Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Stars of Destiny ❯ Scifi Story Ch2 pt2: Robot Fight! ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nice: Okay. Because of a review that I got from and anonymous reader that my title sounded just like another stars of destiny fic and in a fear that it might be deleted I have changed the title. I honestly didn't know that there was another one of these kinds of fics out there so I am sorry if I have offended anyone and the author of that fic. So thank you Lycosyncer for pointing this out to me. Now on to the story!
Joey: It's about time. You were boring me to death here.
N: Well sorry. Here's the disclaimer! I don't own anything.
On with the fic!
Sci-Fi Story: Ch.2 part 2
“Shinji!!!!” cried Misato and Asuka as the wave of water shot out of the apartment. The wave started to take the shape of a woman. She started to chuckle evilly as she towered over them. Inside her transparent body was PenPen, who was failing about trying to get out and the knocked out Shinji.
“It seems that I was able to catch one of you!” she proclaimed. “I'll give him back on one condition.”
“And what is it?” asked Kira.
She pointed to Kaworu. “Let me finish my job and kill the Fifth Child!” she said.
“What? Why would want to kill him? Who sent you?” asked Ritsuko.
“SEELE wants to kill the boy because he won't let them kill you,” said Sloth with a smile.
“Kill us? Why would…” started Misato but then realization hit her, “He's a spy sent by SEELE and now he doesn't want us to be killed because he likes us…”
“Correct! But are you going to let your charge die Misato? After all, I am the one who has Shinji. So who's it gonna be? Shinji or the little traitor?” she asked.
“Nether!” cried Athrun as he started to shoot at her head. Sloth screamed as she started to fall apart. She let go of Shinji and PenPen and they fell to the ground.
“Wark!” cried PenPen as he waddled quickly to Misato and hid behind her.
Kira picked up Shinji and carried him over to safety. “Hey! Wake up, kid! Are you alright?” he said gently shaking Shinji. Soon, Shinji groaned.
“Ugh…what happened?” he asked weakly as he slowly opened his eyes.
“You almost drowned,” said Rei quietly but showed relief on her face.
“I'm glad that you are okay Baka Shinji,” said Asuka with a huff.
“Ahhh!” screamed Sloth as she completely liquefied. Athrun had emptied all of his bullets into her.
“Well, we need to leave before she reforms and attacks again,” said Athrun.
“Quickly! Into my van!” said Aoba. Everyone, except Misato and Shinji who were taking her Renault, got into the van. Kira noticed that Sloth was reforming.
“Let's go now!” he cried. Aoba floored it and sped off to NERV with Misato following. Soon as they were far away, Sloth went back to her regular form.
“They got away. Oh well, Pride will take care of them,” she said with a small smile on her face.
The group was listening to everything Kaworu was telling them about SEELE's plan.
“Those bastards are going to sic the MP EVAS on us?” growled Misato.
“Yes and unfortunately, they are coming tomorrow,” said Kaworu.
“So they found the Sixth and Seventh Children then?” asked Shinji.
“No. They are going to be piloted by…clones of me,” he said.
“Clones!?” exclaimed everyone except Ritsuko. “But how?” asked Makoto.
“They're just part of the Dummy Plug system. I don't care if you kill them…They are just lifeless dolls. They mean nothing to me,” he said with disgust.
“But Kaworu…” said Shinji.
“The only way to stop these things is to rip out the S2 engines,” he continued.
“They already put the S2 engines in them?” exclaimed Ritsuko.
“I thought the only S2 engine disappeared with Unit 04?” asked Maya.
“It doesn't matter where they got it from, they just have it. We're just lucky that it's just gonna be Units 05 and 06 and not the entire EVA series,” said Misato.
“Also, you might want to keep the engines to put into Units 00 and 02 so they won't run out of power when we leave this world,” said Kaworu.
“He's right about that. Your robots have a five minute life with an internal battery. What if we get into a fight and they shut down? You would be sitting ducks out there,” said Muu.
