucette. Lunamaria."

Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria stopped their work and looked at Murrue.

"I just got off of the phone with the President. I pretty much guaranteed him a victory on Thursday. Is everything ready?"

Nina smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our first match."

"And our pilot?" Murrue asked.

Lunamaria frowned. "I think she's taking it too easy. She's way too confident that she's gonna win."

"You think it'll be a problem?" Murrue asked her.

"I don't know."

"The President said something else. He said 'Try not to beat up the Iraqi Gundam too much. We don't want to demoralize the Iraqi people.'" Murrue sighed in disgust. "Stupid cowboy."

Emma and Relena entered a dance club.

They were each dressed in tank tops, shorts, and sneakers.

Bright, multicolored lights were flashing. "Just Communication" by Two-Mix started playing.

"May I have this dance?" Emma asked Relena, offering her left hand to her.

Relena held Emma's hand with her right hand. "That's what we're here for."

Emma and Relena walked onto the dance floor and started dancing.

Their dancing consisted mostly of bumping and grinding against each other. Soon, they started licking and kissing each other. The rest of the dancers stopped dancing and stared at them.

When the song was over, the rest of the dancers cheered, applauded, and whistled for Emma and Relena.

Emma and Relena took bows.

They walked off of the dance floor.

They walked over to the bar and sat on stools at the counter.

Emma smiled. "I'll have a club soda."

Relena smiled. "Me, too."

The bartender prepared 2 glasses of club soda and set them on the counter.

Emma and Relena smiled. "Thanks."

They picked up their respective glasses and drank the carbonated water.

Emma and Relena walked into a restaurant.

The man behind the counter smiled. "Welcome. How many in your party?"

Emma held up her left hand and raised her index and middle fingers.

The man picked up two menus. "Right this way, please."

Emma and Relena followed him over to a table.

The man placed the menus on the table. "Please look over our menus. I will return shortly to take your order."

The man walked away.

Emma and Relena picked up the menus and read them.

"I think I'll have the pork chops, a side of onion rings, and a regular cola." Emma set her menu on the table.

"That sounds good. I'll have the same." Relena set her menu on the table.

"Are you having a good time, Relena?"


Emma leaned in close to Relena. "I'm horny."

Relena smiled. "When we get home, we'll fuck for hours. How's that?"

Emma smiled. "I look forward to it, sweetie."

The waiter returned with a tray with 2 glasses of water and 2 straws on it.

Emma and Relena sat back up straight.

The waiter placed the glasses and straws on the table.

Emma and Relena smiled. "Thanks."

"Have you decided on your orders?" the waiter asked.

Emma picked up both menus and offered them to him. "Pork chops, a side of onion rings, and a regular cola for both of us."

The waiter took the menus and wrote down the order. "Very good."

The waiter walked away.

Emma thought of something. "We're running low on soda. We should stop by the supermarket on the way home."


Emma and Relena walked into the supermarket.

Emma took a cart.

The women walked to the drinks aisle.

Emma and Relena took a lot of bottles of regular cola, club soda, and seltzer water and put them into the cart.

A man whistled.

Emma and Relena looked at him.

He was not looking at them, however. He was looking at an employee father down the aisle.

"Hey!" the man yelled.

The employee turned and faced the man. He scowled and walked over him. "Yes?"

Emma frowned. "That was rude. You should have said 'Excuse me; I need help', not whistled to him as if he was a dog."

"I don't need you lecturing me, little girl!" the man told her with a Southern drawl.

The employee looked at Emma nervously. "It's okay, ma'am."

Emma looked at him. "No, it's not."

Relena took her wallet out of her front-left shorts pocket, opened it, took out a $100 bill, and offered it to the employee.

"I can't accept tips."

Relena put the bill into the employee's front-left pants pocket.

Emma and Relena walked to the front check-out area and waited in line.

There was 1 woman in front of them.

The cashier started scanned the woman's items.

The woman immediately took her credit card out of her wallet and swiped it through the scanner.

"I wish you had a screen over here, so I can see what everything's ringing up. I can't see that damn thing!"

The woman was trying to look at the cashier's computer monitor.

"Wait. That's too high. It was on the 75% off cart."

The cashier voided off the box of cereal.

"I'm gonna have to call back there and check."

"Forget it. I don't want it."

