Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Burning Love, Burning Heart ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 47

Burning Love, Burning Heart

Written By
Mark Moore

Author's note: Welcome to Level 5 of the tournament. We're nearing the end of the series. Enjoy the story. Feedback is welcome.

The United States' and Canada's fifth Gundam match is in two days, and Emma Sheen and Christina MacKenzie are each hoping to win.

Sunday, December 23, 2007, 8:30 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Christina was standing in the kitchen in her and Flay's house, making hot tea.

Flay and Monique walked downstairs.

They looked at Reccoa and Fa, asleep together on the couch.

"Should we wake them?" Flay asked Monique.

Monique smiled. "Nah. They're so adorable. Let's not disturb them."

Flay and Monique walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning."

Christina turned at Flay's voice and smiled. "Good morning."

Flay kissed Christina on the lips briefly.

"How are you?" Flay asked.

"Okay. You?"


"Want hot Earl Grey tea?" Christina offered.

"Yes, please."


"Yes, please."

Christina got 3 cups out of a cupboard and poured tea into them.

Reccoa woke up and yawned. That woke Fa up.

Reccoa briefly kissed Fa on the lips and then smiled. "Good morning."

Fa smiled. "Good morning."

The 2 women stood up and stretched.

They walked into the kitchen.

They exchanged greetings with Christina, Emma, and Monique.

"Want hot Earl Grey tea, Reccoa, Fa?" Christina offered.

"Yes, please."

"Yes, please."

Christina got 2 cups out of a cupboard and poured tea into them.

"Do you take milk in your tea?" Christina asked the other women.

They replied in the affirmative.

Christina added milk into all 5 cups.

Flay, Monique, Reccoa, and Fa thanked Christina.

Each of the 5 women took her own cup and sat at the kitchen table.

Christina looked at Fa. "We didn't get much of a chance to talk last night, since we got home fairly late. Please tell us about yourself."

Fa shrugged. "Not much to tell. We're all from Tokyo, born and raised. I joined the Air Self-Defense Force to get away from my overbearing mother. Then Mirai's parents died in a car crash. I had known Mirai since she was born, so I took her in and raised her. Lucrezia offered me the pilot position in the Gundam program. I agreed, because it sounded cool. Yourselves?"

Christina shrugged. "Flay and I were born in Halifax. I joined the Air Force to learn skills and increase my career options. Then Flay's parents died in a car crash. I had known Flay since she was born, so I took her in and raised her. Natarle offered me the pilot position in the Gundam program. I agreed, because it sounded cool. We moved to Montreal after I accepted Natarle's offer."

The doorbell rang.

Christina stood up, walked into the living room, looked through the peephole, and unlocked and opened the front door.

Natarle was standing outside. Behind her were Une, Lucrezia, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Asuna, Mirai, and Catherine.

"Sir, what brings you here at this hour?" Christina asked.

"The girls and I are going to the United States. You will leave for the United States in a few hours."

"Yes, sir."

"Practice in the simulator, Christina."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Flay. "Flay, if Christina wants to get in some last-minute training in the simulator, you're in charge."

"Yes, sir."

Une looked at Reccoa. "Help her, too, Reccoa."

"Yes, sir."

Lucrezia looked at Fa. "Help her, too, Fa."

"Yes, sir."

Natarle looked at Monique. "Monique, look after Christina and Flay."

"Yes, sir."

The women turned and walked away.

Christina closed the front door and locked it.

Natarle, Une, Lucrezia, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Asuna, Mirai, and Catherine were standing in the special, massive airplane that was transporting them and the Gundam. They were currently en route to the United States.

Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, and Saeko were standing at a console, testing the Gundam. Natarle was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." Natarle turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Everyone, listen up."

Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, and Saeko stopped their work. They, Une, Lucrezia, Asuna, Mirai, and Catherine looked at Natarle.