“We need to rest up for our big day tomorrow, so let's find some rooms and get to sleep,” said Ritsuko. “Maya, could you show Kira and his friends to a room please?”
“Of course Senpai,” said Maya. “Follow me.” She started to walk down a different pathway than the others. Kira and the others followed her. They walked down a dark corridor.
“That strange…The lights here are never off down here…” said Maya.
“What do you mean?” asked Athrun as he tried to adjust his eyes to the darkness of the hallway. Then he saw a flash of metal. “Look out!” he cried as he pulled Maya out of the way. A sword was stuck in the wall.
“Where the hell did that come from?” exclaimed Muu.
A chuckle was heard and then some of lights came on in the hallway illuminating the man standing a few feet in front of them. He was wearing all black and eye patch on one eyeand had a warm smile on his face, but the aura coming from him wasn't warm. The air was heavy with evil.
“Who are you? Do you work with that water woman?” demanded Kira.
“You mean Sloth? Ah, yes I do. It seems she failed with killing you lot. I guess I must clean up her mess up before the other pilots come to this world,” he said.
“Other pilots? What to you mean, by that?” asked Athrun. ` Does he mean Yzak and the others?'
“ Forget what I said. You won't see them anyway,” he said sinisterly.
“Who are you?” asked Muu.
“My name is Pride the last person you will ever see,” he said as he took his eye patch off showing them the ouroborous. He then ran to Athrun, ready to punch him. Athrun dodged out of the way and the punch hit the wall and created a hole. Pride's hand got stuck in the wall.
`If that hit me, I would've been dead!' thought Athrun. “Everybody, Let's get out of here!”
He and the other's ran back down the hallway. “How he get in here? We must inform the commander!” cried Maya.
“Or maybe it was your commander who got him in here,” said Muu.
“What? Why would the commander order that guy to kill you?”
“We might be interfering with some plan that he has,” wondered Kira.
“Plan? Ah! You mean Instrumentality !” exclaimed Maya.
“Instrum-what?” asked Kira and Athrun.
“The Human Instrumentality Project. I don't know much about it but Commander Ikari andthe committee have been talking about it for a while now.”
“How did you find out about this?” askedMuu.
Maya blushed. “I, uh, kinda stumbled on it when I was reprogramming the MAGI after the 12thangel attacked. I only read a little of it because Sempai came in afterwards and I closed it. From what I can remember, it said something about Yui Ikari, Unit 01, Rei, Lilith, and Adam.”
“Who are Lilith and Adam?” asked Kira.
“Adam is the 1stangel and he was the cause of the Second Impact and Lilith is the 2ndangel…But you're not supposed to know that so don't tell anyone that I told you that or we'll be killed, okay?”
“Sure. Our lips are sealed,” said the three men.
“Good,” said Maya as they reached the place where they had left the others. “Hey! Where are they?”
“They might have goneto find rooms to retire in,” said Athrun as he looked down the hallway they had came from.He faintly heard rapid footsteps approaching. “That man is coming.”
“What?” cried Kira. He turned to Maya. “Where do you think they went to find rooms?”
“The geofront! It has apartments where some of theNERVpersonnellive instead of living in the city,” she replied.(1)
“Well then, let's get outside!” said Kira as he grabbed her arm and dashed down the other hallway with Muu and Athrun following.Soon after they left, Pride entered the area.
Pride's eyes narrowed. “It seems the plan must be executed ahead of schedule. I need to tell Sloth to speak with the old men to convince them to. And I need to speak with the master,” he said as he disappeared.
At the apartments in the Geofront
Misato, Shinji, and Asuka were settled into the apartment that Shinji was supposed to have when he got to NERV.
“You two need to get some sleep since there will be a big battle tomorrow,” said Misato.
“I'll show the Eva series that my Unit 02 is the better Eva and Shinji you better not get in my way!” proclaimed Asuka.