The cashier threw the box of cereal into the returns bin under his register and continued scanning items.

"If this cereal isn't good, I can just bring it back; right?"

"Not if it's opened."

The woman sighed. "Now, what the hell is this thing asking me? 'Enter 5-digit billing ZIP code'? What's that?"

"Your ZIP code."

"I don't know my ZIP code."

"It's on your driver's license."

"Forget it. I'm not getting my driver's license out." The woman cancelled the payment.

"Your total is $145.43."

The woman started writing a check. "I'm gonna write it for $20.00 over."

"You can't do that."

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me! Why not?! I do it at the other store!"

"Well, that's the other store."

The woman tore out that check and wrote a new one. She tore it out and put it on the counter.

"And your driver's license."

"Why do you need to see that?"

"I need to get a check approval from a manager. It's above my limit."

"Whatever." The woman took out her driver's license and dropped it on the counter.

"You need a check approval?" a manager walking by asked.

She walked behind the counter and looked at the check.

"We don't accept business checks, ma'am."

The woman angrily picked up her check and driver's license. "This is fucking stupid! This is why your company is going down the tubes! Cancel everything! I don't want it!"

The woman angrily walked away.

"Have a nice day!" Relena cheerfully called after her.

"I'm sorry about that, ladies. It'll be a few seconds." The manager started voiding the transaction.

"That's okay." Emma looked at Relena and sighed. "Is this what we're fighting for?"

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Emma pressed Relena against a wall in their bedroom and held her arms against the wall.

Emma kissed Relena passionately on the lips.

Relena opened her mouth. Emma used the opportunity to slip her tongue into Relena's mouth. Emma and Relena french-kissed.

After a moment of this, Emma released Relena's arms and placed her hands on the wall. Relena moved her arms around Emma and placed her hands on Emma's ass.

Emma finished the kiss. "I want you."

"I want you, too."

"Then let's not waste any seconds."

Emma and Relena took off their clothes and let them fall to the floor.

Relena hugged Emma and kissed her passionately on the lips.

Emma broke the kiss. "Not yet. Let me get the bed sheets pulled off first.

Relena released Emma. "Hurry."

Emma turned, grabbed the bed sheets and cover, pulled them off of the bed, and let them fall to the floor.


Relena tackled Emma and pushed her onto the bed. She shoved her tongue into Emma's mouth.

Murrue, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria rode in the back seat of a car to the location of the match. A truck followed them, carrying the Gundam.

After Murrue, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria got out of the car, they stood and watched as the Gundam was unloaded from the truck and placed in an upright position. Then computer consoles and an elevator shaft were set up near the Gundam. Iraq's Gundam stood across from their own, covered with canvas.

Nina turned on the consoles and checked the readings. "Everything seems to be working just fine. The consoles are interfacing with the Gundam's systems. Lunamaria, please go up there."

Lunamaria walked over to the elevator shaft and got into the elevator. She pressed a button. The elevator rose and stopped at the Gundam's chest area. Lunamaria opened the cockpit and climbed in.

"Power on!" Nina called.

Lunamaria pressed a button and turned on the Gundam. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

Lucette checked the readings on the console. "We've got a 100% signal. Good. Radio on!"

Lunamaria turned on her radio.

"Can you hear me?" Lucette asked Lunamaria.

"Yeah. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah." Lucette looked at Murrue. "We're going to do some system checks before going to bed for the night. You should get some rest."

"Nah, I'll be fine. I want to observe your work."

"Wow, she must really be bored."

Murrue frowned. "What was that, Ms. Audevie?"

"Nothing, ma'am!"

"That's right. Now, get to work, you three."

Emma lied down in bed, smiling. "That was fun."

Relena lied down to Emma's right and smiled. "I knew you'd like it. Now, get some sleep."

Emma kissed Relena on the lips briefly. "I love you. Good night."

"I love you, too. Good night, sweetie."

Emma soon fell asleep.

Murrue, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria entered their hotel room.

Lunamaria closed the door behind her and locked it.

Murrue turned on the lights.

Nina yawned. "We seriously need to get some rest."

Lucette yawned. "Definitely."

Murrue stretched. "Emma and Relena will leave for here tomorrow. Let's hope that Emma has trained enough."

Lunamaria chuckled. "Knowing her, she went clubbing."