"I just got off of the phone with the Prime Minister. I pretty much guaranteed him a victory on Tuesday. Is everything ready?"

Miriallia smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our fourth match."

"And our pilot?" Natarle asked.

Asuna smiled. "I think she's got the right mix of caution and confidence; I think she'll be okay."

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay walked into the living room of Christina and Flay's house.

Flay closed and locked the front door behind her.

Christina groaned. "I'm so sick of practicing."

The telephone rang.

Christina walked over and picked up the handset. "Hello?"

"Christina, it's your mother."

"And your father."

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad."

"Good luck in your match on Tuesday."

"Thanks, dad."

"I'm sure that you'll win on Tuesday and make us and all of Canada proud."

"I'm not so sure, mom, but thanks for having confidence in me."

"Bye, Christina."

"Bye, dad."

"Bye, Christina."

"Bye, ma."

Christina turned off the handset and set it down to charge.

"Come on, girls. Let's pack and shower before we leave."

Monique, Flay, Fa, and Reccoa happily followed Christina upstairs.

Christina put a duffel bag on the bed and opened it.

Then she got a clean uniform and a clean pair of sweats and put them into the bag.

She also got a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a box of dental floss, a small bottle of mouthwash, a small can of deodorant spray, a small bar of soap, and a small bottle of shampoo from the bathroom and put them into the bag.

Christina zipped the bag closed.

"Is that all that you're taking?" Flay asked.

"We'll be back home in 2 days. Pack just two pairs of clothes. It'll be enough."


Flay got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Monique got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Reccoa got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Fa got a duffel bag, put it on the bed, and opened it.

Christina looked at them. "Don't worry about the hygiene stuff. I already packed it."

Flay, Monique, Reccoa, and Fa looked at her. "Okay."

Flay got 2 fresh sets of clothes and put them into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Monique got 2 fresh sets of clothes and put them into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Reccoa got 2 fresh sets of clothes and put them into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Fa got 2 fresh sets of clothes and put them into her bag.

She zipped the bag closed.

Christina checked her watch. "We should get to Merquise Air Force Base and board the airplane."

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay sped down a highway in Christina's yellow convertible. They were listening to "Coppelia No Hitsugi" by Ali Project on the radio.

They soon arrived at Merquise Air Force Base.

Christina brought her car to a stop by the gate. She and Monique handed their badges to the security guard, and Flay, Reccoa, and Fa did likewise with their visitor's passes. The guard scanned them and handed them back. Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay handed their duffel bags to the security guard. The guard opened them, inspected them, closed them, and handed them back. Then Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay had to go through thumbprint and retinal scans. Finally, the security guard opened the gate, and Christina drove onto the base.

Christina drove to a runway and parked in the lot near it.

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay got out of the car and walked over to an airplane. It was a cool Winter afternoon. A gentle breeze was blowing.

The pilot saluted Christina and Monique. Christina and Monique saluted him.

The six of them boarded the airplane.

"Do you want the window, Monique, Reccoa, Fa?" Christina asked.

"No. Thank you."

"No. Thank you."

"No. Thank you."

Christina sat by the window, Flay sat to her right, and Reccoa sat to her right. Monique sat by the aisle, across from Reccoa. Fa sat to Reccoa's right. They each buckled their seatbelts.

Soon, the airplane's engines started. The airplane sped down the runway and flew into the sky.

Christina stared out the window.

"Nervous?" Flay asked.

Christina looked at her. "Not particularly."

Flay smiled. "Good. Did you bring anything to read?"

"As a matter of fact, I have."

"Good thinking. It's a long flight. What did you bring?"

Christina unzipped her duffel bag and took out a laptop computer. "I brought my laptop. I figured I'd look over some of the First Gundam Tournament profiles."

Flay giggled. "How exciting."

What did you bring?" Christina asked.

Flay unzipped her duffel bag and took out a book. "I brought a romance manga."


Christina opened her laptop and turned it on.