“I won't,” replied Shinji dejectedly.
“Good! Now if you will excuse me, I will be taking my bath. And don't you dare peek Shinji!” And with that Asuka marched out of the room.
After she left, Shinji got up from where he was sitting and said, “I'll be going to bed now.”
“Okay, good night Shinji,” said Misato. When Shinji left, Misato let out a big sigh. `I wonder if those two have what it takes to face what might happen too us when we leave this world. Oh Kaji, I wish that you would've been able to come as well…' Misato's train of thought was broken when she heard a knock on the door. She got up and had barely opened the door when a few blurs came in and knocked her down and locked the door.The blurs were Kira, Athrun, Muu, and Maya.
“What the? Maya, you were supposed to take them to-” but she was cut off when all four of them said, “Shhh!”
“You know that woman that attacked us earlier? She has another partner and he's chasing us!” exclaimed Maya.
“What? Are you sure?” asked Misato.
“Positive. They even have the same tattoo,” said Muu
“How did he get into the base?”
“We think that your commander has something to do with this,” replied Kira.
“I never like that bastard,” said Misato with disgust.
Athrun peeked out of the small window. “It seems that he's not following us.”
“Well that's good. I guess I won't be making it back to my room tonight,” said Maya with a sigh.
“We should take shifts just in case that man comes back,” suggested Muu.
“That's a good idea. I'll take the first watch. And Kira, you can take the next one okay? And…” Misato trailed off when she heard someone talking. “Do you guys hear that?”
“It's coming from that room right there,” said Kira.
“Asuka's in there. I wonder who she is talking to,” wondered Misato. She and the other's crept to the bathroom door and listened.
“It's seemed that that she is talking to herself,” said Athrun.
“Shh! Listen to what she is saying,” said Maya.
Asuka's voice was low but they could hear what' she was saying.
“Grrr…Why is the Fifth Child here? Is he here to replace me since Shinji has beat me so many timesand I've become worthless? And now those new pilots have come as well. Stealing the limelight from me! Who do they think they are! I hate them! I hate Shinji! I hate the Fifth!I hate the First! I hate Misato! I hate everyone! But…I hate myself even more,” she said softly.
“How sad that someone that young has so much hatred,” said Muu.
“What will you do about this Major?” asked Maya.
Misato thought for a minute and then said,“ Let her be. She'll talk about it when she wants to. Now, let's get some rest while I watch out for those freaks in black.”
Kira lay awake on the floor of the small living room thinking over what has happen over the past few hours.
` Why were we sent here? Was it to gather allies against some threat that no of us have ever seen? The people here have so many different issues. It's like they're all wearing masks to prevent others to see the real them. Maybe I'll get more out of them since it seems we'll be stuck together for awhile,' Kira sighed, `I should get some sleep. I'll need to face tomorrow.' And with that he fell asleep.
Pride stood in front of a large figure. You couldn't see who it was since the entire body was in shadow.
“The Yamato boy and his companions are preparing to leave that world already?” said the shadow.
“Yes. They have gathered allies in that world and it seems that more will be joining them soon. I wanted to stop them before that happened but I failed to do so,” said Pride.
“ You disappoint me Pride. But it seems that something else with help break up that little group before they leave. One of them seems to be cracking and is filled with hate at the boy. And she soon will be unable to fight against me. And Pride, I need you to get something for me…”
The Next Day
They all met on the bridge with the Eva pilots in their plug suits and the Gundam pilots in their own suits. They were all there except…
“Where is the Fifth? He should've been hereten minutes ago!” said Asuka.
“Well he is new. And he may have got lost. I get lost all the time,” said Misato.
“That's because you have no sense of direction,” said Ritsuko.
“Shut up!”
Just then the door slid open and Kaworu walked in. “You're late!” said Asuka.
Kaworu grinned. “I'm sorry. I got lost and kept walking in circles.”
