Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Red and Blue Makes Purple ❯ Testing ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Glad you all enjoyed the previous chapter, and I hope you like this next one just as much, if not more so. Anywho, I still don’t own anything other than the idea for this story. Oh, by the way, I’ve been pointed toward another Naruto, Gundam Wing crossover called “World’s Apart,” written by Meiren. I have read this fic previously, and would highly recommend. It’s very good. Just be sure to read my new chapter first, to appease my inner ego. So read, review and enjoy.

“Red and Blue Makes Purple”

Chapter Five


It didn’t take long for Duo to carry them directly to the cabin’s balcony, looking at the pair cross-eyed as they climbed over his head to leap from his nose onto the deck. Having safely delivered them, he shifted back to sit on his hind legs. Catching Trowa’s eye, he raised one vulpine brow in question.

“Sally will be keeping Heero on sedatives until tomorrow morning at the earliest because he was going into a call frenzy over gathering a search party when you didn’t answer your cell phone,” the clown reported, reading the expression. “Relena’s manning the phones should we call, and Wufei’s keeping an eye on Heero to make sure he doesn’t kill anyone when he comes around.”

Duo nodded, satisfied with the information and amused by Heero’s predictable behavior. Question was, how would the perfect soldier react to their shinigami’s transformation? Would he panic like Quatre had? Seemed pretty unlikely. Heero Yuy didn’t do panic. Or would he Trowa’s calmer approach? And then there was the possibility that he’d just start ramming his head into things. They’d already seen Duo’s influence on the Japanese pilot after all.

When Trowa and Quatre went inside, to make coffee from the sound of it, he flopped down into a giant pile of orange fur. If he was going to turn into some big monster right out of the storybooks, couldn’t the body have come with neat powers like fire or telepathy or something?

His ears perked up at the thought. If he’d possessed fire abilities, he’d probably have roasted the forest by now. But telepathy required someone else to test with, and who better than their beloved empath?

Quatre nearly dropped the coffee pot he was pouring from when he felt a nudge in his mind, as though a dog’s curious sniff. He steadied himself against the counter as there was a second nudge, this one with a small sense of triumph.

Cautiously, the blond tried to send back the same sort of touch. The response sent back was of giddy joy. He could practically feel the tails waving around in excitement.

Tails. “Duo?” Coffee deeply forgotten, he spun toward the window, where red eyes stared through at him. He opened the patio doors and stepped out onto the balcony. “Was that you?”

“Was what him?” Trowa asked, following his partner outside as the fox nodded with a toothy grin.

“I think Duo’s become mildly telepathic,” the empath said with cheerful disbelief. “No words, not yet anyway, but that might just be because he’s never practiced before. This is new, right, only since your transformation?”

Agreement flashed through his mind as Duo nodded again.

“Maybe he was exposed to something in the woods,” Trowa suggested, glancing up at the second pilot. “Could you show us the area where it happened? There had to have been something as a trigger.”

Quatre nearly stumbled back as his mind suddenly flooded with the image of a familiar hand pulling an odd knife from the tree it was imbedded in. He could almost feel the comfortable weight in his hand.

The blond was torn out of the vision by Trowa’s hands on his shoulders, shaking him. There was clear worry in the clown’s eyes. “Quatre?”

“I’m alright,” he said, shaking his head to help clear the images. The moment Trowa stepped back, there was a wet nose bumping against his chest. “Duo, I just said that I’m fine. Mother hens, the pair of you.”

There was an amused snort from both men.

Quatre pointedly ignored them. “Duo, is that where you transformed?” He felt uncertainty as the fox nodded again. “Could you take us there?”

Instead of answering, Duo stepped closer to the balcony so that his nose hovered just below the wooden platform. Carefully, the two humans climbed over the railing and onto his head, where they settled for a better view than the back where they’d ridden earlier.

Finding the place where Duo had originally transformed again as anything but difficult. The more humanoid pair of pilots recognized the spot s where they’d found Duo’s shredded clothes and the pocket watch.

“This is it?” Quatre asked, peering down past the fox’s head to look for anything they’d missed before. He grabbed a handful of fur to steady himself as Duo nodded. “Alright, let me down. I want to see if I can find that knife.”

Once the empath was safely on the ground, Duo went sniffing for the scent of blood, absolutely sure that he remembered cutting himself on the weird knife. Trowa, resourceful pilot that he was, moved to sit just behind the fox’s ears to avoid falling.

Keeping tract of Duo’s location in the corner of his eye, Quatre made to search the thick underbrush, shining a flashlight into them in hopes that the beam would reflect against the sought after blade. Coming to the edge of one bush, he blinked.

It just cut off, as though by a sharp blade. Looking around, he noticed that several others did the same. One tree even seemed to have been given the same treatment, creating an invisible line, the other side of which played host to a multitude of completely foreign plant types. The ground was even a different color.

Warily, he stepped over the line before taking in his surroundings in amazement. The woods in front and to his sides were completely different than what had just been surrounding him. The trees were noticeably older, stretching high into the sky with branches that someone could easily stretch out onto without fear of falling. Old gashes marked up the bark and he could swear that there were footprints in the moss on one tree.

“Duo, Trowa, you have to see this!” he called back through what just had to be some sort of portal.


True to his word, Kiba was scouting the woods when he heard a young man’s voice call out below his path in the tree tops. He couldn’t understand the words, which suggested that they were probably not from Konoha. (1)

Peering through the leaves, he spotted the top of a blond head and his heart skipped a beat. Barely believing what he was seeing, Kiba was about to leap down when there was a crashing through the trees and something huge emerged. (2)

The shinobi took one look at red eyes and waving tails before he knew all that he needed to. “Shit.”

He bolted toward Konoha.



1. Kiba speaks Japanese, and only Japanese, as does the rest of the ninja community. The pilots were speaking English at this point.

2. Without a good look at his face, Quatre looks a lot like Naruto, especially to someone who hasn’t seen the latter in a long time, or the former ever before.