After Windows loaded up, Christina looked up the profiles of the Japanese Gundam team. She read the newest entry:

DOB: 09/08/1989
AGE: 18

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Murrue, Sally, Nina, Lucette, Lunamaria, Karen, and Dorothy rode in a military vehicle to the location of the match, the Port of Tampa. A truck followed them, carrying the Gundam.

After Murrue, Sally, Nina, Lucette, Lunamaria, Karen, and Dorothy got out of the vehicle, they stood and watched as the Gundam was unloaded from the truck and placed in an upright position. Then computer consoles and an elevator shaft were set up near the Gundam.

Nina turned on the consoles and checked the readings. "Everything seems to be working just fine. The consoles are interfacing with the Gundam's systems. Lunamaria, please go up there."

Lunamaria walked over to the elevator shaft and got into the elevator. She pressed a button. The elevator rose and stopped at the Gundam's chest area. Lunamaria opened the cockpit and climbed in.

"Power on!" Nina called.

Lunamaria pressed a button and turned on the Gundam. The Gundam's eyes glowed blue.

Lucette checked the readings on the console. "We've got a 100% signal. Good. Radio on!"

Lunamaria turned on her radio.

"Can you hear me?" Lucette asked Lunamaria.

"Yeah. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah." Lucette looked at Murrue. "We're going to do some system checks."

Murrue nodded. "Proceed."

Dorothy smiled. "We've got the rest of the day and all of tomorrow to make sure that everything in top shape."

Lucette smiled. "Let's get to it."

Nina smiled. "The Gundam is in better shape than it was before our third match."

"And our pilot?" Murrue asked.

Lucette smiled. "I think she's got the right mix of caution and confidence; I think she'll be okay."

"That's good."

Suddenly, Murrue heard the sound of an engine. She, Nina, and Lucette turned and looked. A truck was approaching from the distance.

"We have visitors."

"Who are they, Murrue?" Nina asked.

"Likely the Canadian Gundam team."

The truck came to a stop near the dock.

Natarle, Une, Lucrezia, Miriallia, Chan, Stella, Rain, Saeko, Asuna, Mirai, and Catherine got out of the truck.

Murrue frowned. "Identify yourself."

Natarle walked over to Murrue and offered her right hand. "We're with the Canadian Gundam team. I am Captain Natarle Badgiruel."

Murrue shook Natarle's hand. "Welcome, Captain Badgiruel. I am Captain Murrue Ramius. Lunamaria, come out and meet them."

Lunamaria opened the cockpit.

She got into the elevator, rode down to the street, and got out of the elevator.

Murrue and Natarle stared at each other.

"Do we know each other, Natarle?"

"I...don't believe so, Murrue."

"But you're not sure."


"Me neither."

Natarle shook off the strange feeling. "Allow me to introduce some members of my team. These are Miriallia Haw, our engineer; Chan Agi, an assistant engineer that was recently brought on; Asuna Elmarit, our test pilot; and Catherine Bloom, my girlfriend."

Murrue likewise shook off the strange feeling. "Pleased to meet all of you. Allow me to introduce some members of my team. These are Nina Purpleton, our head engineer; Lucette Audevie, an assistant engineer; and Lunamaria Hawke, our test pilot."

"Pleased to meet all of you."

Murrue smiled. "Our team is gonna win, y'know."

Natarle smiled. "Is that so? Well, if you're so confident, why don't we add an extra challenge?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Instead of fighting on a dock, why don't we fight - " Natarle turned to face the Gulf of Mexico and pointed at a cargo ship with her right index finger. " - that ship - while it's moving?"

Murrue looked at the ship. "You're on."

Natarle cleared her throat. "It's probably not wise for us to confer with each other prior to the match. I suggest that we unload our Gundam and get to work."

Murrue stared at Natarle for a moment before turning away. "Yes,...of course."