“Told ya,” said Misato.
“Anyway, Aoba. Has everyone evacuated to city?” asked Ritsuko.
“Yes. Tokyo-3 has 100% evacuation,” replied Aoba.
“Good. Hyuuga, lower the city.”
“Yes Ma'am. Tokyo-3 should be lowered completely in10 minutes, Doctor,” said Hyuuga.
“Maya, is there anything on radar?”
“Two planes are coming to us from the south. They are about 2 hours away,” said Maya.
“It must be the JSSDF transport planes carrying the MP Evas. Is there any thing on the surface?” asked Misato.
“Nothing is on the surface except a few animals Major.”
“I guess now we just wait,” she turned to the pilots, “All of you need to go to the cages and wait for deployment. Rei, I want you at a sniper point. Shinji, I need you to hidewith the pallet gun. Asuka back them up. And for you three, I want you to stay hidden and then, when they are weakened, step in and take them out.”
Asuka scowled while others said, “Okay.”
`I'm always backup! Shinji gets to do everything! I'll show them!” thought Asuka.
“Now don't do anything stupid and disobey orders unless out plan goes awry,” added Ritsuko.
“What will we do about the Commander and Sub-Commander, ma'am?” asked Aoba.
“I gave them a false report, saying that they are needed in Germany so that is where they are now. Hopefully we'll be long gone before they suspect anything,” said Ritsuko.
`But from what happened last night. It seems that they do know and might do something to prevent us from going,'thought Kira as they started to walked to the cages.
“What will I do?” asked Kaworu.
“You will stay here on the bridge with us. Do you know how to work a computer?” asked Ritsuko.
“I can try.”
“Good. You will sit next to Hyuuga and help him with monitoring the situation outside.”
“Fine,” said Kaworu. Then he felt something tug at his soul. `No. I can't be! She can't come so early!'thought Kaworu as he frowned.
“Are you okay?” asked Hyuuga.
“Yes, yes. I'm fine. Just thinking…”
At the cages
Kira was walking to the Strike when he heard a loud slap. He turned and saw Asuka walking away from Rei, who had a large red bruise forming on her face. `That looks like that really hurts but Rei isn't showing any pain at all!' It was true, Rei wasn't crying or anything she just stared after the retreating form of Asuka. `She's like the perfect solider. What could make that girl like that?' he thought as he got into the Strike.He closed the cockpit and checked the systems. “All I have with me is the sword. I hope that will be enough…”
In anunknown place/ Marking time Waiting for Death is played
“Units 05 and 06 are almost at the target, sir. Soon the thing you long for the most will be in your grasp,” said Sloth.
SEELE 01 appeared. “Good. There is no way they can win,” he said. “Soon Unit 01 will be in our grasp and all of our hard work will come as expected!”
Sloth smirked a little. `That's what you think.'
Above NERV
The planes carrying the white Evas were right above NERV. The Evas and the Strike and Aegis were in their positions.Muu was in a hanger near by just in case they need a surprise attack.
“So those are the Mass Production Evas…They look different than ours and they're eyeless,” said Shinji fromhis Eva.
“They don't even have mouth restraints,” said Rei.
“They don't look so tough. If you two are so scared, I'll take them out myself!” said Asuka as she left her position.
“Asuka get back! You are not following the plan!” cried Misato.
The Evas above inserted the red dummy plug and were released form there bindings. They opened their wings and flew over head in a circle.
One Winged Angel AC version is played
“Those things can fly?” said Athrun in amazement.
The white Evas landed on the ground far apart from one another and retracted their wings. Both of them grinned at Unit 02.Then in a flash, Unit 06 lunged itself at Unit 02 grappling with it. Unit 02 was able to break Unit 06's arm and then got behind it and broke it's neck.
“See! This is too easy!” said Asuka proudly. She didn't notice that Unit 05 was coming at her.
