Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ The Dating Game ❯ pt7 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
#¼GÖ¼G×mBINvë Disclaimers: Nope still don't own them. *sigh* and at this point, I am hungry enough to sell them even if I did.

Author's notes: Let's see, as of the time that I am typing this I have 10, yes count them 10, reviews, some of which are less than nice. But ya know what, I am stubborn. So if ya don't like what I have deal with it. And for those of you who are nice and leave me nice comments thanks. they are greatly appreciated.

Everything else still applies. What all it was, I dunno anymore, lost my disk with all the other chapters on it. grrr...

Final part too...yays! *throws a party* yeah I'm a dork...
anyways, on with the show.

The Dating Game pt 7

By: AutomatedRose

Fu: Good afternoon, minna-san. And once again, it is that itme where Cupid shoots those arrows and sparks fly. Welcome to the Dating Game. And here's our host, Cupid's Cupid,
Eagle Vision!

Eagle: *Runs out on stage* Hey, minna-san! Thanks for turnin in today for this extra special show. Today's guest is none other that the writer of all this. Robin!

Robin: HA! And you though I wouldn't write myself in!

Eagle: Right, anyways, well seeing as that you already knmonw who the bachlors are I guess you could just pick who you want now.

Robin: But what's the fun in that? Now get in chair two!

Eagle: erg...*goes to his chair behind the screen*

Robin: HeHe...Alrigh, Tro...I mean bachlor number one, I have athing for guys who hair some how defies gravity. Could you tell me, exactly how does yours do that?

Bachelor 1: How should I know, It just does, I don't use anything on it. ANd personally, it bothers me a bit.

Robin: Right...Eagle Poo! Do you enjoy being the host?

Eagle: It has it's perks.

Robin: What have you been doing behind my back?!

Eagle: Nothing! Honest!

Robin: Right...and I'm really a bird...

Eagle: *gulps*

Robin: Number three...hehe...if you could change your name what would you change it to and why?

Bachelor 3: Why would I change it?

Robin: I'm asking the questions!

Bechelor 3: My name is my name, there is no reason to change it.

Robin: You have postitivly no sense of humor!

Bachelor 3: You brought me back to life! I'm the living dead, is that not funny enough?!

Robin: But I brought, a lot of people back form the dead. Sheesh, what crawled up your ass?

Bachelor 3: ...

Fu: *golf announcer type voice* Ohh...the silent treatment. Could it be the right hit...could it be the hole in one we have been waiting for.

~Audience members start to stir~

Robin: Meany poopoo head!

Eagle: Now that was the height of maturity.

Robin: shut up!

~an hour later~

Robin: I pick one cuz he is nice.

Bachelor 3: that is only because he hasn't said anything since his question!

Robin: Shut up Jedite!

~screen moves back~

Trowa (bachelor 1): *smirking, finding this all very amusing*

Eagle: *looks ready to kill someone or something.*

Jedite: *glares at Robin*

Robin: *glomps Trowa* hehe! mine all mine!

Jedite and Eagle: *walk off stage*

Fu: Well, now that was interesting. Anyways, Robin and Trowa opped for a nice quiete night at home to watch old movies and share some wine.

~strange rather awarkward dead air~

Fu: Umm...Thanks for turning in to the week long show. We will begin our normal programing towmorrow. SO untill next time. Byeies!

AN: If you want more, tell me, I might write some more, but it all depends on you.