Monday, December 24, 2007, 8:30 AM, Eastern Standard Time

Nina, Lucette, Dorothy, Karen, and Lunamaria were standing at a console, testing the United States' Gundam. Sally was watching them. Murrue was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. President." Murrue turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Nina. Lucette. Lunamaria."

Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria stopped their work and looked at Murrue.

"I just got off of the phone with the President. He'll be attending the match personally. I pretty much guaranteed him a victory tomorrow. Is everything ready?"

Nina smiled. "Yes. The Gundam is ready as it'll ever be."

A short distance away, Miriallia, Chan, Asuna, Stella, Rain, Saeko, and Mirai were standing at a console, testing the Canadian Gundam. Catherine, Une, and Lucrezia were watching them. Natarle was on a cell phone.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." Natarle turned off her phone and put it in a pocket. "Miriallia. Chan. Asuna."

Miriallia, Chan, and Asuna stopped their work and looked at Natarle.

"I just got off of the phone with the Prime Minister. He'll be attending the match. Is everything ready?"

Miriallia smiled. "Yes. The Gundam is ready as it'll ever be."


Asuna could tell from Natarle's expression that something was wrong. "What's wrong, Natarle?"

"The Prime Minister informed me that a storm is approaching...and will likely be here at high tide...when the match is scheduled to occur."

All of the women looked at the Gulf of Mexico. There was no sign of an approaching storm.

The sound of an approaching car got the women's attention. They turned and looked at it.

The car came to a stop near the dock.

Christina, Monique, Reccoa, Fa, and Flay got out of the car.

They walked onto the dock and over to Natarle.

Christina and Monique saluted Natarle.

"At ease."

Christina and Monique relaxed.

"How's it going, sir?" Christina asked Natarle.

"Well, you should know the truth. I challenged the United States to have the match on a moving cargo ship."

Christina frowned. "Well, that certainly changes my strategy."

"There's more."

"Of course, there is. Fill me in; why not?"

"It'll be during a storm, headed here."

Christina forced a smile. "Well,...looks like I got a race with the tide."

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw walked into a retail store.

The women walked over to the front check-out lanes.

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw waited in line.

It was a long wait. The customers in front of them argued about prices and were still unable to pay, leading to the cashier having to call a supervisor to void transactions multiple times.

The cashier offered a receipt to a woman. "Have a happy holidays."

"It's 'Have a Merry Christmas'!" the woman told him.

The cashier frowned. "I don't make assumptions about other people's beliefs."

"You can believe whatever you want, but it's 'Merry Christmas' or get the hell out of our country!"

Relena looked at Emma and sighed. "What a fucking bitch."

"No argument there."

The woman turned around and faced Relena. "Did you say something?!"

"Yeah, I called you a fucking bitch!" Relena yelled at her. "You should be considerate of other people's beliefs!"

"Who do you think you are?!" the woman demanded.

Emma frowned. "She's Relena Peacecraft, and her family has done a lot of public service. What have you done, trailer trash?"

The woman frowned at Emma. "Shut up, you bitch!"

Matilda stepped forward. "I wouldn't piss off the woman that will win the First Gundam Tournament and hand rulership of the Earth to the United States, if I was you, particularly because both she and I are armed."

Emma climbed onto the counter and stood up, facing a crowd of people. "Why do you think I've worked so hard to get us this far? Why did I put myself into a situation in which I had to kill someone?! It wasn't for you, you selfish, obnoxious, stupid people! You want everything your own way! You never know a good thing till it's gone away! It sickens me that I'm helping your losers!"

Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw applauded.

Emma got off of the counter.

Sayla smiled. "Thank you, Emma."

Fraw smiled. "Someone had to set these assholes straight."

"Thanks." Emma thought for a moment then smiled. "Wanna go to a dance club?"

Relena smiled. "Sure! The night is still young. Let's go home and change, then we'll go out."

Matilda sighed. "You girls have no discipline."

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw entered a dance club.