“Look out!” cried Shinji and he fired his weapon at the Eva, blowing a hole into its leg. Rei, then fired multiple rounds in the Eva. The Eva shut down and fell to the ground.
Back at the command center, Ritsuko was perplexed at how easy it was to destroy the two Evas. “This can be it. It's just too easy.”
“We're not out of the woods yet,” said Kaworu.
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“I think I was misinformed on how many MP Evas were coming.”
Then a scream was heard on the giant screen. Unit 00 was thrown off its feet by another MP Eva. Another one was fighting with Unit 01.
“Units 07 and 08? But where did they come from!” exclaimed Misato.
Back at the battle, Unit 00 and 02 were fighting off Unit 07. Even with two Evas, Unit 07 seemed stronger.
“I think it's time that I stepped in!” cried Kira as he pulled out his sword and attacked Unit 07, slicing it and making it throw its weapon to the side. The Eva roared and then collapsed.
Athrun started to go over to help Shinji butShinji seemed to subdue Unit 08 and then stabbed it in the head with its prog knife. Shinji let out a sigh and relaxed. “Are there any more?” he asked.
Maya ran a scan. “No. There are no more targets,” she said. Then she let out a gasp. “Sempai! Major! The- the Eva series…they're…they're re activating!”
“What do you mean?” cried Misato.
Athrun heard some rustling behind him and then he felt some thing hit his Gundam hard and he fell to the ground. “W-what the hell?” On top of the Aegis's back was Unit 06.Unit 06 was beating the armor of the Aegis, trying to tear it apart.
“It came back to life!” cried Kira. Soon the other Units were getting up and they were snarling.
“How do we kill these things?” asked Asuka. Just then some shots were heard and Unit 06 was blown back off of the Aegis. Athrun then kicked it away.
“Who did that?” he asked. Then a red and white robot that looked like it was surfing on air came into view.
A boy's voice came out of it. “Are you okay?”
“Who are you?” demandedAsuka.
“Never mind that right now. It seems that your enemies are getting back up,” said a girl's soft voice.
All four Units were back on their feet growling and grinning. They spread their wings and were about to take off when Unit 08 was shot down. The Eva series and all the others looked up to see five Gundams. The one that shot at Unit 08 was red white and blue and had angel-like wings. The one next to it was all black and had black bat-like wings. The third one was a blue and white one with two huge guns in its hands. The fourth was also blue and white and had a shield. And finally, the fifth Gundam was green, yellow, red and black. (I'm using the endless waltz versions)
The song changes to Just Communication
“Friends of yours?” asked Shinji.
“No. I've never seen Gundams like that before,” said Kira.
The other MP Evas took flight and flew toward the new Gundams looking like they wanted to tear them apart. All five Gundams prepared themselves when a beam shot through two of them.
“Huh?” was the collective response. Muu La Flagga's gundam armor came in to view.
“You guys didn't forgetabout me did you?” he asked as he fired another shot atone. Soon he had grounded all of them, shooting their wings off.
“Thanks old man,”said a voice from the black Gundam as he attacked one of the grounded Evas with a scythe.
Muu twitched. “Old…man…?I'm not old! I'm 28!”
The other Gundams started to subdue the MP Evas by cutting them down. But they kept going. Kira stabbed one in the chest and it slumped over.
Just then Ritsuko voice was heard. “Remember to get the S2 engines out ofleast damaged ones okay?”
“Uh, what do they look like?” asked Kira.
“They're red, why?”
“I think I just destroyed one.”
“J-just get the others okay?”
Pretty soon, they defeated the Eva series and got two S2 engines. They got all of the robots down into the Geofront. The air surfing one turned into a car and drove down. Ritsuko, Misato, the bridge bunnies, and Kaworu met them there. Kira, Shinji, Asuka, Athrun, Rei,and Muu got out of their machines and looked up at the Five Gundams.