Murrue frowned. "I certainly hope not. Well, we'll just have to hope for the best. I mean it is Iraq."

Nina smiled. "You're starting to sound like Emma."

Murrue smiled. "Maybe. Anyway, good night, girls."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 7:45 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Emma woke up.

She looked to her right. Relena was sleeping next to her.

Emma turned and positioned herself over Relena. She took a moment to admire Relena's beauty.

Emma kissed Relena on the lips.

Relena woke up.

Emma finished the kiss, pulled back, and smiled. "Good morning."

Relena smiled. "Good morning."

"Let's eat a quick breakfast, then we can pack."


Emma put a duffel bag on the bed and opened it.

Then she got a clean uniform and put it into the bag.

She also got a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a box of dental floss, a small bottle of mouthwash, a small can of deodorant spray, a small bar of soap, and a small bottle of shampoo from the bathroom and put them into the bag.

Emma zipped the bag closed.

"Is that all that you're taking?" Relena asked.

"We're going there just for the match. We'll be back home by tomorrow evening. Pack just one pair of clothes. It'll be enough."

"I know that. I meant, like, body armor."

Emma laughed. "Oh. We're fighting in the Green Zone. We shouldn't need it."

Relena stared at her.

"Okay, I'll request it when we get there."


Relena got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

"Don't worry about the hygiene stuff. I already packed it."


Relena got a fresh set of clothes and put it into the bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Emma checked her watch. "We should get to the base and board the plane."

Murrue, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria arrived at the match location and got out of the car.

Murrue smiled. "Okay, girls, you've got all of today to work on the Gundam. Emma and Relena probably won't be leaving for the base for a bit."

Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria walked over to the consoles. Nina turned the consoles on.

Emma and Relena sped down a highway in Emma's yellow convertible. They were listening to "Fly Me To the Moon" by Yoko Takahashi on the radio.

After driving for a few minutes, Emma turned right onto another street.

A few minutes later, they reached Aznable Air Force Base.

Emma brought her car to a stop by the gate. She handed her badge to the security guard, and Relena did likewise with her visitor's pass. The guard scanned them and handed them back. Emma and Relena handed their duffel bags to the security guard. The guard opened them, inspected them, closed them, and handed them back. Then Emma had to go through a thumbprint and retinal scan. Finally, the security guard opened the gate, and Emma drove onto the base.

Emma drove to a runway and parked in the lot near it.

Emma and Relena got out of the car and walked over to an airplane.

The pilot and the copilot saluted Emma. Emma saluted them.

The four of them boarded the airplane.

"Aisle or window?" Emma asked Relena.

"I don't care."

Emma sat in the seat by the window, and Relena sat to her right. They each buckled their seatbelts.

Soon, the airplane's engines started. The airplane sped down the runway and flew into the sky.

Emma stared out the window.

"Do you really think you're ready?" Relena asked her.

Emma looked at her and smiled. "Sure. I'll just phone this one in."

"Don't get cocky."

"We'll save that for when we get home."

Relena laughed. "Oh, you."

"Chillax. I'll do fine."

"Emma,...I have a question."

"What is it?"

"What's it like, piloting the Gundam?"

"You know. You've played in the simulator."

"No, I mean really piloting the Gundam. How does it feel to handle that much machinery?"

"Pretty cool. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I've been thinking about maybe becoming a Gundam pilot."

Emma was surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah, really. It seems like it would be exciting."

"Well, if you're really serious about this, we'll talk with Murrue about it."

Relena smiled. "Thanks, Emma."

"Did you bring anything to read?" Relena asked.

"As a matter of fact, I have."

"Good thinking. It's a long flight."

"Well, I learned my lesson last time."

"What did you bring?"

Emma unzipped her duffel bag and took out a book. "I brought 'Daughters of the Moon' by Joseph Curtin. What did you bring?"

Relena unzipped her duffel bag and took out a book. "I brought the first 'Riverdale High' novel."

"Heh. Archie."

"Hey! I like Archie! Well, Betty, Veronica, and Cheryl, anyway."

"Okay, well, have fun." Emma opened her book and started reading it.

The United States' second Gundam match is here. Emma Sheen is confident that she will win. Will she be able to defeat the Iraqi pilot and keep the United States in the tournament?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Level 2, Match 4"

You will race with the tide.