They were each dressed in tank tops, shorts, and sneakers.

Bright, multicolored lights were flashing. "Dance Away" by Anne Livingston started playing.

"May I have this dance?" Emma asked Relena, offering her left hand to her.

Relena held Emma's hand with her right hand. "That's what we're here for."

Emma and Relena walked onto the dance floor and started dancing.

Their dancing consisted mostly of bumping and grinding against each other. Soon, they started licking and kissing each other. The rest of the dancers stopped dancing and stared at them.

"May I have this dance?" Sayla asked Fraw, offering her left hand to her.

Fraw held Sayla's hand with her right hand. "That's what we're here for."

Sayla and Fraw walked onto the dance floor and started dancing.

"Come on, Matilda!" Emma called.

Matilda walked onto the dance floor and started dancing.

Their dancing consisted mostly of bumping and grinding against each other. Soon, they started licking and kissing each other. The rest of the dancers stared at them.

When the song was over, the rest of the dancers cheered, applauded, and whistled for Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw.

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw took bows.

They walked off of the dance floor.

Emma, Relena, Matilda, Sayla, and Fraw were sitting on the couches in Emma and Relena's living room.

Fraw looked at Emma and smiled. "That was a wonderful dinner, Emma."

Emma smiled. "Thanks, Fraw."

Sayla looked at Emma. "What do you say to a few hours of fucking before going to bed?"

Matilda frowned. "Personally, I think Emma should go to the base and practice in the simulator."

Emma looked at Matilda. "You're right, Matilda."

Matilda was surprised. "Holy shit. You're actually taking my advice?"

Emma laughed. "Sure."

Relena looked at Emma. "We can't form a fucross without you, Emma."

Emma looked at Relena and smiled. "I'll be back in a while and join in."

Relena stood up. "Okay. C'mon, girls."

Sayla, Fraw, and Matilda stood up and followed Relena upstairs.

Emma stood up, turned, walked over to the front door, opened it, and walked outside.

Emma hopped into her yellow convertible, put the key into the ignition, started the engine, fastened her seatbelt, put the car in reverse, turned the car around a bit, put the car in drive, and drove onto the street.

"Back To Paradise" by Miki Matsubara started playing on the radio.

As Emma listened to the song and drove off into the night, she got lost in thought.

Emma drove across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. She looked to her left and right and saw a heavy chop in the water.

Eventually, Emma arrived at the Port of Tampa.

Emma brought her car to a stop, put it in Park, turned off the engineer, unfastened her seatbelt, and hopped out of the car.

She walked onto the dock.

Reccoa was standing there, looking at the Gulf of Mexico.

"I was hoping that someone would be here."

Reccoa turned and faced Emma.

Emma took her flash drive out of her front-left jeans pocket and offered it to Reccoa. "I'd hate to leave you people getting this to chance."

Reccoa took the flash drive from Emma. "What's this?"

"The complete specifications for our Gundam. Strengths, weaknesses, armor, weapons, everything. I copied it from the computer at the base."

Reccoa stared at Emma. "Why are you giving this to us?"

"Because...I don't think the United States is worthy of ruling the world. Gotta right the wrongs I have done."

"I see. Very well. Thank you."

Emma chuckled. "It's interesting that I'm the traitor this time."

Reccoa was startled. "What?"

Emma was surprised. "I...don't know. I should go. Once you've memorized the information, advise Christina and destroy the flash drive."


Emma turned and started to walk away.

"Thank you."

Emma stopped and turned to face Reccoa.

"There's a battle I should have won. I failed. I disappointed my friends. Gotta mend the hearts I have broken. Helping our ally win will do that."

Emma nodded, then she turned and walked back to her car.

The United States' and Canada's fifth Gundam match is here. Emma Sheen and Christina MacKenzie are uncertain of the outcome. Will the United States or Canada win the First Gundam Tournament?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Level 5, Match 1"

You will race with the tide.