The song changes to Asuka Strikes
“Okay. Now can you tell us who you are?” asked Kira. The cockpits of the Gundams opened and five teenage boys came out.
“No wonder they needed help with those things out there. They have girls piloting those robots,” said a Chinese looking boy. “Girls piloting. The injustice!”
“I think I feel a little insulted,” said Rei.
“How dare you! How can yousay that when you have two girls piloting too!” yelled Asuka as she pointed to a boy who was wearing all black and to a blond boy. Everyone sweatdropped and a few snickered.
“Hey!” cried the two boys. “We are not girls!”
“Well how was I supposed to know? That long girly braid confused me and you look girly,” said Asuka with a smirk.
“My braid is not girly! It's sexy!” cried the boy.
“And I do not look girly!” said the blond boy.He pointed to the braided boy. “Duo looks more girly than I do!”
“What? Quatre!” said Duo.
“Shut up baka,” said a brown haired boy with blue eyes.
“But Heero…”
“Maxwell, just be quiet so we can find out where we are,” said another brown haired boy with green eyes.
The song stops
Ritsuko stepped forward. “Forgive Asuka for her rudeness. I am Dr. Ritsuko Akagiand this is NERV.”
“I'm Heero Yuy.”
“Duo Maxwell.I may run and I may hide but I never lie.”
“Trowa Barton.”
“Quatre Raberba Winner.”
“Chang Wufei.”
“May I please ask who you all are?” asked Quatre.
“This is Rei Ayanami, the First Child and the pilot of Unit 00. Say hello Rei,” said Ritsuko.
Rei looked at all of them and said in a monotone voice, “Hello Pilots Yuy, Maxwell, Barton, Winner, and Chang.”
`This girl is almost like Hee-chan with the monotonebutsomething about her isdifferent,' thought Duo.
“Well since that seems that's all what Wonder girl is going to say, I'll speak,” said Asuka. “I am the Second Child, Asuka Langley Soryu, and I'm the pilot of Unit 02.”
Heero looked at the boy next to her. `That boy doesn't seem to be a fighter at all, but nether does Quatre. Looks aren't everything.' He thought.
“Hello there. I'm Shinji Ikari and I'm the Third Childand pilot of Unit 01. It is nice to meet you all,” he said.
“And I am Kaworu Nagisa and I'm the Fifth Child. I hope we can get to know each other better,” said Kaworu.
“I'm Major Misato Katsuragi. I'm the guardian of Shinji and Asuka,” said Misato.
“So you have some little kids piloting those machines right? I bet that you weren't trained to fight those.” asked Duo.
“We are not kids. It looks like we are at least a year younger than you. Also, Pilot Soryu, Pilot Nagisa and I have been training all of our lives. Only Pilot Ikari has not been trained since childhood. Actually he wasn't trained until after his first fight,” said Rei unemotionally.
Heero turned to face Kira and Athrun. “So you two are the pilots of those Gundams right?”
“Yes. I'm Kira Yamato and this is the Strike,” said Kira.
“And I'm Athrun Zala and this is the Aegis,” said Athrun.
“And may I ask what war is going on in your world. After all, it seems those Gundams have been in a lot of battles,” asked Wufei.
The song Rei I is played
Kira and Athrun looked down. Finally Kira spoke up, “It's called the Bloody Valentine War. It's a war between the Earth Forces and ZAFT. Naturals and Coordinators.”
“Naturals and what?” asked Duo.
Muu spoke up, “Naturals are normal humans like me who were born naturally and without any genetic alterations. Coordinators, like Kira and Athrun here, have had their genetic make up altered and are stronger, faster, and more clever than a normal humans. They also don't get sick from dieses.”
“So you are with the Earth Forces and you two are with ZAFT?” asked Quatre.
“No. Kira is acitizen of ORB, a neutral state, andacoordinator but he'sa volunteer with the Earth Forces. He was the only one who could pilot the Strikesuccessfully and we were constantly being attacked by ZAFT,” said Muu.
“Fighting against your own people. That must be hard,” said Trowa.
“It's is sort of. My parents are Naturals so I'm a First Generationcoordinator. But I promised to protect my friends and the survivors of my colony Heliopolis, which was destroyed by ZAFT,” said Kira. “ But my colony being destroyed is nothing compared to what happened to the colony that started this war.”
“What colony?” asked Quatre. He clutched his chest as he felt a wave of sadness and anger coming from the three men.
“Coordinators fled from Earth when the Naturals started to persecute them. In space, they created a group of colonies calledthePLANTs where they lived. One colony was called Junius 7. It was an agricultural colony providing food for the other PLANTs. On Valentines Day,ship full of nuclear missiles destroyed the colony, killing everyone inside, including my mother. That is why I joined the war even though I hate it,” said Athrun.
“Oh wow. How sad. Isn't it Eureka?” said a voice. The entire group turned to see a boy standing in front of the robot/car. A girl with blue hair and light purple eyes jumped out to it's cockpit.
“Yes. It seems that even their world is torn by war,” said girl named Eureka.
“Whoa Rei! She could be your distant relative or something!” exclaimed Shinji.
Eureka and Rei stared at one another for a few seconds. Then Rei let out a small smile and Eureka did the same. Eureka looked at the others and said, “My name is Eureka. That's Renton and this is the Nirvash a LFO.”
“So how you guys get here?” asked Kira.
“Well, we were fighting Anemone, who this girl who looks like Eureka but with long, pink hair, when this dragon thing came and made some kind of black hole. Anemone and her black Nirvash were sucked in first and then the black hole turned red and sucked us in. We were spinning around in the portal and then we were spit out here. We saw you guys in trouble so we came to help,” explained Renton. “It was really weird.”
“Well that's not as weird as ours,” said Duo. “See, it all started when we were fixing our Gundams when…”
Flashback( the GW boys may be a little OOC)
“Heero!” said a familiar high pitched voice. All five pilots cringed and thought the same thing:
`How does she keep finding us!'
They turned to see Relena walking to them wearing all pink as usual but the only think off about her was that she had an empty gaze in her eyes and was carrying a bundle.
“Relena, why are you here? And what is that you carrying?” asked Heero.
“I'm here to show you this,” she uncovered the bundle to show a sleeping baby with white hair.
“Why are you showing it to Heero?” asked Wufei.
“Because this baby is Heero's child,” she said simply. This made Heero turn white as a sheet and his eyes were wide. The other pilots stuttered to say something but couldn't.
Finally Duo spoke and started to pat Heero on the back, “Heh, heh. Congrats Hee-chan. I bet you'll make a great father!”
“But he can'tbe mine!” cried Heero.
“I expected more from you Yuy. You need to take responsibly for your actions,” said Wufei.
“No, no! You've got it all wrong! He can't be mine because I never…err I'm still a… well you know!” said a very flustered Heero.
“Oh…We understand. Well Relena, I guess the baby isn't his. I hope you find the father,” said Quatre. He and the others turned to walk back to the Gundams when a new voice, low and raspy, came from behind them.
“You all think you very clever don't you?”
They quickly turned around to see Relena still standing there with her eyes in shadow and dark evil aura around her.
“I told you someone who wore all pink had to be evil!” cried Duo.
“You fool! The girl is just my puppet!” said the voice.
“Where are you?” asked Wufei.
“I think it's coming from the baby,” said Trowa.
The baby turned it head to face them and opened it eyes. They were pink. “It's good that you figured it out but it's too late!”
“What did you do to Relena?” asked Quatre.
“I have a hold on her soul and I have complete control over her. My next target was Heero but you had to mess things up! Now you will die!”
“And who's going to kill us? You?” scoffed Duo.
“No. I will!” said a woman's voice and a great wind was swirling around the hanger.
“Who is that?” asked Heero. A woman appeared wearing a loose looking kimono and was standing on a giant feather. She had a fan in her hand.(2)
“Who I am is none of your concern since you will die soon!” she said ahold up her fan. “Dance of blades!” Multiple wind shaped blades came flying to the five boys and they leapt out of the way. The blades went through the solid steel wall behind them.
“Holy crap!” cried Duo.The woman looked agitated.
“Stay still will you!” she yelled. “This next one will surely kill you! Dance of the Dra-”
“Stop! You are not to kill them yet,” said a girl's soft voice.The boys look to see a little girl dressed in all white with white hair and carrying a mirror.(3)
“And why not?”
“They have other usesfor the master. Now get the girl and the baby and let's go.”
“Hmph! Fine.” She lowered her feather and Relena and the girl got on it.
“Let's go. I'm tired,” said the baby.
The little girl lifted her mirror and pointed to the wall. A beam of light shot out of the mirror and created a vortex that sucked in the five boys and their mobile suits.
End flashback
“And that's how we got here,” said Duo.
“We saw that you were fighting robots that wouldn't die and we decide to help,” said Quatre.
“Oh. And all this time I thought Pride was talking about my group coming to this world,” said Athrun. `I wonder what they are doing now?' he thought.
In a different cityand world
“AHHH! Stop this crazy thing!” cried Nicol. He, Yzak, and Dearka were in the back seat of a black sedanthat was being driven (wildly) by an Android girl with short red hair and was wearing all black. Behind them, a giant black robot was fighting another robot.(4)
The girl turned and said in monotone, “Do not worry. This car is not crazy.”
“He wasn't talking about the car you crazy woman!” yelled Yzak.
Back to Athrun
`I'm sure they're just fine!' he thought.
Maya heard a beeping in her pocket.She took the small computer out and looked at the screen.She gasped and said, “The MAGI have detected and angel! And it's in Outer space!”(5)
“In space!” she cried.She looked at the screen and saw a winged being of light.
`So it is you Arael,'thought Kaworu.
“Okay. Will anyone explain to us why angels are a bad thing?” asked Duo.
To be cont.
N: Oh my gosh! 19 pages! This is the longest I have ever written for any of my fics! No wonder my fingers feel like falling off!The next chapter is called Sci-fi Story Ch.2 part 3.
(1): In the movie EOE, Asuka throws one the MP Evas into what seems to be a apartment building. So I guessed that some employees live in the Geofront.
(2) and (3): I wonder why they are there? Any guesses who they are?
(4): A little snippet of what is going to happen in a Pilot's Adventure part 1. Anyone think I should change the name of their chapters? Also, what anime you think they are in?
(5): And yes this the episode: Don't Be in NGE. I wonder if it will have a different outcome because of the appearance of more characters?What do you think should happen?
Also what world should Kira and everyone next: FLCL or IGPX? Tell me in your reviews!
And here's the stars list for this and the last chapter.
32 stars of Heaven
TeniStar of Majesty: Heero Yuy
Tenkan Star of Idleness: Kaworu Nagisa
Tenkou Clever Star:Duo Maxwell
72 stars of Earth
Chiyu The Brave Star: Misato Katsuragi
Chikyu The Intelligent Star:Ritsuko Akagi
Chisa The Aiding Star:Maya Ibuki
Chiyu The Helpful Star:Makoto Hyuuga
Chii the Peculiar Star: Shigeru Aoba
Chizen The Silent Star: Trowa Barton
Chisu the MathematicStar: Quatre R. Winner
Chiri The Star of Justice: Chang Wufei
Chihi The Flying Star:Renton
Chisatsu The Searching Star:Eureka
Chisyun TheElegant Star:Strike, Aegis, Wing Zero, Deathscythe Hell, Heavyarms, Sandrock, and Altron Gundam. The Nirvash.(starting to see the pattern here?)